Warning: Graphic content, readers’ discretion advised. This story contains a recollection of crime and can be triggering to some readers discretion advised.

Ghislaine fledto new york ,because of the media storm surrounding her famlily
it was kind of an obvious choice for her. sort of like the next kind of city. that be able to compare to like London very metropolitan .
and she was very in with the americans. and americans sort of embraced that.
new york was the ideal placeto go because it was seen as somewhere you can reinvent yourself. that actually new yorkers don’t care about your background or your scandal
if you got money , and influence, that’s all they care about.

Epstein worked as Wexner’s money manager.but they had a very strangely close relationship and a lot of colleaugues of wexner’s and former friends have gone on record to talk about how strange the whole thing was.
Epstein’s modus operandi was deception.people raise speculation about blackmail and all this type of stuff.
some people believe that Epstein stole a hundred million from Wexner.
according to the L- brands CEO , Epstein misappropriated millions from him and his foundation.
the point about jeffrey is there was no tactic. he was not willing to use to get what he wanted.
that would’ve been familiar to Ghislaine.she knew about dealing with devious and corrupt men.
when you grow up with that ,it becomes normal
the townhouse of this guy that Ghislaine was seeing…
was perhaps described
as the largest private house in Manhattan.
at an exhibiton opening.
jeffrey was wearing faded jeans.
everyone else was in fancy cocktail attire.
but it seemed tobe a part of his shtick.
he had this almost permanent smirk, as if he was successful and such a big deal.
and it was kind of a privilege for you to be meeting him.
what ghislaine would’ve offered him was entrée to the world he wamted
this is a guy who often came across tosome of her friends as an idiot.by the things he said.
they knew jeffrey had money , but…his appearance ,the way he talked, hissocialgraces were completely below Ghislaine maxwell.
she wanted to make him over.she viewed him as something of a project.
wheter she was in ove with Epstein or not , she was certainlyvery infatuated by him,drawn to him. and she wanted to be his wife.
they really seemed like a couple, and they seemed ,like , very very happy together. but surprisingly they did not get married.
she was the butterfly,she was the one bringing people for him ,almost in a way.
and then he turned that into business contact.
Leland wrote an artical for mother jones.where he called every person in jeffrey Epstein’s black book.
he saw a screenshot of it and he noticed that it was un -redacted so he checked really dark ,awful corners of the internet and he found it
donald trump is in there.
prince andrew,obviously.
but a lot of the people Leland called in the book had only ever met maxwell.
probably most of the people in the black book.were her connections and her entrée.
her father had the biggest newspaper group in england.so she knew everyone.
jeffrey Epstein sort of inherits that.
without Ghislaine maxwell he never would have climbed to the upper echelons of society.
it was clear that her attraction to jeffrey was profound.whether it was romantic ,sexual,or transactional .
what Ghislaine wanted was security.obviously if he married her,that gave her immense security.
but the sense of them both, feel… is that it was always going to
be an arrangement.
one person who knew them both pretty well, described it as this really toxic, almost middle school on again, off again codependency. jealousy sort of thing.
it wasn’t the picture of this wholesome ,fulfilling relationship
Ghislaine’s mother were coming to new york and she wanted to introduce her to all her closest friends.and the invitation was to go to the townhouse. so it was in jeffrey’s house.
but he didn’t seem to be there
a strange thing about this party- it was a cocktail party.
and people kept sayhing;
“it’s kind of weird ,ghislain’s dating this guy. jeffrey epstein, apparently he’s´very successful”
but the weird thing is apparently he likes sort of younger girls. and Ghislaine is always trying to please him.
and so she’s introducing him to schoolgirls.
what was Gislaine’s first instinct when she learned about jeffrey’s dark secret.
because what is part of history is that Ghislaine didn’t run away.
she didn’t flee. she didn’t drop him lika a hot potato and goback to england.
she stayed with him.
Ghislaine stayed with jeffrey because that had become her life, and she saw herself as this kind of all-powerful partner to this powerful man.
