Warning: Graphic content, readers’ discretion advised. This article contains a recollection of crime and can be triggering to some readers discretion advised.

They were fooball royality in Deerfield  Illinois ,

Rhoni Reuter is pictured with former Chicago Bears safety Shaun Gayle.


Shaun  the much adored  chigaco bear.

Shaun Gayle



Det. G. Filenko : anybody who´s associated wih their team is a local herot.


And  rhoni  Reuter  stunning brunette working her way up in the fashion field.


Det. G. Filenko : Rohni would  light up a room when she walked in.people instantly liked her .


Retired Detective  George  Filenko   says the  they too  met  at a Bears  training camp near Rohni´s hometown in Wisconsin


Det. G. Filenko : i believe her and shaun began engaging in conversation there and now was the beginning of the relationship.


For  nearly two decades Rohni and shaun are bilssfully inseparable ,traveliing the globe.

then new  that blindsides the couple last  41 rohni  discover shes pregnant


The older mom takes  every safety precaution, she even wears a pearl MedicalAlert bracelet,that way if anything happens  to her  doctors would  know to save baby skyler.


Det. G. Filenko :she wore the bracelet  all the time ,never took it of.


Initially the football star doesn´t seem as thrilled about   becoming  a dad   ,but over   time  state attorney Ari fitz  says  shaun tells friends he+s wamed  up to the  idea 




Ari Fisz: the books was actually found  at his home regarding being a father .


On the morning of october 4th. with just little  more than  a month away from delivering her miracl baby rohnie heads off to work, but when she opens her front door a nightmare is there to greet her  with  a loaded gun.

Rhonie´s neighbor tells the operator she heard seven to eight shots followed  by a loud thud.


Det. G. Filenko :she described hearing a  pop ,pop


and she told detectives the shots sounded strangely muffled

Ari Fisz: she had recently seen a movie where there was a gun thar was fired using silencer and  and she said that s´s what it sounded like.


when police arrived thet find  the pregnant mother dead  on the kitchen  floor. witha sonogram hanging over her head on the refrigerator



Det. G. Filenko : The door partially open ,they walk in the  first  thing   they see is Rohni laying on  the kitchen  floor. it was pretty clear that something  had happened.



Ari Fisz: police and  responded right away but it was very obviouse there was nothing they could do for  rohnie ir her child.


Det. G. Filenko :this was  targeted. no,way  that we ever suspect this was random .



the police assumed   rohnie was the  target  until the get a closer look.


Det. G. Filenko : ther   first shot apperad to be taget  right at her stomach .


Police say  dsuring rohnies last breath  she cradled her unborn babygirl trying to protect skyler from tha hail of bullets. but she couldn´t  save the baby and  the final bullet  would make  sure that rohnie wouldn´t survive. etiher .


Det. G. Filenko :the  final wounds .  sort of was a  Kudegra, very cold  blooded ,was a shot to the head to the back of the head ,almost like an assassination type of final ending. 


and the shot to the baby? could that be the motive?


Det. G. Filenko : we didn´t know what the motive was 


Cops  say there was  no forced entry into her apartment or fingerprints. just some  unspent 

9-millimeter shell  casing scattered   haphazardly around  rohnies body.



Det. G. Filenko :normaly in case lilke that…umh. the guns jamming for some reason.


police tracked  down a  neighbor  who reported  seeing a  dark -skinned male running from the scene.



Ari Fisz: one of the  witnesses indicated that the person they saw walking away was a short thin african -american looking person in apperance with dark curly hair.


Another witness tells cops they remember a black car speeding away .


Ari Fisz: that´s was the information from the witnesses.


News of  a possible killer on the loose rocks the city .


Ari Fisz:  nothing  bad never happens in Deerfield so  word of the shoting spread quickly.


Across town  shaun gets a call from a local reporter telling him a pregnant  lady had just been shot in rohnies neighborhood.



Det. G. Filenko :he was very upset on the phone, you could barely make out what he was saying.


while many rushed to console the grieving  shaun ,Deerfield police weren´t bying  his tears.


Det. G. Filenko :initially shaun was considered a  person of interest almost immediately



Shaun tells  police he had nothing to do with Rhoni´s murder.


