Warning: Graphic content, readers’ discretion advised. This article contains a recollection of crime and can be triggering to some readers discretion advised.

Grace emmy rose millane was born in  Essex  england in 1996 born to parents David  and Jillian ,she was  the youngest of three siblings and had two older brothers.Michael and Declan

she was    socialble lively family orientated and  loved all things  creative and artistic. Grace  attended The  Univeristy of Lincoln and graduated with a degree  in advertising and marketing . she was exited for a new adventure before she started the next phase of her life.

She had saved up for  a year -long backpacking  tour after  her gaduation.Grace was  descbried  as  compassionate and  caring and before she left  for her trip  she cut her long hair off and donated it  to  ” the litllte princess trust”.so it could be turned  into  wigs for children with cancer.

In october 2018 grace left her family home and set of  on her travels  the  adventures  and outgoing graduate travelled to Peru

before spending six week in south of america. she met up with other travellers  along the way  and was keen to share her with everyone  back home.

On november 19,21 year old grace arrived  in new zealand alone and 11 days later she reached auckland. she checked into a hostel  called. called the backpackers on Queen street sharing a room with some other travellers .

saturday evening december 2st 2018 ,grace  left the hostel just before 6 pm and headed out  into the city center. dressed in a kneww- length black dress white shoes and  carrying a small handbag ,she made plans to meet someone   she had matched with  on Tinder

Initally grace didn´t  seem too sure meeting up but  after some more talking  her and her date  evantually made a plan to gets some drinks.

Grac e met her date ata plece called  sky city an entertaiment complex with bars, resturants  and casinos.

Gace had been sending messsages to her friend amina back home. saying ” i click with him so well. he´s an  oil manager , he lives in a hotel.”

By all accounts  the evening appeared to be going well.

About an  hour later they visited a plce  called the ” the blusteone room. at one point grace got up from the the table

and the mystery man for some reason picked  up her handbag. and starting searching it.

but just  after 9:30 pm  they both left the bar atm in arm and headed down the street.

The next day was sunday december 2nd and it was grace´s  22nd birthday. her family and friends at home where sending messages  and reaching out to her over social media.  but grace unusually wasnt responding to anyone and  her two phones were going straight to voicemail.

her brother declan said


she had  been bombarding them with details and pictures  of her trip so far.


and  no response from her on her birthday was  immediately alarming.


Grace was  a home bird and this wa a red flag.her parents contacted the Aukland police and  reported her as missing  on december 5th.

Police reached out  to the hostel grace was staying at and they confirmed that she had not checked  back in on the night on december 1st. Initially the police  didn´t suspect any foul play. the majority  of her belongings were still at her  hostel.maybe she had just  stayed with some new friends and  forgotten to contact people . fortunately for detectives it didin´t  take long for track down where grace had been on that saturday evening.

Du to the vast amounts of  CCTV  from around the city. the mystery man she was spotted with  that night was quickly identified.

the night grace was last seen she had changed her  profile picture on facebook. a comment was   posted underneath the picture saying




very radiant. the person that commented was also the tinder date seeing drinking with grace.


This man  was  jesse kempson ,who was currently residing  at the city life hotel in aukland. Jesse had written a post .prior to the comments which  caught more attention. 

extracts of  the post stated  he was sorry for his mistakes ,his arrogance and his selfshness.

but who was jesse kempson.26 year old jesse was born in  wellington and had moved  several   times as  a child after his parents split up . he had been partially raised by his grandparents and was  virtually estranged from a lot of his family.

Jesse was  described by everyone who knew him as  a pathological lier. he claimed  everything from beeing cousin of  a  famous all blacks rugby player to telling people he was dying of  cancer

he lied to employers,landlords,partners and his family and friends and time and again jesse´s  fake world  caught up with him and he was  frequently evidted from his flats and lost jobs due to his compulsive lying.

a former landlord  of jesse said he had claimed to be a professional softball player who had been signed up by new zealand´s national softball  the black sox. he lie and say he was  waiting on contract money  but after eight weeks of excuses  the landlord  contacted the black sox management and  again jesse´s  lies were exposed

He told his landlord at the city life hotel ,that he ws a top manager for woolworths. in reality his rent was being paid  by state benefits .jesse´s last job was in telephone sales ,  this also ended in a dismissal due to his lies an this all happened on the very day he mate grace millsane on december 1st.

