Warning: Graphic content, readers’ discretion advised. This story contains a recollection of crime and can be triggering to some readers discretion advised.
Ghislaine alone…….

After nearly twenty years, Ghislaine Maxwell leaves Epstein in an attempt to separate herself from his crimes, but soon finds herself in prison awaiting trial for sex crimes against multiple victims.
Ghislaine maxwell has been chargged for her alleged role in the sexual exploitation and abuse of young girls. by jeffrey epstein. she has pleaded not guilty and has not been convicted.
her trial is set for novmber 2021.

once jefffrey epstein moved to palm beach.

Ghislaine maxwell essentially working for him .

some would say Ghislaine was under jeffrey’s spell and was willing to do anything for him.

palm beach police ,when they did the search warrant

they found evidence that they had a serial pedophile on their hands .but the fed’s did nothing.

he’s arrested ,he’scharged, but he gets this sweet-heart deal.
the quilty plea and deal in the process that could have sent epstein to jail for 15 years.
the quilty plea and deal in the process that could have sent epstein to jail for 15 years.

and he got 18 months.because they didn’t give a shit about the vicims.
the deal they made was the dumbest deal in hitstory.
the deal they made was the dumbest deal in hitstory.

he’s able to have work realease privileges and leave his jail cell
he negotiated also essentially immunity for Ghislaine maxwell.why?would that happen? maria farmer believes it was a blackmail operation
he negotiated also essentially immunity for Ghislaine maxwell.why?would that happen? maria farmer believes it was a blackmail operation

the FBI didn’t wanna lnpw what Ghislaine maxwell knew.
this was a cover up.
this was a cover up.

the state is happy that have a conviction .
Epstein got this sweetheart deal .everybody is happy.
Epstein got this sweetheart deal .everybody is happy.

they believed this thing was gonna go away. that´s, what epstein and maxwell were counting.

convicted sex offender jeffrey epstein made a sneaky gtaway from jail this morning.

typically, when released,

the former inmates are able to walk free across this bridge to a parking lot below.but not Epstein.

he was able to exit from an area below.

an area where a vehicle was waiting for him, for his security and privacy.

jeffrey ‘s just happy this is over.he´s ready to move on to the next portgion of his life.

Jeffrey and Ghislaine movedback to new york.after he got out of palm beach county.
in florida he had to register as a sex offender. but they reentered social circles in new york.
as if… as if nothing happpened.
in florida he had to register as a sex offender. but they reentered social circles in new york.
as if… as if nothing happpened.

after he was convicted and it was in the press, he was not shunned by certain set of people in new york.
these are people woh are sophisticated in the media .hwo lived on the news.
these are people woh are sophisticated in the media .hwo lived on the news.
how could they not have to known?

in maria farmers opinion ,because everything she’ve seen wealthy people always get away with everything. and moneymakes up for all wrongs in new york society.

if one of lady victorias best friend went to jail she wouldn´t just cut them off , like ,rigtht away.she would want to ,like findout what happened and a lot of these things.
you cant really believe media and all of this ,shes says it hard to know how to believe
you cant really believe media and all of this ,shes says it hard to know how to believe

but during that time lady victoria would see her solo.and Ghislaine
wouldn´t really mention him and what happened.
wouldn´t really mention him and what happened.

new yorkers dont care about your background or your scandal if you got money , and you’ve got influence, that’s all they car about.
it´s who you are in this minute , now.
it´s who you are in this minute , now.
epstein and Ghislaine both engaged in reputational laundering.
and what they do,is they tried to recast themselvesas philanthropists.

