Warning: Graphic content, readers’ discretion advised. This story contains a recollection of crime and can be triggering to some readers discretion advised.

For years, the case would go unsolved, while Margaret battled to piece together the clues to his death. Using every ounce of time, effort and money she had, her life became consumed in trying to figure out who had killed her son. Evelyn Bohol, Steve’s wife, find herself at the very heart of these investigations.

On a hot night in 2002, a murder took place in this philippines apartment.

The victim was a british businessman, his death would transform the life of his mother.

This is the women Margaret   believes  murder her son. she’s Steven’s widow Evelyn and is on trial in Manila, she always protested her innocence.but her mother in law has spent two yeas fighting to get her in the dock.

Steven grew up with two younger sisters in Nottingham, things changed when his dad died. Steven was just 14.

while Steven was getting his first job,working in computers in nottingham his future bride evelyn on the other side of the world.

Daram samar  is a remote island in the philippines , you can only reach it  by boat, there is no running water , electricity or sanitation .

When Steven was 21  ,he was offered an exciting job abroad, a computer comapny promised to triple his salary if he left Nottingham to work in Hong Kong.

Steven took up a new hobby, he joined the flying clug in angely city in  the philippines just two hours from hong kong.

I’s where many professionals come to party ,he found himself surrounded by pretty women.

Like stephen Evelyn decided to leave home for new opportunities but she was only 13.

It’s a two-day journey by boat and bus to angeles city,  where many young girls like Evelyn come for work.

Angeles is known as the  sex capital of the philippines. the bars here are the best opportunity  for girls  from the villages to earn money to send back to their families.

Evelyn was one of the lucky ones

Her dream of being rescued by a rich man was about to come true.

Steven fell for Everlyn the moment he saw her,he took her out for the night then paid the bar owner 500 pounds so she’d never have to return.

Evelyn davis is on trial in the philippines for murdering her british husband Steven . she claims she is innocent.

It was on a visit  to hong kong that Margret met her son’s new girlfriend for the first  time. Evelyn was just 17.Steven was 10 years older.

Steven arranged a special suprise for them.

The ceremony was held up because Evelyn couldn’t read  the vows. she never been to school.

Margaret and Alan were flattered to be invited on Steven and Evelyn  honeymoon.

They went to a tropical island of puerto galera. Margaret was worried by what she saw.Steven would try to hold evelyn’s but she put  her shoulder away. little things  moms notice sometimes  margaret said.

And  according to Evelyn  steven had told her that his mother doesn’t want evelyn to get married with  him.but  steven told his mother  that he loved evelyn   and she’s the one she’s gonna be mother of my kids.

Steven’s hope came true.first jessica was born.

Then two years later joshua.

the  family moved from hong kong to angeles city.it’s where Evelyn  had worked as a bar girl.

Now she was in a different world .they rented a house  in the most expensive neighborhood. Steven was earning 60 .000 pounds a  year as computer technician, he gave Evelyn a monthly allowance of a thousand pounds.

It wasn’t just  evelyn’s life that was transformed life on  the island changed dramatically for her parents too. Steven was sending them large amounts of money enough to buy a fishing  boat and to build the only brick house in the village.

He paid their ares to visit him and Evelyn in their new home.

When  they’d gone  pillows would  have gone missing,or the rise maker, anything they could come and carry away ,  like water filter and Evelyn would feel it was okay  because she’d just  say to stephen  “we go by some more”.

Margaret and Alan also visited at least once a year.

They always took their video camera nad they and they notice their  daughter in law  was acting suspiciously. whenever they saw her  she was text messaging, communicating with someone.  you could hear a giggle and a laugh.

Margaret and Alan weren’t the only ones who suspected  evelyn was having an affair.

Her sister Gina had moved into work as a nanny to the children,she confronted evelyn about the rumors.she finally admitted that it was true that  she did have a lover and she told Gina that Sreven and  evelyn were having problems.

The man in question, was a local security guard earning a thousand pounds a year, that was the same as evelyn’s  monthly allowance.

his name  was Arnold adorai.

Steven was becoming increasingly suspicious about his wife’s behavior,money was going missing.

he’s given Evelyn the  fees for Jessica to go to aprivate nursery school.

One day  he decided to take his  daughter there himself.

he was  really  embarrassed because  Jessica wasn’t even enrolled and Evelyn had even pawned her wedding ring.

Evelyn  was actually buying things  for her  boyfriend and she used the rent money  to by a motorbike for him.

Steven too started to spend time  away from his family with his  single friends, they went out to  the bars and clubs he used to go to before he was married.

Stven told Evelyn he was away on buisness, in fact he was staying at Mike’s  house where they brought girls back to party, this was  the last home video Stephen recorde weeks before his murder.

 Steven still wanted his marriage to work ,he gave  Evelyn an ultimatum.she had to give  the missing money back and get a job  or  go to  college, but  nothing changed,so he thtreatened her with divorce.

She was face going back to being a prostitute in a bar, she would be exactly back where she was five years before selling herself to strangers or living in poverty and back in their province after having been the queen.

Steven decided to stop Evelyn’s allowance, now she was no longer able to support the large network of family and friends that had come to  depend on her.

On  july the 18th  2002, Margaret got the news that  every mother  dreads.

