Warning: Graphic content, readers’ discretion advised. This story contains a recollection of crime and can be triggering to some readers discretion advised
We show Maxwell as Jeffrey Epstein’s alleged accomplice before delving into her past and growing up with her father – millionaire and media tyrant Robert Maxwell.
Ghislane maxell has been charged for her alleged role in thesexual exploitation and abuse of young girls by jeffrey epstein. she has pleaded not gulty and has not been convicted. her ttrial is set for fall 2021
Ghislain maxwell ws contacted about an intervire. she did not respond.


she´s obviously,like,a good actress.

this relationship between jeffrey epstein and ghislaine maxwell was really a partneship. on a sexual level. on a financial level.

and she asked Ghislaine what her relationship was with jeffrey.because sheapperared to be more like an emplyer or a co-worker.
she told maria, they were married.and then she told her , that evening that they weren’t avtually married. but that thay were dating and he was cheating on her….okay , so what is it?

and she sort of answered saying she wasn’t really sure.
she was, part friend ,part fixer.
she was the one who would satisfy his every whim.

August ,10 , 2019.

the 66- year old was discovered in his jail cell early this morning.

if the public knew the secrets that he knew,it would be shocking.

who’s accused of fonding teenage girls for epstein an his friends.
“helped put the victim at ease because an adult woman was present”

virginia was brought in by Ghislaine and ,at that time she was the maine procurer for jeffrey.
virginia giuffre deposition (2016)giuffre v maxwell.

that is duplicitous to the most horrific degree.

basically, creating an organization.

because as a women, you absolutely betrayed your sex, your gender.
tou sort of think.how on earth could you have got to this place?

two years ago , the name maxwell was ,like ” power ” , ” money”.

” what a super chirstmas i’d have if my father were a millionaire,
which robet maxwell is.”

the family filled the house with their excitement,particularly Ghislaine who’s five. and like the babya of any family , has daddy very much under control.

and from what’s alleged,becomngtheultimate daddy´s girl,socialite, networker, who became the ultimate madam .

robert maxwell pleaded guilty to all of it with a smile.

he shared a pair with one of his sisters.

