Warning: Graphic content, readers’ discretion advised. This story contains a recollection of crime and can be triggering to some readers discretion advised.

Cynthia Cdebaca was very happy to hear she fatally shot her son-in-law Geoward Eustaquio.

Gunshots ring out in a gated  community….then hours later in interview like no other.


why in the world is this woman so happy…?

the anser  may lie very close to home.

thery say  you don’t choose  your family

Geoward Eustaquio was pretty much  a person that  one would love to be around.

In this  upscale neighborhood of fallbrook california.

Geoward a  real estate agent and kids rugby coach lived with his wife laura.

and theit two children and his older son from a previous relationship.

and living in the guest house was laura’s mom Cynthia Cdebaca.

after her stroke Geoward wantede to make sure that  cynthia received the care that she needed and what better place for her than to be among family.

three generation all living together.

there were conflicts  conflicts most often between Geoward and his mosther – in -lawtheir relationship wasn’t the best and times they simply existed because both of them lived on the same property.one of the issues cynthia was a smoker something  Geoward detested.

Geoward did  not want  cynthia to in the presence of his children.

cynthia  eould  be on the  back padio smoking because  she was not  not allowed to smoke in the house and he would be out there watering and he would see

” oh where i see smoke , i see fire”

and he got to put out the fire an he would hose  cynthia down with the hose.

he did it to  laura  , his wife .he would hose say  something he didn’t like

and another reoccuring issue …

cynthia believed Geoward a military reservist was too strict with the kids.

she didn’t aprove of the way he disciplined the kids.

on  the other hand Geoward didn’t aprove  the way she would discipline his kids.

typical family problems perhaps ,but  it probably wasn’t easy  for cynthia’s daughter  wife laura hwo often found herself in the middle.

but today is  supposed to  be different.

she had plan on going over there and taking her to lunch and pampering her that day and just spending the day with her .

but the spelling bee and birthday celebrations would never be  when the piercing sounds of gunfire changed everyhing.concerned neighbors call 911.

as deputies quickly descend on the quiet  enclave a trail of blood leeds  thenm to the victim.

they looking on the windows of ther residence they did see thebody from outside.

and went in to actually conduct a rescue.but  the rescue will prove  pointless the victim is dead.

 after many hours george , learns  the body found lying in a pool of blood is  his brother Geoward Eustaquio.

he’d beem shot multiple times.

george calls family on the east  coast  to give them the dreadful news.

Geoward Eustaquio has just been found savagely murdered in his own home,his bpdy riddled with bullets.

right now finding out the the who is the most  pressing  of those  questions. while sheriff’s deputies are’t ruling anyone out  including Geoward  oldest son.

they have  someone very specific in mind they want to talk to. Geoward  mother- in -law cynthia Cdebaca.who lives with him and  his family .

hours later  detectives find Cynthia celebrating her birthday at her favorit coffe shop.

 and take her down to the station. she  did come into the police station in avery jovial kind of way happily  greeting the police officers  kind of  like;

” hig what’s going on, what brings me here?”

cynthia about to learn exactly what brings her here.

but the cries  quckly turn into contempt . a big thumps down .

cynthia tells detectives Geoward has been abusive to her , her daughter laura. and her grandkids for years, saying Geoward has sprayed her with water,tripped her and choked  laura.

so clearly cynthia was not Geoward  biggest fan but  it’s what  she says next that really blows detectives away….

in a shocking turn cynthia  suddenly confesses to the murder.but  what reason des she give for ccommitting this   homicidal act?

detectives learn the final strawfor cynthia was a comment  Geoward made that morning 

she took a fence to that comment and went to got her revolver and ….

Geoward never saw the first shots coming .he was shot in the backcynthia was just getting started.

after  she fired all shots aout of that revolver, she chose to go all the way to her  car and reload five more rounds into  her gun . she walked back into the backyard and found thevictim bleeding and crawling tryingto get away , and that time  she pumped five more shots into his body , she still wasn’t done , she still chose to go to her car  load five more rounds.

 at that time the vitim had crawled his way into the hous and into the kitchen , she  pulled out thar revolver and fired five more shots until the victim was finally dead..

cynthia emptied her 38 caliber revolver 3 times, stopping to reload  twice.she even remember  she”s firing 15 time  rounds.

and  of those  15 bullets shot 12 ,hit her son in law Geoward- killing him.

she went and enjoyedh er birthday  ,she went to denny’s she went  to pachanga- and gamble for two hours and then went  enjoyed some coffee at a coffe shop until she was  finmally  cfontacted by the detectives.

unbeliveably  detectives aren’t the only ones hearing cynthia’s heartless confession

Geoward family also hears it through the sheriff station walls.

she loudly said “yeas i shot him .”

would she do it again ? her anwser was ” yes.”

detectives allow family members  to come in  and  say their goodbye

Laura , Geoward wife ,cynthias daughter  is almost inconsolable.

 and his young daughter,cynthias granddaughter cam barely make it in the room.

cynthia ask for a kiss . the daughter answer was ” no  you killed  my dad.

before placing Cynthia Cdebaca under arrest and taking  her to jail,the detectives suggests one last thing.” however you pray to make sure that you pray  for higher power.”

 cynthias answer  was she prayed  to today, first time, ever prayed.

 and what was she praying for ? ” hope he died”

detectives: oh boy…

 this was a cold   callous premeditated murder.


this was a cold  callous premidated murder.Cynthia Cdebaca is charged with first -degree murder. she had been planning this. she actually had been  to the shooting range two weeks earlier and was practicing shooting with this very gun.

doctors evaluate Cynthia Cdebaca finding her competent to stamd trial.

almost 3 years after Geoward was gunn down opening statements.

 she would refer to herself as ghetto grandma  she would call herself that even to her own grand kids. and she tells them how it happened, she doesn’t  minimize she’s protecting  them  until the end.

so does laura testify for the defense or the  prosecution?the victims wife testified for the defense in order to support claims that the victim was abusive.

so the defense has laura. but the  prosecution has  the interrogation video.

many days and witnesses later the case goes to the jury.

and when everyone is back in court to hear the verdict,cynthia is seen strangely wawing to the judge.but it doesn’t help. Cynthia Cdebaca is found guilty.

“she showed no remors.nonwhatsoever.non.”

at Cynthia  sentening Geoward sister  Geonisa  hold up 15 photos for  the  15 shots fire.

laura also adresses the court.” i love my mom, she’s not well but i love Geoward too .”

the guilty   killer grandma is going down hard. 66 year old Cynthia Cdebaca  is sentenced 50 years to life.

so  the one question remains was there a buse ?

“we looked  into the various claims of abuse and we simply just determined thatwhether or not they were true  the defendant had no right to make herself the judge ,jury and executioner this was simply an act of vigilante homicide.”

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