Margaret Davis, found out that her son had been killed when she received a phone call from her son’s business partner mike.

That night Steven and Mike had been staying in Manila in their business apartment.

Mike woke up when three men broke in, one held a gun to his head and said ” is this him?” when he was told no he went into the room where stephen  was sleeping. at that point ,mike heard a yell and thtee or four shots,then he heard a running down the stairs.

Mike  went  to stephen’s room and saw him lying there and felt  for a pulse, there was non .he went  downstairs and went to the neighbors and called the police.

And he just  said loud to one of the neighbors that f**** killed him. and he meant Evelyn.

There was no evidence to link it to Evelyn,It was ure suspicion when Margaret said to Mike it was a good reaction:

  ” has it  got anything to do with evelyn?”

Alan,couldn’t see it,he knew she was arrogant and ignorant and all the other things they’d learned her to be but a murdere?

alan couldn’t see it.

As soon as Margaret learnt of her son  Steven murder  she flew to the philippines.

At the funural parlor , she thought her  widow Evelyn was acting suspiciously

Evelyn was sat to the left as Margaret and Allan  walked in and she didn’t get up and Margret and Allan went towards stephen’s coffin.

Evelyn never came to them and Evelyn didn’t seemed upset ,They never saw a tear from that girl’s eyes.

but she asked for Mike. and that was before Margaret  and Alan adressed that Steven was lying there dead infront of them.

The police investigatin was moving very slowly, their first theory was that someone connected with Steven’s company might have  killed him.

Margaret took things into her own hands.she wasn’t going to return to UK until  she had got the truth about stephens murder.

Margaret hired her own private investigtor a former policeman ,who doesn’t want to be identified.

Margaret’s investigtor carried out  24 -hours surveillance on evelyn, there were two men who paid regular visits to her home.

One was evelyn’s lover the other his friend and another security man. Margret passed this on to the police, who called both men in.

Mike was able to identify them as two of the three.

Who broke into his  flat on the night of the murder.

They were both arrested ,but margaret’s camapig to hunt down  stephen’s killers was putting   her and Alan’s lives at risk.

she was warned that they were in danger, friends of the accused knew who they were .

After two months it was time to go home.but Margaret wasn’t going to leave the philippines without something of stephens

His children .

Margaret wanted to take jessica and joshua  home to live with her and alan.

Margaret persuade evelyn to let jessica stay with her for the weekend.

A few days later she left phillippines for england with her three year old granddaughter. she hadn’t been able to find her grandson.

Next on Margaret’s list was  her grandson,joshua was staying with evelyn’s parents.

Margaret sent her investigator to the island with an offer of 200 pounds to hand him over.

Two months after she fled  the phillipines Margaret was reunited with her grandson at Heathrow airport.

Evelyn has  not seen her children now for  two years,they’re Living with Margaret and Alan.

Even though Margaret was on the other side of the wordl she was determined to  prove her daughter in law’s  guilt, for two years she worked every single day and ofthen throughout the night to getting evidence

It was a costly  business, she even had to pay the police’s petrol money to interview  witnesses. alltogether she spent 55 .000 pounds.

It was evelyn’s relatives that gave Margaret the  breakthrough she needed

The family held the key to what happened to Steven that night and this man was to provide the crucial  evidence.

he’s Robin butus ,Evelyn’s brother in law  and Gina’s husband.

He’d been acting suspicious since the killing when the police tried to question him he went  into hiding.

Evelyn’s aunts knew where he was and margaret persuaded them  to turn him in.


At last the truth was out.

Robin told the police that evelyn’s lover, the friend and  evelyn  then drow to the flat where mike and stephen was staying.

The thre men gotout of the car and went upstairs, evelyn’s lover was the one who fired the gun two shots , then two more.evelyn sat in the car to act as  lookout.

Evelyn told everybody that stephen was a millionair and she would get all steven’s money when stephen was dead.

Robins confession meant that Evelyn’s lover and his complice were convicted of murder, they are both serving life  sentences

Robin was set free in return  for providing evidence.

In february 2004 , evelyn was arrested and charged ,even though  she didn’t fire the gun herself she can still be found guilty of murder

The judge will decide if she planned Steven’s death with her lover.

Evelyn denies  everything but there is  strong evidence against her, the men had a key to get into the apartment ,on the night of the murder, Evelyn  claimed she was a sleep at home .

Yet a  neighbor saw  hercome back in the early hours of the morning, there are 14 people giving evidence  against  Evelyn but there is not a single witness to support her version of events.

Evelyn’s been  in jail for seven months ,the only  visitor she’s had is her father, the rest of her families turned against her and they have given evidence that they heard her and her lover planning to murder stpehen for his money.

In six weeks time the  judge will announce his vedict, the penalty for murder in the philippines isa life sentence or even execution by hanging.

Margaret’s goal is in sight ,the judge is  about to pronounce his verdict on evelyn and margaretis  determined to be there.

Evelyn is about to find out if she will be set free or convicted of murdering her husband.

Steven’s mother Margaret and her partner  Alan have  waited two and a half years for this.

With no family or friends to support Evelyn , the only person for her to talk to is  her lawer.

Evelyn has been spared the death penalty but she got the maximum life sentence that means 

40 years in prison with no possibility  of an early release .


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