Warning: Graphic content, readers’ discretion advised. This article contains a recollection of crime and can be triggering to some readers discretion advised.

On friday the 11 th may 2012. a fire ripped through a family home in darby in the east midlands. trapped inside and fast asleep with six young children .
firefigthers and paramedics battled in vain to save their lives. all six children died,the youngest was just five years old.

But this was no accident as mick philpot the childrens´s father wept infront of the british publick he was hiding a sinister secret.He had deliberately started the fire.

Mick philpott had set out to look like a hero .but it ended up as one of the world´s most evil killers.


 Dr E.Yardly” i think that the most tragic part of this case is the fact that six childrens lives were lost in mick philpott´s attempts to basically rescue his own ego.”


As news broke across britain in may 2012 the six young children inside a burning family home on victory road in allenton derby,the entire nation were in schock. The parents,56 year old mick philpott and his wife 31 years old Mairead Philpott were unharmed but completely heartbroken. their five sons and one daugther aged between five and thirteen years old were dead.Daniel stevenson Witnessed the horrific event.



Daniel” my brother woke me up and that´s when i looked out the window seeing thick black smoke coming from the house.i got dressed ,ran out the door ,went straight to the property, just wanted to help so… there was no way of getting through the front so i went around the back .climbed over the caravan. drop down the other side,got to the back garden and i see mick and Mairead´s cyring ,screaming. shouting.”



 Dr E.Yardly” i think that mick philpott did an incredibly evil and incredibly selfish thing ,he was essentially looking to get revenge for a perceived wrong against him by a women who he thought under his control “


His story begins over 60 years ago.


Mick philpott was born in 1956,he grew up in derby as a part of a large roman catholic family.


 Dr E.Yardly ” it would have been an environment in which his parents attention was diluted across many children,so he wouldn´t have the center of at attention by any means. and we know that his mother worked very hard.she had a jobb at a factory that she only retired from when she was quite old.so he didn´t appear to come from an unusual background by any means .”


in 1975.age 19 philpott joined the army. he began to show signs of a violent temper especially towards his girlfriends.it would repeatedly land him in trouble.local journalist martin naylor recalls the events that led to philpott being arrested in 1978


 M naylor “When mick was a youngster 19 or 20 maybe 21 he ended up with a conviction for attempted for wich he was sentenced to seven years in prison.the story with that is that he had a girlfriend back in derby , he was stationed wherever his regiment were.she´d had the termerity to sending.a letter. ending their relationship.
he decided to go away from the army,rock up at her house in derby and attack her with a knife and when her mother trie to inervene he attacked the mother too”


despite his seven years sentence for attempted murder and griveous bodily harm philpott served just over three years.he was released in 1981.



Geoffrey “from that point onwards , philpotts set about controlling every women he had any contact with and to do so in the most outrageous way”


Those who knew philpott,was suprised to hear just how violent his past had been.



Daniel ” i know mick can handle himself , so if anyone was intimidating towards him,he wasn´t afraid to pump his chest and and stand upto him and so forth so i know he had quite a strong reaction when people kind of pusched him .a bit that shocked me as i didn´t know that he tried to kill his ex-partner.”


After his release from prison, philpott had a series of volatile relationships. in 1986.at the age of 30.he got married for the first time and fathered two sons and a daughter.he later had two more children with a teenage girlfriend and began to have several relationships simultaneously.by the time he was 50 . philpott had fathered a total of 17 children.



chris ” i think he would gone for any women, but in his case he went for younger girls.ussually girls who were very upset and down and depressed ,either because they came out of a bad relationship or they were mistreated by their parents .girls that had no self-esteem.
you can pick them out of a crowd, you know,they think they´re ugly ,they think that the´re inadequate.they think that they cannot have a boyfriend,that everybody hates them, that the world hates them. all they need is a little bit of love .somebody to be there, and show them that they are beautiful ,that they matter ,that they are somebody.
and he knew how to do that.he would approach the girls that were like…and the lows they could be , and he woulds be that person.”

