Warning: Graphic content, readers’ discretion advised. This story contains a recollection of crime and can be triggering to some readers discretion advised.
Andrew Chan and Myuran Sukumaran were arrested for attempting to smuggle heroin out of Bali in 2005, and were sentenced to die. 5 years later, and Chan and Sukumaran have transformed. “One of the really frustrating… things about this case is that they have become valuable assets for the Indonesian community – they help Indonesians in prison become better people,” their lawyer Julian McMahon tells Dateline. Now, they look to appeal against their death sentences, to continue the work they have started in prison. Chan is a pastor, Sukumaran months from completing his degree. Their lives changed after the realization that “one day I won’t get up” and now they “cherish life a lot more than what I did”. Sukumaran admits he was stupid but “never thought of myself as a bad person”.
Myuran Sukumaran and andrew chan forcast as the ringleaders.Myuran was dubbed the kingpin and andrew the mastermind.
they were pretty unimpressive ,they were typical young offenders. they had lawyers then he said 10 years maximun.
Sukumaran has lost his bid for presidential clemensi…
…supreme court rejected his final appeal…
.. sentence to death by firing squad for his role in attempting to traffic heroin from bali to australia in 2005…
… all legal appeals against his death sentence have failed…
… put to death in the next round of executions…
… the clock i ticking and it’s pretty close to midnight and we’re in a very bad situation.
2010 was the first time anyone had been promission to bring a camera in to prison. ‘to film their story.
australia look at this as a death penalty issue which it is.Indonesia been seen as a drugs issue
australians have to understand the difficulties indonesia is facing, because of the drug problem. it’s huge. the effects are far worse than those of terrorism.
most of the drugs consumed in indonesia and manifactured in indonesia julian mcmahon’s client’s were attempting to export drugs out of indionesia
the kind of people mr mcmahon’s client represented ,even on the worst day are really peripheral to the essential problems that the indionesians are facing but no one is talking about it in indonesia .
there was a change of government a change of president last year and president widodo has made it clear that the drug trade in indionesia is a national crisis in his words and that he intend to take a very hard hard line
in december he said ” i’m gonna have 64 people ond eath row for drug offences, all of them executed.
” as soon as they got to my desk i said.i won’t be handling out any pardons for drug cases.”
Indonesia has executed about 30 people in perhaps 20 years. it’s not a country which executes much at all.
under the frmer president there were no executions between 2008 and 2013
not only they resumed executions that they are actually saying the’re wanna go back to a mass killing. there’s no other way to put it , five people a month, 58 by the end of the year.
that would be a complete transformation of indonesia’s practice in the past and would move it away from what seemed to have been a slow possible path toward abolition
to bring in the brackets of the top executors in the world.
in the last two weeks a number of constitutional court judges who sat on the death penalty case in 2007 examing the law concerning this issue.
mcmahon said that our clients should not be executed. because of the time of the rehabilitation.
because of the time that has passed. because of the rehabilitation ,because of the justice of his case death.
the final decision rejected it.it considered the death penalty to be constitutional
jimly fight a decisive role in the tiny death penalty but he was also responsible but he pwas also responsible for inserting a particular phrase that the government should grant clemeny for prisoners who after ten years show reform.
today jimly is now with lecture in speaking out and other judges are joining their ranks.
the death penalty , in jimly’opinion and that of he’s two colleagues, is no longer in line with developlemnts in standard of universal humanism.
Sukumaran at some point was being caled a kingpin in the media amd s pwhem he began making t-shirts
kingpin or kingpin closthing.that’s what they call Sukumaran.
andrew was the godfather and Sukumaran was the kingpin.
you ‘ve got to have sense of humor when you stuck on a maximum security deathrow year after year waiting to be executed. you either sink or you swim.
on of the really frustrating and stupid thing about this cawses isthatr they have bcome valuable for the indonesian community.they help indonesians in prison become better people,the idea of killing tow young men who do thar in and day out is just rediculus.
painted by Sukumaran ” the bali 9″
michael said emotinally it’s been a big roller coaster away from what we do wrong as a family or what mom and dad did wrong.bringing him up.
