Warning: Graphic content, readers’ discretion advised. This article contains a recollection of crime and can be triggering to some readers discretion advised.

the brown family had a  simple good olds-fashioned name and they enjoyed a simple good -old  fashioned life down on the  farm in in Pennsylvania .horses, goats ,sheep , chickens, donkeys,cows

dad greg brought home the bacon as an architectural and engineering executive

while mom maggie took care of the property there three childrem and all the  animals.

they´re nice amber grew up like one of the browns own kids.  becoming more than just cousins but also  best friends with the browns youngest  child and only daughter megan.

megan´s older brother Aaron  says she was more like a  best friend to him to.

megan was trhe pride of the family  a medal winning  track and field  star who would run her way into Penn state  university. but magen  had more than athletic talent  in brains going on for her and there  was lots of guys who came around

one  of them was  adam mato an aspiring awantguard DJ   megan had began dating when they were both in their early 20s.

beore she knew it megan was pregnat with adams child ,soon after thet met.megan was said to be thrilled

as was her family who had just  one reservation.They were happy for her but didnt  know a lot about adam.

shortle after she had got pregnant they  split up. but after giving birth to a  beautiful little baby boy  they the named trisan.

megan would reunite with adam for the sake off their child who needs extra care because he is autistic. and adam would  even move in to the brown family house with megan and tristan with the family´s full blessing to give  the child a good home.

but  adam would soon start wear out his welcome with mom maggi . she  wasn´t too fond of him only because over the course of time she would see how he really is. he doesnt do anything , dosen´t clean up after himself, doesn´t  contribute. and megan and adam were continuing to have problems. she would call him  a deadbeat ,obviously

but even when dad greg decided   to retire and move the family to florida  there was still no shaking adam .the decision was adam could  go down with the contingency that he would  get a job and eventually move out of the home.

and the relationship between adam and  megan would only to continue to deteriorate.

architectural executive greg brown had deicided  to retire selling familyfarm in pennsylvania and and mowing to florida  with wife maggie for an knew kind of laid- back life.

the couple renting a waterfront house in hudson about 20 miles from Tampa.

while their tropical  island dreamhome was being built.


but for now at least  greg and maggie  also  had daughter megan  and her baby boy ttristan and the babys father adam matos  all living with them.

to make ends meet ,maggie  has to take a job as a convenience store cashier

magen starts waitressing at a local bar and adam

and  adam briefly works  in a resturant kitchen until reportedly being  fired .

not contributing causing only more conflict between adam and megan who werer already squabbling more than ever and reportedly even sleeping in separate bedrooms. they were pretty much done  at that point  . megan had also  begun going out wth a new  group of friends  she´d met

leaving  the the unemployed adam at home babysitting tristan and  battling the  green -eyed  monster.jelousy, wondering what megan was doing and who she was doing it with into the early hours of the morning. he was pissed  off if she was out with anybody let aone another friend that happend to be a  male. he was obsessed with megan.said magen brother.

and adam  seething jelousy eventually leads to a violent showdown. one morning when megan comes  walking through the door  around dawn after another fun night out

a  frantic  megan  c alls 911

megan  weeping and sounds in fear for her life as she tries as  she comfort her baby boy tristan .

police arrived  at the house to find megan distraught and bleeding from hand wounds she´d suffered sruggling to get the knife away adam .adam took off after megan called  911. she tells police he might come back even angrier than  ever. days would  go by without any further word of trouble  between megan and adam.only for the silence to break  when a relative calls police to report that nobody had  been able to reach any of the browns by text or phone.

it´s been six days now  and when cops show up nobody appears to be home at th brown´s  house. but they detetect the foul  and all too-familiar odor of  death and  decaying bodies . the thought something bad has hapened here.and there was a door tha twas left open.

so they enter through the open door 

leading to the garage where the brown family van is parked

they immediately see blankets  on the  ground  behinde a van

there´s appears to bee blood all over the floor on the blankets

and at almost the same moment ,a veteran  cop makes another grim discovery,  just a stones´s throw away after also noticing that the same smell of death coming from a wooded area ,he just happened  be driving by. and the detective find´s something  worse than he´s ever seen in all his years in law enforcement. a pile of bodies ,decomposed.beyond recognition.

the detective could easily deduce that  the brown family was  among them .

it  was a common sense,we had  a house for several people  that are missing and now we have a pile of bodies less  a mile away right up the street.



as the medical examiner tries to identify the victims .detectives  swoop with forensic experts.and find  a shocking scene.