Ari Fisz: he was getting his hear cut in North Chicago.


What about  that eyewitnesses description of the slim african-american man spotted fleeing the scene?


Ari Fisz: like he is a former professional footbal player.so he was a bigger guy and the physical building didnt match at all .


 Still cops  couldn´t rule out the  possibility shaun had an accomplice or hired a hitman .



Det. G. Filenko :unfortunately supect number one is gonna  be the other half.


The big question  cops  couldn´t answer ,why would shaun want to kill rhonie and his  unborn baby girl?


Det. G. Filenko : we still didn´t know the whole story.so we we´re still  trying to piece things together , but shaun was still a primary person of  interest .


Then investigators stumble a  bizzare letter inside  Rhonie´s  purse ,written in broken english



Det. G. Filenko : it was a letter  drafted to a number of women, i believe there may have been 15,16 17 women in  this letter  including  Rhonie.


cops soon discover the women on the list had one thing in common, they were all sleeping with Shaun gayle.


Cops in Deerfield  Illinois  are staring at a possible  motive for rhonie reuters murder.

17 of them in fact all here  in a bizarre letter found near rhonie´s body. the letter written in broken  english lists the names of 17 vomen and  their phone numbers all of them girlfriend´s or lovers of the father of  Rhonie´s  baby. former chicago bear shaune gale .


Det. G. Filenko : it basically was very blunt, he´s having relationships with all these women ,he´s out there playing all of you. 


Rhoni and Shaun appeared  tobe the picture  -perfect couple.


retired detective  Det.G.Filenko  quickly learne their privat  life was complicated and extremely  crowded


Det. G. Filenko : the best way to describe it  was  an open relationship  on Shaun´s part.


When cops question Shaun about the letter  his says Rhonie knew  he was seeing other women but detectives were hearing  a very different story.



Det. G. Filenko :from the indications we got from some of  Rhonie´s friends , she wasn´t exactly  100% bought into that  . they were all ongoing.


At first cops wonder if Rhonie confronted shaun about about the other women and he he snapped or if one of the 17 players on shaun´s  sex team didn´t  want the baby  to take the  football grade out of the game.


Det. G. Filenko :everybody was working  bits and  pieces of this  trying to come up with all sorts of theories.


as cops was zeroing as their prime suspect, something unexpected  happens. shaun handed  the Deerfield police  his  own number one – suspect.


Ari Fisz: one of the first people that he mentioned to the police as  possible suspect was Monica  kurowska .


 Monica kurowska  a beautiful fitness model an personal trainer hwho happened  to be the first name on te list . shawn had  been sseeing  the polish bombshell for a few years but their relationship had recently ended. badly.very badly.


Det. G. Filenko :apparently Monica thought that  the relationship was  monogamous ,she tunrs up at Shaun´s  house  unexpectedly one evening looks  through the window and   sees  shaun with another women.


Shaun says  monica became violent,busted out a window at his home and then began leaving threatening phone messages. he even suspected monica  had somehow hacked to his email account


Det. G. Filenko :it finally  got to the point where he  felt that she was stalking him.


The tough football player  was so terrified that just days before Rhoni was murdered he had filed a restraining order against monica. Shaun tells cops he also believes monica a poilsh immigrant is the one  who wrote the letters.


Ari Fisz: there was broken english in the way that the letters  were written and monica was from poland and  spoken broken english.


But monica denies sending the letters and tells  police she was wit a client at the exact  time  rhoni and her unborn baby were gunned down. 


Ari Fisz: she couldn not have done it.


 The investigation continued . all  eyes shift`s back to shaun gayle.


Three weeks after Rhoni  vicious murder ,cops seized shaun´s   computer and  find something that sets of warning bells. shaun had a cyber stalker ,someone had ghosted his hard drive and  had been controlling his  computer remotely trackingthe former  football player shaun´s  every  move and  they´ve been doing it for nearly two years.


Det. G. Filenko : emails ,names, adresses,personal information like that. so they access everything.


cops say it certainly  wasn´t monica,so then who?


Det. G. Filenko :we were starting geting frustrated .this are   the cases  that they´re tough but you just don´t  give up.


