Warning: Graphic content, readers’ discretion advised. This story contains a recollection of crime and can be triggering to some readers discretion advised.
Samantha Wohlford and Ernie Ibarra’s marriage was on the rocks when he was attacked and shot to death.
Investigators did not buy Texas YouTuber Samantha Wohlford’s excuses and the mum-of-five is now locked up along with three accomplices when her elaborate story began to unravel

this is samantha wohlford , a young mother , a wife

and an aspiring You Tuber turned ruthless killer.

she just arrived atthe sheriff’s office for routine questioning after her husband was kidnapped during an alleged home invasion .
it was an unthinkably sadistic plot, the abduction f a young father and a futile race against the clock to find him before it was too late.

rewind aproximately six years , samantha , a single mother of 10- month- old twins girls was just 19 years old when she met 24 -year old ernie Ibarra , jr .

who was known to friends as deagon.
the two began a relationship which soon turned to marriage and eventually the couple had three children together .

allthough they were doing their best to get by inthe small town of Mt. pleasant,located in Titus county , Texas.

the relationship was already starting to crumble,it was no secret that the couple had their problems. however ,it ended up escalating to a point of no return. and no one had anticipated things would end in such a shockingly tragic way .

dispatcher : Titus county 911,what’s your emergency?
Ginger: i have a home invasion,my niece is tied up . i am at the verge of untying my niece at this particular moment.

dispatcher : okay ,she’s tied up ?
Ginger : she is is tied up and gagged.

dispatcher: and gagged , is there anybody else there?
Ginger :where are the kids?
( samantha mumbles)
Ginger: we have five small infants asleep
dispatcher : five small infants asleep?

Ginger: yes , ranging from seven to one.
dispatcher : seven to one year old?
Ginger :yes , ma’am

dispatcher : does she know uhm…
Ginger: samantha , did you know who the suspects are?
duspatcher : can i talk to her?is she able to speak?
Ginger: yeas , ma’am

samantha: hello?
dispatcher: hi ,samantha, i know you’re upset, but i’m gonna ask you a couple of questions. do you need EMS?
samantha: no , they didn’t do anything to me.they hit me once.
dispatcher : she’s advising no.they only hit her once?

samantha : and i just asked my aunt if there was brusing or anything and she said no . they hit me in the face .

dispatch : okay , uhm.. they hit you in the face?
samantha : yeah( cries) they had me tied up and they dragged me down the stairs to face my husband.and when my husband wouldn’t face me, they hit me in the face.

samantha: they backhand slapped men , and so, he looked at me then , and they said,” i thought that would get your attention , and i want you to stare at this women .”

samantha: do you want us to kill her? and he said ” no , and they said , “then tell us the truth”
and he said ! don’t know anything “

when someone gives way too many details on a 911 call, this can be a warning sign that they may not be telling the truth.
the purpose of a 911 call is to get help immediately , as samantha is not currently in danger anymore.

her primary focus should be on getting help finding her husband.
instead of requesting that officers be sent right away to search for him.
she’s telling an elaborate story about what supposedly happened. there ‘s no sense of urgency in getting her husband found.
if someone is lying on a call to emergency services ,they may feel the need to offer up al lthese addittional details because they want to support their lie.

samantha’s love for acting isn’t a secret after all.

members of the Titus county sheriff’s office respond to the crime scene shortly after 2 :00 am. immediately ,an investigation into the violent home invasion and kidnappning of ernie ibarra , Jr is launched.

after the twisted crime took place.

the officer is conducting a typical investigatory field interview at this point ,however ,these statements can be admissible in legal proceedings.
the body camera footage can be reviewed by investigators and inconsistencies
disclovered between initial contact and later interrogation

samantha changing her voice to imitate the alleged intruder may be an attempt to dramatize the attack in order to make it appear more believable allthough her voice is emotional, she dosen’t actually express much concern about deagon and instead seems focused on telling the story about everything that happened to her.
it ‘s discovered that deagon’s phone was also taken by the assailants.