Geoffrey ” In 2000. he met Mairead duffy as a 19 old singel mother.but within a year he´d met a 16 year old ,who became another of his conquests.she too was a single mother at 16.in 2003 .philpott marries Mairead duiffy.but keeps his full-time living mistress.infact , she´s the bridesmaid at the marriage to mairead duffy. it becomes a menage á trois.both bearing his children living in a council house in allenton ,near derby,they are well.. can only describe as extraordinary”

Mairead duffy and mick philpott


 Dr E.Yardly“Mick philpott was a man who was incredibly manipulative,incredibly controlling and had managed to convince these two women over a cours of several years that this was a really good thing that actually they were lucky to have some of his attention.”


in 2006 mick philpott was unemploeyd on benfits in council house with his wife mairead ,his misress,lisa and their evegrowing far from tradional family.


M .Naylor :he had approched us as the telegrafh to say that he was living in the house with his wife and his then girlfriend ,they had children together.there was lots in there and he wanted a bigger council house so we thougt by coming to his local newspaper he would get a bigger counil house.so we run the story .


the following day it was picked up by all the nationals, especially some of the more right- learning ones as youd´imagine.one of them i think , one of the tabloids dubbed him shameless mick and the the kind of the media frenzy roller coaster went on from there..



In 2007 philpott appeared on the jeremy kyle show to talk about his large family and his lifesyle. He began to draw attention from the general public.


Geoffrey “He becomes quite famous as a benefit scrounger,because he significantly never has a job and is claiming a 1. 60 000 a year in benefits as well as being given a house. He parks a caravan effectively at the side of the house of the semi-detached council house he´s living in.In which he alternates he sleeps there on night with the wife,the next night with his mistress. as though he´s some of emperor.”


The home where the Philpotts lived, with the caravan that the father used to sleep with his wife and mistress on alternate nights


 Dr E.Yardly“i think Mick philpott breathes the oxygen of publicity.i think he absolutely regales in being the center of attention,he loves talked about i dont think the nature of the attentio matters very much to to him .it doesnt matter if it´s positive or negative attention as long as people talking about him”


Philpott enjoyed his newfound fame and went on to apear in other television programs.


 Dr E.Yardly “He then participated in a pogram about benefits culture with the mp and whitaker and he would have been absolutely loving the attention ,he was basically having his malevolent ego fed from every angel here. but what i really didn´t care about was the impact he had on his family. his kids were bullied at school because of the attention that thay got through him beiung in the press.his partner and his wife were basically labeled as stupid and ignorant .But that didn´t mater as as long as people were talking about him.that´s all he cared about.”



Geoffrey ” i wish i found it comical.but i found it despicable.there is nothing about it that i find admirable.philpott saw himself as some kind of grand figure effectively bragging about his sucess with women ,his success in scrounging on the benefits”
Dr elisabeth“mick philpott is somebody who has to be in control,he has always got to be the one making the decisions and other people basically have to pander to his every whim .


Philpott´s wife and mistress both worked as part -time cleaners.


 Dr E.Yardly“But far from being a source of their own income and source of independence for them ,he would basically take all of the wages,he would be the one who drow them to work and drop them off and pick them up .he wanted to be fully in control of these women´s lives they didn´t have heir own house keys.”


Mick Philpott, wife Mairead, his mother Peggy and sons Jesse and (far right) John, who died in the fire (image  in 2011.)

In 2012.,56 year old mick philpott was living with his wife,his mistress and their 11 children in a council house derbyshire.by noew philpott was known nationally as a benefit scrounger. but little was known about his controlling behavior.his volatile temper and his obsession with sex that included regular threesomes with his wife and a friends paul mosley.


Paul Mosley


Chris ” there were like 11 kids in the house.a small house.two sexual partners and he used to bring a friend for sex parties and stuff.
it´s a horrible environment with the kids in the house and stuff and you´re doing all of this.so it doesn´t take an expert to realize,” okej this is not a good situation”


And these sexual exploits of mick and his wife didn´t stop.at home.


M .Naylor “there was an incident where they went out dogging in alistair park .people who live in derby know derby.know that alistair is a relatively affulent area and to hear that people have been going there to watch other people having sex in cars,it come across as quite a shockand it was seedy.”



In february 2012 philpott´s mistress lisa decided she´d had enought of life in in the dysfunctional household ,she moved out with her five children and demanded custody.