” tell everybody how much you love the ocean,love your planet for generations to come “

she was really rampingup her presence acroos the country.in terms of attending social events.
she was wery engaging and charming.
she was wery engaging and charming.

she had thisincredible vocabulary .she couldspeak many languages
so she could just jump in at a party and start talking to anyone.
so she could just jump in at a party and start talking to anyone.

and she rally began focusing on cutivating the clintons.
at dinner clintons were there and a lot of other influential names.
at dinner clintons were there and a lot of other influential names.

like bill clinton, she was very pally with bill clinton.Ghislaine and bill just looked , liked very at ease with each other.
there wereall in the same orbit . and Ghislaine is in her element.
this is exactly what she´s used to , private jets and presidents.

they go back a long way .

she went to chelsea clintons wedding.

there were still money coming in from jeffrey.

at the same time Ghislaine was trying to legitimize herself.
she was trying to move herself away from the jeffrey epstein world.
and tis as going to be her way out.
she was trying to move herself away from the jeffrey epstein world.
and tis as going to be her way out.

it was then that Ghislaine began this TerraMar nonprofit.
TerraMar is mostly a website.
TerraMar is mostly a website.
she would bring in interns and they would accompany Ghislaine to go andspeak at schools and universities.

and in front of the UN.
she would be talking about TerraMar.being involved with a charity was definitelya way to detract from the negative press that was surrounding jeffrey and rebranding herself.
she would be talking about TerraMar.being involved with a charity was definitelya way to detract from the negative press that was surrounding jeffrey and rebranding herself.

TerraMar gave Gishlaine the vehicle to appear on this international stage which is what she was cultivating at the time.

she was being seen with just about everybody. she was being photographed with everybody.
and she was looking into romances with other individuals
and she was looking into romances with other individuals

Ghislaine was in Reykjavik, at the artic circle assembly

it was a conference.where invited members were there to met , mingle. and to present their findings on various tropics.

and that’s where she met scott borgerson.he founded a compan ycalled CargoMetrics.

The TerraMar operation put her incontact with a whole new crowd of people.including scott borgerson.borgerson was very connected to the Trump administration.
hwo had been in the coast guard and started his own global logistiscs company.
both of them were opportunists.he was marrried at that point.
both of them were opportunists.he was marrried at that point.

but eventually ,she hooked up with him.
everything is going along just great.she’s got this little ocean saving philanthropy.she´s givinga TED talk. she´s succeeding
everything is going along just great.she’s got this little ocean saving philanthropy.she´s givinga TED talk. she´s succeeding

until Virginia Giuffre drops a bomb into it. describing that Ghislaine tells her she did a really good job.she pats virginia on the back and says ” you made him really happy….”

virginia robert alledges that she was kept as a sex slave for three years by jeffrey epstein.

in 2015 virginia roberts Giuffre,decided to sell her story to the daily mail.

the daily mail publishes this exposé that said for the first time

that virginia was traficked to other men …beside jeffrey.

including prince Andrew.

British newspapers have published this picture of roberts with the prince
when she was just 17.

the daily mail has got ten questions here, that believes the palace should be answering

the first one is,how did this picture come to be taken?
back then Ghilslaine tells virginia Giuffre that she have to do for andrew what she do for jeffrey .and that made virginia sick.
back then Ghilslaine tells virginia Giuffre that she have to do for andrew what she do for jeffrey .and that made virginia sick.

virginia didn´t expect it from someone that people look up to and admire in
the royal -family .

virginia filed legal papers in florida.claiming that she wasforce to have sex with prince andrew .

at that point. Ghislaine maxwell for the first time

enters the public domain as participant.

in this jeffrey Epstein sex trafficking operation.

when the story started coming out , lady victoria was really shocked and peole that have known her ,like since university, they´re like;
“wow” we neve saw that side in her .”
“wow” we neve saw that side in her .”

lady victoria still find some of it hard to believe. that this person in the newspaper is actually someone that they knew or thought we knew.

Ghislaine was no longer associated with Epstein in a public way.
but they were in contact when the daily mail article came out .
when he emails her and says:

so ,she gets her public relations team

writes a press release denying all …

and calling virginia a liar.

virginia then gets herself a lawyered up

and they bring a defamation suit against Ghislaine maxwell.

during the deposition, she is slamming her hand on the table.

she´s knocking things over. she doesn’t wanna be involved in this.
she views all of this , as an incomvenience.
she views all of this , as an incomvenience.

it´s nonsense that in the deposition she´s acting as if she´s such a rather prim , prudish woman .
who really would´t go to such depravity.
who really would´t go to such depravity.

