Warning: Graphic content, readers’ discretion advised. This article contains a recollection of crime and can be triggering to some readers discretion advised.



David Parker Ray also known as the Toy-Box Killer, was an American kidnapper, torturer, serial rapist and suspected serial killer. Though no bodies were found, Ray was accused by his accomplices of killing several women, and was suspected by the police to have murdered as many as sixty people from Arizona and New Mexico while living in Elephant Butte, New Mexico, approximately seven miles north of Truth or Consequences.Ray was convicted of kidnapping and torture in 2001, for which he received a lengthy sentence, but he was never convicted of murder. He died of a heart attack about one year after his convictions in two cases, the second of which resulted in a plea deal.

Ray used soundproofing methods on a semi-trailer, which he called his “Toy Box”, and equipped it with items used for sexual torture. He would kidnap between five and six women a year, holding each of them captive for around three to four months. During this period he would sexually abuse his victims and often torture them with surgical instruments, sometimes involving his dog or his wife, who participated willingly. Then Ray would drug them with barbiturates in an attempt to erase their memories of what had happened before abandoning them by the side of the road.

On the 22nd of march ,1999 a terrified women with a padlocked collar around her neck ,ran down a road in new mexico ,naked

She had escaped the clutches of sadistic sexual torturer,david parker ray,sadly she was not his only victim.

It is believed over 50 women have been abucted and taken to a sound proof trailer he called the ” toybox”.

where he would chain women to a gynecologist´s table. He could get a women in virtually any position and make them his sex slave …for weeks at a time.

david´s voice: ” hello there bitch. are you confortable right now?writs and ankles chained and gagged.probably blindfolded.you´re obviously here against you´r will for a little while at least you need yo get you ( inaudible) together.and listen to this tape.I´t is very relevant to your situation.

Truly every woman´s worst nightmare,he would abuse them with his accomplices.

His girlfriend cindy hendy.

his daughter jessie ray.

and friend.  dennis   roy yancy.

Police strongly suspect that most of this women had been murdered but their bodies have never been found


The survivor and whistleblower who brought down the toybox killer.bringing david parker ray and his accomplices to justice
speaks out .

Her name is Cynthia Vigil-Jaramillo.and she speak about her first-hand account of her abduction ,three days of torture and torment and how she escaped.

cynthia: ” i´m pretty good about talking about it ,um.the minute i stopped being  ablet to talk about everything i´m not his victim anymore.”


But who was david parker ray and what made him such a heinous person


some true crime cases are not for the faint of heart.

And the story of the toybox killer is definitely among the most stomach churning.

ray was born on november 6th 1939 in bellen newmexico.he was raised by his grandfather,though his farher maintained an abusive relationship with him. he had a yunger sisterbut they were split up when their grandmother died.

In school raided poorly and was teased for being unusually shy around girls ,as a teenager he abused alcohol and drugs.ray began to form an obsession with BDSM when he was just 14 years old.
after accumulating a collection of pornography provided to him biy his father.he served in U.S army receiving an honorable discharge at the end of his enlistment.


ray was maried and divorced four times in his life.he later confesssed to his first wife that during his teenager years he had tied a women to a tree to torture and eventually kill her.
It is believed parker ray began his killing spree sometime during the mid 1950s.

During this time he spent a hundred thousand dollars on a trailer fitting with sex toys torture devices. and he nicknamed it the toy box.


cynthia: “the events that led up to it was..i was running from a boyfriend i had at the time,his name was , well i ´m noy going to say his name.but i was running from a boyfriend i had ,he got really clingy wit me and um…it kind of drove me crazy and so i was running from him and i went to a motel off of central.

and ..the reason why i was running is because i´m super independent and it´s hard for me to um …to depend on a guy.and so he got really clingy and wanted me just to sit there and look pretty and not do nothing and so i took off and i went to a motel room.
and i went to this motel that i wasn´t allowed to be at and so i was hiding from them. so when the morning came and i had to be out because theywere going to go in to do whatever… clean the rooms and stuff.