jesse was  the last known person seen with  grace that night and piolice knew he was the man they needed to help fill in the gaps. the same day grace was reported  missing on december 5th jesse was asked to come in to the station to answer some routine questions.


detective:tell us about grace.

jesse: so , i …was talking to grace on Tinder  .and we´s  matched on frideay , i saw that we´d matched and the next day on saturday. um…and then we met at sky city and then we decided that we´re gojng  up to andy´s burger bar.which is  on the… the first floor

detective: whose idea was it to go to that particular burger place. ?

 jesse: me. because i knew… i didn´t initially know that she was real

detective: what do you mean?

jesse: well ,there´s a lot of  ..so have you heard of catfish?

detective: no.

 jesse: so catfishing is where  someone  uses your profile or uses  your photos and pretends to be you in the midst and you´re a completely  diffrerent person.

detective: how does a.. how does  meeting in a public place sor tof protect you from meeting someone whos´not as good looking as …

jesse: well there´s the security there. so if she wasn´t who she said she was. um at least in my mind id´ feel safe.

detective: mhm.



jesse: yeah ,that´s us.

detective: down there?

jesse:yep.so she ´s going that way and i ´m going across the street. and i go down Queen street at …no.i go down victoria street uh…straight down to the  bottom and then hang a lift and  i head  towards  the  viaduct.

detective: you´ve kind of walked ina bit of funny direction if you were planning to go to the divider,is there a particular  reason you were going to do that.

jesse: uh, i feel safer down that way.

detective: and we´re very very concerned for her safety obviously.


detectiv: um..its entirely possible that shes been the victimof foul play.

jesse: okej.

 detective: you understand  what that means?

jesse: yeah.

detective: what would your feelings be about providing us with  a voluntary DNA sample in the event that we can compare  that against something. would you be happy   to do that?

jesse:  yeah, 100 procent, i mean .i know i haven´t done anything wrong so …i´m happy to do it 

detective: okej. at this stage we dont know what´s  happened to this girl.

jesse: okej.

detective: um,it´s possible that somebody  has killed her.okej?

jesse: okej.

detective: you understand.

jesse: yeah.

detective: she might… when  i say foul play i mean that someone might have murder her. don´t know if she´s been murdered  or not yet . she may be alive and well.

jesse: okej.

detective: but she might also be dead.

jesse: okay

 detective: okay and it could be that  you ´ve done it.



He said nothing out of ordinary had happened t hat night.the date ended  nicely with a hug and a kiss on the cheek and a plan for the following day before the pair eventually parted ways at around 10 pm. 

He said he had tried to message her the next day on Tinder  but  noticed that grace had unmatched him and t hat was where his encounters with her abruptly ended.

but the officers hadn´t yet finished looking  through the CCTV  from the city life hoteland they were about to start gaining more answers to the remaining questions they had . a sisnister and disturbing picture was  slowly put together and almost six terabytes of  CCTV  dsata were being analyzed.

Despite jesse saying they parted ways on the streets they  were both seen arriving at the city life  hotel arm in arm. they axited the lift together on jesses floor.but grace was never seen leaving the building.


sthe morning after on what was grace´s  birthday cameras did pick up jese leaving the hotel.they followed  him over the coming hours  tracking his  every move.


He  went shopping to buy as suitcase 

he then went to buy some cleaning supplies.

.and just before noon he headed over in a taxi to  a car  rental company and rented a  red toyota corolla

several  hours later  jesse met with another women he had engaged with on  tinder. she later reported that he had some disturbing conversation with her. speaking about burying bodies and his friends that were police officers, his date said he feel so  uneasy ,she declined jesse´s to get in his car and made her own way home never talking to him again.

after this jesse went out  into the cit centre again, this time h ie a rug doctor carpet cleaning machine ,explaining to staff that he had some red  wine staine that needed ckeaning up.

later on at half nine in the evening jesse loaded two  sutcases on to a hotel trolley

and off  loaded this  into the toyota he rented earlier.

Around  7 am  the nexy day he ,he was picked up on camera again, this time buying a shovel.

two hours later ,he was spotted power washing  the car, he then returned the car to the rental company and i twas  subsequently rented out by someone else.

on the 5th of  december  ,the day grace was reported missing,jesse was seen visiting various locations and dumping things in bins.