its a completely fabrication of who she really is.

she sells this 15- million dollar townhouse that jeffrey had bought her.
and she starts to retreat from new york society.
and she starts to retreat from new york society.

virginia´s exposé that definitely would have rattled her , that wouldhave rattled anybody that gets exposed like that.

her last really big appearance was ut in Europe.doing this cash and rocket charity car drive.
to rase money for poor women, while faunting , high-end ,lucury goods.
she was photgraphed with other socialites and that was the last time your really saw her in public.
to rase money for poor women, while faunting , high-end ,lucury goods.
she was photgraphed with other socialites and that was the last time your really saw her in public.

reporters at the miami herald have dug into alongdormant story.

and what they found about jeffrey Epstein….
could blow the wholesordid tale wide open once again.
could blow the wholesordid tale wide open once again.

nothing else wold´ve happened to Epstein. except for a reporter at the miami herald named jule K. brown , did an in -depth investigation about the Epstein case .
and the sweet-heart deal.
and the sweet-heart deal.

” it was alleged that he hadmolested all these girls,dozens if not hundreds of girls,and i thought ,where are these girls now, and what do they think about this deal?”
julie started from that vantage point.”
julie started from that vantage point.”

the miami herald collected dozens of corroboration wittnesses.

stating the same thngs that virginia was alleging.

the feds were embarrassed by the miami herlad story and forced to take some action.

Jeffrey epstein was arrested in covert operation as he landed on a flight from france

” today we announce the unsealing of sextrafficking charges against jeffrey espein.”
they basically just dusted offf.the same indictment that was prepared in 2007 in florida.
and was shelved after acosta made this deal.
“while the dcharged conduct is from a number of years ago , it is till profoundly important to the many alleged victims.”

so they basically just took the old indictment,and filed it in manhattan.

jeffrey epstein will be in court tomorrow to face new charges of sex crimes involving underage girls.

shortly after jeffre’s arrest ,christohper he became completely transficed by this story . this was a guy christopher had knwon not very well.

but he had known Gislaine and been very very fond of her.but this is another dimension of Ghislaine. that christopher was totally unaware of, and was dipply sickened and horrified by .

all of his homes had video equipment.

and the FBI reportedly found troves of pictures of underage girls.

So the federal gorernment has in its possession , a large of amount of video and photographic evidence.

that would be devastaded to espein’s coconspirators.

and it seemed that inevitalby at some point Ghislane was going to be implicated.

after jeffrey epstein’s arrest in 2009,everyone wondered whether he would go to trial or not.
hid attorneys are arguing that this feels like double jeopardy.

because years ago epstein struck a deal with federal prosecutors in florida over similar crimes.granting him immunity after he pleaded guilty to a less charge.

but prosectutors are now saying that was only florida , not for new york.

a party in saint- tropez of a famus british property developer.Ghislaine ,she seemed in many ways not only unemotional,but als detached from life altogether.
she seemed lost .

TerraMar was closed down right after jeffrey epstein’s arrest in 2019.
and peoplestarted to wonder whether Ghislaine maxwell was goingto be apprehended and put on trial herself.

but then there’s this bombshell.

” breaking news out of new york,convicted pedophile and sex trafficker,jeffrey epstein
is dead”

epstein had been on suicide watch,but was taken off shortly before his death.

The US attorney’s office was getting ready to prosecute this guy,and all of a sudden , he endsup dead in their custody.

the government alleges…

he committed suicide by hanging himself ….

with bed sheets that he had tied into knots.

he had told people that he was suicidal.

he was left alone in his cell with his sheets.and he was given the opportunity to commit suicide.

the suicide theory is the one that the government hs gone with.

but immediately after he was found dead, the mediabegan questioning the circumstance

“the conspiracy theries are flying.because the whole story doesn’t make any sense”

“if he has all these secrets on people, you could say ,” okay , there’s a motivation for some wealthy person to hire a hit man to go in and somehow murder him in prison .”

lady victoria believed that he was killed by people that didn’t want to be exposed.

there is a huge amount of conspiracy about how epstein died and whether it was suicide or whether it was foul play.

just as there has been about robert maxwell for many years.

in the Atlanticocean, a death and a a mystery.