 Cynthia: “i had to be outside ,snuck out the back window and when i snuck out the back window to the .. into the alley i guess david parker had seen me and i took of walking and she seen this mutual well not mutual friend but he seen this friend of minse that he met that day i guess and told that guy” hey you know ,um…i guess he knews my name and i dont know how he knew my name. he asked for me so terry came up to me and told me that this guy wanted to do a date. so i went back with him to where the RV was parked.



cynthia: “and as we were approching the RV,i see him hand him money to the window and terry tookof running.he just left .and so i got into the RV. And i worked a deal for him for a date and i got the money and well . we went to the back of the RV beforee we worked out the deal for the date. and when we got to the back of the RV.he handed me the money and stuff and i went to go put it in my shoe and when i was bent over sitting down bending over to put the money in my shoe..he pulled out this badge and he like flipped it over and told me i was under arrest and he put a handcuff on my wrist.and i was like.. what the heck and i was like what kind of cop are you? because i had never seen a badge like that before. it didnt look like any pd-badge that i had ever seen.



cynthia: he said that he was with the state police and i´m like well you know.state cops ,don´t do stings on prostitution and so i started to fighting with him to get away and he had one end of the handcuffs and the other one was on my wrist.and i was getting closer to the door,
i could feel my fingertips touching the door.hr yealled cindy and when he yelled cindy i like , i was in chock.because i had given him the name crystal.but i little did know he had said cindy earlier to that guy. i dont know how he had knew my name or nothing ,but when i got in the car i told him my name was something different.and so as i was getting aproching the door my fingertips were almost touching the door she yelled cindy and it paused me because i was a little bit in shock


cindy hendy.


Cynthia: “and the female came out behind a curtain in the RV and she chocked me , she had this big long red and white cattle prod.and she stuck it in my neck and just . shocked me.
and it knocked me to the floor . it knocked me to my knees.and soon as i was veakened by the shock, they got both handcuffs in me and they drug me back and they handcuffed me to a cabinet in t he back of the RV.



cynthia: ” when they handcuffed me to the..cabinet i had woke up.and i was handcuffed to the cabinet and i was messsing around like messing ,trying to figure out how to get loose like messing with i t really bad. and i was able to get it loose.the handcuffs from the cabinet.



Cynthia:  “and so i got up on my feet and i was squating down on my feet on my toe like my toes on the tip of my toes i was squatting down. and i was waiting for the RV to slow down enough and i was going to jump out ,i was just going to go head first out of a window.
and because the RV was going fast at that point i didnt want to go head first of a window because i didn´t know if there was oncoming traffic i didn´t kmow where we were at..
so i was like as soon as we slowed down enough,something … i´ll just hit the window and they had to slam on the breakes and because of the position i was in when they had to slam on the breaks , i tumbled forward and they realized i was loose from the cabinet.
,so they pulled oiver what immediately she got up and she came to the back and grabbed me and she pulled over , and they both came to the back and they got me up on the bed in the back of the RV.


Cynthia: “and they put shackles on me , they put handcuffs on me.and they put the handcuffs in the front this time instead of behind and they laid me down. but they put duct tape around my face.they put it around like from under my jaw around the top of my head and then they wrapped it around my mouth in the back of my head .
and …i was panicking and i couldn´t breathe i couldn´t get enough air. to just my nose. so they cut the duct tape off my face. and they put a leather mask on my face.
and when they put the leather mask on my face it had no, no eyeballs. and it had little holes where the nose went.and then the mouth part it had mesh but it zippered.and then it ..it went around my neck and it had a … like a leather belt.. that belted around my neck.
and when they put that on my face i was still panicking but i wass ablte to breathe.so i started acting like i was gagging and they took that of me.

cindy hendy


cynthia: ” and that´s at the point she sat down next to me and she got the gun out and she told me that if i was loud she would kill me.
so i was able to get everything of my face where i was a little bit more.. had a little bit more control than i did with it on me. i was able to see what was coming.. and so … that made it a little bit..that made the anxiety part of not being able to ssee not beingable to breathe go away , but i was still really stressed.
and i remember we drove for hours and hours and i was begging her to let me go and i was like, what are you gonna do to me . what are you gonna do to me.and she like. we´re gjust gonna rape you have our way with you and then we´lll let you go.and i was like well.cant you just pull over and do it right away and let me go and she´s like “oh no, “we have a special spot we do this at.