Chris” a lot of people won´t have that courage.but , but she did the right thing she didn´t go up to him and say i´m leaving you because if she tried doing that he would overpower her because he was a violent person and said no you´re not leaving or maby lock her in.and he would done something.but she did the right thing.she walked away first, and sent him a messsage.and said i´m going.and then he couldn´t find her anymore.”

 Dr E.Yardly“This was a point at which lisa had descided to take control ,to take her children and to go to a women´s refuge. and the key thing here is that mick hadn´t decided that that was okej.he was the one that decided when relationships were over ,he was the one that decided what happened on a daily basis so the fact lisa had betrayed him by taking that that power away from him,it was only going to result in something alarming in return”

Lisa moving out left financial implications for philpott not only did he lose her income as a cleaner but also the benefits he received for their children.the custody hearing was set for may the 11th.philpott concocted a plan to ensure that children would be returned to victory road.



Geoffrey ” out of the vanity and arrogance of the man.together with his wife and paul mosley sometime lover , they hatch a scheme to set fire to the house in victory road in an effort to provoke the council to give them bigger house ,but also to blame his mistress she will not get custody of the children.it is an extraordinary bizzar plan.”

 Dr E.Yardly“i think mairead was very much under mick philpott´s control at this point in time .i think he would have quite easily have talked her around into actually being a part of this “

Chris “he was self-absorbed , he thougt that he was the king . he could got all the girls he wanted and he could control them. and everything and maybe philpott thought that he was that intelligent. that it was that easy to devise a plan that he could get back on the girl.
so he probably sat down,wrote down the plan very quickly” this is what we gonna go.” very easy.”


In the early hours of friday may the 11th 2012 the same day as the scheduled custody hearing philpott aided by his wife and their friend paul mosley poured petrol through the letterbox and set the family home alight. six of philpott´s children were sleeping upstairs.


The philpottts house following the fire.

Geoffrey ” the fire that he set, that they have set between them takes a hold at pace far greater then they could possibly have conceived and the house is literally filled mith smoke in matter of instance. in his typical gloriouse way philpotts makes a particularly applling 999. call. saying my children are inside.”

Daniel“i attempted to go into the house,i got as far as the kitchen, couldn´t go any further.the smoke was just thick . i couldn´t see anything so i had to come back out. there was a ladder on the side going up to a window.i tried to climbing up . there was a ratchet in the window where mick´s been trying to smash in the house ,i think.and no smoke coming from that window and then came back down the ladders and i climed up on onto a wooden frame ,what he´s been building on to his conservatory.

Geoffrey” the damage to the house is drastic and there is no way that those poor six children could possibly have escaped. smoke inhalation alone would have been deadly.


Philpott´s house


Daniel “I climed up to the window ,see if any windows were open. non of them were open.then i put one of the windows through witha wrench from the other window, i chucked out the window,it smashed straight through.and then continued putting with the pickaxe. on the roof. smashing all the windows up . i was about to climbe into the property again couldn´t see nothing ,couldn´t hear nothing.and hear no screams”

When the fire service arrived the desperate attempts to save the children continued,the local press soon got wind of the unfolding drama on victory road.

M .naylor ” i was on the early shift on the morning of the fire and i could hear the news desk phone was ringing.so i made a bit of a dash for it.i grabbed the phone and it was the on duty police press officer and she said to me” we´re just letting the local media know early that it´s been a really big house fire in arlington and five kids are dead.
within about five or ten of knowing that it was in victory road ,i phoned the local news agent who i know,because i´d done previous stories with him.he answered the phone and i said ” joe garrett´s martin from the telegraph” and he said ” it´s mick philpott, it´s mick philpott´s house.” and i didn´t even have to ask him what it was about ,he knew and he´d blurted that out. straight away.”



Shocked neighbours became to spill out onto the street as the full horror of the tragedy became apparent.


Daniel “i think nearly the whole street was out the front,the fire brigade were in the house.flashing ligths everywhere.i pushed to the front of the house.and i could see the firefighters bringing the children out and some in blankets.i think they used the blankets to try to protect ….and the ambulance were trying to resuscitate some of them….i was jsut hoping that the kids would surviver and recover.it´s just um…didn´t really know what to think at the time.didn´t know what had happened.didn´t know what caused fire , i just didn´t know anything.”