as officers dictates details of the crimes scene to dispatch
samantha handles her own urgent business. she sends out a text message that reads as follows: kill daes phone ,shut **** down

the phone company immediately contacted in hopes that the position of deagon’s phone can be traced and lead law enforcement to his location before it’s too late.

samantha does in fact know someone in pittsburgh as it just so happens.

as the deputy continues to gather information from samantha , the corporal speaks with samantha’s mother ,, rosie, and sammantha’saunt Ginger.

samantha says that the intruders named someone she knows as the reason for the attack on her husband.
for this person’s privacey , as they were never proven to be involved in the case, we redacted their name throughout.
samantha will continue to bring up this person’s name throughout the investigation.
samantha sends out yet another urgent text message at 3:19 am reading.” ditch phone , move”

at this time , investigators chirs bragg arrives at the scene and the corporal begins to bring him up to speed interestingly , the investigator is immediately skeptical
the investigator is developing what’s called a theory of the case this is the same theory of the case work that a proscecutor will do in order to paint a picture of criminal activity linking.
physical evidence statements and circumstantial evidence to prove guilt beyond a resonable doubt

after a brief search of the first floor, the copral then guides the investigator to the staircairs that leads to the bedroom where the attack began.

both members of the sheriff’s office observe that the conditions in the home are not ideal for children to lives in after viewing the area. where all five children lay sleeping, though the body cam doesn’t capture a clear view.

the investigator proposes , they have samantha come upstairs to provided more specifics

samantha says she haven’t seen ( redacted ) or anything. she don’t know what’s going on with ( redacted) or what( redacted ) could have possibly got himself tied into that caused this ,but hey kept saying,
redacted caused this , ( redicted) caused it. asking for compensation 20.000 dollar
remember this . it ill be important later on in the story .

her story immediatelly falls apart here. thought samantha’s reaction is typical of someones caught in a lie. how ever , this is whay all subjects under questioning should request counsel and refuse to answer questions.
police motives are not frequencetly konw,through its common to start with a large pool of suspects and eliminate them. rather than start with an empty pol and try to add likely suspects.
this means you’re immediately classified as an suspect or material witness until proven otherwise during the investigation phase.

this is a very odd request given the circumstances, it’s noteworthy that in the midst of samantha’s chit chat with he officer , she doesn’t appear distressed that her husband is missing.
it possible that this is her attempt to be befriendly and distract the officers from the situation,since she may believe at this point that police may consider her a suspect.

next time , she’ll have a different answer to the questions.
samantha doesn’t seem overly concerned about her children, but it seems she’s already growing impatient with the investigation.
little does she know , this isjust thervery tip of theiceberg.this is just the very tip of the iceberg.

at 6:10 just a few short hours, after the violent home invasion. and the abduction wohlford’s husband Deagon.
she arrives at the Titus Country Sherriff’s office in northeasten Texas.
it’s here that the disturbing story will start to unfold

” i ‘m about to curl up on the floor and go to sleep”
samantha places a call to her mother .but displays almost no emtion during thecourse of the conversation. she appears very self- centered, and her behavior is quite strange for a women whose husband is missing

” i would love something to eat , im starving to death. biscuits and gravy , no sausage. biscuits and gravy , no sausage, and french fries”
samantha gives her mother a food order over the phone.it suprising she has an appetite at a time like this.
she lays on the floors, which is very childlike and is an unexpected behavior for an adult.samantha consistently acts like more ofa hihg school student rather than andult mother of five..
chris ,the investigator , enters the room.

samantha seems to be setting a potential motive as to why the attack and kidnapping may have occurred. she continually brings up the same person in her speculations about what may have happened.