Robert maxwell disappeared from his yacht.

there are many paralles between robert maxwell and jeffrey epstein.

did maxwell jump off the back of the boat in the canary islands , or was he murdered?

did epstein hang himself in a new york prison ,or was he murdered?
its actually quite creepy ,the similarities between them both and there ‘s something very sinister about both stories.

if you’re Ghislaine maxwell and all of a sudden, jeffrey epstein dies.
that would put thefear of god into you.

some people might think that she was in fear of her life now.
that maybe she believes epstein was murdered.

she felt that her teflon don essentially wouldget away again, that he would sneak away andhe would cut a deal andnot have any concerns.

the only conclusion was that , she had to be afraid.cause she ‘s like the next in line of succession.
its all sort of shifted to her.

maxwell had to disappear after epstein died. not just becaue epstein died.

but because the virginia Giuffre defamation case documents had been released ,and now it was public.

and that ‘s when this wohle scheme started to come unraveled.

it’s talking about unbelievably sordidand large -scale sex trafficking.
and her name was now associated with it.

it also put front andcenter Prince Andrew-again.

reporter : virginia roberts says she met you in 2001 and she wnet on to have sex with you in a house in belgravia beloning to to Ghislane maxwell.
Prince andrew: didn’t happen.
reporter : she was very specific about that night. she described dancing with you and you profusely sweating, and that she went on to have

Prince andrew: there’s a slight problem with the sweating,um,because i have a peculiar medical condition…which is that i don’t sweat ,or i didn’t sweat at the time , and that was…?yeas , i didn’t swat at the time because …i …um…
he gives this astrocious interview.where he falls on his face and embarasses himself, embarrasses the crown .
reporter: are yousaying you don’t believe her ,she’s lying?
prince andrew: that’s avery difficult thing to answer because…
the BBC interview , yeah, that was a real mistake.

reporter : do you regret the whole friendship with Epstein?
prince andrew: i’m , uh…now … still not.
the entire contry watched it literally with the jaws on the floor.
prince andrew: do i regret the fact that he has quite obviously conducted himself in a manner unbecoming?yeas.
reporter : ” unbecoming ?” he was a sex offender.
prince andrew : yeah, i’m sorry . i’m being polite.i mean , he was a sex offender.

it wouldn’t probably ben wiser to just not have said anything.
prince andrew: but i…
reporter: yeah .
Prince Andrew: but remember that it was his girlfriend that was
the key element in this.

Lady victtoria : it just so happened that Ghislaine was very good friends with
prince andrew.but as far as virginia, i have no idea what happened.

reporter : the world has now seen the photo. that virginia roberts provided, taken by epstein, we understand , in Ghislaine maxwell’s house.
prince andrew: i dont remember that photograph ever being taken.
reporter : your arm was around her waist .
prince andrew: yes
reporter : you’ve seen the photograph?
prince andrew : i’ve seen it .
reporter: how do you explaine that?
prince andrew: i can’t

prince andrew: the photograph is taken upstairs,i dont think i ever went upstairs.
reporter: you sure of that?
prince andrew: yeah ,because the dining room and everything was on the ground floor.
Prince andrew”s fall from grace is the most seismic thing to rock the house of windsor in the last century.

and it was Ghislaine who introduced prince andrew to epstein.

reporter: his girlfriend , Ghislaine maxwell, your old friend ,was ,victims say , complicit in his behavior.
prince andrew: um, if there are questions that Ghislaine has to answer , thats her problem ,i’m afraid i’m not in a position to be able to comment one way or the other.

“her relationship with Prince andrew has always fascinated and intrigued me.
if she has concrete proof of prince andrew ‘s sexual activity withunderage girls.
it could spark a devastating litigation for prince andrew .”