Tragically five of philpott´s children died at the scene.


10-year old Jade

9  year old John.

8 year old Jack

6 year old Jesse

and Jaden who was just five years old.

Their older brother thirteen year old Duane was rushed to hospital in a critical conditio, but would later succumb to his injures.


Geoffrey” it almost defies self -deception.it is disgraceful.but at the outset the police believe that this is something as genuinely a tragedy.six children ,no adults in the house.you might ask why weren´t there any adults in the house.


The fire-scorched window of the house following the blaze

forensic experts arrived at the scene. and began to look clues to determine the source of the fire. daniel matthews was part of the team.


D.Matthews “mostly the house was pretty much undamaged , there was the roof was intact . the walls were intact.the front door was noticeably more damage than anywhere else.and also the window on the landing was a small window on the landing upstairs that had been damage by the fire.and had dropped out .but apart fromt that ,the only way you could really tell there was a fire at the house was by small signs of sort coming out from the vents at the top of some of the double glazed windows.
The fire started in the entrance hallway behind the front door and from there it had spread a little bit into the living room,but mostly it had spread up the stairs.the window the very top of the stairs was open a little bit and that had been breached by the fire.obviously fire tends to go up and out so effectively the stairwell from the fire in there would act almost like a chimney.the fire and the hot gases and the fumes will go mostly go upstairs.”


In cooperation with the fire investigators ,the forensic team needed to find out if the blaze was accidental or if someone had started it on purpose.



D.Matthews ” we had an arson dog handler with us that day.that dog is trained to indicate on various different ignitable liquids such as petrol diesel, whit spirits and the things that we commonly see in arsons and the dog clearly indicated that he thought something was present.
so we would take a sample from that area and then it would be sent for analysis.and the analysis determined that petrol was there. when i completed my scene examination i was able to say that the fire had been started deliberately.”


on the morning of friday may 11th 2012 the true horror om th house fire on victory road in derby became apparant.


Investigatons had revealed that the blaze which had killed six children had been started deliberately bereaved father mick philpott had seemingly made desperate attempts to save them.

But in reality he had orchestrated the whole thing to try win custody of five of his other children from his former mistress.


Chris“i think philpott thought that nobody would ever leave him because he was so amazing.so i think it was a combination of everything ,when somebody leaves you uhm… there´s another thing that happens with he human brain. is like jealousy automatically happens.right? for one reason we are all in philpott´s case even more because he was so self- absorbed.you think you are the best on earth.

 Dr E.Yardly“mick philpott´s plan was essentially to exact revenge on lisa,he moved from trying to control her by keeping her in a relationship with him to trying to destroy her for leaving it .


He was violant towards her , he made treaths towards her through other people,she was incredibly frightened and what he was trying to do was essentially create a story ,create a set of events that he could blame her for.


Chris“i think what convinced him that this thing would work was himself ,his stupidity and his self-absorption that he thought´ im to good, this plan is infallible


On saturday the 12th of may the day after the fire philpott´s ex-mistress lisa and her brother – in -law were arrested on suspicion of starting the blaze.it seemed that philpiott´s plan to frame her was working out .
but they were soon released without charge.
Police was treating the deliberate fire as a murder investigation after it was confirmed that petrol had been found inside the letterbox.


Geoffrey” the police start to talk to the neighbors,who point out that philpott is this conceited pig of a man and they begin to put together what acctually happened.they find evidence of a petrol can,and they find a glove.


Detectives began to grow suspicious of the philpotts and there possible motives.

On wednesday the 16th of may 2012.mick philpott held an emotional press conference.unaware that he was the police´snumber one.



Chris“didn´t philpott know that the police has experts on..on reading people.they have people who are trsained for years on reading uhm.. body language,facial expressions,eye movement,voice intonation, everything.”


Philpott appeared to be distraught when he faced the cameras with a visibly grief-stricken Mairead. He started to thank people who tried to help on the night of the fire. One intrigued viewer was body language expert robert phipps.