The place turns pink when it´s  sprayed with luminol with  a trail of blood throughout the house.

signs that the killer had  tried  to clean up some of  it and other clues to the horror that  had  occured there.

but some of  the best evidence is  found  in the van parked in hat blood -soaked garage.,patrolmen had reported when earlier visited the house . the van had indication that  they were bodies in there. including blood….

…and maggots..

detective found also a shovel in the back of the van….

which detective believed the killer had used to to try to bury the bodies in the yard on the side of the house. there was a freshly dug  area  .you can´t dig  more than a foot your´re running tinto what´s called  lime rock so investigators say the murderer loaded  bodies into the back  of  the van and dumped them in that wooded  area where they´ve just been found and just leaves them under a tree .

the medical examiner picks through the  mound of flesh and bones to identify exactly which members of  the family are dead, detectives   try find they killer .but their main person of interest is  adam matos ex -boyfriend of the the browns  27 years old daughther megan and the father of their four years old tristan. the detectives knew that adam  lived in that house and they  knew that adam and megan  had been having  serious problems

Adam had fled  the house when megan mad  the  911 call less than 24 hours before she and her family are believed  to have been murdered. but for all detectives knew,he might   even be among that unidentified pile of bodies. and so they turned  heir immediate attention to another possible  suspect.nicolsas léonard.

a new guy  megan had met after she moved  from pensylvania to florida with mom ,dad and adam and baby tristan a few months earlier .

detectives already suspect that nick´s relationship with megan may have turned into a love triangel …

…that could  have sparked the mass murders.


megan apparently  hadn´t told her friends and  family about nick.

on the other hand nick and caprpenter and  and  landscaper  had told told his family  all a about megan saying he was head- over- heels in love with her. that he finaly found  the love of my life and  i thinks this may be the girl i may ask to marry one day.

they news   took his mom paula and dad daniel  by suprised.

Nick told them he and  megan were keeoing their romance quiet until adam had moved out  of the house.

he told his parents that  adam had  found out he was seeing megan and was jealous.


paula  warned  nick to stay away from megan until adam  was  out of the  picture. but nick and megan continued seeing each other and  detectives learn that nick had actually been among the friends megan had been out with that night  she arrived home near dawn.

sending adam into that jealous rage that led to  this 911 call.

then megan´s new boyfriend nick leonard  suddenly disappears .and nick  is  discounted as  as a suspect in the murder of  the family, when the  f medical examiner finally identifies those found  in that pile  of decomposed  bodies  because ,he´s one of them.

nicks family is devastated when they get the  tragic news and mom paula was inconsolable.

and the brown family victim´s the medical would  identif them as megan ,her dad greg and mom  maggie ,all  slaughtered in an unspeakable horror that will haunt friends and family forever.

the one  small yet heart lifting mercy is that megan´s little boy tristen appears to be still  alive

and detectives believe hie´s probably with his father adam who is now the prime suspect and more than jsut another wanted man. police haven´t been able to find adam since he fled the brown house the night megan called 911.threatened to kill her .

but now they´re about to get a few lucky breaks.he was  dropped  off near a bus terminal in downtown ,Tampa. and they finally located adam matos a week after the four was slaughtered.

Tracing adam to a hotel where they find him holed up with  his little boy Tristan.,shown on this security video checking  in at the front desk and  casually leading tristan to their room .and sure enough he checked   in under his own name.

cops say when they picked up tristan the  little four year old seemed in a state of shock and not talking to police .

but the police  take the child´s  father into custody ,hoping  to get more information out of  him.he was very calm, didn´t put up a fight or anything.


detective dont´let on that they found the bodies of  megan ,her  parents and her new man  nick leonard.  hoping they can trip adam up.instead detectives tell adam he´s being arrested on domestic violence charges stemming from that first frantic  911 call from megan. detectives ask adam who he would  lik e to care  for tristan now that  he can´t.


detective: obviously you know we would  like for him back to megan. do you know if that´s  going  to be possible?

adam: i wouldn´t  know.

detective: ok.  how about  megan´s parents, can he stay with them maybe? you can check  , you  can call them and ask.


they ask adam about his  troubled  relationship  with megan.


detective: when did  you guys break up?

adam:about a week  ago.

detective: a week ago? okej. what was that about ?

adam: jsut a bunch of drama ****** you know.