” prince andrew should be panicking. the rich and the mighty can fall , too.”

there’s no question that powerful people, such as prince andrew , are nervouse about what evidence Ghislaine maxwell could potentially produce.
more so than anybody else, certainly prince andrew. is an individual that Ghislaine has his number.

they mystery is growing on the whereabouts of the british socialite who allegedly helpedepstein recruit young girls.

where in the world is Ghislaine maxwell?

she hs tremendous resurces andaccess all over the world

one of jeffrey was dead ,Ghislaine maxwell disappears.she disappears off all radar
reporters all over the country tried to find her.
that added to her mystique.


nobody knos where maxwell is.

” when i was asked would they ever find her , i joked . i was like , she’s probably in as submarine somewhere “

The world’s media has not found this woman yet.
” i suppose shee’s just disappeared she”s key to all this”

“If you’re Ghislaine maxwell, i think her reaction was a logical one.oh, my god ,he’s dead ?
i have to protect myself.”

“no evidence hasn’t really emerged, of like what exactly did the NYPD pick up when they raided his house.”

was there blackmail tapes there?

if it’s bonafide stuff, it’s possible fortunes would be lost.

it’s possble fortunes would be lost .it would be really disastrous

i think jeffrey epstein. was a sexual deviant going after young girls .
and if acouple of powerful men got caught up in thesnare, jackpot.

when you walked into the new york mansion

to palm beach

everything was being filmed
the government officials , the politicians ,the royalty,they were taping everybody.
virginia thinks that nobody knew they were been filmed.

maybe Ghislaine knows where all those photographs and tapes and videos are.
so the 64,000 -dollar question is where are the tapes?
if they contain what we think they do to say they would be explosive ,would be the understatement of the day.

the dominant Epstein conspiracy theory is that he was videotaping all these high-profile people as blackmail .

and the other side of that theory is maybe he was doing this on behalf of the CIA or intelligencea agencies.
he got recruited as a spy for them
that’s sort of the theory that ties it all together,in terms of the videotaping
and mysterious sort of high-profile connections

in terms of this ridiculous treatment by law enforcement in palm beach. and it does a pretty neat and tidy job.

those videos could be used as blackmail,as compromising material on foreign dignitaries on people in power.
no doubt someone would´ve been interested in that kind of information .
what transpired with epstein’s video surveillance cameras.

but on maxwell’s side, there’s her father , robert maxwell.
who’s for sure involved with intelligence. probably both KGB and Mossad.

the mossad, the Israel intelligence agency,

” will he ask the prime minister to order the immediate inquiry into the alleged relationship between the Israel intelligence service and robert maxwell?”

the allegations about maxwell’s first connections with Israel were first made in a book by seymour hersh.
“the man had a lot of information about a lot of things, and did a lot that we dont know very much about”

one of the main sources of that book

Ari ben -menashe,a former israeli intelligence officer claimed that maxwell had played a major role in smuggling arms for israel.
” robert maxwell was working for Israeli intelligence. he was an operative for quite a long time. he was a senior operative, asa matter of fact. i was working with him .i was sort of supervising what he was doing for us.”

john : “one of the things learned early on at the CIA. …and this is certainly consistent in other intelligence organizations….

…..is that they’re often multigenerational
you want people in the same family . because they know that you’re loyal, let ‘s say for the sake of argument. that this was the israelist that were involved.
and Ghislaine maxwell’s father already hada relationship ith the Israel services.

Ghislaine was importan and well-connected and working at higher level of society than most anybody else.so i don’t think it’s at all a leak in logic. to think she’s continuing to do daddy’s work.”

Ari ben -menashe: Epstein started working with israeli intellligence as well, selling or giving or collecting secrets.however you wanna put it .
they were collecting secrets for israelis.

“it’d be impossible for me to know the details of any sort of like government conspiracy bit there there’se enough there that i don’t think…i think something is going on.”

” this is such a biggger animal than anyone knows and Ghislaine maxwell has the answers.
and until she talks, we may never know.”

we ‘ve bee discreetly keeping tabs on maxwell’s whereabouts as we work this investigation
and we’ve learned she slithered away.

to a gorgeous property in new hampshire, continuing to live a life of privilege while her vitms live with the trauma inflicted upon them years ago.

on july 2nd ,2020,Ghislaine’s days of hiding are about to end.