Cynthia:”and i ´m like why do you gotta take me so far.and i was making her… thinking she was female, thinking like maybe she´ll understand me . and i´m like , you promised me,you promised me.i´m gonna be okay.and then at one point she told me “you know ,daisy don´t you?”and there was a girl out there named daisy and i was like”well yeah i know daisy. and it just seemed like we were never pulling over.

we pulled over at one point and he got out the car and she put the gun to my head and she put her finger over my mouth like to be quiet.and i could hear that he was putting gas , so i know he put gas at one point. and he got back in the RV and we drove longer and the next stop was when we got to his house.



cynthia: “amd at that point i had all my clothe of ,i had no clothes on , iwas handcuffed and shackled. so they get me down.they put the handcuffs behind my back and they walk me out of the RV, and it´s daytime. and they walked me from the RV to the trailer




cynthia:and it was … i was looking around and i could see other trailers.and i´m like aint anybody home? can´t anybody see this?i was thinking in my head.but i did have a gun in my back so i didn´t want to scream.



cynthia: “so they walked me into the trailor, they walked me through the living room down the stairs and they sat me on this bed.



cynthia :  “and when they sat me on the bed she put a metal call , i mean not a metal collar.it was a leather ..no it was a metal dot. slave chain is what they called it ,and it master locked around my neck and it had a chain and they chained me to the wall ion the bed .


One of the most disturbing things was when a woman would wake up in the toybox.tied to a gynecologist´s table.


they would se a mirror mounted to the ceilin so the woman could see the horrors delivered upon them, they would also see that on the floor were whips ,chains, pulleys straps clamps legspreader bars surgical blades.saws as well numerous sextoys.
this alone would be terrifying enoug.


But the most horrific thing.was a tape playing.


david parker ray´s voice: i´m going to tell you in detail, why you have been kidnapped,what´s going to happen to you .how long you´ll be here. i bet that is a scary thought.you´re going to be kept in an enviroment that is even more secure than a prison cell.here your status is no more than that one of the dogs or one of the animals out in the barn.
basically you´ve been snatched and brought here first to train used sas a sex slave.



cynthia: he did play the tape once., they like got confortable when they got home,like they went about their buisness.




cynthia: and ..as soon as they chain me to the wall and put me on that bed and all that. he went and disappeared in the room and and he came back and he put the tape on.
and as the tape was playing they were .. they were acting like … like they just got home from like a trip and i wasn´t there .
it was so… weird.that they were not… like they didn´t..it was like everyday life to them and i´m laying there with no clothes on chained to a bed.




cynthia: “looking …i´m looking around as the tape is playing and i see these drawings and these , you know , handwritten.and things on the wall



cynthia: ” it says never trust a chain captive , they will lie, they will say … and he had like multiple things people would say





cynthia: ” he had …this drawings of women in…. very horrible positions being tortured and this tape is playing.
i´m doing.. i´m taking the tape and listening to it and…i´m taking it in , listening to what they´re telling me and watching them and taking in everything at the same time.
like, i´m tryin to figure out….what my situation is and it was so weird because i was able to do all three things ..it was …and it was hard.
it was awful because some things that he said in that tape…it just made… like this…when i would take a breath and like…kind of freaked out about what was said on the tape. i would get this knot.deep in my .. in my stomack.
and then watching them just walk around like it was normal to them. i was in shock.like i was trying to figure out what is going to happen to me
and no , i did not think that i was going to survive, i just thought it was…at one point i was….i didnt know, how long that was gonna be my life..so it was really hard…



Cynthia: …because i wanted it to end i wanted to die but then i didn´t want them to… i didn´t want them to take my life.