Adam denies he  attacked  megan in a jealouse rage the night she  called 911.


detective: do you know if s he was seeing anybody else?

adam:no, i don´t.


but he admits they  got ino a loud  argument after megan arrived home near dawn.


adam: well,her mom came out ,she tom ,e  to leave and i left.


It isn´t until he´s locked  up on domestic violence charges that adam learns detectives had fooled him and had actually found the bodiess  of the brown family and nick  leonard a week earlier.


In this videotape jailhouse  interview  with Tampa bay times reporter adam says he´d never killed megan and her family.and  of  -camera  with detectives  present adam would drop  a bombshell pointing the finger of blame at a jealous ex-girlfriend of her new boyfriend nick.suddenly detectives had another possble suspect .

and they would discover that the ex an allegedely obsessed married women might indeed have had a fatal attraction.there were some indications that she was having issues with nicolas léonard ,she stalked him for years his ex-girlfriend  was crazy, she would  do anything  she could to try ruin  any relationship that he tried to have with anyone.perhaps even commit  murder  according  to nick´s family.

who say the ex acctually hacked  into his phone, calling and warning off any other women, whos numbers happened  to  be on it. megan  being the final girlfriend she allegedly called  and  threatened.

Now  megan´s little boy tristan holds the key to the case as the  only witness who can tell police who really  murdered his  mother, her news boyfriend and his grandparents.and its´believed that he  may have seen or at least heard the murders.but the trauimatized austistic  child noe  in the care of relatives while his father is behind bars still isn´t talking  or just simple doesn´t  want to remember ,the horror he witnessed that night.

detectives have prime suspect  adam matos locked up on  domestic abuse  charges trying to hold him as they gather enough evidence to prov he´s a cold  -blooded killer. the monster woh massacred his cihld´s mother megan brown ,her parents greg and maggie and her new boyfriend nick at the familys home in hudson florida.

detectives had been suddenly sidetracked after adam pointed them to another possible suspect.one of nicks  ex girlfriends who had allegedly been jealously stalking him for years and is said to have even treathened  megan after learning  she was seeing him .

detectives   flew to where she´s at ,they found her,they talked to  her  coworkers only  to learn  nick´s ex had an airtight alibi.she was not  in florida at the time detectives believed the homicides occured. they couldn´t find any  indication that she and adam had any kind of communication and they were able to rule her out as a  suspect right away 

and again back on adam.  whos  ´s traumatized austistic son tristan just four years old whitness the bloody massacre and  starting to open up to investigators. he  described hearing the gunshot that killed his mother and her saying ” please don´t “. tristan tells them what else  he heard and saw.  he grabbed a little dol and he wrapped up in like a little blanket  and  starting pounding on it and saying ” mommy, mommy” and finally the poor kid points tthe finger at his owns father.


Tristan:” daddy killed mommy


Now with that  detectives and  proscecutor  have an  eyewitness to corroborate their findings that adam matos is the murderer.in terms of they´re understanding it largely just  confermed what they already could decipher from from the  evidence and the scene and they are able to reconstruct shot by deadly shot blow by brutal blow their scenario of what happened  the day of the brown family massacre.

