Warning: Graphic content, readers’ discretion advised. This story contains a recollection of crime and can be triggering to some readers discretion advised.

The “first phase” of Jeffrey Epstein files were dropped on the Justice Department website. Among the documents include Epstein’s private flight logs, contacts, and a list of evidence seized from his home in New York and the Virgin Islands.

The Department of Justice released files related to disgraced financier Jeffrey Epstein Thursday evening.(Friday, 28 February 2025)

The material released contained previously published pilot logs from the prosecution of Ghislaine Maxwell. The records include redactions performed by prosecutors on the case to protect the identities of potential victims. Also published is Epstein’s so-called “black book” that has previously been made public.

One document never before seen is what the Justice Department is calling “Evidence List,” a three-page catalog of material apparently obtained through searches of Epstein’s properties in New York and the U.S. Virgin Islands.

Among the items investigators obtained, according to the document, is “one CD labelled ‘girl pics nude book 4′” and a folder titled “LSJ logbook,” which appears to be a reference to Epstein’s private island, Little St. James.

Investigators also recovered a bag “containing one yellow envelope marked ‘SK’ dated 08/27/08 containing multiple smaller envelopes containing $17,115” in U.S. currency.

The date is notable because it coincides with the time Epstein was in jail in Palm Beach, Florida. SK could be a reference to one of Epstein’s former associates.

The evidence list also contained dozens of recording devices, computers, hard drives and memory sticks.

The list also included several massage tables – one of which was wheeled into court during Maxwell’s trial – numerous photo albums and pictures, including one that said “photo album of girl and Epstein” and a bag containing “1 set of copper handcuffs and whip.”

Attorney General Pam Bondi had instructed FBI Director Kash Patel to investigate what she describes as an apparent withholding of investigative files related to Epstein.

In her letter to Patel, Bondi said prior to his confirmation she had requested all files related to Epstein — but late Wednesday evening was informed by “a source” that the FBI field office in New York was in possession of “thousands of pages of documents” that had not been handed over.

In recent media appearances on Fox News, Bondi has teased out the pending release of documents in the Justice Department’s holdings related to its investigation of Epstein, who died by suicide in August 2019 while awaiting trial.

to be clear this is potentially  only  a fraction of what  could come out

and a little fair warning ,  it doesn”t appear from our initial  review that there’s anything you know,bombshell or revolutionary…

here’s the  epstein list  of everybody who was involved in this  potential wrongdoing.

i want want to be clear about that but there’s a reason for that because it was expected after litigation and foyer requests and  trial of Ghislaine Maxwell  jeffrey epstein’s  accomplice who was convicted  of federal sex crimes  charges and was sentenced  to 20 years in prison .

a lot of this  material has already  come out , flight logs, manifests, adress book however,it is fascinating to see what was released here  and  of course  jeffrey epstein was the disgraced financier convicted sex offender who ended up dying in prison while awaiting trial on federal sex trafficking charges

but the first thing we got to talk about is the statement that was released by the departement of justice when they released all this files and it reads ;

Today , attorney Genereal pamela Bondi , in conjunction with federal bureau of investigation (FBI) , declassified and publicly released files frelated to convicted sex offender jeffrey epstein and his sexual exploitation of over 250  underage girls at his homes in new york and florida , among other locations .

 The first  phase of declassified files largely contains  documents that have been previously leaked but never released in  a formal capacity by the U.S Government.

quote,this departement of justice is following through on president trump’s commitment to transparency and lifting the veil on disgusting actions of  jeffrey  epstein and his co- conspirators said attorney General Pamela Bondi .

the first  phase of files released today sheds light on  epstein’s extensive network and begins to provide the public with long  overdue accountability



The FBI  is entering a new area – one that will be defined by integrity , accountability, and the unwavering pursuit of justice said   FBI  director Kash  Patel . there will be no cover ups , no missing documents ,and no stone left unturned- and anyone from the prior or curent bureau who undermines this will be swiftly pusued . 