Ghislaine fell under jeffrey’s spell and was willing to do anything for him.
but he had an insatiable sexual appetite.
she could not satisfy him that way, and that’s why she brought in others.
and the women were young
jeffrey became really interested in young girls from new york
academy of Art.
Ghislane was always there at the art shows,sort of scoping out people .
she knew what jeffrey liked , she knew the physical type.
maria farmer was graduatingfrom the new york academy of art.she had painted pcitures ofher pre- pubescent younger sister.
that jeffrey saw.
so , jeffrey bought a painting the night of marias graduation.
maria end up being intgroducedto jeffrey and Ghislaine.and he went to shake her hand and he said.
” your so talented, i love your painting”
so next interaction, maria get a call from jeffrey epstein. he wanted to meet maria at his office the next morning.
maria showed up and he´s created a job for maria.
he moved a big white desk into the 71 st street mansion and that was marias job then , was to watch that door.
maria had a big white book and she signed people in. maria gleaneda lot about the way they behaved.she thought it was very strange.
they recorded everyone who came and went.
jeffrey showed maria where he had all the video cameras.and he just gave maria a little tour
but they told maria that they were married,so maria felt thats why she felt comfortable with them.
because maria believed they were a married coulple that really were into philanthrophy and education .
Ghislaine was predominantly in charge of everything.
cause she’s the one who determined whathis appointments were.
Gislaine was the one marching people upstairs. adults, people coming in
and then a lot of children .
always little girls. and Ghislaine told maria farmer that they were modeling for all kinds of companies.
there were couple of times where girls cried. and one time maria farmer rembember a little girl in her skirt.like teenager , braces , little thing, crying ,coming downstairs.
Ghislaine said ” maria, she didn’t get the job.victoria secret, its a tough business “
maria remember that ghislaine was very ,very cold, she was very glamorous andcold andvicious.
Ghislaine was very moody ,and terribly materialistic.
she loved shoping.and she loved exercising. she would go rollerblading for hours.
and then she would get that high and be in a really good mood.
and like that she would turn. at three o´clock every day
she was screaming orders at maria . and screaming orders at the chef or the maids amd she would run out the door.
she would go out and find the nubiles that she said were models.that were reallt girls that she was procuring for jeffrey.
and the would go do this by going after school to central park.
maria farmer ride with her and saw how she did this in the limousine.and saw her spotting a girl in a uniform,pop out , jump out of the car and go get that girls phone number.
this was before cell phones.
maria quite many times because of Ghislaine,and jeffrey would always talk maria back into staying.
one time he said to maria
“i’ve talked to abigal wexner. and she sad she would be deligted to have you.she wants an atist . in residence on the property.
you can have all the room in the world to do your painting”
so maria thought ” what a amazing opportunity.these people they’re patronsof the arts
they have picassos . this is great.this is gonna be a wonderful experience.”- and it was not a wonderful…it ruined maria’s life it was the very experience that ruined her life”
maria farmer go to this estate in Ohio in this old ryder truck with all her art supplies.
so when maria farmer was on the wexner estate,
Ghislaine and jeffrey came on three occasions to visit over the summer.
and wone time maria was in the room, she was reading.and it was late in the evening.
in comes Ghislaine maxwell.she was ina robe and maria thoguht it was weird.because maria never seen her ina robe.
it made maria very nervous her stomack hurt . why is she being intimate?
she come to get maria into jeffrey´s room.and maria remember she had never been in that room.
they always said it was off limit. and so maria farmer is in there.
and jeffrey´’s watching a PBS show on math.
and he goes” rub my foot”
and ghislaine she’s like ” rub jeffrey’s foot right now ,his feet are hurting”
and he goes ” here,” and pats the bed.he wanted maria tosit down beside him.
and she lies down. they began assaulting maria farmer together.
and maria blocked out a lot of it.
maria don’t remember it , maria just remember , not being very comfortable.and she remember looking at the ceiling.
maria start crying.she felt it very mechanical and very bizarre.and what was happened to her….