There  timeline  starting with that first  911 call from magen. shortly after that call adam stormed o uit in a jelous rage .but detectives learned that adam bombarded megan with more than a hudnred threatening calls and text messages in  the 12 more hours that followed.he threatening to come back and finish her off .

a   terrified megan called her new boyfriend nick who rushed to her home armed with a gun to protect her  if  adam should  try to make good on his threat . and investigators sa adam  did indeed return to acctually stake the place out . aware  by  early evening that nick was in there with megan, tristan and  dad greg and now just  waiting for  the last member of the family to join them  .and adam makes his move when mom mggie arrives home from her night shift  at a local convenience  store around midnight. she pulls in the van, she gets out of the van and he attacks her in the garage.

viciously pounding her  with a hammer. he hits her multiple times about the head. adam then ties her up and grabs a plastic  bag,putting the bag over her head trying to ensure that she was either gonna die or least not be able to get away . then he would go upstairs still armed with the hammer making a beeline for the bedroom he used to share with megan and finding  her now in there with her new  man nick and just start attacking  nick, just starting wailing on him , nick  tries to defend himself. the medical examiner indicated that it was approximately 21 strikes  to the head.

and adam is able to get nick´s firearm ,he then goes after megan who was run withson tristan to the master bedroom to seek refuge with dad greg.he´s a hunter so he had some  hunting weapons in the house  there´s indication that he was in his closet  trying to get a weapon to help  protect the family.but he was shot before he could load. he may have probably loaded one bullet into a weapon b ut just  didn´t have time to react .detectives  think adam got  the drop on him adam kills greg ,shoots him twice

 then turnes and deals with megan shooting her once in the face. just one bullet  for her .the way he shot her she´s facing him he can take his time to aim hit her in the left  eye .

and detective would learn to their disbelief that adam would then settle bac into the house of horrors with son tristan and make himself right at home among the dead. police believed while the bodies lay murdered inside the browns home ,adam matos started taking out  ads on the craigslist to sell all their stuff. he selling jewelry ,the entertainment center,laptops,as  well  as several of  the dogs mom maggie bread.which he sold for 50 bucks a pup 

One lady indicated she purchased a dog and  the dog itself smelled so bad, she had to go home and give it a bath several times .

and he also had pizzas  delivered to the murder scene. adam carrying  on and hiding in plain sight as if nothing had happened. he had already make contact with neighbors telling them that the family had gon to west virginia on a  hunting trip. so would go over there periodically throughout the next few days and nights and just hang out. that is until police find the bodies he had evidently dumped  in nearby  woods.

when cops came knockning at the door ,adam took off with his son running through backyards then police say he stole a canoe,jumped in it ,paddled to the otherside,hopped in a cab and went to Tampa

and less two weeks after being   captured at this  tampa hotel.

adam matos would be charged with first -degree murder of the brown family and nick leonard. matos  shocks a packed  courtroom by claiming  he killed his son´s mother megan brown her parents  and  her new  boyfriend nick in  self -defense.after they actually attacked  him.but matos testifies it was mehan´s  new boyfriend armed   with a pistol who first  pounced on him after he  entered the house.

but instead of  shooting  him matos  admits  he bludgeoned nick to death with 21 blows of a hammer, he also admits killing maggie the  same way and  matos  says  he used the gun he took from nick to kill megan´s father greg before he could shoot him with a riflle .

he also claims megan had been screaming at her father to shoot and he says he then turned the gun on megan, again claiming self-defense.

Now the horrified  prosecution takes aim at matos and matos finds himself under fire when an angry prosecutor  reminds he´s facing the death penalty.  matos couldn´t convincingly explain why he never called  the police if  it was a  case of self-defense. 

matos would also struggl to explain why he threw the murder weapons into the canal  at the rear of the hosue where they were retrieved by police  divers .

and he has a hard time explaining why  he shose to dispose of the four  bodies.first by trying to dig a grave for them beside the house with a shovel.

the same shovel after the murders. he eventually dumping them in nearby woods to spare his four years old son any more trauma. but now he´s about  to find out the jury has reached a vedict.


” the defendant is   guilty of murder in the  first   degree as  to nicolas leonard as charged  in the indictment.


and  matos would  hear the same guilty vedict for  the murders of greg brown, wife maggie and  daughter megan. but matos catches a break when only 11 of  12 jurors vote for execution . the judge finally gave matos the harshest punishment allowed by law.


-life  in prison without the posibility of parole


But her most moving  words  are reserved for the  littlest and most innocent survivor of this horror  4 years old Tristan whos is now  being raised by his late grandmother´s family .


judge: he will grow up withoutout a father .because he will know that his father murdered his mother and murdered his grandparents.



The part of the deal  that was mad requires that tristans adopted mother send  picture of the   by to adam matos in prison until Tristan turns 12.









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