If there  are gaps , we will  find them . if records have ben hidden ,we vill  uncover them  and we  will bring  everything we find to the DOJ  to be fully assessed and transparently disseminated to the american people as it  should be .the oath we take  is to the constitution and under my leadership that  promise will be upheld without compromise.


It goes on to say


attorney General bondi  requested the full and complete files related to jeffrey epstein .


in response  the departement received approcimeately 200  pages of documents,however the attorney General  was later informed of thousands of documents related to the investigation and indictment of epstein that werer not previously disclosed

The attorney General has requested  the FBI deliver the remaining documents to the department by 8: am on february 28th and  has tasked FBI director kash patel with investigating why the request for all documents was not followed.

The department remains committed to transparency and intends to release the remaining documents upon review and redaction to protect the identities of epstein’s victims.

by the vay , a separate letter from pamela bondi to cash patel she said she expects a report from him  in basically two weeks about why the files weren’t turned over.

But the idea that the FBI is  not complying with a request from the  attorney General  pam bondi who oversees the DOJ and the FBI, very concerning .

but we don’t know for sure who attoney General pam bondi’s sources is, whether that person is  credible, what exactly happened here if there was maybe a  miscommunication or maybe even a deliberate attempt to not turn over the materials.


first up , the flight log, released as a part of phase one has a not at  the top ad  it says, it was a government exhibit publicly released in US  v maxwell.

Ghislaine Maxwell’s criminal case  and to kind of give you an idea of just how much  time  epstein and others spent on his jet ,it’s been referred to what is the Lolita Express.

the flight log is 118 pages long and  only covers april 1991 to january 2006

parts of  this flight log are very  difficult to read  so whether through the handwriting or the age of the photo copies but at times whoever  is filling out the the sheet also uses initials or just writes down one male or two female so it’s kind of difficylt to know a times who was  on the plane.

sometimes  the descript on the flight  log included notes , for example in june 1991 an entry appears to say herb show plane to reba mcIntyre plus husband

that’s a big name right there. another entry from january  the next year that indicated that epstein and maxwell flew into burbank to attend the Academy Awards.

but look it’s safe to say that  a lot of people flew on the so- called Lolita express.

the two  on at the most were  jeffrey epstein of course and Ghislaine Maxwell but there were other famous names as well .

president donald trump’s  name appears several times in the early 90s

in may 1994 log  entry says  jeffrey  flew with trump , trunmp’s then  wife  Melania Knauss their daughter tiffany and  tiffany’s nanny

another time in 1995 ,eric trump  was listed as a passenger.


prince andrew’s name appears in an entry from february 1999

the prince has got in a lot of hot water over his connection ,his friendship  with jeffrey epstein which continued even after  epstein  was convicted of sex crimes that always seemed to be the allegation.

former president Bill clinton , also makes several appearances in the early 2000s on the flight log, he flew multiple times in 2002 accomanied multiple secret service agents each time .

you have an entry  from august 2002 that lists Virginia roberts now called virginia  Giuffre- victim of epstein and maxwell  who pushed forward with a lawsuit against the apparent madam .

Leading to by the way all these documents  or  a lot of these documents being released during maxwell’s eventual criminal trial .

but another exhibit included  in phase one of the document release may not look like much at first glance , it’s fully redacted but this list  is entitled  masseuses.

 and with a note saying” redacted to protect potential victim information”

it has 254 line items.

so it’s unclear whether any of the names might  be repeated it is a staggering number of women and girls who may have been subjected to sexual assault , because we all remember  what the allegations were 

that  jeffrey epstein through Ghislaine Maxwell would bring  young girls over  and under the guise of massage would  sexually assault them  and  abuse them.


at the top of this 95 page document it says  redactions for  personal contact information.

it is  basically a  bunch of names with their personal information either blacked out or redacated,  maybe their phone numbers or adresses, assuming  that’s  what it is but  some boxes  are bigger  than others so maybe there were more information about certain people rather than others.

however  there are  a list of names tha are quite notable on this list…….

a bunch of them , remember , just because  they are presumably in  jeffrey epstein’s contact book doesn’t mean they ‘re complicit in any of his alleged wrongdoing, Epstein was a very  well-known and well- connecte financier hwo  knew a lot of people- got to make that clear.

so  even though  i’m about to list  a lot of people  is not the epstein list of  everybody who was involved in alleged wrongdoing or  legal  activity .

 to give you a sense of who he seemingly knew…..