Cynthia : ” because it´s a weird..it´s a weird feeling i can´t explain because i was there ..was a part of me thinking like how long is this going to be my life.




cynthia: ” because it´s wass the part of me thinking like how long i s this going to be my life for, when is it going to end. but i didnt want them to end it.





Cynthia: “i wanted if anyone was going to end my life, it was going to be me.not them.i was so angry and…and so messed up in the head ,i just … cant explain the.. the feeling.
but i was so hard- headed i was just like i´m not letting them get the satification of killing me.i will kill myself befiore they do it.



Once parker ray had been arrested the case quickly gained a lot of publicity and with that publicity another women forward with a similiar story.



Angelica montano was an acquaintance of ray´s who after visiting his house to borrow cake mix had been drugged essayed and tortured by david parker ray before being left by the highway out in the desert.
there she was found by police but there had been no follow- up on her case.




ray would often use drugs that would induce amnesia a memory loss in his victims



david parker ray´s voice: ” after we completely through with you , you´re foing to be drugged up real heavy with a combination sodium pentathol and phenobarbital .
they´re are both yupnotic drugs that will make you extremely susceptible to hypnosis, auto hypnosis and hypnotic suggestion
buy the time , i get through brainwashing you , you´re not gonna remember a fucking thing about this little adventure.


cynthia was kept in the house and not the toybox .




cynthia: ” i was in the house.they had a mock toybox inside the house – it… the only..the only difference …….it had .. the only difference it had from the one inside the trailer to the one  toybox in the backroom that was a mock of the toybox.

 ” they had a massage table,so instead of being in a position where your legs are opening ,your lay flat on a bed on the table.



And what was next thing that happened?


cynthia:  ” um…so i wasn´t on the massage table at that point, i was in the room and it was a regular bed…
uh … in there i was… in a little um…extra …it was add on to the trailer to their living room.
and it was just a regular bed,it was probably about two hours, um…two hours that they hadn´t done nothing. to me.
when he came in and he brought in this box and it had this batery like a mini car battery attached to it.
and this box,it had a bunch of uh…



Cynthia: “..like little switches that went up and down and… it , it was weird , it kind look like … like an equalizer typ box.
and it had wires coming out of it.and he connected it, he put like this on my breast ,in my privates and everywhere.
and he connected these clamps to me .. to my body.



cynthia: ” and he shocked me for about five hours and there was at one point he just walked away and left it for a couple hours …he played around seeing,seeing what shocks m made me.hurt me the worst.
and at one point he just left it on one setting for a couple of hours and i dont know exactly what they did ,they wandered of, um …and then he comes back and he stays shocking me.



Cynthia: ” and then they … he comes out of the back room and he takes thiose off of me and he puts this bar across my knees and my ankles .
and then a bar goes from my ankle to my thigh so i can´t.. i can´t like stretch out my leg or i can´t bend it more, it´s in a ertain position and i cant close my legs , i can´t open them



cynthia: ” its a bar that it belted across my legs and he had a couple of them on me….



Cynthia: ” …where i.. my legs were ina bent position and spread apart and i couldn´t do nothing with it.



Cynthia: ” and he had these sex toys on a metal stick.and they had little metal things all over it and he put one in my rectum and he … he put one in both holes down there and he shocked me in the inside.with that battery . and that went on for about an hour.





Cynthia: “and then at one point she came in with a sextoy on.. like on a stick and it went from small to big to small to big ,it was weird …it looked exactly like a penis but it was just like weirdly shaped and he stuck it… he stuck it in my rectum and he left it there and just wandered off and left it there.




cynthia: ” and he left out for about an hour and then when he came and he took it out ,he took the bars and everything off of me.
and by that time it was night time and they made their bed in the living room on the floor and they put a movie on and they were watching a movie and i´m laying on the bed in the room .