Police arrived at the city life hotel looking   to talk to him.

just as they reached the front desk jessey  returned to the hotel himself.

the minute he saw the  police he quickly turned around and began walking away.with his head firmly facing the opposite direction.

The Police clocked him,chased after him and  baught him for  questioning. desspite  jesse denying anything had happened ,police still began a thorough search of his hotel room

on  December 6th david graces  father  was now in aukland he made an emotional plea for help

im david malone   ,graces dad.thank you for coming today.as  you know grace has been missing for several days,we last had contact with her on saturday  the 1st of december.and as a family we´ve been extremely concerned  for her welfare.grace is a lovely outgoing,fun-loving,family -orientated daughter.grace has never been out of contact this amount of  time. she´s usually in daily contact  with either  her mother, myself ,her two brothers ,members of the family on social media. she arrived here on the 20th  of november and has been bombarding  us with numerous photographs and messages of  her adventures, we ´re all extremely upset  it´s very difficult at this time to fully  describe the range of emotions we are  going through.



The investigaton was moving quickly, allthough police didn´t name him they  revealed they had spoken to jesse and that he was a person of interest.


Them more  time ticked  by the more fearful people became and  the police stated that they had ha grave concerns for grace. On december 8.as more and more evidence was  coming to light. jesse was eventully taken into custody and  interviewed again.his story had now drastically changed.



detective:okay, your indicated that your´re willing to speak to us about the events last saturday  is  that correct?


detective: tell me what happened last saturday.

jesse: she started talking to me about fifty shades of grey. we  started  having sex at  first it was just  normal um…and then she…asked me if we could get into uh.. bondage.having , i guess more violent sex.um we ended up on the floor and then she told me to hold her throat and  so i went into the shower um…and then all i remember is falling asleep in the shower …


Jesse said that when he had awoken the next morning  and realized grace was  dead he went into shock.he panicked and put her body in a suitcase and  drove out to bury her. he still denied any guilt however


jesse: i didn´t know what to do um…i went downstairs and i was just …i don´t know i was all over the place.

detective: you come out of the shower,light´s been on on the shower ,your´ve put  a towel around you,you´ve turned the light  off  and then you´ve returned to your bed and you´ve gone to sleep in you´re bed and at that  point when you exit the shower you don´t look around at  but your assumption from the silence….

jesse: i thought that she´d gone.i thought  she had left um..

detective: we´re going to head out of here very  soon and you´re going to take us as to where  you´ve buried her uhm… she will  likely be exhumed tomorrow.

jesse: okej.

 detective: at some point and after that they´ll …a pathologist a specialist will perform a post-mortem, they´revery skilled at establishing  people´s  causes of  death ,do you understand that

jesse: yeah

detective: did you kill grace millane?


detective: okej.



The  forensic search of jesses´ room added more to the  already disturbing story.

despite jesse´s attempts  to  clean up grace´s blood covered the floor of t he hotelroom

Given what jesse  had told them it didn´t take long for the police to start searching an area on scenic drive near the waitakere reservour. shortly after 4 pm  that day officers found a body around 10  yards from the road.


DI Scott beard : ” the  remains was identifed last night  as location of interest as a result of our investigative work.i can now advise that a short  time ago we located a body  which we believe to be grace. the formal identification process will now take place however  based on the  evidence we have gathered over the  past few days , we expect that this  is grace. the focus now is to piece together  exactly what happened  to a young girl hwo came to new zealand on her own.obviously this brings in a search for grace to an end.it isan unbearable time for the millane´s family and  out hearts go out to them.



The greif was shared  throughout the nation. thousands of people paid tribute to grace. and  held vigils.