” i…apologise to the indonesian people, i also apologise to myfamily, if i am pardoned.. i hope that one day i will be able to have my own family ,and work as a pastor so that i can give guidance to young people,i can stillcontribute a great deal during the rest of my life.”
” concerning myuran’s contribution,i strongley believe, as the prison governor, that it has had a very great infuence. if the death penalty is upheld and he is executed, for me personally . that would be a shame.my spirit says ” can’t he be pardoned?”
that was a very gutsy thing to do , he was fighthing his employer. his employer is the study of indonesia, the study in indonesia was corss -examining him and he was saying i’m here to tell the truth in full unfiorm.
convicted drug traffickers andrew chan and myuran sukumaran can only have their lives saved by presidental clemency , president joko widodo has just ordered that no effort be spared to secure he release of more than 200 indonesians on death row arond the world
but will not be moved on the executions of anderw and myuran
“i will not grant clemency in any case”
that mean the government is against the constitution, the president is not abov the the constitution.
politicizing executions and the death penalty or using haste and speed to get people executed is a sure sign that something is going on badly wrong and that there is another agenda here.
no country has more successfully or aggressively being able to save its own citizens from deathrow. they’ve saved nearyl 200 people in the last three and a half years and and they still gotabout another 200 on death row scattered around the world.
two austrilian convicts arriving on the prison Island of new Nusa Kambangan on wednesday ahead their execution by firing squad.
33 year old Myuran Sukumaran and 31 andrew chan has spent the past decade in a prison in bali for drug drog smuggling in indonesia.
in indonesia they were transported under heavy police and military guard from kara bokun prison, despite international criticism over the death penalty the armoured police vehicle they were traveling in was driven aboard a ferry in central java
for a 15 minute journey to the island.
michael chan andrews brother tried to visit the prison before the pre-dawn transfer ,he was seen at waliking with his brothers indonesian girlfriend who was in tears.
australian prime minister tony abbot sayd the government was revolted by the prospect of the two men being killed and was continuing to press indonesia for a stay of execution while its not clear when the executions will take place.
the authorities have to legally give the convicts 72 hours notice.
final goodbyes
brothers of andrew chan and myuran sukumuran who are saying their final goodbyes to the bali ringleaders on indonesia’s death island.
it looks inkreasingly likely the pair will face the firing squad on Tuesday night ,today the spoke of their final whishes before their deaths.
the journey to say farwell that they hoped they’d never have to make. andrew chan’s girlfriend , brother and mother leave their hotel
next onto a boat
an elderly and frail helen chan wipes away tears , the anguish etched on their faces
Myuran Sukumaran family’s bought as well and off they go to death island
” it did not have to be this way and it still doesn’t have to be this way.”
” andrew’s last wish would be one of his whishes would be to go to church with his family on these last few days
the families don’t know how many more times they will be making this painstaking trip
tuesday afternoon will mark 72 hours since they were given their execution notice and the bali 9 ring leaders could face the firing squad anytime after that.
there are signs they’ll be shot dead tueasday evening ,lawyers of other death row inmates claiming that’s the time, they’ve been given.
in recent days Sukumaran painted a series of haunting self -portraits as if he knew the end was near. one was titled ” a bad sleep last night”
then after formal notice came he sign another with the words” the 72 hours just started.”
Myuran Sukumaran has asked for his last request to be able to paint as long and as much as possible.
back in australia people are praying at the chuch where sukamaran attended youth group they want a miracle. a fading message of hope echoed by relatives now making the most of every moment that he left .
chan and sukumaran families can continues visit andrew and Myuran until they’ are executed once that notification is given and confirmed when the date they will be executed a local spirit leader will come and see both the pair and the other seven who will be executed
and then once we go off the last example of when there were exectuions they were taken out at midnight and shot dead by 12 members holding firearms. not all of them had live ammuniton but you could certaunly hear the sound of bullets as they were firing here on chili chap . the fate for andrew chan and Myuran Sukumaran may be decided as early as tomorrow.