and ,from that point on , maria hasn’t not been the same person
after maria was assaultedon the wexner estate
she didn´t knwo what to do , but she thought” I’ll just go back to new york”
maria went to the police first.the chief of police told her to call the FBI , and gave her the number.
maria called , and she spoke forabout 45 minutes to this man. but he seemed very unfazed by everything maria told him.
maria farmer ased the FBI to do their job , and they never did it.
she gave them everything.and she gave it to them in 1996.
after maria returned to new york,Ghislaine maxwell wa calling and harrassing maria farmer.
through others as well.throught Ghislaine ,someone called maria and threatened her and said ” that maria should’ve never spoken to the FBI”
but maria farmer had never told anyone.so that scared maria.
and then one day ghislaine called maria ,screaming at her. she threatened maria’s family´s safety,
she threatened to burn down their house down, she threatened to burn maria’s carrer.there were numerous threats made against maria farmer’s life.
until maria experienced the assault ,she had this great amount of respect for jeffrey.
maria had no idea that he was harming people so it was. he had a long way to fall because maria put him up on this pedestal
but maria wouldn´t have out anything past ghislaine. because at that point maria saw what she was.- she’s a monster.
Ghislaine and jeffrey were cast , in this horrific sense, from this same mold.
and the two of them were living between these two worlds
of new york
and palm beach.between high society.and this very dark world of jeffrey’s web
we now know Epstein utilized his jet to travel back and forth.
and started to use thesame techniqueshe was using in new york down here in south florida.
and Ghislaine maxwell was essetally working as house madam for Epstein in palm beach.
first time maria farmer went to florida with jeffrey and ghislaine ,she was working for them
and Ghislaine typically would get up
and exercise, like go swimming.
and then she would shop
and then she would make appointments for jeffrey .
for massages.
no one knows how Ghislaine spent her days in palm beach .
but she was probably a very well-paid personal assistant.
did what he needed to have done. and fielded his phone calls.the thougth was she was just sort of a paid wife.
they werehere fort the same reason everybody else was.
it´s palm beach and it’s the place your want to be , especially when there’s horrobö amd awful winters in new york
and also there’s a lot of prestige.
ut was always seen that palm beach was where the wealhty lived
and wets palm beach were the servants lived.
at seven o’clock you can’t corss the bridge.the landscapers, the household staff, the bankers, and the stockbrokers ar all coming to work.
and at 3:30 , off they go.
and palm beachers have their playpen to themselves again
so they go to parties or they go out to dinner.
Jeffrey epstein and Ghislaine maxwell really kind of worked together as a team to establish this image in palm beach.
Ghisland andjeffrey were about and about.
Ghislaine maxwell attended parties and events with jeffrey epstein,where she would approach young girls in the bathrooms.
who were attendants there working at mar- a-lago club.
virginia was working at mra- a -laog in a spa area. and that’s when Ghislaine came up to her –
she said ” I’ve got a person that i know whos actually looking for a traveling masseuse if he likes you we can get you educated.you’ll be a real masseuse. you’ll travel and see the world. and if you want i can gt you an interview with him .”
what your hear is a consistent story.
and that is essentiallly that Ghislaine seems to be a hinter.
she was out seeking victims for epstein, to bringback that game to him so that he could feed off of his depraved natire and desires.
one of the girls said Ghislaine went to the mall out there, the wallington wall.
or she went to the royal palm beach middle school .or royal palm beach high school.
she couldn’t pray on girls from the right side of the trcks.
because the girls on the right side of the tracks, palm beach had nannies. thay had stay at home mothers. they hadchaperones.
is one of those life moments that virginia never forget .