the house in the hill is an open house.and the children take their places beside their parents. to greet their 200 guests andto enjoy themselves. even Ghislaine.
Ghislaine grew up in a very , very wealthy , comfortable existence.there was plenty of cash,and anything they wanted the ycould have.
the family ived at this grand country estate.
they had private jets.
they had huge parties. it was the high life. they epitomized the high life.
but Ghislaine grew up with an abusive father. he was hooked on discipline and on duty. the most important things to him .
andhe ran thehousehold almost likeyour wouldrun a company. their were nine children and he would almost put them on trial.
he wouldfire questions at them and if they failed to answer them correctly he would make them assess why they had failed to answer them correctly.and it was humiliation. it was like a public dressomg down.
he hused to subject them to these grillings infront of other people at sunday lunches.one child would be told to perform , as it were , and he would tell them , ” speak clearly and concisely!”
not that would only put them under even more pressure.chastising them. and was not above using corporal punishment. and his wife did not step in to intervene. she was enthralled to him as well.
It’s fascinating that we all know so little about bettty maxwell and she was very much seeen as the mother in the background.
robert maxwell had been very close to his mother, whom he lost in the holocaust and , clearly ,he was looking for someone who would give him comfort and security , which betty did.
not only produced an enormous number of children,but organized the home,and put up with his appalling behavior.
when robert maxwell was shouting at the children and making them feel awful around the dinner table, their mother was allowing it to happen.she was beingthe good…wife .she was playing the role she was the enabler , she enabled him.
it ‘s very easy to imagine that this experience could influence Ghislainethat this is what the perfect relationship ,or the comfortable dynamic is.that there’s a powerful ,demanding person and a women who helps them.
the kids were a unit.ian and keving talked about forming defense of chess position. that´s how they survived their father. it was like a defensive stance that they took.they interlocked and and allowed them to withstands robet’s rages.
two days after Ghislaine was born her eldest brother ,michael was involved in avery serius car crash and he was in a coma for the next seven years.
so the time when she wouldn’ve been showered with parental affection,thefamily were , in fact , in a middle of dealing with an enormous crisis.it meant that the e early years of Ghislaine’s life would’ve been very much eclipsed by this tragedy.
there’s a story in her mther , betty maxwells book, whereGhislanine sat on her lap and said
” mummy ,i exist”
and she also said ths the beginningof Ghislaine’s eatingdisorder. her mother was convinced that as a toddler, she was already showin gsigns of anorexia. they thougth it was to do with attention.
it was a way of trying to get attention from her parent. and at that point , bortert and betty realized that they had been neglecting their daughter completely and tried to make up for this terrible beginning to her life.
and showered her with love and affection .and of oall of the maxwell children,Ghislaine is the only one who was spoiled.-they spoiled her asa result of it.
so , she had everything she wanted in material terms.
Ghislaine would definitely have realized at a very early age money was important to her.robert maxwell was more generous and accommodating towards her than the older chldren.and Ghislaine would definitely have aligned herself more with her father.
because she hasdefinitely seen wealthas protection and we saw that very much later on with epstein. Ghislaine’story is essentially the story of , daddys’s little girl.and it al l went horribly wrong when daddy turned out tobe a crook.
it was mid -eighties , so it was the height of princess diana. thatcher was in power.it was gordon Gekko. it was the 80s even the clothes were flamboyant. massvive shoulderopadsand puffs of taffeta it was a very extravagant Era.
boris johnson,Davidcameron . and yu were kind of accepted inthat social set.if you were from an aristo craticfamily.
Ghislaine wasn’t from that background.but she would´ve been accepted in that social circle because of her father’s notoriety and wealth and power spoke volumes in the mid-eighties.
shereally enjoyed being social and havingdinner parties.she was very much into the whoe sociale scene.
what really was striking about her was , she was somebody,who would kiss you hello and then look over your shoulder to see if there was someone mote interesting , more useful,more powerful more famous to talk to.
there’s a feeling always of stepping u a league. going to the neext influential person ,goingto thhe next head ofstate , the party, the boat, whatever.
you absolutely had the sense that she wasn’t really present to you. and she wasn’t really gonna connect withyou.it was a sense of scanning always to see who could be more influential or useful to her.
Ghislaine maxwell was very happy to be photographed .
in particular if it was a famous person she was with.
it was high society. Ghislaine maxwell tended to be at nightclub openings and charity events that you paid to buy a ticket.but she was movinggradually more into a higher society role.
she seemed tobe enjoying herself.sheseemed to have a very nice life.probably, some people disapproved of her. her father already had a bad reputation.
london ,1984
Robert maxwell wanted wealth , but he also wanted power and influence. and owning newspapers was a way of wielding power.
so he bought the mirror group.
And that included Britain’s most popular newspaper at that time .the dayily mirror.
the mirror newspapers are at a disadvantage at present,
maxwell was anextraodinarily difficult person to work for. he liked to interfere. he tried to have his name as often in the paperas possible.
but also he could use the newspaper for blackmail.
very often he would threaten people, that they didn´t do what he wanted, he would then publish an exposé in his newspaper.
that was a favorite tactic of his.and the many of the phones were bugged, including the edito’s phone.
Ghislaine saw that if you kept the patriarchy happy, you were protected ans she was reared to lease daddy.Ghislaine wasn’t a businesswoman.
but Ghislaine’s job was to represent robert maxwell when he was in diffrent parts of the globe.
the other children actually had jobs within the empire.like proper jobs ,especially ian and kevin .