Cynthia:  “..right next to the living room where they were at . the only thing separating the two rooms was a  iron little gate.
and i could see perfect and they had me tied up right there and they went to bed and watched a movie like it was everyday life to them.



Cynthia: ” i was terrified all night long.i think out of exhaustion and all the shocking i had went through i fell a sleep a couple of times.um..the times i was awake i was looking around um… as much as i could i was trying to figure stuff out.




Cynthia: “i was trying to figure out how far could i move one way to the other way …i was trying to get my hands out of the handcuffs.
i was trying to.. i was pulling my legs as quiet as i could as hard as i could.trying to break the bottom of the bed um …i was trying all kinds of different things and then exhaustion would kick in again.
and i ..i didn´t sleep for very long.but i think exhaustion just kind of put me out and then i´d wake back up and go through it again.
and at the time that all this was going on ,i was addicted to downers and so…the sickness of that kicked in as well.so…i was going through the withdrawals and then being tortured and then being handcuffed and naked,no clothes no blanket no nothing laying on bed was really really hard.



david parker ray´s voice:you´ll be taken into the living room and put on the floor on your hands and knees.naked.your wrists,ankles ,knees and hips will be strapped to a metal frame to hold your body in that position.
the frame is designed for doggy (inaudible) your ass up in tha air ,sex organs exposed.your tits hanging down on each side of a metal support bar,knees spread about 12 inches .
position similar to that of a (inaudible) dog in heat.i´m going to rub canine breeders musk on your back.the back of your neck andd on your sex organs.




cynthia: “Um…one of the things … um…another.. the next day they wake up and they have breakfast ,sit at the table she makes him breakfast, they eat and … they get me off ..off the bed , they take the handcuffs and shackles off me but i still have the collar around my neck.




Cynthia:“and they put these leather things… these leather uh cuffs around my wrist and they connecy together and they hung me from the ceiling. and they spread my legs apart and they beat me with whips and shocked me
and beat me wit wihp .and lowered me on massive sextoys ,that went on for hours and by the time i was brought down my wrist looke like hamburger meat.






Cynthia: and then they took me into the back room which was like a like a miniture toybox it had everything to torture they took me in there and they laid me in the table the massage table.
and they …they tied me to it where i was tied from around my..around my chest , my stomack area and my legs were um….i was beltet to it.




Cynthia: “and they put these clamps on my breast and my private area and they would shock me with the cattle prod and as my body would jerk it was in pulley system that went through the ceiling and at the other end was wights .
so everytime my body moved ,the weights would drop and it would stretch. and i could feel my breasts ( inaudible)
and they would shock me more and more and it would just pull and stretch more and more ,that went on for a while and then … he did some other stufff with sex toys, on the table.
They took me back into the living room and they put me on the floor and they poured hot gravy all over me and they got their dog come lick it off.and they were trying to teach their dog how to have with a human because they wanted to know if a dog would ssget stuck to a human.
the dog never did do nothing to me, it just licked all the gravy off of me. that was really scary too.i was just like..why on earth..it was disgusting feeling that dog´s tongue all over my body.



cynthia:” hearing them talk about that ,it just …it , it was just horrible . and then they left me there on the floor in that position for a while with the dog just roaming around right there by me.it laid by me at one point , i was so disgusted.
and i can hear them talking about kidnapping a little girl. and they had this book.and they were going through the book and talking about this little girl.and i was just…so scared and then they got me off the floor and they puy me back on the bed. and that was another night and that was the second night that i was there and they went to bed.
It was worse for me that night , i was super super scared, i was so much pain .my wrist hurt ,i still had handcuffs on my … on my wrist, my wrists just torn up and bleeding and .. i was ijust in so much pain , i couldn´t sleep that night at all.



In the trailer of the toybox killer the police also discovered a videotape from 1996 showing a terrified women being essayed and tortured by ray and his girlfriend.cindy.