this is a convincing statement which canbe a red flag for possible deception
when someone is being truthful,they ‘re more likely to just provide a straightforward denial.
however , when someone is lying , they often feel some anciety about whether they will be believed or not.
so they may add on these types of convincing statements for support their lie.
it’s interesting that samantha states she´s never been a drug user

however david smith ,a former friend of both deagon and samantha alleges otherwise needless to say , samantha’s credibility is becoming increasingly questionable

samantha says she and deagon went to bed at midnight ,contrary to the 11 o’clock time. she gave a responding officer at the scene of the crime, as you may recall, already, her stroy is beginning to charge.
samantha gives two more inconsistent statements back to back.
when someone gives inconsistent statements.
it can be a red flag that smeone is lying
after telling one lie there are likely additional lies that must be told to support the original lie .
it can be difficult to keep track of everything they’ve already said. so liars may get tripped up on details and give conflicting information. it¨s possible that after she made the first statement about having a hard time waking up.

she may have been worried about how that made her look, especially being a parent of five young children.
she may be trying to backtrack because she wants to be viewed in a good light.so that her story about deagon is believed.
so it’s still pretty foggy ’cause it’s farily early to wake up after taking a sleeping pill.
Nothing adds up.considering she’d taken a prescription sleeping pill and was woken up suddenly .
she shows little emotion and talks as if she’s reading from a script
individuals who’ve been traumatized rearley remember details this well . of caurse ,this could be explained as samantha trying to give the investigator as much information as possible.and in an attempt to find her kidnappedhusband.

however,the fact that samantha has repeatedly given confirmation to the investigator that he can double check her story. such as verifying her ambien prescription.
suggests that samantha is trying to preemptively dismiss any suspicions the investigator might have about her story .

this part of the story seems to be fabricated.the sweater she claimed to have been wearing had no ovbious cuts.

however , the fice children nearby remained asleep through all of the chaos.
the police ,as well as samantha’s aunt, will scrutinize this assertion later.

you may recall that she had specific questions for the coporal at the crimes scene.
the investigator now shifts the conversation to a different aspect of routine investigation it could very well be that this is where things start moving in an undesirable direction for samantha.

it could be a red flag that there appears to be a verbal and non -verbal disconnect here.
she shaking her head ” no” while giving her permission for detectives to search her house.
partway through this statement, she switches to nodding her head ” yes” , possibly realizing that she made a mistake.
normally when the police want to search something , the fourth amendment requies them to obtain a search warrant ,otherwise the search is unconstitutional, and the evidence they obtain will be tossed out of court.
however , the police can obtain certain types of records without a search warrant. for example , the police could get a suspect’s call records from their phone company.

normally , this record will only show the police what numbers a person called and at what time

he palms go up in the rogatory position, which indicates that she may lack confidence in her statement .palms up while makng a declarative statement is seen as a big red flag.
because it suggests the person is pleading with the other person to believe them and may be unsure and what they’re saying

samantha continues to attempt to steer the investigation toward the same person she named. she portrays herself simply as a stay at home mom.
however ,her homemaking skills seem to be lacking.based on the condition of her house. as the police observe , the environment in the home is obviously not fit for children and a report later drafted by investigator chris bragg who is currently questioning samantha
vivid details of the terrible conditions in the Ibarra household are laid out .

the rooms are unclean and unsanitary with trash , urine , feces, clothes, and dirty diapers scattered on the floor.chris describes the children as dressed in dirty clothes, and appearing not to have been bathed recently.

we pick back up as chris continue to press samantha.

when she says ” you can look at my record ,” this is known as a convincing statement. when someone is lying , they may make statements such as this that sound compelling in order to convince the other person.
however ,someone who’s telling the true is less likely to use convincing statements because the facts are on their side.

the investigator exits the room. and leave samantha to her list.
a few minutes later , sheriff tim ingram enters the room and tries his hand at getting to the truth with samantha.
Tim: and this is why , that it’s very important ,hon, that we want you to be honest.because i’m gonna tell you what of the evidence that was found on the scene, it’s just not matching. i dont think you harmed this boy . but i think you know who did.
because if someone would kidnap him,why is there his blood in y’ll’s pickup?kidnappers ain’t gonna use their pickup to do something withhim and then put him out there and put him in the truck and haul him back.

when if any of these behaviors start or increase suddenly,it can be a sign to detectives that they’re on theright track and need to question the suspect further.
samantha’s cough here could be related to this. she may be panicked about the news that blood was found in his truck, and the cough is an attempt to reduce the discomfort and dryness she feels in her throat.