The detectives go back to that lineup of the 17 and then a retired cop blows the whistle on one of them .



Det. G. Filenko : they said if anybody´s done  it´s marni yang. 


 Turns out Marni yang is number 15 on that list  from Rhoni´s purse.


Len Dorman:two things drove her ,getting  attention.and  sex.


One by one police in  Deerfield Illinois have been checking off the  17 names on that bizzare letter found found at the murder scene. then detectives hit nunber  15.


Marni Yang was one on of the several women sleeping  with Rhoni´s longtime  love. shaun 


Ari Fisz: i think it was somewhere  betweena  around  17 or 18   other women.


but  shaun wasn´t marni yangs only lover either. one chicago cop who had sex  with marni yang told detective

,they should pay a lot of attention to her while investigating Rhoni´s murder.


Det. G. Filenko : he ha a relationship with he and he had broken it off. it didn´t  go well. marni threatened him ,threatened his family .


The officers says she even tried to blackmail him when he treathened to break up with her.

 shaun moved his family . out of sight ,out of the state.


Det. G. Filenko : he was  worried  enough  . he was close to retirement. he put in his paper  and moved his entire family .out of town , and out of sight . they moved out of state .


Cops were intrigued , now they  wanted to  know all they can about marni yang.

yang a mother of  three  dabbled  in real estate  had a side gig as a fitnes model and a xecret reputation as maneater.  sexually predatorial.




Len Dorman  was marni yangs  photographer and  friend. Len says yang bragged about  her relationship with shaun but he says marni was obsessed with dating cops  and often showed up to station to study  how they investigated crimes.


Len Dorman: she has had lessons from other chicago police officer on how to shoot a gun and how to cover up a crime.


searching  for clues ,derrfield detectives head to marni yangs condo. and dive first into her garbage.



Det. G. Filenko : this is very very fundamental police work is dumpster  diving. once somebody by law pushes their garbage out onto  the  public . it´s open  game.


Ari Fisz: they would  drive over there they would empty  her  trash cans into a van,  drive away   bring it back to the police departement  and look  through her trash.


And in the trash they find what they think is a treasure of  evidence


Det. G. Filenko : they recovered som  receipts that were extremely interesting.


The first receipt is to a very specific online bookstore.


Det. G. Filenko : we tracked the order and  it was for a book on how to build  silencers .



Det. G. Filenko : then  there was another receipt from a local home depot  and that receipt  actually listed out th e items . we looked  through the books , the  items and   in most of  the homemade silencer fit the  items on the home depot receipt . we   verified  that  it was her  making an purchase through a video ,additionally we saw her purchasing a bucket and  quick drying  cement.


detectives  take  in  marni yang in for questioning.


 Marni claims the book a gag gift for a cop she was  dating but how would she explain bying  all the materials needed to build a  silencer.

what about  that bucket and bag of concrete she´s seen  buying here on a store surveillance camera. 

yang tells  detecrive it was just for the tile in the basement. she bougt   the gallon bucket and concret mix .but investigators thought it was for a “whack job” but there was something that didn´t  klick according  to the investigators.

here´s  the problem . yang also  has an alibi. she said that the car broke down and  she needed   help.


Det. G. Filenko : she said  that the battery was dead. she called a friend of hers. who was a cook  county bailiff a court  officer  who was constantly there to help 


 yang claimes   without a  car she was stuck at home at the exact time Rhoni  was murdered.but  before yang leaves she tops this ,telling detectives she believe someone  may actually be stalking  her .  at this point police are officially stumped


Len Dorman: everybody had an alibi  and they didn´t know who ,so yeah. that added  the mystery as to hwo did this heinous crime. nobody knew and it almost just  completely faded from the headlines  as  an  unsolved case.


Then  a possible break.police locate  surveillance images of a dark -colored car leaving the secene of the murder.


That black  volkswagen  leads police to a car rental company.

Deerfield  Illinois police believe the person behind the wheel of thar black volkswagen  unloaded a 9- millimeter semi-atomatic  beretta into Rhoni reuter.killing rhoni and shaun gayles  unborn baby girl , skyler.


Det. G. Filenko : you ´ve got a double homicide here.it doesn´t get any worse than this.