Robert phipps/body language expert.


Robert“mik philpott is very controlled throughout the whole interview making a point of thanking, everybody else but not really mentioning the children that have jsut died.the signals that he gives off are not in the normal range of somebody expresssing grief, anxiety,sadnesss wich he should do having just lost his children.Somebody normally expressing grief you would see contorting of the face.not just one .consistent look. and this is what you have with mick. 

its one consistent look throughout the whole thing his face is not going to the turnmoil as compared his wife. her eyebrows are moving ,her forhead has got different wrinkles,her face is just contored with pain .we don´t see anything of that from mick.”



Geoffrey” if evidence needed of philpott´s capacity for being disingenuous for convincing the world and i suspect himself into the bargain. that he alone was right,it was in the classic case of his crocodile tears during the televised press conference.those tears were yet futher evidence of his capacity for seld-delusion which is one of the hallmarks of his life along with the capacity to that he alone can dictate what happens to the world.”



Robert” right from the beginning mick philpott´s body language is inconsistent with somebody showing grief.his blinking rate is far,far too high ,the normal range is around about 20 ,25 blinks per minutes. we counted in this as much as 80 to 90 blinks a minute ,this showing his nervousness. mick is dsabbing away with this tissue here to imaginary tears.they´re not there. therfore the tissue itself doesn´t get wet, it doesn´t crumple.

if you look at that in comparison to miraide tissue it´s all crumbled because she actually expressing tears. real genuine tears. if you look at the lines. on their forhead. these are just straight line .(mik) if you look at miraide face ,she´s raised her eyebrows, they come in so she´s got a furrowed brow and she pulling these eyebrows which shows pain,she going through.

you can also see the way her mouth iscontorted and changing wich each expression.you can also see the way her mouth iscontorted and changing wich each expression of different emotions . mick is consistent. all the way through
one thing they don´t do trhoughout the entire pressconference is appeal for help. who set this fire,who killed this children..why? because he knows he did it.”


It wasn´t just the police who were suspecious.philpott´s performance had baffled the onlooking press too.


M.Naylor” at the end of it . i got in the car,drive baack to to the office and i thought ,that´s not rigght. something´s not rigth about that .he´s not once mentioned the children.he´s not mantioned by name.he´s not looked into any cameras and said ;please will someone outhere help me found out who´s done tihs , it´s a suspicious fire in his own home and not once has he made an appeal to the public, to anyone who´s watching. you know, please , anyone with information come forward , not once..so then i got back to the office and as i walked in i could see everyone was still stood around the tv.and we all looked at each other .and that´s was the moment that we all knew …you know, something´s wrong here .this is a game changer.”



Geoffrey ” disingenuous would be a polite way of describing in it,it is. typical of a man who believes he alone rules the world.He is an emperior of everything he surveys he is a man whos vanity knows no bounds, a man for whom, he is the center of the universe.which in the end convinced the police that he wasn´t telling the truth ,that he seemed so capable of this kind of sleight of hand,he may have convinced himself but he didn´t convince many other people “

 Dr E.Yardly“i think he´s such a narcissist ,he´s so arrogant. and he thinks he´s gotten away with it, that he thinks he´s invincible ,he thinks that his act as he´s fooled many women over the years is going to fool the rest of us and it certainly didn´t “



The residents of victory road who´d rallied round the family , also started to wonder what was going on.


Daniel” his behavior was strange ,he thougth the police was blaming him .he did say that they think he did it and stuff like that .


88 officers on the case had taken over 5000 statements from local residents. some of which suggested that the police themselves had made more of an effort to save the six children then the philpotts.
On may the 29th 2012. 18 days after the fatal blaze mick philpott and his wife miraide were arrested on suspicion of murder.


