Warning: Graphic content, readers’ discretion advised. This article contains a recollection of crime and can be triggering to some, readers’ discretion advised.

Robert haney had taken a job as a handyman on a 20 -acre farm In Weimer ,Oregon.He had made a deal with the property owner to do handyman work in exchange for being able to park his trailer on the property and live there .when his children stopped hearing from him ,they went out to the farm looking for him but found his trailer abandoned,his belongings all still there and his dog running free.
The propery owner said he left almost four months earlier and never returned.

Authorities opened a missing persons case and when they tracked his food stamp card ,they saw recent activity at a nearby Walmart.they went to the store and looked at the surveillance fotage but it wasn´t Robert that was using the card……….

Susan Monica born July 8, 1948 is an American former sailor and convicted murderer.She garnered public attention after being convicted of murdering two men at her residence in rural Weimer , Oregon. Both of the victims had worked as handymen on her farm, and each had gone missing under mysterious circumstances in 2012 and 2013, respectively. In both cases, Monica dismembered the victims before feeding portions of their remains to her farm pigs. Partial remains of the two men were discovered at her residence after authorities interrogated her for identity theft of one of the men.

In April 2015, after a trial that lasted six days, Monica was sentenced to two consecutive 25-year sentences, for a total of 50 years to serve in prison for her crimes.
Monica was born in California in After serving in the United States Navy during the Vietnam War, she began living as a woman.Monica began an engineering career and, in 1991, purchased a 20-acre farm in rural Weimer , Oregon. She ran the business White Queen Construction.
Monica employed 59-year-old Stephen Delecino as a handyman on the farm. Delecino disappeared some time in 2012 under mysterious circumstances. The following year, Robert Haney, a 56-year-old handyman, also disappeared in September 2013.

 Stephen Delecino  and Robert haney

Authorities arrived at Monica’s residence on January 10, 2014, after it was discovered she had been using Haney’s food stamps card, and confronted her with fraud charges. Upon searching her residence, they discovered evidence of human remains, which prompted a full search of the property.
Portions of remains from a total of two individuals were discovered; the first belonged to 56-year-old Robert Haney, Monica’s handyman, who had gone missing in September 2013. The second individual initially was unidentified, but was later determined to be Delecino, a former employee of Monica’s who had gone missing in 2012.The state of Monica’s property was squalid, with significant piles of garbage, animal bones, and no running water or sewage system.

Investigators spent three weeks searching Monica’s 20-acre (8.1 ha) farm near Rogue River, digging over 50 holes in the land searching for additional evidence and other potential victims.No additional remains were uncovered in their search. The pigs Monica kept on the farm were subsequently euthanized, and a former resident claimed he had witnessed Monica feed deceased house pets and livestock to the pigs on different occasions.

Upon interviewing Monica, detectives found she gave varying explanations as to how both men died, claiming both that Delecino had shot himself repeatedly in the head in 2012, and that she had also shot him in self-defense, after which her pigs began to eat portions of his body.Monica claimed to have buried the remnants of his corpse after finding the pigs consuming him.

n regard to Haney, Monica claimed he had disappeared from the farm in the summer of 2013.She stated she later came upon him as her pigs were disemboweling him, and that she shot him to death to ease his suffering. Monica subsequently expressed uncertainty over whether Haney was dead when she shot him. Some of Haney’s remains were found in plastic bags in Monica’s barn.
During her video-taped interrogation, which was later used in the trial,

Monica stated: “I do not value human life very much. The only thing wrong with this planet is there’s people on it. If it weren’t for us, all the other animals, dodo birds and whatever else, would still be here.”

susan monica

Monica pleaded not guilty to two counts of murder, abuse of a corpse, and identity theft. Monica, despite having representation, chose to cross-examine Eric Henderson, the case’s lead investigator. During the trial, an Oregon State Police anthropologist testified that Haney’s legs had been dismembered with an axe, and that his thigh bones showed signs of “being gnawed on by an animal.” The anthropologist stated it was unclear whether Haney had been dead prior to dismemberment of his legs.

It was also stated by the anthropologist that Delecino had suffered three to four gunshot wounds to the head. Another witness who had been in jail with Monica testified that she had received a birthday card from her signed “from the sweetest murderer in Jackson County.”
On April 21, 2015, Monica was convicted on all counts after six days of testimony and only one hourof jury deliberations.She is currently serving 50 years in prison within the Oregon Department of Corrections at Coffee Creek Correctional Facility.

