Warning: Graphic content, readers’ discretion advised. This article contains a recollection of crime and can be triggering to some readers discretion advised.


This is  the face of a killer. his name is mr Quy, he was sentenced to life imprisonment


For 18 month , mitchell sarrogantly denied that  he´d murdered his wife lynsey. who had gone missing. the police ,the press  and to lynsey´s family. this artice follows the last months of mitchell´s freedom ,documenting  the life of a prime suspect who thought  he had got away with murder . but he hadn´t.


This is his victim ,his  wife  Lynsey  Quy, aged 21 and  the mother of two young children , she was brutally murdered.


October 1999


lynsey disappeared on christmas last year, the police after months of  surching for lynsey are now treating it as  a murder inquiry and as a result they´ve dug up her  husband mitchell´s garden  and scoured his house ,convince that she´s dead . 

They   have yet find a body,mitchell is the only one in fact who believes  that she´s still alive

Southport ,christmas eve 1999,i was the end of  difficult year for  24 year old mitchell Quy . He claimed that his wife  lynsey walked out on him a year ago , abandoning him and het two young children on chirstmas day.

Actually  mitchell had killed her and was using the image of an abandoned father for public sympathy, callously promoting the lie that lynsey  was still alive .

Lynsey´s  devasted family knew iit was a lie.


Her  father peter  was  never in any doubt about his daughter´s fate. and he wasted no opportunity to prick mitchell´s conscience


For almost a year merseyside police hade been searchin , searching and digging ,but they  could find  nothing, no body ,no evidence of foul play. 

Without a body they had an almost impossible task to prove that she was not just missing , but actually dead.


Lynsey was  the young daughter in the  wilson family of six children.

In february 1995 lynsey was only 17 when she became pregant by her first serious boyfriend, they got engaged

But lynsey had second thoughts  about the marriage  and broke of the engagement.


five months pregnat living alone and frightened about her future , she met mitchell Quy a  20 year old croupier.

They were married on the 1 st of august 1995.mitchell had no family at his wedding apart from his younger  brother elliot.



By January 2000 over a year after lindsay´s disappearance mitchell desided he´d finally  enought press exposure.

mitchell has been describeas an egotist.he always seeking publicity, that keeps all sorts of newspaper cuttings at his  home and he´s just basking in all this notoriety.

Lynsey was  last seen alive on the 15th of december 1998 , she was   a regular at the  corner shop about a week or  10 days before christmas the owner of the shop remember seeing lynsey, after that and all of a sudden he never  saw her at all after that .

Lynsey was reported   missing by a social worker on february the 5th 1999,she had not been seen for 53 days and  mitchell had said nothing to her family.

Mitchell claims  lynsey was still alive and that he´d seen her in an unbelievable series of coincidences. he had seen her  in the marketplace, and in a black mercedes in the front seat  passanger.

The police didn´t  believe him ,they were convinced he had murdered her and he was  arrested on february the  27th 1999.

The police arresting  mitchell on suspicion of murder , incitements cause graievous bodily harm and  fraud. 

Mitchell  willingly admitted the frauds  because he  couldn´t escape the fact that he had forged lynsey´s signature on her benefits books ,after the christmas time.


Mitchell said nothing and most of   the  charges were dropped   for  lack of evidence.but he was convicted of the fraud .he´got  community service for cash and checks out lynsey´s  account  

Mitchel had narrowly escaped  murder charge, his confidence grew and local people began to believe his story.

Mitchell had made many enemies but he could  still rely on his oldest friend for support.

By january 2000  mitchell had  good  reason to be even more confident. ” lynsey hunt has stalled”


The police with no successs stopped digging .lynsey´s father however refused to give up, every spare moment was used in what appeard to be a fruitless search

In august 1995 mitchell  and lyndsey´s first home was a small flat in  boundary street southport her daughte robin from a previous relationship  was born.Immediately the marriage to mitchell started fail.

One year after robin was born , lynsey discovered she wsas pregnan  to mitchell but now she had serious doubts about her marriage to him.

Mitchell never forgave her for aborting his  child.he beat her and she took out an injunction against him.

After just a year of marriage mitchell walked out leaving lynsey alone for the christmas 1996.

Even under suspicion of murder mitchell kept up his old habits.( sleep around)

In  their desperation to find  her ,lynsey´s family sought any halp they  could  get . Letters from people, psychics drawings where she might be buried 


In april 1997 after five lonely months lynsey took mitchell back

But late  one night mitchell´s violence snapped again. by now linsey was four months pregnant.