The scene of the fire in Allenton, Derby

A Crown Prosecution Service photo showing the ladder (left) which Philpott placed at the back of the house as part of his plan to rescue his children after starting the fire

The caravan where Mick Philpott used to sleep with his wife and mistress on alternate nightThe charred landing reveals just how fierce the fire was when it ripped through the house


The charred landing reveals just how fierce the fire was when it ripped through the house

The petrol-fuelled blaze broke out in the hallway of the home where Philpott lived with wife Mairead, 31, and their own six children – all of whom perished as they slept

From the moment the fire was set in the hallway, the flames would have surged up the uPVC front door, melting the plastic, and quickly progressed up the staircase, firefighters said

The door to the hallway where the fire was started with petrol


M Naylor ” and again thar was another strange scenario.because.i was sat at my desk and a press release pings into my inbox.that says .a 56 yrar old man an t a 31 women had been arrested on suspicion of murder in contection of the victory road fire ,and immediately istood up and i shouted over to newsdesk. the pilpott´s had been arrested of suspicion of murder and that was the second time in two weeks that we ran a special edition of newspaper and that had never happened before allthough the police wouldn´t confirm on the record that this is who it was we got confirmation by other sorces that it…you know.if we said it´s the philpotts that´s been arrested would we be wrong? no.”


On the 22nd of june funural services for duane,13 jade 10 .john.9.jack 8 . jesse 6 jaden 5 were held saint mary´s catholic church in derby.



In the days after the deadly fire, the local community had raised more than fifteen thousand pounds to pay for the funerals. Mick and mairead were not allowed to attend.


M. naylor ” it´s very close knit allenton.derby as a city is a small city.but it´s a very proud city and allenton and som of the neighboring areas to it and some of the hasten to use the word poorer areas but the the less affluent, it´s very close- knit really close -knit ,i mean the outpouring of emotion from the community was huges.”


On the 5th of november a further arrest was made.forensic evidence found petrol on the clothing of not just mick and mairead philpott. but also there friend paul mosley all three were originally charged with murder. but in December these charges were downgraded to manslaughter.
The police accepted although they´d started the blaze.they had not intended to kill the children. .


paul mosley.


Geoffrey “it beggars belief to me that this charge is downgraded to manslaughter.because , according to the uhm.. statement at the time philpott,his wife and mosleys didn´t mean to kill the children.it is a tine semi-detached hosue ,you´ve got six small children and you´ve set fire to it ..how could you not expect at least one of those children to die. it defies belief to me.”



At a hearing on on December the 17 th all three pleaded not guitly to manslaughter,meaning a trial would have to take place.
On the 12th february 2013. at nottingham crown court prosecutors set out to prove that mick philpott had made a plan that went horribly wrong
local reporter martin naylor was in in the courtroom.


M naylor ” i remember mick when he gave evidence ,talking about hearing a whooshing noise. when you light petrol , you´re not ligthing the fluid , you´re lighting the fumes that come off of it and the time it´s taken for someone to put the petrol through the letterbox and then for someone… probably him. to light it, you know this vapor was up in the air . there was a huge whoosh ,what he was describing was the whoosh of the fire going flying up the stairs
now those stairs had also been recently painted with uhm..i think yacht vanish or yatch paint ,which is highly flammable.so the children. allthoug there were working smoke alarms in there ,they had no chance. they literally had no chance. and obviously the cause of death was uhm…the smoke inhalation.


forensic expert daniel matthews was called to give evidence.


Mathews “i did some DNA work on the petrol cans that were found and i did some DNA work on some items of clothing that that was found in the house to determine wether or not they could have been worn by occupants of the house . and i did some microscopic burn damage examination which would have potentially indicated whether aware of some items to clothing couls have been close to an ignitable liquide when it was ignited”


But because of the ferocity of the fire ,no evidence remained inside the house.however traces of petrol had been found on all three of the defendant´s clothes.


In one of the trial´s key moments mick philpott was asked to give his version of the events from the night that led to the tragic death of six of his own children.

M naylor ” “When mick took the stand he was the showman that he always was again he was crying….or supposedly crying in the dark but the prosecution saw through all that .
i dont think there was one single thing that nailed him , i think it was just the case that just built up and built and built and was so stront it was almost like piling bricks on top of him just waiting for him to collapse .
and i think his collapse came in his cross-examination. because his dinars were just absolutely ripped apart.”

