Warning: Graphic content, readers’ discretion advised. This story contains a recollection of crime and can be triggering to some readers discretion advised.

a notorious  criminal  considered one of the most  dangerous prisonier in  the world.

Nikko jenkins.

today let’s delve into his chaotic and violent life.Nikko jenkins  was born on septhember 16th , 1986 in colorado .USA

he had two sisters,erica and  melanie,nikkos parents weren’t exactly upstanding citizens either , his father , david had multiple convictions indcluding serious charges like making terroristic threats.

 his family  was like  a real life outlaw gang, for several  generations they  lived livessteeped in crime starting from his grandfather’s generations .their family cllectively committed around 150 different crimes and were charge over  6o30 offences. growing up in  such an environment,it’s not surprising that nikko ended up on the path he did.

the authorities actually tried to interverne with his family, the forcibly  removed 20  children from the  household  and placd them in government run foster care facilitites .

of course these  institutions  don’t mean that once you ‘re taken away your gone forever , ofthen it’s a  temporary  measure ,thery takey you away for a while and then send you back. 

 after all the government can’t endlessly raise your children for free right .

in the end nikko and his generation still ended up on a criminal path.

startingat the  age of 7,nikko was detained by the police ,  at just 7 years old  he brought a gun to school a seconmg brader bringing a 25 cliber handgun to chool ,by 11  he simply stopped attendings school and starting stealing.

the police seing his situation ,forcebly took him away and ssent him to a group home. grupphomes for juvenile offenders are somewhat similar  to juvenile detention  centers.

but focus more on rehabilitation, after being sent there, youths are generally  restricted to a community area, they cant  leave but they can attend school and receive counseiling.

there are staff members to care for  and  supervise them.it sounds positive actaully ,but nikko  kept violently  attacking other kids there

 finatlly in one incident he beat another kid with a clothes hanger  so badly that the kid was covered in welts after that the juvenile center completely gave up on him and sent him to a juvenile prison.


over the next year  or two  he went in and out of juvenile prison several times each time  the tory was similar.he’d be released and retrun home the nrun away  and soon after  he’dbe locked up again for violently attacking others.

 even his father who had been  arrested for making terroristic threats wrote  in a court docutment  that  nickko was  would point  ashotgun at him and threaten him at home.if even a father like that couldn’t control him,you can imagine where his life was headed.

 at 16  he started carjacking, twice using guns  to hijack cars on the street ,he was eventually sentenced to 21 yeas  in prison.


in prison he didn’t  behave either,constanlty  causing trouble eather attacing  other inmates  or participating in prison gang activities.

he was caught several times modifiyingitems like toilet brushes unto weapons.during his  incarcereratuin he was charged twice more once for attacking a guard and once for participating in a prison riot .

at 27  after spending ten and a half years in prison he was released.

but just two months later  he began tobbingand murdering innocent people.

on august 11th 2013 a police officer  discovered two maled bodies inside a white ford pickup  truck in Omaha Nebraska.both mn were seated in the vehicle shot in the head .

later police found tha these two men had been lured to that location  by two women and  were suddenly shot

signs of  rummaging in the car and  on their bodies  indicated they were killed for their  money.

 a few days later on august 19th, a night shift  worker dicovered a male body in a garage on the same  street, the deceased was curtis bradford .

just 2 days after that  another police  officer-not  far from the previous indicents found a  a male body on a main street 

 the victim  had been shot 12 times  with bullets wounds all over his head, neck and shoulders.

in just  11 days within  avery small area,4 people  were brutally murdered.the police  quickly combined these casees for invsetigation.

since the second victim,curtis bradford was very familiar with nikko,the police soon suspected that nikkomight be involved.this guy was a violent  maniac,when they were i prison, the two had a good relationship

the night before curti’s death  they had partied toghether even taking  photos and uploading them to facebook. 

ten  days later by the end of the month the police officially  arrested nikko,  initillay he wasn’t arrested for these murders but because his wife reported h that he had made terroristic- threats.

there is no publuck interrogation video of this case only a small portion  edited by  the media.

nikko is  unlike any suspect we ‘ve seen before, from the moment he sat down  he tried to dominate and control the interrogation.

the thins he said sounded  like what the police should be saying , like:

” we  neeed  to give closure to the victim’s familie’s”

hekept repeating :

“what i’m about to say is very important you need to listen carefully”

he even  told the police :

you must  honestly tell me what evidence you have  and what you don’t have”

it’s absurd  but he had his reasons.