whereas she seems to have occupied this strange social / business role
that’s quite hard to define even for her father.
but he bought her a football club, for crying out loud!because he lived in oxford ,maxwell thought,
” well, i’ll buy oxford football club,because it was for sale”
and then he put Ghislaine in charge of the football club.
Ghislaine take the job of director very seriously. she wouldn’t have accepted the job if it was just a amatter of being a figurehead.
the footbal leagu’s first elected lady director is still infact a student.
she’s at balliol college at oxford studyingfrench and history.
with her father taken control of the matter.
her place on the oxford board was confirmed at the recent annual meeting.her photograph will fill the space on the boardroom wall. before the start of the new season
its ghislane´’s responsibility to generate further interest inthe club among young supporters.any suggestion that her appointment is a gimmick ,doesn´t carry much favor.
and it’s quite eacy to see why Gislaine, who had this father fixation, who ws a daddy´s girld , would then move on
to this other equally satanic father figure and do his bidding at whatever the cost. there is asimilarity, between ghislaines affection,love for her father, and jeffrey epstein. they have a lot in common.
both of them show strains of character in which there isvery little empathy,and very little warmth, and there is an absolute survival instinct.they were voth men who were manipulators and hwo were out to get what they needed and what they wanted at any cost .
like robert maxwell,jeffrey dreamed of riches.
from the little two -bedroom apartment he grew up in m in coney island.jeffrey epstein came from a family that was working class.they didnt have money ,he had tohustle his way in to the life he ended up having .
jeffrey was a nerdy kid,who told classmates backat lafayette high school;
” i’m gonna be rich when i grow up.”
and they all kindof laughedat him. but jeffrey hada mind that kind of worked like a computer. and he wasdetermined to make money. and he was going to accomplish that on wall street.
it was atime when wall street was huge. and jeffrey was seeingly on the fringes of it.but there was no computer on his desk
there was no back room where people traded.it wasn’t clear whatthe source of the money was.
the big question is, where did jeffrey ‘s money come from?
we have to go back to bear stearns.which is really where he received his first taste of money.
Bear stearns saw this potential in a guy who didn’t know a stock froma bond,but thought he was abrilliant mathematician. and would do extremely well.
but he was thrown out at bear stearns,based on his violations of the rules, for misconduct. and he was kind of blackballed in the United states.
but it actually turned out to be a windfall for jeffrey to leave there,because ,the riches that awaited him exceeded well beyond anything. that he could have gained on wall streeet.
jeffrey then dashed over to london, where he med douglas leese.
douglas leese was an international arms merchant and he was able to mold effrey into tthis world of arms dealing.
this was an area of the financial world. that was very shady. and the money, at this point , was pouring in.
jeffrey epstein, young rather good – looking jewish boy from new york somehow appeared in robert maxwels office.quite often in the office.
jffrey epstein presented himself to robert maxwell as a financial expert.jeffrey epstein was charming.he was charismatic.and could read the person hs dealing with.
and understand what that person wants to hear.he was the mastermind of how to manipulate and seduce people.
so robert maxwell entered into a deep relationshop in buisness with jeffrey epstein .
at that particular time ,Ghislane maxwell and jeffrey epsteing met in london…
at the introduction by robert ,maxwell
no one knew who he wasat the time , but in england they knew who she was.
Epstein apppreciated that shegave hom a veneer of respectablitiy and introduced him to the upper echelons of english society.
i think she chose someone very like her father.
but then wqually it makes you wonder ,how much their conversations in the early days,he might’ve been figuring out how her father operated.and doing many of the same tricks back.
it looked like they were a couple. at least she thought they were a couple.
jeffrey epstein was a multiple philanderer.in london he was with other women as well.
and jeffrey epstein used ghislaine maxwell to get furher into robert maxwell’s empire.
and robert was busy trying to build ups his empire.he wanted everything tobe the biggest.the best.he was unstoppable.
he always looked for ways in which assets would help him build up not only his fortune, but also his profile and personality.
and once eupert murdoch had the new york post he became quite famous in america
and maxwell wanted to do the same. he wanted to rival murdoch in the most important city in the world new york
and bying the new york daily news gave him that chance.
r0bert marxvell, aflamboyant british press lord.
and the reason he’s come to is to take 0ver the daily news.
he said he bought it for the challenge of urning a loser into a winner
in the context of the new york daily news takeover ,the advanced guard as it were was for robert maxwell to send Ghislane.
he useds her, sends her out first to charm people. and she railed against that.
” kevin’s got a proper job . Ian’s got a proper job.why can’t i have a prober job?”
it seemed like she was a kind of connecter for her father. of people with power and influence in the city who it would be useful for him to know.
she would be somebody who could be used in social terms.it’s like using the woman that’s closest to you for your ownd ends.
and he preferred to have her on his arm than he did betty.
he pullls awat from betty and now Ghislaine is his right- hand person.
and is a very cood companion.she fits that role very well for him
you get the sense that in psychological term that she was the oedipal winner. she was the most important figure in his life.
it’s really telling that he named his boat after her
from Ghislaine’s point of view buying the daily news was infinitely more important than for robert maxwell. he already ad access to the white house, and to all sorts of all the bankers and the rest.
but Ghislaine was able to use that advantage to her own success.
she could then use that newspaper to promote herself in the city and meet everybody. she was the tycoon’s daughter
that ‘ when her world fell apart. that’s when everything she thougt she could rely on,
her structure, her security, her protection, absolutely fell apart.
the bottom ,fell out of her world.