After releasing some details about the women in the video .she was identified by her ex- mother – in -law as kelly garrett a former friend of ray´s daughter.

On july 24 ,1996 garrett, after getting into a fight when her then husband,decided to spend the night playing pool at a local saloon with jesse.


jesse spiked garrett´s beer. and she and her father placed a
dog collar and leach on her and brought her to his trailer.

kelly garrett/today



Cynthia: “he then essayed and tortured her for two days keeping her on drugs the entire time.
After these two days ray slit her throat and dumped her on the side of the road.
miraculously garrett survived the encounter, but no one, neither her husband,nor police believed her story.
in fact her husband believing sshe had cheated on him.filed for divorce that year.
due to the effects off the drugs garrett had limited recollection of the events over the two days but remembered being essayed by the toybox killer.



Cynthia: ” the morning time came and he comes out and he is dressed like a cop.and i´m like…totally freaked out.like one of them state park rangers,he´s dressed like that .he has …the jeans the shirt the jacket with the .. like you know furriness arouind the neck part.
and he sits down on the bed next to me and he tell´s me “you´ve been a good girl, i ´m gonna take the handcuffs and shackles off you , this is your bathroom for the day…



cynthia: ” and he put one of them…paint buckets right next to the bed and he told me that was my restroom today.
and he goes and when i get home from work we´re going to the toybox.



Cynthia : ” and he got up and he went to work and she ( girlfriend) was watching soap operas and smoking ciggarettes and acting like, i wasn´t even there.
she got a phone call and she got super excited about this phone call. that she walked to the back of the trailer.
and she…the little… hallway where they took me down there was a bathroom and uh…and a room back there and she ,walked down that hallway so i´m assuming she went somewhere down there.


A hand-made coffin, part of the sick sexual torture games.


Cynthia: ” i realized she left the keys on the coffe table and i was like….i need to get the keys and because i was not handcuffed and shackled no more only by my neck to the wall
i was able to go under the iron fence and pull the table towards me with my foot. and i was able to get the keys.
and i try to push the table back but when i push the table back it snagged and went crooked. i was like at this point i was “screw it”




Cynthia: “i curled up in a ball against the wall and i was trying the key the keys… there was a lot of keys on the keychain.
she cmes in and she says ” no ! you bitch” and she ran and she grabbed this lamp on the way over there and she started beating me over my head and my back with a lamp.
and i remember feeling myself like..black out . and i don´t know where this ice pick came from but i was able finally to get the lock loose and when i got the lock loose i was on my knees on the bed. and she hit …when she ran over there she still had the phone in her hands so she dropped the phone on the bed too .



Cynthia: ” i grabbed the phone and i grabbed the ice pick and i dialed 911.and i dropped the phone. and i stabbed her with the ice pick and i got her like right in her forhead but it didn´t go in it like ..
it just like went around her head.when she grabbed ..when i stabbed her she said…she screamed and she grabbed her head and i jumped from the bed to the livingroom floor and i just bulked it out to the front door.
and i went runnig up where i went running out the dirt,the dirt yard and and up this dirt road and there was this car that was coming.and i was banging on the window begging her to help me and she rolled up her window and locked the doors on me.


FBI Investigator searching the lot that belongs to David Parker Ray, presumably with his trailer in the background, April 29, 1999. (Photo Credit: Joe Raedle/ Getty Images)



Cynthia: ” so …at that point i came to a four -way and i turned right and i went running down this road and i looked at this hat at this trailer and i dont know why… i thought somebody would be there or anything
out of all the trailers i passed i ran into this one trailer and the way it sat,you couldn´t tell if anybody was there i don´t ..i dont know whu i ended up going there. but i ran in there and their front door was open unlocked and i ran.
and this lady was at the sink doiing dishes.and i yelled ,i ran, was in her house bloody naked and with the collar around my neck begging her for help.