The new zealand prime minister Jacinda   Ardern publicly apologized to graces parents and offered hers and  her counytry´s full support.


your daughter should  have  been safe here and  she wasn´t and i´m sorry  for that “



following this  jesse kempson was formaly  charged with the murder of grace millane on december 10 th just  five  days after grace was  reported  missing jesse appeared in court  in aukland he was granted an interim name suppression to ensure a fair trail .

which is why  so much of his interview   footage was  blurred out  for a long time.


 following  an autopsy a pathologist confirmed  that grace had been strangled and had bruises on her arms and  chest   consistent wtih being pinned down.considerable force would  have been reqiured and th epressure from her neck must  have lasted between four and five minutes  to be enough to kill her.

around 1 :30  am on sundsay as  grace lay dead in his room ,jesse carried  out  a number of internet searches,using his phone ,he looked  up hottest fire,flesh -eating birds and waitakere rangers,the location where  he later  try to bury  grace´s  body. 

after this he look at some pornography site . he then took several intim photos of graces  dead body.


just over a  month after grace was found hundreds of people turned out for her funural at brentwood cathedral in Essex.

detective inspector scott beard who had been looking after the case flew to england to pay his respect  and  support the millane´s family .

six  days after grace was  laid to rest .jesse appeared in in the high  court and he pled not guilty. his trial began in november later that year, the trial would last just  tthree weeks and for much of it jesse  remained  stoney face showing  no emotion. he occasionally glanced  down at court papers or held his head in his hands. jess´s defense team argued  although tragic grace´s  death was  cause by nothing more  than consensual rough sex. that had gone horribly  wrong.

they claimed that grace had engaged in sexual encounters like this before metting jesse. and  this time had  been a tragic  case of sexual misadventure.

they said that jesse had simply panicked and attempted to hide gracés body  after he realized the sexual enounter had accidentally  taken her life.

But the prosecution were already armed  with mountain of strong evidence and witnesses. they argued that jesse did  not panic and  this was not simply something that went wrong. it was  very  clearly deliberate and intentional, they said they  he had calmy and callously set about covering his tracks.creating what they called  a  labyrinth of storytelling and lies as he went .


Despite his protests of innocence on the 22nd of december 2019  after just five  hours of deliberations jesse kempson was  found guilty of the murder of grace millane. 

jesse was sentenced to life in prison  with a minimum non-parole period of 17 years .

the case prompted  many people to express  their anger at how grace´s life had been presented during the trial and how her death  had been explained away by her killer, many feeling it was shameful and  grotesque victim blaming.rather then placing the blame on the murderer himself.

Jesse´s familt branded  him a pathetic fantasist.his step-brother said he lied over pointless things all the time and  continued to lie

until the point  where he´s got no and  then he breaks down, cries ,and runs away.

After he was  found guilty of murdering  grace in the highly publicized trial . jesse faced  a further two trials  the following year.these were judge  alone trials and no jury was present

two women had gone to the police when they had sen the  blurred  images of  jesse after he was arrested  for grace´s murder they knew instantly i t was him. and  both had horrific stories to tell the officers about jesse.



in the first of this two trials in october  2020 an ex-partner spoke of the physical sexual emotional and  financial abuse she had suffered whlie with him. jesse would hold knives to her throat ,choke her ,force her to perform sex  acts and dreain her account of ten thousand dollars

Jesse was found  guilty of eight charges and  jailed for seven and a half years

In november 2020  ,he was put on trial again, this time for raping a young british tourist he had met on tinder  eight month before he had murdered grace millane. 

he forced himself on her and said:



He was then found guilty and  given another    three and a half years in jail for this crime.

this bought the total to an  additional 11 years which will run  concurrently alongside the sentence he receivedfor the murder of grace. 

when justicw geoffrey vening found him guilty of rape ,it prompted   an aggressive outburst from jesse.

jesse:” you are so full of *** ! you have no reason to convict me . you are full of ****!


 tragecally in november 2020  graces dad  passed away  after a battle  with cancer.

In december 2020  the name suppression concealing  jesse´s  identity finally lapsed . when the supreme court  denied his  last -ditch appeal against his  sentence in grace´s murder.

it is alleged that jesses is working on  appeals in both of the sentences for the 2020 trials as well.


To honor grace´s memory her family and friends raised a record amount money for the white ribbon campaign. 

the white ribbon campaign is a charity looking to end male violence against women by engaging with men and boys  tomake a stand against violence and challenge behaviours

Grace´s family and friends raised over  11.00 pounds in her name 

 the love grace campagne wa  also set up  in grace´s  honor , the campaing asks for donations of handbags filled with essential items to help provide support for women seeking refuge from harmful and abusive relatiosnhips.





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