They were both evicted but they stayed together for their son jack´s birth in october 1997. 

It was to be a temporary love , the following year mitchell walked out for good.

Peter wilson lived a mile  from  mitchell´s home and every week he had to collect lynsey´s children.,it was a painful journey to face  the man he was convinced had killed his daughter

.Many people had  their own  suspicions about what happened to lynsey late one night in january 2000  mitchell received an anonymous phone call


anonymous  caller:” hello, is it mitchell? mitchell Quy ? yeah , well, there something  you should know mitchel.we know , you´r guilty. your conscience it must be burning in you . what  you have done to that poor girl, you´re an animal , you´re a beast,  you´re the devil and you conscience  will destroy you”Thirteen monthss after lynsey´s disappearnce  mitchell was desperate to know  if the police had any new lines of inquiry, so he spoke to the investigaton tem . it´s a  remakable call from a prime suspect  in a murder inquiry


 Mitchell:” Am i  still under suspicion of murder  , i mean…is…am i still a suspect in this murder inquiry..yeah is there any other suspect? i mean i´m not asking for names…oh no it´nothing specific it´s  just… i mean if you can  understand the situation i mean the police have made it basically publicly now ,that they  think i´ve murdered my wife, don´t they  really…is everyone on working on the inquiry if they  have given up on finding lynsey alive.”


The strain was now also telling on linsey´s family.

After month of mounting pressure  mitchell h ad decided to go on the  offensive against the police  he invited a jorunalist  from a local paper to his house and presented his new story .



When lynsey and mitchell split up  in  april 1998 she was so scared of him that she was given a personal attack alarm , woman´s aid helped  her find a new home  and she was soon making a new life  for herself.


The house was just a children´s house, you walked in through the front door ,there were toys everywhere .As soon as the birthday had finished she  would plan for christmas.


In the summer of 1998 mitchell was working  at southport pleasure land, he was desperate to see lynsey again

Jack´s  first birthday in october gave  mitchell the opportunity to get back into linsey´s life.


Curiously mitchell couldn´t bear to part with his last gift to linsey.(flowers)

lynsey didn´t tell her parents or anybody else that she´d taken  him back. 

With mitchell and lynsey back  together ,family and friends kept away, but within  weeks  linsey knew she made a  terrible misstake



Despite her troubles lynsey wass looking forward to christmas 1998 .

The investigators  found out  she was going  to institute divorce proceedings again and had secretely sought a pointment with the solicitor and the  investigators felt that mitchel wasn´t aware of that  either.because she ´s probably in  a row with  him.

on the 15th has let it slipt that she´s going to see  this solicitor  and that he´s not  going to see the children.

 detectives thought that was  quite a big  catalyst  to what  happened.


Lynsey was last seen alive on the 15th of december 1998   her absence was not  reported until february the 5 th  ,53  days later, she was  not reported missing   by mitchell, her family, her friends or neighbors but by a concerned social worker.


detective:” i think he started to realize it was inevitable ,at some stage we were going  to take some mor action.against him, my view was that the longer we waited, the weaker the case  may be because even then we were talking about  a circumstantial case and i felt that we needed to  take some  assertive action.



Mitchell Quy had been  a prime suspect for 16 months and thought he´d beaten the spolice . but his arrogan  was  about to be finally dented.


Afther  16  months investigations . police knew linsey was not alive after the 15th of december 1999. And they also knew mitchell was lying  about what happened  that christmas


at eight a clock on june the seventh 2000 . mitchell Quy was arrested on suspicion of murder.

Three  officers from a search team are in mr Quy house . they have been there  for about an hour and  a half.

Mitchell was  taken for  twoo  days of  questioning  but refused to say anything. he still maintained his right to silence but his body language gave them a completely different story .

 He  was silent  for 36 hours  but the police knew they had him and later in the  evening of june the 8th he was charged with murdr regardless

Detective:”it has a very strange effect on people  that you can imagine being  charged with murdering somebody, i feel he´s probably gone to  a solicitor and said “why has this happened” and i think his solicitorss probably said ” well this is reality.”

Mitchell  knowinng he could no esacape custody , btoke down and one hour later he  confessed everything.

he´d spent 36 hours of no comment  and then when he decided to tell  everything  the detectives just couldn´t shut him up. Not only had he admittted the  the offense  that he had  indicated  areas where lynsey´s body was deposited .