Initially, Susan Monica claimed she only killed Robert Haney because she found the pigs eating him alive and wanted to:

“put him out of his misery” she sad.


Susan Monica’s property seemed eerie to others – especially because she allegedly said at one point 17 bodies were buried there.
In 1991, Monica bought a 20-acre farm in rural Wimer, Oregon. She had a herd of pigs, raised chickens, and ran a wrought-iron fence and gate-building business named White Queen Construction.

When Monica first bought her property, it was undeveloped woodlands. She erected a large barn and started work on a house. In 2013, she hired Robert Haney. “He was her handyman, laborer, carpenter. Whatever she asked of him, he did,” former employee Sean Leimanis told “Snapped.”
Robert had found Monica through an ad on Craigslist.

“My dad and Susan Monica had a deal. My dad would get part cash and be able to stay on the property. My dad agreed to build a house from the bottom up,” son Jesse Haney explained to producers.

Jesse said his father enjoyed the peace and quiet of living alone out in the woods. However, things got a little too quiet in December 2013.

“We hadn’t seen or heard from my dad for two months. We just all started to panic,” Jesse told producers.


On Jan. 1, 2014, the Haney kids drove out to check on their dad. They spoke to Monica, who claimed she hadn’t seen him since he quit four months earlier.

“Susan Monica said that my dad just basically left. She wanted us to come retrieve our dad’s stuff,” Jesse told producers.

But when they saw his trailer, the Haneys knew something was wrong.

“His leather jacket was there. His dog was still running around and all his tools were there,” Jesse. said “It made the hairs on the back of my neck stand up.”

The Haneys filed a missing persons report with the Jackson County Sheriff’s Office. They learned months had passed since anyone had seen Robert and he had lived on cash, all of which made it difficult to track his movements.
Detectives drove out to Monica’s property to ask her about Robert’s disappearance.

The property was cluttered with vehicles, debris and makeshift structures.

“I’m thinking to myself as we’re pulling up, ‘Are we in The Twilight Zone here?’” Henderson recalled.

Monica told them Robert had lived and worked on her property for six months but took a bad turn in the fall.

“He received a concerning phone call from a family member that she had been the victim of assault and he was really upset about that,” she had said, Henderson told producers.

Monica claimed Robert then began drinking heavily and acting erratically. She said he eventually told her he was going away for awhile and asked her to take care of his dog.


Authorities were able to track Robert’s Oregon Trail Electronics Benefit Transfer card. They learned it had last been used in December 2013 at a Walmart in Grants Pass, Oregon, about a 25-minute drive from Monica’s property.

“It had been used at a date after Susan Monica said that he had disappeared,” Jackson County Deputy District Attorney Allan Smith told producers.

Detectives then reviewed security camera footage — which showed Monica using

“That’s when I was like, ‘OK, we got something else going on here,'” Henderson said. “I was really concerned that there was some foul play involved.”

Law enforcement officers executed a search warrant on Monica’s property. Officers were taken aback by the squalor, which included piles of garbage, rotting food, and industrial waste.

Grave of Stephen Delicino remains, photo courtesy of Snapped

“I would describe that property as eerie. There was a very strong order there, a lot of decay,” former Jackson County Sheriff’s Detective Julie Denney told “Snapped.”

Then, investigators spotted something truly disturbing: a human leg in a catchment pond.

“It was clear that it was not an animal bone. It appeared to me to be a human leg that had been severed mid-femur, down to the toes,” Denney said.


Detectives brought Monica into the sheriff’s station for questioning. After being confronted with the discovery of a human leg on her property, she told a bizarre and disturbing story.

Monica claimed that one day the previous fall, she found her pigs in a feeding frenzy. When she looked to see what it was, she saw Robert laying there “with his guts all over the place.”

“He was being eaten, what I believed to be, alive,” Monica told detectives during the interview, audio of which was obtained by “Snapped.” She said she couldn’t stop the pigs, so she got her gun and shot him.


“I put him out of his misery,” she says in the audio. “I do that for my animals and this was the first time I did it for a human being and I knew it was wrong but if it were one of my pigs suffering out there, I would have done the same thing.”