 Dr E.Yardly” during the trial ,what we´ve got to remember is that this is essentially another stage on which mick philpott performs .um…he is playing to an auience, there are several outbursts of anger and when his relatives shout at him in court and he shouts back at them and he sticks his middle finger up to them.so ..he really is incredibly defiant um.. he´s incredibly showman -like in his personality.He wants to be the center of attention. he knows that media circus is still going on and he wants to be the ring leader.”


On april the 2nd 2013 after an emontionally exhausting eight -week trial the jury found the trio guilty of manslaughter.


M naylor ” i recall one of mariead ´s sisters standing up in the public gallery and shouting to her;

” i knew on day one you´d done this. i knew youd done this!”before storming out it was the first time that we´d effectively live blogged fromm court ,we´d been given permission by the judge and my fingers were trembling as i was ..you know, typing things out to send back to the office for them to write onthe website straight away guilty vedict guilty vedict.


On april 4, 2013 during sentencing judge msr justice thrilwall told the trio” all three of you are responsible for the deliberate setting of that fire all thre of you are responsible for those deaths.”


Mairead Philpott and Paul Mosley were each sentenced to 17 years.

56 year old Mick Philpott was sentenced to life . he was immediately taken to wakefield prison in in west yorkshire.


Mrs justice thirlwall described him as a desturbingly dangerous man and as the driving force behind the wicked plan.


Geoffrey” In my opinion philpot should have been given a hwole life term . and i do not approve of whole life terms but .but i cannot think of anyone who more richly deserves to spend the rest of his life behind bars.mick philpott who killed six of his own children is a man who deserves nothing but the greatest contempt and i cannot understand.i will never understand. why he was not charged and convicted of murder ..! “

M.Naylor“upon a small mercy it is that they would probably have died very quickly but that didn´t really help the firefighthers ,who had to give evidence and tell about bringing the bodies out of the house.and putting them on the lawn and trying to keep them alive outside”

For the neighbors who tried to rescue the children it was an emotional moment.


Daniel ” i was relieved like it was over.i was a bit shocked that it was..him.because if you did see him with his kids , his family uhm..it was very heartbreaking ,because he did love his kids ,he showed that very much.ididn´t think it was meant to spread that fire.i didn´t think it was meant to kill anyone.i think it was very stupid. thing to do.



Six horse-drawn hearses made their way through Derby to the church


The case has had a lasting effect on the nation.nowhere more so than i derby itself.


M.Naylor” i think the inital impact.was massive , i think it was huge certainly at the fire and in the next almost year until gulty vedict came in it was almost the biggest story that derby´s ever seen.i once though to myself and i once said that i didnt think derby would get over this .
I thought it was to big.and totragical story for a city the size of derby could forgett. but. but hit has and it got stronger. the city definitetly got stronger . it´s a united people. and he is the common enemy of the city where he was born and raised”


Each coffin bore the child’s name


Philpot was the evil ringleader in a despicable plan that ted to the the death of six innocent children


Chris “to me it sounds like philpott is more upset that the plan didn´t work , then the loss of the children.i think it will hit him. i think it hits any father.unless ,you are about 100 procent psychopath.lilke you have zero emotions with other human beings and you pretend everything and i don´t think he was thet detached

 Dr E.Yardly” i think thar mick philpott did an incredible evil and a incredibly selfish thing ,he was sessentially looking tog get revenge for a perceived wrong against gim by a women who he though was under his control.the msot tragic part of this case is the fact that six childrens lives were lost in mick philpott´s attempt to basically rescue his own ego .my weiw of him as a criminologist,he was an incredibly narcissistic and a very dangerous man , he was always going to result in somebody else being harmed.his action would always lead to someone else coming to harm because it was all about him.he had never had any empathy, any concern for anybody else.

Geoffrey ” therewas not one single word you could fine. to explain or apologize for his actions.seldom , have i ever thought. of someone as grotesque and as thoughtless and as vain as philpott is. there is something abut him that genuinely does send chill down your spine”


Mick philpott is a greedy and selfish man . his lust for revenge on a women who left him led to the death of six of his own children .
He may not have meant to have killed them ,but his devious plan in which he involved his vife and e friend. mean that , duane ,jade jon, jack jesse and jaden died in the most horric way. the city of derby now chooses to remember them and not the name om mick philpott , one of the one of the worlds mot evil killers .



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