A backhoe digs up the front yard of David Parker Ray’s property, April 29, 1999. (Photo Credit: Joe Raedle/ Getty Images)



Cynthia: “amd i sat down at her chair at her island and this bar stool and it was a whit bar stool and i left blood all over it.
and i grabbed a cigarette out of her ashtray and i was smoking her cigarette begging her for help.
and she got on the phone with 911 .
lady: i´m calling for younf lady that ran into the house ,she said shes´s just been raped. she´s got a chain on her and everything this lady is naked. she said they´ve been holding her for three days”.





Cynthia: ” her husband walked in from the back and he stopped in the doorway in shock.and she yelled at him to get her pink robe of the door.
and he got …he went and got the pink tonr . he came in and put it on me and i was telling them that they were gonna come and get me and he said “no they´re no, ´m not gonna let them get you”
and i remember he got this gun,it was a big shotgun and he told me “you´re safe now”
and the cops started showing up at her house.well ,this man (ray)acted like a cop and he dressed like a cop that morning. and people dressed in the same uniform he had were coming and i´m like..i loocked the door and i wouldn´t let them in.and i´m looking at them through the big window by the door.




Cynthia: “and i´m shaking my head at them “no ,you´re not. no,no,no. finally passed all these cops i see a state cop who shows and he´s in the state cop uniform ,state cop car and as soon as i seen him , i opened the door and i ran past him and i ran to that man and i said ” don´t let none of them get me , please”
and he said ,they´r not ,we´re gonna take you to the hospital right now. and he put me in the cop car
and i´m like .. i´m not getting in the back. because i can´t get out of the back and he just kept assuring me i was okay.and there was something about him assuring me that i´d be okay.that i got in the back seat. and he took me to the hospital.



What did cynthia do after this , how did she process anything tha´s happening….?



cynthia:” um .so com to found out when i called 911. they answered and they heard the hwole fight. and she got ..as soon as i had escaped she hung up the phone, they called her back and she said” oh no everything is okay.”
The 911 operator was like “no,it´s not okay. you need to go to this adress and check it out..so he sent over the radio to go check it out.
when they got thee they weren´t there,they went inside and they see the hwole disaster.like the hwole blood .the fight. that happened in the bed.the glass , everything.



cynthia: ” and they started going ttoought the trailer and started seeing all these torture devices and pulleys and sex toys, everything.





cynthia: “they radioed it over the radio because it´s a small town, so they knew who that place belonged to.




Rays´s trial began on march 28,2000 ,just after the jury selection was done he suffered a heart attack and the trial was postponed
Cynthia vigil jaramillo and another surviving victim kelly garrett testified against him.
The trial was postponed further in order to try ray for a 1996 murder in colorado.
even though ,the evidence wasn´t very strong.
A sheet listing routines for keeping prisoners was excluded. along with the torture devices in the toybox.
since it couldn´t be proven that they were in ray´s possession in 1996.
On may 7th,shortly before ray´s trial for the colorado murder

angelica montano died of a drug overdose taken her testimony to the grave.



On may 23rd,the jury selection for ray´s new trial was finally done and he was charged with 12 counts of kidnapping,essay and conspiracy.
In july ,the judge declared a mistrial ,because the jury couldn´t agree on a verdict.
Not all of the jury were persuaded that the testifying victims had been held against their will.


In june  his second trial began he made a  plea bargain to plead guilty   in exchange for his  daughter who had been an accomplice in at least one murder. 

Receiving five years of  probation.

consequently ray faced at least 223  years in prison in 2001.


 when  police    were going through  the videos   at david parker ray´s home  ,they found a video of dennis  roy yancy  choking  marie parker ,but they never found the  body.

Dennis  roy yancy was giving two 15- year sentence to serve consecutively for sthe second degree murder  of mary  parker.


David Parker Ray  Died  may 28 ,2002 (age 62)


On May 28, 2002, Ray was taken to the Lea County Correctional Facility, in Hobbs, New Mexico, to be questioned by state police. He died of a heart attack before the interrogation took place.


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