Gh islaine made it sound like it was a dream come true for virginia.
but it wasn’t
Ghislaine walks virginia up the stairs.
there’s this naked guy laying on a massage table. in the middle of the room.
virginia thougt ” okay ,well this sis just how they do it , i suppose”
virginia did the back of him and then he turned over, that’s when she was instructed to get undressed and have sex with jeffrey epstein.Ghislaine was participating as well
unfortunately ,Ghislaine would engage and participate in some of the depraved events that epstein would be engaged in here here in palm beach.
and she would train othet young women to be able to recruit young girls
and bring them to the home.
courney brought jeffrey anywhere from 50 to 70 girls. just to know that she had any influence on that happening to somebody else just broke her heart.
he needed to have girls on constant call
in every single state or every place that he goes to . he´s already got people lined up and makers making tat happen.
virginia was a baby stuck in a world where …
grownups were allowed to do whatever they wanted.
as an adult , virginia know it’s rigth to run ,but as a kid ,the last thougt she had was;” well this is what life is about.”
jena-lisa just felt like she had to , she didn’t have an option. she was only one in the room with him.where was she gonna go? if she screamed ,who was gonna hear her ?
sarah said Ghislaine controlled the girls. she was like the madam.she was like the nuts and bolts of the sex trafficking operation
she’s always make sure that the girls were doing what they were supposed to be doing.so this was very much a joint effort.
Ghislaine maxwell is worse thn jeffrey epstein. here’s a girl from a rally large family
really close family , supposedly. she has nieces of that age.
what happened ? she has so dissociated herself from the lives of these girls that they were nothing to her.
thery were not useful, they’re not seenas real people because her hwole thing is about who can help me ,who can be useful to me that’s just abhorrent.
livingn that worldof wealth and influence, you lose compelte perspective on the restt of society.and,frankly ,the rest of the wordl and you think you are untochable.and that’s the way that Ghislaine maxwell operated.and thet´s the way jeffrey epstein operated.
and until all came crashing down around them they appeared that
theywere gonna get away with it .
their antics went on for so long because they lived under the radar.
the investigation began in 2005, with a tip from a girls parents.
who were worried because they had found 300 dollar in their daughters pocket.after visiting a mansion over in palm beach proper.
had it not been for the mother of the girl
who complained about ” where did my daughter get 300 dollar from a rich man in palm beach?”
he would probably still be doing it.
they had interviews with lots of young women. and they were all on the record of having sex with him ,when they were underage.
apparently the detective learned that there were recording devices in the house,there were cameras.
and so one of the things you almost always do is a search warrant.
what they noticed immediately when theywent and did the search warrant
the computers, the hard drives were missing.they noticed that , with respect to the cameras.
there was bi recordings of what the cameras had shown.so they figured out quite quickly that Epstein had been tipped off.
but they were able to find in the search were written records.
there were records of sirt if whi they were paying.
one of the girls ,they found a certificate from her high school with her name on.
they found all kinds of things.
photograph still on the wall.so they found various pieces of documentary evidence.
that cofirmed a few things.one, that they were paying girls, and two , that the girls were underage.
so they believed that comined with the interviews hey had done with the girls, thatthey had a fairly strong case.
and that they had a serial pedophile on their hands.
reclusive billionaire jeffrey epstein ,once labeled one of new yorks most eligible bachelors
was investigated by the palm beah police for months.
the police conclusion:epsteins palm beach mansion was a revolving door for women .and some cases girls as yonger as 16
that according to a voluminous probalbe cause affidavit.
they gather all this evidence together and essentially present it
and ultimately thestate attorney´s office were going to allow jeffrey epstein to plead guilty to a misdemeanor
of soliciting minors for prostitution.
these girls were about as far removed from prostitution as you can get,so the palm beach police were upset with the charging decissions that the state attorneys were making.
so they went over to FBI .and they said ;
” look , we have an individual here who´s a serial child molestsr , if you will , of young girls .”
the FBI comes in at that point.
and they begin investigating not only jeffrey epstein , but miss maxwell.
in regards to her part in this entire process.
