Warning: Graphic content, readers’ discretion advised. This story contains a recollection of crime and can be triggering to some readers discretion advised.


49 Year old primaryschool teacher Fiona Beal is your typical everyday person, going to work, buying groceries, enjoying nights in watching TV. Her partner, 41 year old Nick Billingham who was a builder had been in a relationship with Fiona for 17 years. The two were committed to each other, at least that’s what Fiona thought until she would discover text messages on Nick’s phone eluding to an affair. The two would argue about it, but would eventually overcome this troubling time. But Fiona couldn’t quite let it go. She had to put a stop to it, for good. She devised a cunning plan, the details of which are utterly mind boggling. Come and watch one of the most bizarre and intriguing cases we have ever looked into.

This CCTV footage  would show a women walking to  apartment store looking for gardening supplies the person   on camera would be identified as 49  fiona beal a primary school teacher.

she made  a rather large  purchase  of compost and cwal storne requiring two  trolleys just  to to carry  the items  to her vechicle.was she planing a large gardening? project ?the actctuall  truth of this case would stun investigators as we go through  this case.

b 49 year old  Fiona Beal was a six primary school teacher working  at eastfield  academy from   all accounts she was a hardworking honest individual and good at teaching  children .

42-year old nick  billingham had captured the attention  of the primary school teacher.

and they two would start a realtionship..nick was a  builder and was very handy at fixing things around  the house . Fiona mske the remak to her close friends.that he was the best thing that ever  happened to her .

after  a short while ,the two would decide to move ito a northampton home   together .  the two were in a commitedrelaqtionship for 17 years almost half of their liftemtime toghether amd everything .

appeared to haqve been going  welll for the couple, that is… until fiona would dicscover tesxt messages on his phone on nicks phone that would allude to him having an affär.

nick would admit to his unfaitfhfulness ur  claim it was only one time  and that  it would never happen again.

fiona would keep a  journal, she would  document her day -to- day. and would note that in a  heated  argument about the afäre nick had called her old anf fat , which he felt  belittled by.

the argument  would end with  the couple making up and desciding they cold move past this. this issue.

 Nick  would later  write this letter to fiona.

it’s not  uncommon for couples to hhave issuses with their  relationship. and fiona and nick appear to have gone past the worst.

fiona would be sen in this video  posted on Twitter daning and joying herself while teaching at astfield academy.not long afte her and nick had experienced  issuses

sometimes howevcer thngs are not always as they seen.

the previous situation was eating away  at fiona and she devised a plan that would  solved the siutation for good.

November 1st 201 the world  was under pandemic conditions and fiona thought she use this to her  advantage.

nick had headed out for the day to to continue  working  on a house renocation that he bad been close to compliting for  his job.

as the day  would come to an end h would finish up and return home.

fiona would have a bath before luring nick with a promises of intercourse up to the bedroom .

she would later this addition to her journal . it would read ;” i enouraged the bath with the incentive of sex afterwards . while he was in the bath , i  kept  the knife in my dressing gown pocket and   then hid it in the drawer next to the bed.i bought a chisel bin bag and calbe ties up too.i got him to waer the eye mask.

nuck would asked to wear the mask with fiona claimingshe  had a suprise for him .she would the  pull out the knife and hit nick in the neck with it. causing  it sever his jugular vein .fiona would later  recount the suprised look on nicks  face as he he simple ask” why”

as the confused man would lie on  the bed with his life slowly slipping away , fiona would simply stare at him,offereing no hel   or  explanation

she would later add  to her journa, entry with the following” it was harder than i thought it would be, hiding  a body was bad,moving a body is much  more  diffucult than it looks on TV.

fiona had carried out hpase  one of ther plans and would continue to phase two. agw qouls contact her employer, stating  that she had tested positive for Covid. which  at the  time would mean a mandatory  10 days- isolation period.this would give  her  10 days  of uninterrupted time to carry out the next plan steps.

she  would secure nicks  credit card and begin purschasing things  from the internet.

purchasing new bloodstain ones  an adlt sex toy and  an herb grinded to grind up a marijuana. the spending  with nick’s money was far from over however.

however fionawould  also place an order of an incinerator which which would be delivered to her home.

paint  would also be purchased and she would repaint the bedroom where the crime took place to cover the blood.

she would  then place a click and collect order from a local B6Q. department strore . later that day  she is seen CCTV coming to to collect the order of a 50  L bags of compost  10 large bags of cotswald stone and plastic trough.

fiona struggles to pulll the foosa on a trolley purchased  with a dead man’s credit card. 

she would later return home and begin the process of creating a makeshift grave  on the side of her property in wchich to disposel of the body.

after having completed the gastly deed, she would later set up her newly purchased incinerator. any  and all items that belonged to nick was then incinerated she would later set up her newly purchased incinerator. 

  and all items that belonged to nick was then incinerated  as any  evidence of his existence was reduced to ash

 having  completed  phase two of  her plan , she would now move on to the third  and  final phase.

she wouls bow continue on with life as per usual,returning to work  teacxhing children.

she would even take them on  a school trip to  london,carrying on her life as if nothing ever happened.

 after a short while .nicks family  who hasty seen him in some time would ask the owner where he was. she would claimed they btoth split up ,as he he  has runawayrith hisother  women while. 

