Warning: Graphic content, readers’ discretion advised. This article contains a recollection of crime and can be triggering to some readers discretion advised.

The disappearance of Nathan O’Brien, Kathryn Liknes and Alvin Liknes occurred on June 29, 2014. Five-year-old Nathan O’Brien and his grandparents, Kathryn and Alvin Liknes, disappeared from the grandparents’ Calgary, Alberta home after what police called a “violent incident.”An amber alert was issued. This alert was lifted on July 14, 2014 after the arrest of a person in relation to the disappearance.Later on July 14, 2014, police state that they believe O’Brien and the Likneses were murdered, but they did not recover their bodies. Douglas Garland was charged with two counts of first degree murder in the deaths of the Likneses and a second-degree murder charge for allegedly killing O’Brien.The second degree charge for Nathan O’Brien was upgraded by the court to a first degree charge in May 2015


A murder case that gripped the nation  ,the entire country reacted  with horror ,headlines around the world

The seemlingly ordinary suburban home becomes  the house of horror.  A chilling  tripple homicide

Blood all over the walls.

There was a little  handprint as if a little boy was  being kind of dragged along.

A  five year old boy  sleeping  over at his  grandparents. Alsl three are savagely murdered.

 The evidence , Grotesque adult diapers,  two long blond womens  wigs,prosthetic breasts.

night wision video shot  from a  helicopter as cops  track down a  very dangerous suspect  hiding in the thick  brush. Hwo  is he? 

 Let´s rewinds to the start.


 Jennifer o´brian   a  busy mom with three young boys ,went  tto pick  up her 5  year old son   nathan from hid grandparents house.


But  when jennifer arrives she stumbles upon an odd scene. the front door is   already open as  she walks in  she´s  hit first with a smell of death and  then pools of  blood ,everywhere

Cops burst into the gruesome scene and  feverishly search the house.

but  no bodies  are found. 

The grandparents and little  nathan are missing 

At the scene there is no shred of DNA found 




 not one fingerprints from a pontential killer.

Cops immediately issue  an Amber Alert in hopess of locating the family 

 Police searched relentlessly but with no  sign of nathan and his grandparents.

They  eventually  circled back to the scene of the massacre holding on to  any sliver of hope  to locate the fyve- year- old  alive.

they hoped that maybe he saw the violence and  had hidden somewhere. They went  through all the closets   under the beds  anywhere that anyone could hide… He wasn´t there.

Alvin and kathy were about to start a  new chapter in their lives ,retirement on the day they disappeared  they were having an estate sale downsizing after buying a new home in Edmonton 

they were  planing on moving the next  week . they were getting  rid of all their extra belonings. 

But the vision of the couple enjoying their golden years basking in the warm  mexican  sun ….quckly turned cold and dark.


Calgary police investigators have completed their search of the home where five-year-old Nathan O’Brien and his grandparents Alvin and Kathryn Liknes disappeared. PHOTO BY JEFF MCINTOSH /THE CANADIAN PRESS

The  police went on  for couple of  weeks  where they were still hoping that they might find them held somewhere and  that perhaps  the  injuries they´d  sustained in the home werent fatal .

But as the days ticked by, that hope dwindled

They searched for a couple  of weeks looking for them  and never found any bodies and it beame very obvious, this  was no obduction  more like  a triple murder with a  violant killer  still  on the loose.

police had a number of news conferences,finally  told that  a violent assault had happened in the home.

Cops go on the hund and soon   discover chilling clues  at a  rural farm

pictures of men and women being restrained ,perhaps , killed wearing adult  diapers

macabre details straight  out  of a horror movie.

Will the  scary stash lead cops to the bodies of nathan and  his grandparents….?

An Amber Alert doesn´t  yield results but  witihin days  over 13 000  tips pour in ,so many  that crashed the police departement´s computer system.

cops analyze hundreds of hours  of surveillance tape, then something suspicious  catches their eye.

They  went to all these homes  in the neighborhood


and  they found this  green like mid 70 s ford F-150 truck. very distrinctive looking


police release  a flyer with a  green pick-up….

….spotted on the grandparents street the night they disappeared. and it wasn´t long before cops got  a call from a woman who said she  recognizedt the truck.it belonged  to  her brother.

The owner of  that  truck is  a  man named doug Garland and police want to talk to him . They NAB him at a traffic  stop and  hold him  in jail on a previous false identity charge


Meanwhile  Canadian mounties stormed the  40 -acre farm  where garland lives with  his elderly parents on an emergency hostage  rescue. but no one was  found. either alive or dead.