The car caught on surveillance cameras doesn´t match shaun´s  vehicle or any of the 17 current or former lovers  of  the football player .but a detective working the case has a hunch.


Det. G. Filenko : he sat  down and opened up a beer and just started  putting relational names  into this dastabase.


then he checks to see  if any of them had rented  a  car recently . he strikes gold.


Ari Fisz: he told me  that  he almost fell off  his  chair. when the rental history popped up and  he saw that marni yang herself.rented a vechicle. 



A local rental company comfirms that marni yang  rented a black volkswagen the day before rhoni´ was gunned down.

it was  just like the one  on the surveillance images   caught leaving the scene of the murder.

 and the rental agent remembers  yang was  very  selective about the car. she wanted.


Det. G. Filenko : the first  vehicle shegot was a very descriptive vheicle and   had this really wild blue color  to to it. she brout it right  back and  said i want a   dark -colored  vehicle   that´s very plain looking.


but here´s the stange  part . the rental compan says they didn´t delivered t thecar to yang´s adress.



Det. G. Filenko : the adress that she used was christi paschen



Ari Fisz: christi  paschen was marni yang´s best friend.


adding to  cop suspicion , the milage when yang returned the rental car.


Ari Fisz:there were  40 miles that were on the vechiclethat marni had rented and returned. when the police measured the distance from the  rental car place to christi paschen home and  then from christi´s home to the Deerfield home of the victim Rhoni reuter and then back to christi paschen´s home and back to the rental car company.it was exactly 40 miles.


 then discover yang had a twisted obsession with shaun gayle, she was th one who had been cybers stalking the  football  champ for the past wo years.

so how did  marni gain acess to shaun´s email account ?


Det. G. Filenko : the theory is that, while she was over shaun´s house  she ghosted or copied the  hard drive of the computer and


And the night before Rhoni and her unborn  baby  were killed yang and gayle had a wild nighy of   sex.


yang was  so fixated  detectives claims she paid for detailed  background checks  on the other women in shaun´s life  . and she tracked one  womens home adress,that women Rhoni reuter.


Now  cops have some tough questions for the women who seems to have an answer for everything.



Yang , a mother of three   says s she wanted to make sure that shaun wasn´t dating anyone  waco.

police had  also been tipped of by one of yangs cop boyfriends,  she´s a gun enthsiast.

Yang admits she had a nine-millimeter beretta  the same caliber used to kill Rhoni and her unborn baby .but but yang tells cops  it had recently been stolen from her condo.

what about the black rental car she  rented and had delivered to her best friend christi paschen.

simple ,  yang tells cops  paschen  didn´t have a credit card and she was  just helping her out .

but christi paschen doesn´ sound  very appreciative on this  secretly recorded phone call with marni yang.


 christi: ” they looked at me and they went , so why was a rental car delivered, your adress that was seen around the crime scene.



Cops found out  christi pashen is a telemarketer and tap into her phone line , now their ears are burning.


christi:” don´t **** remember  where  the **** i was ,marni.”

marni:” wait , what are you talking about ?when?

christi: ” the night of the….”

marni :“oh”

christi:” the night befor that stupid murder”


marni  yang is  trying to calm down her best friend christi paschen ,but cops have called  christi and she´s freaked  out.


christi:“well, yeas  i´m flipping out ,i´ve been **** flipping out all **** week”


ever since  cops first contacted christi to find out  what she knows about the murder of  Rhoni reuter.now they want her to come down to the station .


chirsti:” i´m  in too much **** as it stands.i´ve got to go.

marni: ” i  don´t think it´s a god idea.”


Cops suspect yang is behind   the murder of Rhoni reuter. and her unborn baby . the motive  she  wanted Rhoni´s longtime former footballplayer shaun  gayle for herself.now yang is trying to coach christi to stick to the game plan.


christi : i think i remember everything.”

marni :” they are going to come  up with all kinds of  phony ******.”

chirsti: “what ever , i´m just going to go over and get this the***** over with.”




After  christi´s grilled by detectives she   calls back  this time she´s the calm one.

chirsti: i´mean i went over  everything with hem ,i could remember but  ther are like on and on  about the car.