the investigator is attempting to establish the existence of accomplices and from there the existence of one or more conspiracies.

it’s telling sammantha says she’s being as honest as she can. this may be another convincing statement.
it sounds reasonable , but someone who’s telling the entire truth likely wouldn’t feel the need to make claims about being an honest person.in addition , samantha’s satement here may have some level of truth to it.
she’s being as honest as she canbe without incriminating herself, adding on as i canbe an exclusion qualifier which allows her to tell the detective some of what happened.while withholding information about her specific role in the crime

The interrogator is doing a good job of appearing neutral , despite the evidence pointing to samantha being dishonest with him , he makes it out as if he is on her side.
the more she trusts the detective, the more likely she will be to confess.

detectives want suspects to think they know more than they actually do or that they’re about to find some crucial piece of evidence, leaving suspects panicking about how much police actually know.
investigators want suspects to feel the time pressure to confess,implying that it’s in the suspect’s best interest to do so berfore it’s too late .

allthough samantha may believe this is a reasonable explanation, you’ll encounter another witness who will tell the sheriff’s office that they observed samantha with her phone simply laying on her lap in the aftermath of the attack. next the investigator wants to hear about what’s going on in samantha’s personal life.

this coud be an attempt to not only justify her actions in talking to other guys ,but it could also be a deliberate attempt to portray her husband in a negative light.
she’s hinting toward verbal abuse by claiming that he would tell her how horrible she is.
this seems especiallly unusual given the fact that her husband is still missing.
most people would avoid speaking ill of a loved one who’s missing or recently deceased.
she may be setting up a possible defense if it’s later proven that she was involved in his disappearance

Ernie Ibarra Jr aka Deagon

earlier , samatha claimed that she didn’t go out much and was just a stay at home mom now the detectives are questioning her about the guy she was talking to.
she suddenly changes her stroy.
she may have given the first statement because it supported her previous”stay a home” narrarative she ws tryinge to weave about who didn’r know anyone who could be involved in he rhusband’s disappeareance.
however , now that detectives have evidence of her text with other guys, she needs to support thisnew narrative.

samantha seems preoccupied with others recognizing her as beautiful , given her repeated use of the worde to describe herself.
this could be a possible indication of her having narcissistic traits. a narcissist requres excessive admiration, she may have felt like she didn’t get the recognition from her husband that she felt entitled to , so she sough out that attention from other men .

The detective is layign groundwork for the theme development stage of the reid technique. by suggesting that one of the men who was interesed in her had something to do with her husband’s disappearance.
if she can admit to this possibility it will be easier for her to later admit to having knowledge of it and then eventually to her confessing that she was actively involved.
when the sheriff mentions that perhaps one of her male acquaintances set this up to make her single, she graps at this idea as another motive.
she may be realizing her story and acting aren’t going over as well as she’d imagined . once againe she’s the victim. it seems she’ll do anything to defelect attenton from herself.

this is different than what she said earlier about how ernie ( deagon ) told her she could do whatever, with whomever , as long as it wasn’t at their house.
samantha appears to enjoy being in the role of the damsel in distress and having david smith and these other men come and save her from her allegedely abusive husband.
this is another example of samantha’s need for attention, which is common among individuals with narcissistic personality disorder.

the investigator lives the room for a few minutes and comes back .

samantha: because it’s nothing against your personally , but just cops in general , you hear such negative things and how they are not out to help you, and CPS is the same way. and i just kind of want to get my mom and dad’s opinion on if it’s in my best interest.

it seems that the interrogator’s anger i sa n intended tactic here. it evokes the desired reaction from samantha.but it can also be a setback to the overall interrogation’s progress.
any trust created is now gone.this is a change up used only when there is overwhelming evidence against the suspect. hearing this, samantha may be experiencing the freeze response here.
her body is completely still with her mouth hanging open. when someone sense danger such as samantha realizing here that the police don’t buy her story one bit , the may cease all movemement.
this is an instinctual response to danger. movement invites attenton.so freezing may make someone momentarily feel like they can lower the spotlight on them.