But there was something…….one of the first things they noticed.


a burn  barrel smoldering near the greenhouse inside the tank nothing but  ash. ,there is no blood, there´s no sign of any evidence

Back at  police Headquarters Garland is released on bail and given strict instructions NOT  to go back to the farm.

In the  meantime cops secure a warrant and  scour every inch of the sprawling property


what they find is  bone  chilling.

Hidden away in basement rafters, police find a computer hard drive and that when all the house of horror stuff starts coming out .

On that hard  drive  reams of painstaking research on gruesome and violent topics..  Garland downloaded a bun ch o f things,things like   attack  your  victims at three clock  in  the morning

– the  element of suprise –Painful ways to torture.

Cops say the hard drive was also  littered with images  of his alleged sexual obsessions


and what´s the  fetish part …?

well.. he had  quite  a fetish about  adult  diapers and there were a  number of pictures of men and women  being restrained,perhaps killed wearing  adult  diapers

Every inch of the place was s searched …


including the basement office with a library  of the macabre.

Garland  also  had some books ….


One was a  book on how to poison people , another  one was called  the  joy of  killing 

and also in the basement across  dressers fantasy. the set of prosthetic breasts

the two long  blond women´s wigs,that were on these mannquin heads.

racks of women´s  clothing in garland´s   size and  a vast collection of choes, 89 pairs. men and women and in his   size.


and  curiously in the closet an empty shoe box but missing  from that box….

a  pair of the size 13 Dr Scholl tennis choes .

 then ,cops seized boxes filled with weapons.



some in a child´s size.

Hacksaw blades ….

leather straps ….

Bone saws….



 and  a strap jacket .

But what investigators  dont find….bodies!

Police went on their hands and knees elbow to elbow , going through the grass through  that entire acreage…

but of all the disturbing clues one stood out. the smoldering burn   barrel. cops had noticed it during the first search of  the farm, this  time investigators take a closer look

They went through everything sifting, sifting,sifting.kind  of like gold mining almost where they  go  layer by layer.

panning and sifting through the ashes  they  find a baby tooth, the found the burnt  flesh sheet  a lot of the bone fragments in embers of the burning  barrel.

was doug Garland a sadistic killer and why would he want to murder a  child and his grandparents?

because of their past history . 

 not long after collecting evidence, cops soon learn that  Garland is no stranger to alvin  and kathy liknes.they acctually  had a layered a nd complex relationschip that went back  years .


Garland´s sister patty( the one hwo reported the truck) is married to  liknes´s son .

but the detail that  sparked cops interest  , alvin a successful entrepreneur employed Garland years  before ,patty´s  husband had suggested that alvin  liknes was looking for someone to work with  that doug   would be possibly be a good choice because he had education and he was fairly handy .

the two men worked on a pump invention together   but the project never  went anywhere and liknes eventually fired Garland.it never   made a penny.never got used  but apparently doug was  assngry and bitter over for years.

Bitter enough for murder?

While mountains of incriminating evidence are piling up an d more intel on  Garlands history with the couple  cops are keeping a close eye on the 57  year old following his every moive.

Here he is caught on surveillance   camera at an  auto parts store buying what looks like circular saw  blades . police are specially interested in what he´s  wearing.

look closely on his feet  the  same  dr  scholl´s   missing from he shoebox.

do they match the blood -soaked prints found at the grand parents home .

they have actuallly a shoe databasw federally in Canada. they matched it to a Dr sholl´s running shoes and they were able to trace  it to a certain style.


  A mysterius triple  murder of an angelic five year old boy  and his  grandparents leads cops a rural farm where sickening clues point in the direction of a depraved madman 


Even though   no bodies ever found. with 14oo  pieces of the most grotesque evidence imaginable .cops have enough to make their  move but so did the alleged killer. inestigators had doug garland nder surveillance after their first  search of his property  then two  weeks after nathan and his grandparents disapppear .



cops  catch garland

trying to sneak back on the farm where  he lived   belief was  he was trying to get  rid of maybe a little more evidence

The sadist didn´t  sget far . as you can see on the police infrared camera, they cornered him because the helicopter could see him and  he finally  surrendered.

The man who police  believed brutallys murdered kathy and alvin liknes ann their beloved grandson nathan finally gets  what´s coming  to him .