Alec Baldwin

Ralph Fiennes

michael jackson

Dr henry A  kissinger and mick jagger

david koch and chris tucker

richard branson, barbara walters , mike wallace  ,steve win , donald trump avanka  trump, avana trump , lez wexner,courtney love, rupert murdoch dutchess of york,joan rivers, chris turlington ,

maria shriver ron silverjanice dickinson,mini driver, david blaine,phil collins,George hamilton,lis hurley,ted kennedy Jr, doug lyman ron burkel christopher lambert and ghislaine maxwell

aside  from these apparent actors  and musicians and magicians and journalists and politicians and wealthy individuals and business leaders 

there are also a plethora of other names byt  you kind of get a sense of some of the more well -known people  that he apparently  had  their contact information .

and there are also contacts for properties like

various Ritz carlton,the Aspen clubbel air hotel ,beverly wilshire, the plaza

the pierre. .. we talking  luxury  places here.

and the last page of this document is titled important email adresses .

not  sure if this was actaully crafted by  a prosecutor in this case or  jeffrey epstein or somebody connected to him ,but  it  is interesting because one is for  jeffrey  epstein , and  nex to it is redacted but  in parenthesis it  appears  there are  initials for locations 

like PB  seemingly for palm beach and  NY for new york and so  forth .

Ghislaine maxwell is listed there too, there’s also one for   capitalist joe pagano barack former prime minister of Israel, jean luke brunell,david copperfield next  to christopher it seems  to say french driver, it says next to this person important witness-again we don’t  know  hwo  wrote that but , important.

what  is interesting about some of these  names and to kind of give you some more context.

Is last  year when a judge released jeffrey  epstein materials more specifically grand  jury materials  pursuant to be a bill  signed by florida  Governor Ronda santis these material centered around when  the palm beach policedpartement opened up an investigation into jefrrey epstein back in 2005 and  was presented to  grand jury in 2006. so that was then the  parents of 14 year old girl came forward accusing jeffrey epstein of paying her to give him a massage 

police apparently found out that epstein  had allegedely set up a system to recruit girls to  provide him massages to sometimes engage in sexual activitiy the case was brought to the state of attorney’s office, a grand jury was impanel where the jurors  heard all sorts of testimony from detectives two of two of the  alleged victims and grand jury  ended up indicting  epstein in 2006 onfelony  solicitation  of a prostitute . and that was it.

there have   been  longstanding arguments about this why didn’t  prosecutors pursue more  aggressive charges, why was this the only one  and of course we  know what happened right ?the palm beach  police departement  chief and lead  detective ,they were  partially troubled, they were particularly troubled by  this prosecution so they refered the matter to the FBI who then brought it to the assistant US attorney so now we talking about  the feds

but in the end in 2008 epstein  and prosecutors they worked out  a deal where he pled guilty yo state charges of solicitation of prostitution and procurememt  of minors he was sentenced to just  18 months in prison ,only  serve 15 and spends most  of  time in work release program he can leave jail  to  work at his office. then go back to jail at night.

and he avoids federal charges he had to register as a sex offender too but  this is the whole sweetheart deal that you  hear a lot about  in  this case and the argument is ,if he were hit with more severe charges back in the day he could have been stopped from  as the allegations have explained continuing to hurt  people .

we learned more information about  some of the names, for example magician david cooperfield ,so apparently  victims who have filed lawsuit against  epstein and maxwell, they named david copperfield as being present at get togethers at jeffrey  epstein”s residences. and copperfield also allegedly asked one  of the alleged victims if she knew about  getting money for bringing epstein new girls .