And it was  only then it started  to dawn on the detectives  that he´d actually cut her up and everybody  on the team were  amaezed , they couldnt  believe it.


southport pleasure land Following day


Derectives hoping  for that  mitchell wasn´t  taking them  on a wild goos  chase and  seeking more publicity

He looked  around and  asked if the press were there  because he was quite eager to be seen on camera. he was laughing and joking with the officers, no remorse  whatsoever.

This are the grim scenes of mitchell  revealing to the police the whereabouts of his wife lynsey´s broken body.

He pointed to an Area  and said  that he  put  the csarcass he referred to lynsey´s torso as the carcass.

Mitchell  had callously cut up his wife and the mother of his two children in the  bath at their home he´d cut her legs off he cut her head off when he cut  her hands off.


And  systematiically wrapped them in cloth an  d bags and taped them up and callously took them outside with the children. and dumped various parts at locations that  we´ve since found.

Mitchell Qut was convicted of murdering lynsey and sentence to life in prison

His brother, Elliot was sentenced to seven years for assisting him in the disposal of her body.

More details

17:00, 8 JAN 2017

More than 7000 people sign petition to keep Mitchell Quy behind bars

The notorious Southport murderer will be eligible for parole this year.


Quy was jailed for life in January 2001, with Elliot sentenced to seven years for helping to dispose of her body.


lynsey´s head and hands were never recovered.

but her torso was found by cops near a roller-coster at southport  pleasurland.

A day  later , her arms and legs were fouind dumped in bushes next to a railway line.

Quy  has twice been denied  parole hearing   but has recently been moved  from category  A to category B  prison. 

The Sun   can reveal he is ,currently held at HMP Gartree , in Leicestershire. 


Despite the anger of Lynsey’s distraught family, Quy has a hearing before the Parole Board in May.

A spokesman for the Parole Board said: “We can confirm the parole review of Mitchell Quy has been referred to the Parole Board by the Secretary of State for Justice and is following standard processes.”


“Parole Board decisions are solely focused on what risk a prisoner could represent to the public if released and whether that risk is manageable in the community.  

“A panel will carefully examine a huge range of evidence, including details of the original crime, and any evidence of behaviour change, as well as explore the harm done and impact the crime has had on the victims. 

“Members read and digest hundreds of pages of evidence and reports in the lead up to an oral hearing.  

“Evidence from witnesses including probation officers, psychiatrists and psychologists, officials supervising the offender in prison as well as victim personal statements are then given at the hearing.  

“The prisoner and witnesses are then questioned at length during the hearing which often lasts a full day or more. 



“Parole reviews are undertaken thoroughly and with extreme care. Protecting the public is our number one priority.” 

Quy had originally been given a parole hearing on the 21st June 2021, but this was postponed because the panel needed more time to gather all the evidence.

The Parole Board should take about six weeks to make a decision.

I just want to thank everyone that has supported us by sharing and signing the petition which we believe has kept him in jail previous times that he was up for parole.

Lyndsey’s Family

If Quy is granted parole, there is a three week period when the decision remains provisional.


This is to allow victim’s family or Secretary of State for Justice to ask for the decision to be reconsidered by the Board if they feel it was irrational or procedurally unfair.

The decision will then be ratified in July. 

The original decision to grant Mitchell a parole hearing in June last year sparked outrage.

Writing on Facebook, Lynsey’s family predicted that it was “very likely” he would be released.

A family member said: “On June 17 we have the parole hearing to decide whether or not [Quy] is released from jail.

“We as a family definitely think it’s very likely he will be released this time.”



The post continues: “I just want to thank everyone that has supported us by sharing and signing the petition which we believe has kept him in jail previous times that he was up for parole.”

Thousands of people backed the family in their passionate fight to keep the killer ex-husband behind bars, and a petition calling for him to be denied parole in 2017 gained more than 7,500 signatures.

In TV show ‘Faking It: Tears of a Crime’, which aired on Investigation Discovery in 2017, a video shows him being asked: “Did you kill Lynsey?”

Quy shook his head and replied: “I’m not going to answer that. I’m not going to answer that question because I don’t need to.”

Pressed by the reporter to respond, he dismissed the question as “stupid” before chillingly adding: “Wait and find out.”

Mitchell had been working as a former casino croupier.

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