Despite that Garland pleaded not Guilty to three murder charges. the sensational five-week long  trial transfixed a spell-bound nation .

  In opening statements prosecutors told, the thre women and  nine -man  jury that Garland held a year long groudge over a patentfor a pump.

On the day they disappeared alvin and kathryn were having  a state stale  since they  were planning  to move and wanted to downsize, so Garland  put his  sordid plan into action

the first step beaking into the couple´s home.

it appeared  mr  Garland had drilled a hole in one of the locks.

The murders timeline unfolded from there….once in the  house Garland preyed on his victims

According to his meticulous and obsessive research,3 am was the best time to attack.

Mr Garland went into Alvin liknes bedroom and bludgeoned  him  then he went  to the next room where kathlyn  liknes was sleeping with  her grandson.

Was Nathan  the five- year -old collateral damage or was  he also a target?

he wasnt  a target  but  mr Garland decided that he didn´t want  to leave any wittnesses


Forensic  experts believe the family was alive when Garland dragged  them from the home and throw them in the  truck.

they got pictures of what  appeared to be a  white sheet going in the back of the truck  and police believe that´s where the bodies of the three were.

schockingly  even with  all the bloodshed none of Garland´s DNA  was found ever detected at the house.


How it´s  possible that  doug Garland was able to do  so much damage in that house yet not leave a shred of DNA?

well ,he did a lot of  research on  how to not leave DNA evidence there were a number of these white suits that  forensic  people wear when you see them on TV show they  believed he was wearing those.


Then Garland drove about 20 miles  to his parents rural farm where unspeakable horrors awaited

 nathan and his grandparents DNA were  found on instruments of torture.

like meat hooks…

bone saws…

and knives.

They found kathryn´s   liknes DNA on the meat hooks


They found Alvin liknes and nat han  O´Brien´s DNA on the meat saw .

and they found DNA from all three victims on the ouside of a pair  of rubber boots.

But even  of mountains of blood and fragment evidence no bodies ws ever found

Nobody saw  doug Garland kill them and they  don´t even have a cause  of death on these people.

Garland´s mother took the stand against her son testifying  that she didn´t hear him leave home the  morning the three  disappeared.she actually had foun d out they were missing, mentioned it to him  he said ” i don´t want to talk about that ” he allready knew .

Perhaps  one of the most disturbing images preesented at trial, picture captured completely by chance. by a mapping plane, which flew over Garlands property, the day after  the family disappeared.

The fellow who took the  photos he can see what apears to be two headless torsos of adults looks like they´re  laying face down wearing diapers.

and a small figure in the grass next  to them, which  they believe was nathan  O´brien right by the burning barrel.

But  in this case the dead speak volumes.

There were no bodies.only tiny  little pieces

the Only proof of their existence on the planet buried  in ashes left  behind in the burn barrel

 that is where they found  one small piece of  flesh ,which could have belonged to alvin liknes

Bone fragments were from a fice  year old  boy .

he burned everybody , apparently chopped them up and burned the bodies , just   cremated  them.

 while the gruesom details of the heinous crimes unfolded in court doug  garland  apears unfazed.

He sat  through the first round of hearing and the second taking notes .

 they never heard a denial , never heard ” i´m sorry”


none of  the victims family took the stand , but nathan´s dad written´s words rever berated through the courtroom.

Rod O ´brien ´s   victim impact statement


Rod” i  didn´t  even have enough of my son to bury . there was not enough left of them….”


After weeks of traumatizing testsimony and abou t 10 hours of deliberation  Doug Garland  is convicted of first degree and  all three deaths.


Garland received three consecutive life terms for his heinous crimes


The murder trial for Garland began on January 16, 2017. The trial drew to a close on February 16, 2017, and it took the jurors just over nine hours to reach a verdict of guilty on all three counts of first degree murder.

The following morning, Garland was sentenced, with only the minimum sentence being determined, as first degree murder carries an automatic life sentence. After 10 of the 12 jurors recommended that Garland receive consecutive minimum sentences, Judge David Gates ordered Garland be required to serve 75 years before being eligible for parole. As Garland would have to live to 129 years of age to finish the term, this means he will, effectively, be incarcerated for the rest of his life. Throughout the trial, Garland never showed any remorse or emotion. Hours after being sentenced, Garland was sent to the Calgary Remand Centre located in the city’s Northwest where he was physically assaulted by multiple inmates. EMS said the victim of the assault was transported to hospital in stable, non-life-threatening condition with soft tissue injuries.

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