the family thought  that was rather odd t,they would send nick  text messages. which he respond to. he would claim everything was okay and he was doing well.

weeks would continue to pass by until christmas would come around

fiona  would by nick mom’ around for a christmas drink conversing 

with be not knowing  that her son’s dead body lay buried in the garden…

only a few feeet away….


throughiyt the christmas period qand inti  early  2022,family and frends would continue to   message nick to check in with him.

they would always  receive a reply back , stating that he was fine and everything was good with him.

little thery know that nick was already dead and iy esd in fact fiona that was sending messages to his family. assuring them that he was  fine.in february of 2022 ,fiona Bea would take leave from work setting anxiety stress, depression and low mood as the reason why.

this time the text  messages from nick would begin to get unanswered.this was because fona had rented  a cambin in cumbria several  hours away in northwest england 

while at the cabin she had sent messages to familt members which gave them cos of concern.the cryptic messages hinted at her possible doing something to  herself.

fiona’s family  would contact police asking for a welfare scheck. authorities would arrive at the cabin and find  fiona with a journal sitting on the table for anybody to read.

as one  officer quickly gazed over the journal ,he would com to  realization that this was  in fact an mission of murder

a police would visit fionas residents in march of 2022 to take a look around

initially they would find nothng out of  the ordinary and leave the house found nothing

 that is  until they  return  the following day to have a second look in the basement. they would locate a matress with a large blood stain on it.


 this would give the police an insight into horrofic act that took place here.

as they  would search the property  futher, they would question what look to have been a ecently renovated section of the garden.

they would excavate the area  which would in turn reveal the mummified  remains of nick billingham.he had been wrapped in  blankets and was  in  an advanced state of decompisiton.

fiona  beal was  imediatelly  arrested.

when the  news came out publicly the community was absolutely shocked.

 the well respected woman that had taught many of their kids had led a secret double life of a murderer.

she would eventually be sent to trial where her  defens attorney andrew wheeler would caling her actions brave andpraise her for pleading guilty and  courageous, he would add the comments ;” she has had the courage to enter a plea of murder,which as the court knows happens extremely  rarely.”

mr wheeler would go on to tell the court that beal cannot remember any of the details of the killing or the period after  due to traumatic amnesia fiona beal had planned on taking her own life at the cabin  in cumbria.living a journal as evidence.but didn’t got  to go throug with it.

as details would come out throughout the trial,she would claim that she was mentally abused  by nick  which led her  to carry out the horrific act . personality disortder were also brought to light. allthough no concrete evidence could ever substantial her claim.


she  would initially plead guilty of  manslaughter but would eventually change it  to plead guilty to  charge of murder.

judge mark lacraft would  have some daming comments as he describe the crime that took place.

” having done what yhou do,  you pretended to the outside world that nick had left you and  was having an affär. you lied to his mother, family and close firends. to your own family and to those  you worked with about  what you had done.

those lies continued for monts, a detailed schedule of events spanning the period  from the 27th of october  2021 thro8gh to march  2022, shows  your planning , how you acted to  fulfill that plan.

and it sets out the detals of the deception you engaged in after the killing.you show no regret in  your actions and instead  went online using nick’s money to purchase cleaning .

replacement items to cover up that  you had killed him . you  brought everything you used to bury him  with his own money.


 which judge  find  diabolic and disgusting.

” the pathologist states that  the cause of death was a single stab wound to the  right hand side of the neck ,transecting the right jugular vain and in sizing the esophagus and trachea .

it would have required niderate firce but severa force cannoot be exluded, the wound was 6 cm deep the entry was 3 .7  cm ,the pathaloghist also states that the neck wound would not be expected to be immediately incapacitating and this ties in with the entry  in your joutnsl as to him asking ” why ”  when you were in process of carrying out  your planned attack”

– judge.

“there are number of trips to B  and Q to acquire the materials  that you used, some awuired  using his bank card or  account to make the burial of the body complete. there are texts to those who nick worked for,his friends  the use of accounts in his name aquire other items includding domestic bedding and a vibrator as well as  fabricated messages from his phone yours  to support the narrative that youe were giving to others including X.

you purshased many discretionary items  for the home and yourself over that protracted period and continues to use  nicks phone to access pornography on numerous occassions.you use cannabis extensively in this period often purchased for you by X.”

– judge

“i do not wish there  to be any  misunderstanding as the  sentence passed, as  with  the passing of any  life  sentence it is that  a life sentence in your case life in prisonment . in determining the minimum  term the court is not saying that you will be released at that date.

the sentence is one of life imprisonment.the minimum term is the term is you must serve before the parole board can consider your case and consider whether you are someone where it is safe  for you then to be released on license or not .”


Fiona beal  would have the chance to be paroled at 69 years of age , allthough she has the chance of parole , there’ s no guarantee that she will be granted it.

 this cases is disturbing for many for many reasons

fiona beal from  an outside persepctive  was an notmsl ptimary school teacher, she was  highly regarded as a teacher and had no ptrbious convictions.

there was nothing to suggest through her professional life at school or  her personal life ,that she was capable of such a terrible crime.

this really puts into persspective that uyou never really  know what people are like  behind closed doors. and what skeletons they might have hiding in the closet.

for nick bingham’s family this finally brought some closure for what was a terrible and traumatic time in their lives…….


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