The FBI took maxwell into custody

at this home in new hampshire.
maxwell had been carefully attempting to avoid detection,using a fake name for mail and deliveries.
Ghislaine maxwell bought a house in bradford , new hampshire, where the feds make a dramatic arrest.
FBI broke through her door as she tried to , quote ,” flee to another room.”

inside the home ,agents say they founda cell phone wrapped in tin foil on top of a desk
a seemingly misguided effort to evade detection

in thecase of Ghislaine maxwell’s arrest , i dont think that 25 officers going in was over the top. this was an individual that needed to be treated that way.

spencer :when you capture someone like Ghislaine maxwell,i don’t besmirch the US Government from taking a victory lapp . to be able to come back one year later and say, we’ve got the conconspirator, they wanted a little good press. as well they should
take her down and embarrass the hell out of her. thta’s what she deserves.”

it later turned out that she was livin there with scott borgerson.

this afternoon , a federal magistrate in new hampshire ordered maxwell into the custody of the US marshal service. tobe taken to new york.
maxwell is charge with six federal counts of sex trafficking,conspiracy to sex trafficking ,and perjury .
usually you hear about this kind of sex trafficking involving men, but according tothe girls allegations,she played the roleof solicitor and groomer.

by charging her with multiple different counts.it gives the US attorney’s office the ability to put all of the evidence out there and let the jury choose from which they wanted to convict her for.

Ghislane maxwell , pleaded not guilty to sex trafficking charges.
wealthy and powerful people, feel that they are immune to prosecution ,and part of the thrill is the excitement of getting away with stuff that other people just simply cannot.
because you just sp convinced how fantastically bright and connected and powerfull you are

” but that dassling charm and wit that captivated me and so many people is unlikely to be of much use to her in a federal prison .”

maxwell ‘s jail has been described as a hellhole by some.

MDC brooklyn is a notoriously terrible prison,and its a holding facility.
it’s a very difficult life in there.

its a place that has repeatedly come up in the courts.

because of the cruel treatment that takes place there.

at the bail hearing on july 14th ,2020

marcus cohen , one of maxwell’s attorney’s told the court at one point ” she’s not the monster that’s been portrayed by the media and the governmet.”

Quote:” Ghislaine maxwell is not jeffrey epstein.”
her lawyers asked the judge to release maxwell into home confinement
on a five-million dollar bond.

then,in december 2020, scott borgerson offers to pay 28 and half million dollars in bail to get Ghislaine maxwell out of jail in time for christmas.

to get Ghislaine maxwell out of jail in time for christmas.

” regardless of any amount of bail, whether it is 30 million , 10 million ,100 million dollars , if the personis appearing to pay their way to get out of jail. so they can flee and avoid prosecution,the jude denies that type of bail.”

“the risk are simply too great “
the wordsof the judge refusing bail this evening to Ghislaine maxwell

she’ll spend the next year in jail.

because she’s viewed as a suicided risk,the lights are kept on 24 hours a day.
the game plan on Ghislaine maxwell for the government.is keeping her alive.

that’s why she is under 24/ 7 watch. they can’t ave another jeffrey epstein.
they can’t have another person hanging from a noose in a jail cell.
now,what is hergame? her game is somehow seeing light , somehow getting through this.
if she ultimately cracks under the pressure and decides that she’s going to give up information.
there are going to be a lot of people around the globe in very powerful positions that are gonna be very concerned about what she knows and what she’s gonna say.

“of course she ‘s in danger, look what happened to jeffrey. i think she’s obviously a huge target because she knows way to much .on a lot of government heads of state.”

if,in fact, there were forces behnd epstein’s death.she has got to be concerned that the same may befall herat the end of the day.

suspected child sex offender ,Ghislaine maxwell,is withering as she sits in jail awaiting trial.

her lawyer made that statement as part of a new bid to relac the condition of maxwell’s detention .
her lawyer says maxwell is suffering emotional abuse
Ghislaine maxwell’s trail is set for 2o21.