the interrogator indicates that lying will essentially make her guilty. this is somewhat misleading ,though , as stated previously the police are legally allowed to mislead suspects so long as they do not coerce them into confession.
nevertheless , the inconsistencies between samantha’s statements and the evidence could be used to suggest that she is aware of her own guilt and is using lies to cover it up.
therefore ,the investigtor is trying to establish knwoledge of guilt or more commonly referred to as consciousness of guilt. this is most often established by circumstantial evidence related to the suspect’s actions or inactions after a crime.

interestingl,samantha asks the sheriff about being an accomplice, the law usually treats accomplices just as it would principals,meaning that accomplices can face exactly the same legal penalties.most states hold a person criminally liable if they aid or abet another in the commission of a crime.
the classic example of this is a getaway driver for a bank robbery.importantly , this is adistinct concept from conspiracy, a conspiracy is when two or more people make an agreement to commit a crime and at least one individual within the group takes some overt act towards committing the crime. In such a case , all conspirators are criminally liable for the conspiracy

Jonathan Sanford aka john rebel
it seems samantha’s crying could be attributed to the fact that her story isn’t yielding the results she’d hoped for ,rather than because deagon is missing.this behavior is consistent with her narcissistic tendencies.
at this time ,samantha first mentions an acquaintance known as john rebel. heriein begins a turning point in this complex story. as a new persona begins to evolve.

samantha’s beginning to let all of the cat’s out ofthe bag in in just a few short minutes she’s implicated john rebel who will soon be identified as john sanford and tay whom investigators will learns is a man by the name of octavious rhymes

the pace of the investigation is beginning to accelerate and will continue to pick up speed as the distrubing details begin to surface.

she claims not to have known the third man at the hospital ,but she’prepared to shift all of the blame in his direction.
samantha reveals quite a bit about this third person.
samantha gives a detailed story about where jo jo lives and knows that everybody calls him jojo

despite saying just moments ago that she’d just met these individuals. also anothe significant item to note , do you recall when the corporal at the scene learned of a ping on deagon’s phone from dispatch?

He askes samantha if she knew anyone in pittsburgh and she had no reply.
well , it turns out she did.

tay and jojo were both residing in pittsburgh.

she heads out for a smoke breake as members of the sheriff’s office prepare to head to the local hospital. determined to intercept two suspects that have been frequenting charla’s room for days.

both john and jojo were apprehended at the hospital at 9:39 am.as you’ll see , each interrogation will be damning.to say the least.

the clock now reads 10: 10 am. the other party that was picked up at the hospital by the sheriff’s office

a man by the name of john sanford, aka john rebel , is seated int he itnterrogation room.he’s dressed in black pants and a black long sleeved shirt.
the clothes match samantha’s description of the assailant’s dress provided to law enforcement. clearly , john is quite comfortable here.
he may be thinking that if he engages with law enforcement,they’ll believe him or go easy on him.
investigators ttells john that Ibarra is dead. but according to samantha ,john was just a bystander,while jojo beat the living crap out of him over on that road where they ‘all was and police have been collecting evidence.

any time there are multiple suspects involved in a crime,police will want to separate them as soon as possible.so thay don’t have a chance to get their stories aligned.
police may often plant seed of doubt that the others are implicating them.
leaving each suspect with the decision dilemma of whether to confess or remain silent. the detective is also utilizing a reid technique here of placing blame on an outside source rather than
on the suspect himself. this will make it easier for john to admit his involvement.because the detective is building the them that john was just a a bystander and not the main perpetrator.

additionally , in this situation, it’s likely that there are no real bystanders, from a legal standpoint under a theory of accomplice liability if the prosecution can prove that john aided or abetted the murder of deagon

john would be in the same legal jeopardy as the person who pulled the trigger.

john now begins his account of the previous night, beggining with a quick stop at samantha’s stop at samantha’s house .

john indicates that someone related to Tay was in the backseat and that Tay wasn’t with the three of them in the car .