and  he also allegedly performed  magic for epstein’s guests , there was a message  with a notetaker wrote ” magic  david” called.

there were others with more direct  connections to epstein’s supposed worldwide sex trafficking ring  also they show up multiple times in epstein’s call logs  from that  release .jean luk brunell

in his contat  book  french model scout jean luke brunell he was accused of acting  as a pimp for jeffrey epstein procuring young girls  for him to sexually  assault. in a phone message brunell apparently said ;

” i need a big favor i hope you will do it”


 brunell  was kicked out of a modeling agency  in 1999 and followed a report of a decades long abuse against young women  and girls and epstein and brunell they started  a new agency  when  epstein died in 2019 by the way french authorities they opened up an investigation against brunell 

he tried to flee  to senagal ,he was arrested at the  airport, he too was found dead at a prison in paris on  february 19th 2022 as he was being investigated for rape and  trafficking of minors but  knowing that he had messages in the florida release that  when you look back it seemed much more sinister for example there was a note that read

 he just did a good one 18 years she spoke to me and said i love jeffrey”

again ,just talking about bernell cuz  as i mentioned he was  in the contact book

also talking about  who was in the contact book  Alan Dershowitz who was a lawyer hwo helped epstein secure that sweehaert deal

i mentioned mentioned  Lex wexner the longtime friend and fellow millionaire the owner of Victoria’s secret ,now he has been  called out in trvrny years for his connection to jeffrey epstein who apparently  he gave control of basically  a lot of his  fortune  a lot of his money and Wexner has said that he knew nothing of epstein’s alleged indiscretions and says that he himself was taken advantage of by the financier.


” evidence collected”

assume that this is evidence that was collected from one  or more of epstein’s propertie . and i say  assume but according to the NewYork Times

this is a list of  the items that were seized bty the feds when they searched epstein’s in New York and the US Virgin islands after he was arrested  in 2019

prosecutors in the southern district of New York building a sex trafficking case  against him for allegedly sexually exploiting and abusing dozens of minor girls in manhattan , palm beach florida  and other locations, look  at what they could potentially use at a trial , look at what they potentially found

CDs labeled” girls picks nude book four” 

four massage tables

one red containing letter ,photo album of girls

photo of island .

heat seat sealed bag full  of cash labeled  ” SK” with 17 k plus

heat sealed  bag containing on small white envelope with writing “2000 SK” with $ 4,400 .

austrian passport with epstein photograph

lots of  electronics like ,computers, iPads,recorders ,hard drives

binder full of 68 discs

box containing one stuff dog

box containing two white and color busts of female torsos

box containing one  brown sculpture offemale breasts

bundled photos and CDs from women  old photos

one red rope containing containing two photos of female buttocks

five costumes and one wig

four framed photos of naked females

one set of collor handcuffs and whip

that is kind of a summary of what was released in this potential first batch


it was revealed during maxwell’s trial  that FBI agents, that they raided epstein’s townhouse in new york and evidence went missing, there were CDs, hard drivers,money , jewelry , passports that the agends photographed and then they didn”t have the legal authority to seize it at that point ,

they ended coming pavk to obtain it. and when they did  a few dats later it was apparently all gone

last year, eight  alleged victims of jeffrey epstein sued the FBI over what they claim  was a failure on their  part to do a proper investigation into epstein back in the 90s

so it’s an important time for the FBI with essentially the country watsching and you have to imagine there’s more information rather than just 200 pages …..

exempel ,back in 2019, the FBI  seizes computers from his home in the Virgin islands ,where is all that digital evidence?

no matter  what  comes out i can’t  definitively say that there’s going to be some sort of repercussions for this or criminal charges , aside from the statute of limitations issues that you might run into , you wounder what federal charges could be, obviously  you think about this ,what we’ve seen in these kinds of cases

conspiracy , sex trafficking , transporting minors or enticing minors for the purposes of legal sex acts, this are things you could  look out for but can’t  definitively say based on anything that comes out that anyone would be criminally charged.

but in the interest of transparency and getting more information definitely useful definitely interesting .


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