Telling yang she  thinks  she actually shook cops  off  their tail.


christi: ” told them i didn´t  know what they were talking about , i have no fricking clue. so , finally they just let me go.”


but now christi got a secret.she spilled her guts to investigators.


Det. G. Filenko :i think even christi began to understand that  she was either going to be a  great witness or possible a co-conspirator.


christie confess   that marni  had been talking about getting rid of   Rhoni for quite sometime.


Ari Fisz:she told the police that she tried to talk marni out of doing it and marni if she  did commit  the murder she would  call  christi at work next morning and  ask her to dinner and that was the code that they use .


the next morning christi paschen got this call .


christi:“christi pascen ,how can i help you?

marni:“do you want to go to dinner?”

christi: ” okej”.


During the interrogation christi tells the  detectives that yang was obsessed with the football star  and when she found out. shaun´s girlfriend Rhoni   was pregnant yang spiraled into a jealous rage fearing the baby would s sideline her relationship 



Ari Fisz: we believe that was the moment that she decided to kill Rhoni and   she put a very carefully executed plan in place .


Yang put her evil plan in motion on  the morning october 4th, she covered  her face with dark makeup and her long hair with an afro wig ,then yang attached her  homemade silencer to her nine millimeter beretta  drove over to Rhoni´s condo in the black  rental car and opened fire.


Ari Fisz: this was the moste premeditated and carefully executed crime i´ve ever seen .


chrisis confesses after the murder  she  drove yang all over town  to dump the evidence at one point yang told christi to pull over and stop behind a banwuet  hall .


Ari Fisz: marni got out of the car , open the trunk  took out a little handheld shovel , had something in  her other hand , walked away from the  vechicle and buried something in the ground.


now more than  a year after  Rhoni´s  murder  christi leads police back to that spot .



Det. G. Filenko :our evidence techicians came out  with a metal  detector , i think were were expecting  to find a gun. they  dig this up and they find this bracelet.


it´s that medical alert pregancy  brecelet Rhoni never  took of.



Det. G. Filenko: that´s  was  a huge discovery because now we got  physical evidence linking marni  to the crime scene.


To save her own skin christi agrees  to go undercover for the lake county major crime task force


Ari Fisz:christi agreed to wear a body wire and  have a conversation with marni and record the  conversation.


They  set up a meeting at  Denny´s and cops are  listening in as marni yang dishes her own dirt.



but as christi is  walking in  disaster.christi´s wire comes undone.christi tucks in the wire but she knows yangs savvy and if she´s suspecious  she wont talk.


christi:” so of  course i´m going to finally ask the question .****   told you i  never ever wanted to know .when you hid the gun, did you hid it reall well?

marni:“it´s gone.”


marni tells  christi she buried the gun in a bucket of cement. then trew it in a dumpster.


marni:“it´s uinder tons and tons  and tons of chicago  trash.it´s gone.


christi´s clear that  marni never  suspects  her best friend just  served her up to the cops .but without  the gun cops  still don´t have  what they  need to nail marni yang forfirst -degree murder

detectives  asked christi tomeet yang one more time at that Denny´s and tihs time marni yang cooks her own goose.



christi: ” i really did not believe you would do it .

marni: i” i didn´t believe  i  would either


Ari Fisz:it´ss very sad.i mean  she talks about  how she waited outside of Rhoni´s apartement and she hid behind  the alcove  ,waiting to hear the sound of the door opening and Rhoni leaving.


christi: “what did you see?


marni:“it was so dark i wasn´t  even positive that  i was making straight shots.and , she started screaming  a nd i took the first shot”


Det. G. Filenko:and  she starts describing . i´m emptied the clip onto her.


marni: ” and then when she went down,i just took one last shot and finished her off.


Marni yang is senteced  to life , she will never  step foot out of prison.



Yang´s attorney asked for  a new trial saying the cnfession she gave at that resturant was taped illegally ,they also argue that  yang was  denied the oportunity to get a haircut or wear makeup  during  the trial , which made her appear guilty in the eyes of the jurors . that appeal has been denied ,she´ll will spend the rest of her life locked up without  the possibility of  parole




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