“because  once you tell me  i  can provide informationon what you don’t have “

to get the police’s attention he repeatedly emphasized  that he wanted to see their superior , the person who can make dicisions.

his strategy  seemed to be to admit   his involvement directly, after all , he’s familiar with prison , going  back  is like returning home.he’s  not afraid of jail

but this is a serious  crime – murder.

and four people died judging from his initial attitude i dont  think heäd be willing to take full responsibility.taking full responsibility could mean  a death sentence.

so he might tell the police

” listen  the truth isn’t what you think”

and shift the main responsibility onto others portraying himself as a minor accomplice.


this guy is a seasoned manipulator ,he start off by saying all this,but actaully he’s immediately selling out his accomplices and to make it more convincing, he sits on the ground in frustration saying:

“believe me look how hard this is for me”

“i’m betraying my family what i’m saying is really the  truth”

looking at the timestamp on the video, we can see that this interrogation started at 7,30  pm.now its 30 pm now it’s 11 :51 pm.that’s nearly four and a half hours later only now do the police ask the alternative question 

the good cop bad  cop tactic.

asking the alteranive question after four  and a half hours shows that the interrogation is just beginning .

after the police presented all the evidence, all of nico’s body language his inadvertent shaking of the head drinking water moving to the side of the table , all this are evasive behaviors at this point he knows he’s finished.

in the next segment we see he understand  his involvement is undeniable he turns to defending himself on the grounds of mental illness  even blaming the government for realising him.

does he have mental problems he believes he does

 Jenkins told police that the acts were sacrifices to Apophis, a deity in the ancient Egyptian religion.

he claims to be alyal follower of the Egyptian serpent god Apophis saying everything he did was under apophi’s influence, apophis told him to kill people to initiate a blood ritual to resurect the ancient Egytptian queen hatshepsut.

hachepsut was like the Empress wuzitian of egypt ,the only female pharaoh in Egyptian history.

during her reign she brought long term prosperity to egypt and is generally considered one of the most capable and successful pharaohs

apophis also known as apep is an evil deity in egyptian mytholohy, usuallly depicted as agiant serpent symbolizing chaos and darkness he is an enemy of Ra the sun god.

unlike Ra who brings light to the world apophys wants the world to fall into darkness it said that everynight Ra must battle apophys to ensure the sun rises again.

on november 2013, nikko wrote letters addressed to the media the prosecutor and a judge, although he asmitted to the killings  he insisted he heard the voice of the serpent god.it was this guidance tha led him to kill.

in februart of the following year he even sued the state government of nebraska arguing that they shouldn’t have released him .

while in prison he had repeatedly stated  that he heard the woice of the serpent god but  the government didn’t provide himewith help or trearment.

they still released him after his sentence expired which led  to him causing even bigger trouble.

killing these four people

in his lawsuit  he demanded the government compensate him 23,5 million bold move  isn’t it.

as the case  developed it seemed that regardless of how nikko’s murder case and his lawsuit against the state were handled the core issue was the same.

does he really have mental problems? he claims to have shizophrenia, bipolar disordr and OCD. the court ordered a psychitrist to evaluate him.

the psychiatristwas quite clever and even brought in an egyptian translator.

“your claime to hear the voice of an eytian serpent god then tell us what it’s saying ,we have someone here who can translate” 

make sense right.

nikko didn’t see this coming tha’s one of the downsides ofchoosing a foreign deity  as your excuse.

as the investigation continued police discovered  several of nicoäs family members were involved in his cromes ,his sister and cousin were the two women who lured two of the victims to the remote location where nikko killed them.

his mother was also charged with the same murders along with charges of hiding the murder weapon

his uncle who helped him rob and kill the fourth victim was  sentenced to 40 years in prison.

in may 2017 nikko jenkins was sentenced to death  along with an additional 450 years forweapons charges  he tried to  appeal but the US  supreme court refused to hear his case.

the court hadhim undergo a mental evaluation, besides the unsurprising finding of antisocial personality disorder nikko was found to have no mental illnesses.

but  after being incarcerated for murder, he engaged in numerous self harm behaviors, we can clearly see the huge scars on his face,he even tried to carve 666 into his face.

666 from the book ofrevelation in the Bible representing satan and a curse, however it said that the scar looks more like 999, so some wonder if  he messed up, maybe he carved it while looking in a mirror, i don’t think he’s that clueless.

in some gang cultures graffiti and symbols are designe to be viewed in a mirror they’re deliberately drawn in reverse so you have to look at them through a mirror to understand.nikkos 666 was probbably intentionally made as a mirror image.

the most shockingthing he did was he used a  sharp  object to mutilate himself to look more like a giant  egyptian serpent god. 

even for  regular inmates making a shiv a homemade weaponis already very difficult but for someone like nico who should  be under strickt supervision as a high risk inmate when you hear enough about  cases involving such serious offenders you get the feeling  that these  guts all seem to have access to weapons.

in the beginning i mentioned growing up in such a criminal ridden family nikko’s future was almost predetermined looking  at his life in those crazy 11 days when he killed four people his actions including his later self harm  .

make it hard to believe that he only  had anti social personality disorder and no other  mental issues there’s  very little public video and audio material about this  case not for us to make esctensive analyses based on the recordings

so we’ll defer to the expert’s conclusions- that he indeed has o mental illness.

nikko is currently being held in a state prison in nebraska his execution date isprobably still far off for people like him waiting 10 or 20 years is quite normal.


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