Monica left Robert’s body in the pigpen until the hogs had their fill. After a couple of days, she scooped up his remains and put them in garbage bags. A wild animal later got into one of the bags and dragged the foot out to the pond, she claimed.
Monica said she didn’t tell the authorities about the incident because she was afraid they would kill her pigs. When asked what else investigators might find on her property, she broke down and told them they would find worse.

Monica drew a map of her property and in the middle put an “X.”

“She said, ‘Right there. That’s where you’re going to find Steve,’” Henderson told producers.

“Steve” was Stephen Delicino, a handyman who worked on Monica’s property a year before Robert got there.

Monica claimed that in the summer of 2012, two of her guns went missing. She said she found them in Delicino’s belongings and confronted him. They got in some sort of wrestling match, she alleged, and the gun went off, shooting Delicino in the back of the head. Rather than killing him, Delicino stood up and chased Monica toward her barn where she picked up her rifle.

“At one point during the struggle, Stephan was down on his knees, she was above him, and she picked up the rifle and she shot him in the head,” Henderson told producers.

She fed Delicino’s body to the pigs and later buried whatever was left.
Before the interview was over, Henderson asked Monica if there were any other dead bodies on the property. She had a truly chilling response.

“She told me that if she told me about the 17 others that she would spend the rest of her life in jail,” Henderson said.

Monica was arrested on Jan. 14, 2014 and charged with two counts each of murder and first-degree abuse of a corpse as well as one count of identity theft, the Mail Tribune reported at the time. Her pigs were subsequently euthanized.

investigators filming susan monicas property.



Over the following weeks, dozens of crime scene investigators searched Monica’s property, digging over 100 holes. They found the remains of Haney, Delicino, and numerous personal belongings, including a large pile of shoes, but no other bodies.

At Monica’s trial in April 2015, her former cellmate Jordan Farris at the Jackson County jail testified that Monica gave a birthday card signed, “The sweetest murderer in Jackson County,” Medford, Oregon, NBC affiliate KOBI reported at the time.

Farris also testified Monica had told her the truth about Robert’s murder.

“Susan told me that Robert and her got into an argument because he was drunk and he was trying to come on to her. She shot him and then pushed him into the pigpen,” Farris told producers.

After deliberating for an hour, a jury found Susan Monica guilty on all counts on April 21, 2015. She was sentenced to a minimum of 50 years in prison, the Oregonian newspaper reported in 2015.
Law enforcement officials still wonder if Monica claimed other victims over the years .

“My take on what she told me about the possibility of 17 other people being there was that it was true,” Henderson told producers. “I believe 100 percent that there are more people out there.”

Susan Monica not only targeted her handymen but did so in such a barbaric manner that it left America reeling from the shock. Her smelly farm in Wimer, Oregon, was in ruins, and for a good reason: it was a hotbed of covered up crime.


A transgender person, Susan’s dead name was Steven Buchanan. Born in 1948, she initially had an enviable engineering career. However, sometimes after fighting in the Vietnam war and changing her gender, Susan decided to take up farming. However, it was far from an innocent occupation choice, as would be soon made apparent.

After buying a 20-acre farm in Wimer in 1991, Susan was set for life. The farm was decidedly grand and also situated miles away from any house. That is also what let her get away with the crimes for so long. Even though the farm hardly got electricity or water, Susan happily grew farms and hens there. She loved them, more than humans, it would seem.

She hired her first handyman, 59-year-old Stephen Delecino. The man suited her taste. He had a few relatives and disliked technology. Little is known about him except that he suddenly disappeared in 2012. The police didn’t hesitate to speculate that he’d been killed after becoming aware of the full extent of Susan’s malicious shenanigans.

Much more is known about Robert Haney, a 56-year-old divorced man, who unsuspectingly signed his death warrant when he decided to take up the job. He was just another man who only wanted to get away from the hustle-bustle of everyday life. 

Robert enjoyed the solitude of the farm; after all, as a man who only relied on hard cash, the farm transported him back to the time he truly belonged to. Little did he know these peculiar tastes would make him a perfect target

The crucial error in Susan’s calculations was the extent to which Robert’s children loved him. Even though a man who would spontaneously contact them after ages, his eerie and complete silence worried his children. They hadn’t heard a peep from him since September 2013. Jesse later on elaborated on the concern, saying:
On January 1, 2014, Jesse and his siblings made the long drive to the isolated farm, eager to contact their father. However, lo and behold, Robert was nowhere to be found. Moreso, Susan said she hadn’t heard from him in four months. The children were on high alert. Something was amiss.

