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A new gang war is raging along the subway’s red line in stockholm.
Uppdaterad 2024-04-13 10.06 | Publicerad 2024-04-12 20.04
four phalanxes are involved and 42 men are the focus of the police ,according to aftonbladet’s information .
aftonbladet has mapped them all.
Gang vilence along the subay’s red line in southwest stockholm is a high priority for the stockholm police,accoding to aftonbladet sources.
a bloddy conflict between gang criminals i vårberg and skärholmen is the basis for the escalating violence.
in connection with Rawa Majid’s foxtrot network taking an increasing share of the market a split arose in the vårby netwrk ,which previously hadled drug sales in the area.
in 2020 vårberssidan allied itself witg foxtrot. they cooperate , according to information , with what the police call the Wasabi network .however the skärholmenfalangen remains on the vårby network’s sde , according to information.
it resulted ina serious conflict ,sometime in 2023 , with the vårberg phalang and the Wasabi network on one side and the skärholmen falang and the v¨rby network on the other .
it had led to serious and bloody acts of violence.
according to aftonbladet’s information ,there are 42 men from the networks along the red line who are singled out high priority by the police.
here are the the members of the skärholme phalanx according to information given to aftonbladet.
The Skärholm phalanx
five men are leding figures within the dkärhom falange.
the police have noticed that ltately they have been conspicuous by their absence.
it is suspected that they are staying away due to fear of being exposed to crimes linked to the ongoing conflict.
22 -year old male .has been convicted a number of times for minor drug offences.
the man was convicted of the most recent crim in january 2024 . then to daily fines of SEK 7.500 (90.20 $) having just over half a gram of cocain on him .
19-year old male . for one month in 2023 ,the 19, year-old was detained for aiding and abetting murder- without charges being brought .
in the same year ,he also sought compensation for suffering and received almost SEK 44.ooo (3 968,80 $)
in 2o22 he was sentenced to youth care after several times being suspected and convicted of minor drug offenses and violations of the knife Act.
in the decision on LVU the law on the care of young people ,it is stated that the police suspect tht the 19 year old is selling drugs.
large amounts of cash have been found and also a “bus phone” with code words for drugs.
the 19-year old’s parents have experessed concern for their son.he hangs out with older criminals and has worn a bullpetproofs west on occasion.
the 19 .-year old has previously deviated from a HVB home ( youth accommondation ) did not go to school and did not listen to his parents, according to the investigation .
the 19 year old did not consider that he needed care.
the 23 year old man , was last convicted in 2023 for traffic offenses after driving too fast . he has also been sentenced to daily fines for crimes against offficials in 2o21 and money laundering crmes in 2020
30 year old man . convicted las december of drug offenses and received a suspended dentence as a punishment. he has previously been convictedo f several drug offenses and in 2016 he was sentenced to six months in prison .
17 year old boy. the 17 year old has figured as a perfomer for the skärholm falange. he is wanted and the police believe he is now being kept hiding .
he has been convicted of several minor drug offenses and was sentenced in 2021 youth care . according to the LVU investigation ,(LVU – Compulsory care of children and young people)
the 17 year old has a drug adiction .
according to the police he has been criminally active for a number of years and is suspected of , among other things , robbery , attempted theft, assault , damage and drug offences.
the 17 year old , who was 15 at the tme of the investigation, has also been observed by the police late att ight when hw was with criminals.
The Vårby network has been established for several years and was previously controlled by the now convicted Chihab Lamouri. The network has been involved in several bloody conflicts over the years. Several of the new phalanxes along the red line consist of members who were previously identified by the police as members of the Vårby network, according to Aftonbladet’s information.
25 year old male. Previously convicted for, among other things, drug offenses and drunk driving.
19 year old male. Convicted of serious weapons offence.
26-year-old man. Previously convicted for, among other things, weapons offenses and several drug offences.
21 year old male. Previously convicted for, among other things, drug offences.
26-year-old man. Crimes against the Weapons Act are among the crimes the man has been convicted of in the past
28-year-old man. Previously convicted for, among other things, aggravated assault and kidnapping.
22-year-old male. Previously convicted of robbery and drug possession.
21 year old male. Has previously been convicted of drug offences.
21 year old male. Previously convicted for, among other things, drug offences.
The members of the phalanx are often seen moving with the Wasabi network in Alby, but the police assess that the phalanx is greatly weakened as several members are in custody, according to Aftonbladet’s information. They are in conflict with the phalanx from Skärholmen and the Vårby network.

Network Wasabi
In 2023, the police called in a number of people who they believed constituted a new network – network Wasabi, according to Aftonbladet’s information. The network is considered to cooperate with the Vårbergsphalangen and is mainly based in Alby.