the board of mirror group newspappers announces with deep regret that robert maxwell is missing at sea.feared lost overboard from the motor ,yacht, the lady Ghislaine.
the gathering of robert maxwell’s family was completed with the arrival of the daughter after whom he had named his fateful yacht.
for Ghislaine, what was the most seismic event of her life.
his body was found floating in the water.there were three postmortems and no one could agree on what the cause of death was.
there’s a lot of conspiracy around the circumstance of his death.
he committed suicide, he was rubbed out by assassins from a two -man submarine.poisoning,strngling,even overwork.
suddenly Ghislaine is dealing with a media – again that shows Ghislaine’s status in the family pecking order, that she was very much like the sort of wife and heir apparent. shes like the bereaved widow going to see what had happened.
there were reports that she arrived on the boat and had personal documents and important document shredded.
a very reliable daily mirror reporter said that he saw Ghislaine shredding documents.
that shows that she would’ve had quite an involvement with the buisness to have knwon what documents to shred.
so you have the public face,in which shs hadnling the press and enquiries very well, and you have the private shredding of documents.
this was a loyal daughter, ensuring that whatever fatae her father had befallen ,she wasn’twilling to let light in on the darkness.
undoubtedly ,they didn’t want other people to know what the papers revealed about maxwell’s business.
there was suspicion and rumours around robert maxwell”s business dealings.
a lot of people hated him. he would´ve picked u a lot of enemies along the way. in an interview Ghislaine gave about seven years ago after his death, she said she thought it was murder.
but there’s never been any evidence to back that up
the only thing Ghislane is sure of is that he did not commit suicide.
also betty said he would never commit suicide, it never entered her mind. not possible. and he wouldn never have done that. and says he’s a figher , he’s a totaly born fighter.no way.
Robert maxwel woh paid little attention to his jewish origins until near the end of his life, asked tobe bried in jerusalem and the entire israel establishment came to pay tribute.
prime minister shamir
defense minister Arens
Housing minister sharon
by 1991 , robert maxwell wasa major personality in Israel. he was very close to the Israel government.
he rediscovered his jewish roots, and he felt very at home there.
so it was natural for them to want to bury him in the most sacred place in jerusalem.
after his death, the pilot of ther personal jet told that on the way back, as they left jerusalem and flew back to england, some of them were unbelievavlt relieved and happy.
it was a brief moment of freedom for them, they thought ” finally , we’ve got control of orown lives” of course , they were mistaken.
they mystery of robert maxwell multiple today with the collapse ofhis publishment empire.
his crumbling empire is missing 1, 2 billion dollars.
employees of the mirror newspapers learned that more than a billion dollar had been siphoned from their pension fund.
when robert maxwell died.and the financial mismanagement of the mirror group became apparent.
it became one of the biggest stories in British modern history.
British newspapers are having a field day reporting the scandal.
in the lead , maxwell’s daly mirror desperately trying to solve the mystery of what its publisher did with the money.
he had taken 400 million pounds from the pensioners at the mirror group.
maxwell sole not just the pension fund, for he stoe lots of other companies
his total takings were at least two billion pound in 1991.
so, in current terms, you talking about a fraud of at least five to ten billion pound sterling.
and the maxwell name was dirt and synonymous with fraud.
for Ivy needham, thisis one memory she would rather not have, her former boss robert maxwell and family.
robert maxwell robbed us.he took our bank book, took the money out ,and that was it said Ivy.
at the time, there were accusations that ghislaine’s brothers wer somewho involved because they were robert maxwell’s lieutenants inthe the business.
and it was unclear at that point whether Ghislaine knew f it or had been involved in any way.but it was a highly stressful situation for Ghislaine.
and then kevin maxwell appeared flanked by officers from the city of london police.
maxwell’sfamily became completely ostracized and vilified, totally persona non grata.
maxwell’s sons handed over their bankrupt inheritance today to administrators who will sell off the empire.
clearly the didn’t know everything.and clearly he had a uh.. style of business where probably he ran on need to knwo as to supose to shating information all the time said the brothers.
a large part of the scandal is what the press has made of it. so stupid. this is nothing to do with the man. the man was a totally exceptional man.most people who said appalling things about him have never met him in their life. they don’t know who they’re talking about. said betty
it was bizarre to hear her talkingabout her late husband. she said” he was such a wonderful husband, such a wonderful father ,”which seemed very different from all the reports we’d been reading in papers.
it must have been a devastating shock to Ghislaine
one moment , she’s at the very top of the society and the next moment the maxwell name is mud.
you don’t fell that she retreated to the bosom ofher family ,to her siblings. to her mother . who was still alive to support her.
its lile almost she was orphaned from that moment, because she didn’t have the all – powerful daddy watching her back.
the rug was pulled from underneath her andshe’s wondering ;
” how am i gonna stand up?”how am i gonna get through life?
survival means many different things do different people.survivel in Ghislaine’s case means getting up in the morning and figuring out a new life. …
“it said to lose a parent.but you havet o go on ”
Ghislaine said. in an interview back then in 1992.in new york.
where better to go than a place where you’re not really suffering from your name.in the same way thatmaxwell would suffer back in britain?
and so she invents Ghislaine maxwell socialite
and heads off to new york.
she had this tremendous suvival instinct, which clearly kicked in, and she went to new york,where sheset her sights on findinga daddy replacement.
and that is a crucial moment in why we then see her get involved to the degree that she did with epstein.
i think we’d all a have to conclude that sadly she sold h er soul to the devil.