When Susan asked them to empty Robert’s trailer, they were shocked to discover that their father’s tools were still there. Robert would never leave without them. What in the world had taken place in this desolated farm?


Jesse sped out of the property, concerned for his life and immediately headed to the Jackson County Sheriff’s Office to file a missing person report. The police, quick to heed their concern, arrived at Susan’s doorsteps the very next day.

Susan was clever. She fed them intelligent lies, extensively opening up about Robert’s recent altercation with his family. He had been very upset about a family member being assaulted and regularly drowned himself in alcohol. Like the perfect predator, Susan built up on that and told the police that Robert had headed out for revenge.

Jesse begrudgingly corroborated Susan’s story. Their father was likely to do precisely what Susan had detailed. The police had no other choice but to temporarily leave the residence and patiently wait for another clue. Luckily for them, a crucial slip up on Susan’s part would make the investigation immeasurably easier.

While searching for another clue, the police decided to trace Robert’s Oregon Trail Electronic Benefits Transfer card. After all, he used food stamps to get by.

It was a wise decision on the police’s part. They immediately spotted a discrepancy. Even though Susan said that Robert had disappeared in September 2013, digital records clearly showed that the card had been in use in December 2013. To add to their suspicion, it had been used at a Walmart 25 minutes away from the farm.

The police officers thoroughly combed the Walmart store’s security footage and soon hit the jackpot. None other than Susan was seen cashing the card.

Henderson, one of the police investigators, said:“That’s when I was like, ‘OK, we got something else going on here. I was really concerned that there was some foul play involved.”

The police immediately arrived at Susan’s doorsteps on January 10. Thye finally had reason to search up her messy and smelly property.However, even they were surprised at what they discovered. It was not the fraud charge they had suspected To their horror, they found a detached leg in the pond.

Jackson County Sheriff’s Detective Julie Denney reported:
It was clear that it was not an animal bone. It appeared to me to be a human leg that had been severed mid-femur, down to the toes.”

The police were alarmed, to say the least. They knew that searching the property took high priority. As they immediately brought Susan in for questioning, a team headed out to carefully comb through every foot of the 20-acre field.
Susan, to her credit, and an outlandish explanation ready. Apparently, she chanced upon Robert being eaten alive by the pigs after a fatal fall. Even though pigs are by no way carnivores, she continued her story with the utmost confidence.

Somehow, Susan made herself out to be the hero in the story. Out of sheer mercy, she had then shot Robert. She then even casually compared Robert to an animal, declaring that she often did this for her pets. She had then pocketed the remains in a garbage bag, and wild animals had supposedly torn into them: hence, the decapitated leg.

True to Susan’s words, the police found the plastic bags with Robert’s remains in the barn.

However, they weren’t foolish enough to believe Susan for a moment. Instead, they set off to painstakingly dig over 50 holes into the 20-acre farm. They weren’t disappointed; they soon discovered another body.

By now, Susan had realized that there was little she could hide from the police- after all, they were literally digging up her place. She had observed their outright disbelief at the outlandish story. So, she decided to take the matter into her own messy hands and told them about the second body. She truly believed that the best defence was a good offence.

Monica drew a map of her property and in the middle put an ‘X’. She said, ‘Right there. That’s where you’re going to find Steve.”
This “Steve” was none other than the first handyman, Stephen Delicino. Susan spun another one of her stories, detailing how she had accidentally shot Stephen with her rifle. He was apparently trying to steal from her. Even though the police shook their heads at the story, they knew to heed her clue and started digging at the spot

During Susan’s trial in April 2015, Susan was emotionless. The evidence against her was undeniable. The only time she broke down in tears was when she feared her pigs being killed; this excessive care for the pigs, when contrasted with the apparent disregard for the humans, rightfully disturbed everyone.

Jackson County Court Judge Tim Barnack told Susan:“You shot two people and fed them to your pigs. I don’t know how else I can put it. You valued pigs more than you value people. It may sound harsh, but you are a cold-blooded killer.”

In one of the security tapes, Susan echoed the abnormal adoration for her pigs. She said:“I do not value human life very much. My feeling is the only thing wrong with the planet is there’s people on it. If not for us, all the other animals, even dodo birds, would be here.”

Even though Susan pled not guilty, she was sentenced to 50 years on April 21, 2015


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