The FBi to see this web of other people that are involved in this conspiraticy to abuse young girls.
the top of this pyramid is Ghislane maxwell.
so the FB in miami took it to alexander Acosta. how was the the US attorney in miami.
the FBI didn’t prosecute him. that’s no deal. FBI did nothing.they !
so the federal non – prosecution agreement basically said,” epstein, you bad boy”
by heway, if you plead guilty to those charges,” well go away”
but the worst part of the FBI is they never told that they settled with him.
the victims did not know he was given a deal .
so , he did plead guilty tostate charges of recruiting minors for prostitution.
jeffrey epstein went to jail just before ten this morning
he pleaded guilty in open court.
the guilty plea and deal in the year- long process that could ‘ve sent epstein to jail for 15 years
epstein is given 15 months in jail.the deal they made was the dumbest deal in history.
so , not only is it a sweetheart deal, hegot rewarded!how did he got rewarded? he got immnunity!
for named and unnamed people. how the heck does that happen?
Ghislaine maxwell was definitely a part of the original investigation by the FBI.
so , we know that she was intimtely involved.in thoughts and processes of how this deal was
negotiated, to prove immunity to unnamed co- conspiratiors like Ghislaine.
so ,first question of the prosecutor” oh tell me what she did.”
jeffrey epstein was arrested. he’s charged.he gets this sweetheart deal .
daily news printed it and people were outraged.
but it was adone deal , literally.
” Alex Acosta was the federal prosecutor who approved that deal for jeffrey Epstein”
alexander acosta accepted a deal called…
called a ” non -prosecution agreement.”
the deal also protectes Epstein’s accomplices from prosecution
maxwell ,and all the others who came on board walked.
Epstein is allowed out of prison everyday from sunrise to midnight.
he has his own suit in prison. this was horrific.
between 10 am and 10 pm and fridays through wednesdays. jeffrey epstein is allowed to leave his tempory home her at the palm beach county stockade
instead , says epsteins comes here to the west palm beach office of his florida science foundation
work -release privilege is granted despite explicit sheriff’s departement rules stating that sex offenders don’t qualify for work release.
for a victim being kept in the dark entirely
in conjuction with a FBI probing shut down and favorable plea. according to reporting that says he”sable to have work- release priviliges.
and will be able to leave his jailcell.that’s wha’ts soshocking about this.
the federal bureau of investigation knew that epstein and ghislaine had this operation and they did nothing.
the FBI didn’t want to know what Ghislaine maxwell knew.they didn’t want to know what his butler knew.
or what the pilots on hisprivate plane knew.in fact it was just the opposite.
this was a case where they tried to get people to shut up.this was a cover up
Bill clinton’s name has been attached to jeffret epstein, donald trump’s name… it is a hwo’s who of peopel who have been…its just smell as if some large hand said , ” we don’t want this. keep this rock…”
they had a 53 .count indictment against him, all of the sudden , it disapears?why ?why would that happpen? how could it happen?
first time christopher heard about the surveillance videos and tapes was from an extremely close friend of Ghislane.
maria farmer saw where the cameras were at the 71 ststreet house( new york) because his show her the rooms and so she looked on those cameras.
and she saw that the were all very private scenes. and they were taping like the bathroom and the beds.
According to Ghislaine, there were secret surveillance tapes of powerful people
he had captured having sex in his bedrooms.
presumably , with underage girl and that was his weapon.
jeffrey and Gihislaine may have been siting on video tapes.
this was incriminating evidence against some of the rich and powerdul individuals that they did business with.
Jeffrey and Ghislaine were vorking together.Ghislaine was getting children and then they were being put into horrible situations
with these dignitaries and these men…..
just from observing ,there was definite blackmail operation going on.
The new york academy of Art has denied any knowledge of jeffrey epsteins crime.
Les and Abigail wexner hav not been accused of any wrongdoing.
maria farmer’s statemets were provided in an sworn affidavit.
Ghislaine maxwell was not a defendant in the case .but as repeatedly denied any wrongdoing.
while maria farmer has publicly accused maxwelll of wrongdoing, she has not filed any case against her.
Alex Acosta denies the allegations the U.S attorney’s office cut epstein a ” sweet-heart deal”
or avoided investigating wrongdoing.
The DOJ found acosta showed ” poor judgement” but did not find he committed professional misonduct.
In Addition to the criminal charges,Ghislaine maxwell hasbeensued by alleged victims.
These cases have been sttled, dismmissed , or are ongoing.
documents from these lawsuits are used in this story.