” she’s lost 20 pounds, she’s losing her hair ,she can’t concentrate .she has a flashlight shone in hercell every 15 minutes ,during the night ,so she has no , uh , sleep , uh, of any real quality.and that is torture.
why is Ghislaine maxwell being treated differently she is a patsy for Epstein
,is the answer whom they lost on their watch .and they’r taking it out on my sister”

christopher: friends ofmine,who were very close toGhislaine,wanted to impart to me, that they felt she was avictim in this. that Ghislaine had maybe been naive.
she was in love with this guy.she had no idea how deeply depraved he was.
and Ghislaine was as much a victim of this as the girls.

” the fact that this woman is pretending she’s a victim.i can’t handle that all these people come forward andpretend to be victims.when ….the victims were children and young girls, young vulnerable women.

” I absolutely believe that the defense will claime that Ghislaine maxwell,uh, was a victim.”

she was under the influence of this very powerful , very wealthy man he had a hold over her psychologically and that he abused her as much as he abused those girls

” i have no doubt that they’re gonna try to use the non -prosecution afreement to defend maxwell”

but the non -prosecution agreement covered the charges and women in palm beach.
the charges brought in the southern district of new york are separate anddistinct.

there are accusaations, these young women are making, that they wew paid to also be with some big names.
could she help to bring those names down ?for amore lenient s entence? that’s is the million dollar question.

“if i was the layer , my defense would be cooeration . so that i can get a reduced sentence. and have assurity that i would be able to live some of my life outside of jail.”

Berry levine :” ten years as opposed to 35 certainly allows her to see light at the end of the tunnel. i think it’s possible that Ghislaine is gonna give up something.

john kiriakou: ” if it goes to trial, the tapes will have to come out and i think that too many important people dont want that to happen .i think the justice departement will offer Ghislaine maxwell something that she can live with.
it won’t be 30 years. maybe it’ll be … ten years or 15 years which is hellacious.but it won’t be in a maximum security prison.she’s a women. and she’ll go to a low security prison.

“when your really thingabout it with hindsight , is there any huge suprise that ghislaine has ended up where she is?because the society girl that i knew at oxford, who as i say , never exuded any warmth,who had thiscold ,calculating , ratherbrittle manner.
she had these strange traits of character. which weall know came from robert maxwell”

Rosie kingchen:”one of the reasons that ghislaine issuch a compelling character is that she’s both a victim and a possible conspirator.and so you can never let her off the hook.
but you also have to bear in mind the history of that family….

…. having that man as a father .i don’t think any of the kids have ever fully escaped his shadow.so she ‘s a complex person for that reason”

lady victora hervey: i’m just really interested to hearwhat her version is.there is always to sides to a story.

” she’s never shown any remorse”

” i think it’s disgraceful, and these people are gonna burn in hell.”

in the case against Ghislaine maxwell – will we se justice?

John :” when you look at the victims of cases like this, this lives are ruined.

Leleand Nally :i think thisis a story about money and how money works.
and ai think this is how rich people ger treated in legal system around the world.

these are the wealthyiest people in the world and they have the most power.

maria farmer: ” the only way they don’t get away with everything is if they’re killed.so , um , either she gets away with everything or she gets killed.”

“and i think that’s beem the pattern. the victims are told ” oh, now the truth is gonna come out ,because now , um , you know,Epstein is gonna be prosecuted in federal court .”

and of course we know how that endend……

virginia: it would’ve bengreat to look at him in court , and say , you know , ” you hurt me, you took away my innocence , you took away my youth.”

” i want answers. because i think we all deserve that and i think the girls deserve that .”

virginia:i would like to see Ghislaine stay in jail forever.i’d like her to apologize.for what she’s done to me and somany others.

“it so hard for people who haven’t experienced these really powerful people, to understand that we anticipate disappointment, we anticipate being hurt .
we anticipate being manipulated,we anticipate being lied to.
i haven’t seen anyone held accountable .”

In march 2021 .Ghislaine maxwell was also charged with the sex traffickingof a minor,between 2001 -2004.
Ghislaine maxwell continues to maintain herinnocence.