the laterst information is that the confirmation has come through from the attorney general as well as the justice minister that andrew chan and Myuran Sukumaran and the other seven people on death row will face the firing squad just after midnight, this is the first time we’ve actually had that confirmation here on the fround .
vigils have been held across the country in the hope that the lives of andrew chan and Myuran Sukumaran will be spared . in sidney hundreds turned out at martin place calling for the executions not to go ahead.
people started arriving here at martin place after the sun went down . at one stage hundreds gathered around the candles reflecting on photos
and paintings of Myuran Sukumaran and andrew chan golding up hope ofa last minute reprive.
and at the indonesian consulate in melbourn supporters have turned out to hold a small vigil for andrew chan and Myuran Sukumaran .
as the hours draw near to the scheduled executions fot the Bali 9 duo andrew chan and Myuran Sukumaran. now people here in melburne ,they’ve not only been here at the indonesian consulate but they’ve also been across town in richmond at st ignacious church where a vigil is been beld for the past 8 veeks.
indonesian television reports that all the condemned are at the places where they will die at the execution site. and it’s a remarkarbly tense tense time right now.the emotion in the air and how the looks on people’s faces ‘ absolutely harrowing.
pictures of those crosses being prepared with their names on them and with the dates of the executions on .
the coffins being prepared as wel and pictures have been streamed worldwilde
families of andrew chan and myuran sukumaran are together in cilacap waiting for the word on executions
Andrew Chan and Myuran Sukumaran were tied to crosses with cable ties and refused blindfolds before they were shot
Andrew Chan and Myuran Sukumaran were killed shortly after midnight, They were shot dead by firing squads on prison island Nusakambangan .Ambulances carrying the corpses were transported from prison island.The men’s bodies arrived in Jarkarta after a 10-hour journey from Cilacap .
Officials ignored agonised pleas for clemency from the prisoners’ families.All eight death row prisoners refused to wear blindfolds as they were killed .Death penalty protesters sung Hallelujah and Amazing Grace.Relatives of some prisoners heard the shots ringing out
Journalists photograph the passing ambulance in Jarkarta transporting the body of executed Australian drug smuggler Andrew Chan on Wednesday
A police escort leads the way as an ambulance carrying Myuran Sukumaran’s body, followed by a second ambulance carrying Chan’s, arrive in Jakarta
An Indonesian policeman on Wednesday checks the ambulance carrying Sukumaran’s body in Jakarta as the ambulance carrying the body of Chan follows closely behind
Police and the public look on as the ambulances carrying Sukumaran and Chan’s bodies drives by
The ambulance carrying the body of the executed Sukumaran arrives in Jarkarta after making the 10-hour journey from Cilacap on Wednesday afternoon
Indonesian policemen stand guard as they prepare to receive the bodies of the two executed Australians
Andrew Chan smiles as he places a ring on his bride Febyanti Herewila’s finger, fulfilling one of his final wishes at their prison wedding on Nusakambangan island on Sunday
Rest in peace: Reformed drug smugglers Andrew Chan (left) and Myuran Sukumaran (right) were put to death at 3:25am Australian Eastern Standard Time on Wednesday morning
An ambulance brings another body ashore from Nusakambangan island to the mainland at Cilacap port, where the bodies of with executed prisoners were being processed for their return home via a flight out of Jakarta late this week, or cremation in Indonesia
Sad cargo: The ambulance carrying Myuran Sukumaran’s remains (pictured) returns from Nusakambangan island at 5am Indonesian time and drives onto the dock of the mainland at Cilacap port following the execution of nine male drug smugglers
The specially ordered white satin coffins had pillows and coverlets as well as cross-shaped screws and were ordered months before the executions from the regional city of Yogyakarta and taken by road to Cilacap where they were used on Wednesday morning (pictured) for the executed drug dealers

Veloso is one of three “Bali Nine” inmates Mary Jane Veloso was spared the firing squad