john seems to imply that it was jojo who directed the scheme. and now seems to be implying

that jojo threatened him into driving. notably, duress can be a defense to some crimes. however, its typically not a defense to the crme of murder.

john gives his rendition of what occured at the Ibarra home.

john is awkwardly using his hands as he talks despite being handcuffed.
people may increase their use of illustrators to make their lies sound more believable or give off the impression that their story is true.

jose ” jojo ” ponse is in the hot seat. nedless to say thigns aren’t looking good for jojo who’s now dressed in orange prsion attire.

john mentions that jo jo demand deagon ( ernie) produce 20 .000 dollar within five minutes if he wants to fix things. this is almost xactly what samantha told the police. this could be because it’s true.

however , if you watch samantha’s interrogation footage ,it’ s clear that she’s trying to paint the incident as drug related.
samantha ” redacted) caused this ( redacted) caused this asking for compensatio , 20.000 dollar.
and this may simply be a story that the group concocted to tell the police.

the investigators catches himself here just before he almost lets out a piece of evidence. retaining key evidence as a way to corroborate testimony and also to tie physical evidence to one or more suspects.

note that john has named jojo as the trigger man, as you’ll see , there won’t be a consensus when it comes to this brutal aspect of the crimes.

despite claiming that john pulled the trigger there are still at least two ways in which jojo could still be criminally liable for the murder. first, under a theory of accomplice liability.
if the prosecution can prove that jojo aided or abetted or had the requisite intent for jonh’s murder of deagon.second , if the prosecution can prove that jojo had entered into an agreement with samantha or john to carry out the murder ,he could be charged with conspiracy to commit murder.

the sheriff seems satisfied that he’s gathered all pertinent information from john.
he leads john out of the room. the next task is the somber duty of locating and recovering daegon’s body.

sheriff tim ingram and investigator aaron baxter , along with heir helpfull suspect , john stanford depert the sheriff’s office .as chief deputy john livingstone follows closely behind in aarins vehicle.
before forewarned ,things are about to take a drastic turn for the worst as members of the Titus county sheriff¨’s office begin begin to uncover the true horrors that occured earlier that very morning.

the scheriff asks john who will be able to identify the mysterious third party.known to us nly as cuz. we’ll soon learn his true identity.

sadly , daegon ‘s body is located at 11 ;28 am. aaron places a call to the camp country sheriff to alert him of the murder within hhis jurisdiction.

meanwhile, back at the Titus county shheriff’s office. an anxious and fidgety samantha has returned to the interrogation room. the clock now reads 11: 45 am . it seems samantha hasn¨t been informed that daegon was located deceased aproximately 17 minutes earlier.
while the members of the sheriff’s office are locating the potential murder weapon, samantha occupies herself by writing on the dry erase board in the interrogation room.

as the clock reads 11. 58 am, arrons body camera recording resumes .
the sheriff, john the suspect, and the two investigators aaron and john ,head to the home where the gn is believed to have been stashed.
note that the women seated on the front step of the home is lacona sleghton. her connection to the case will be revealed to you shortly

after a dramatically heated exchange with lacona , the sheriff and aaron head to the tent, which currently serves as lacona’s home. to attempt to locate the gun

a search in this case does not require a warrant when someone with a controlling interest gives permission to search a premises,
including a tent.

it’s an exception to the warrant requirement

back at the sheriff’s office, samantha is again writing on the dry erase board. as a couple of written questions are directed at the sheriff’s office , she continues to put on a show.
these behaviors are once again very childlike and immature.
oftentimes, individuals with personality disorders will display immature behavior.in high stress situations in particular, they often regress and these behaviors become much more evident.

this important piece of imformation which was uncovered due to the officers catch – all question may explain why Lacona didn’t reaveal the gun’s location.
it’s possible that if she did know where it was. she kept the location secret for a much different reason . than avoiding trouble herself or protecting someone else.
instead , she may have been fearful of retailiation from jojo if she talked we’ve yet to hear jojo’s side of the story but it’s going to be hard to dig himself out of the hole that seems to be getting deeper by the minute.
the members of the sheriff’s office depart with the recovered weapon that was believed to have been used to execute daegon.

investigator aaron baxter sits down with lacona on february 24th, just four days after deagon was killed.during our last encounter with lacona, when the handgun was retrieve near the tent that served as her place of residence, she seemed to insinuate that her days with jojo were numbered.
however , she initially referred to jojo as her fiance at this meeting.it may be that she had a change of heart and decided against ending the volatile relationship after all. as a result , she may be less forthcoming in her interview than the sheriff’s office would have hoped.

Lacona seems genuinely confused about the conspiracy and why jojo would participate, seeing as he hadn’t met samantha until the day before the murder.
according to future testimony provided by john, the three men smoked methamphetamine while on route to the Ibarra household. perhaps this claim could explain the violent behavior seeingly uncharacteristic of jojo.

JoJo seems to believe that by knowing where it had been hidden, he can somehow pin the murder on john clearly jojo’s story is not agreeing with john’s version of events.most significantly , jojo claims the gun that was allegedly used to murder daegon
belongs to john,though jojo is unsure where or how john obtained it.

most importantly , perhaps , lacona confirms that the handgun that was recovered near the tent belongs to her and jojo , not john.

jojo descibes what is called a criminal consiracy between himself and john to commit the crime of kidnapping another important revelation is jojo’s claim that tay was a willing participant in the conspiracy despite samantha’s and johns initial reluctance to implicate him.

it turns out that old cuz was actually tay all along.
meet octavious “Tay” Rhymes, whos identity samantha and john attempted to conceal initially tay had requested a meeting with the Titus county sheriff’s office with the intentio of gtting a deal in the works however ,Tay was informed that he’d needh is lawyer to handle the negotiating with the DA’s office.
while seated with investigator wayne minor,Tay went ahead and pleaded his case.

striking a deal is qutie common in criminal cases , especially those with multiple defendants often the prosecution will offer a more lenient sentence to the accused in exchange for the accused providing information to the police oor agreeing to testify against one of the other defendants.
however ,it’s important t note that a criminal defendant cannot make a deal with the police . only the prosecutors are authorized to make deals with defendants.therefore, any sort of deal that the police make with tay wouldn’t have any legal effect,unless,of course , such a deal was approved by the prosecutor’s office.

jojo claims that samantha told them to move quickly. records indicate that she called her mother to alert her of the attack. because her mother’s home was an hour’s drive from samantha ‘s , she assumed that would give the men ample time to leave the premises with daegon.

what samantha didn’t anticipate was that her mother would send a nearby aunt to her rescue. there’s no way jojo could have known this bit of information if samantha wasn’t in on the ruse.

they arrive at a secluded area that serves as their destination

this moment is key , as with this statement, jo jo may have just admitted to being an accomplice to deagon’s murder. by admitting to the sheriff that he told john to move futher from the road before killing deagon,prosecutors could argue that jojo attempted to aid john in his murder of daegon,leaving jojo equally culpable for it.

no question about it,samantha has been caught in a lie.cell tower records give us the real story despite samantha ‘s attempts to deceive law enforcement.
her phone wasn’t near her home until approximately 10 :30 pm on february 19th , just a few hours before the invasion .
a major development in the case occurs just three days after the murder of Deagon . thiygh it would be a stretch to say it came as a shock.

samantha is arrested and charged with aggravated kidnapping and murder.

in the end, the failed conspiracy resulted in lengthy prison terms for all involved.
john and jojo pleaded guilty the following year, in april of 2016 they received 50 year sentences for their roles in daegon’s kidnappning and murder

months later , in december of 2016 ,Tay went on trial, it didn’t go as he’d hoped , however. he was found guilty of murder and aggravated kidnappping and was sentenced to a total of 93 years

last but not least came the mastermind behind the whole terrible designed plot.
samantha went on trial for daegon’s murder in september of 2017, not suprising .she was found guilty.she was sentenced to 99 years.
in addition ,she received another 50 years for the kidnapping to be served consecutively with her murder sentence. to this day, it is still unknown who pulled the trigger and killed Daegon.