Warning: Graphic content, readers’ discretion advised. This story contains a recollection of crime and can be triggering to some readers discretion advised.

In 2022, Dominic Russo and Davion Flanagan were in the car with Russo’s 17-year-old girlfriend, Mackenzie Shrilla, when she was on a secret mission to kill her boyfriend. Shrilla drove her car into a brick building at 100 mph, killing the two boys while she survived

it was a peaceful summer’s evening in 20022, three teenagers were spending the night at a friend’s house,celebrating their recent graduation from high school.

mc kenzie shirilla was the designated driver for the end of  the night.

her boyfriend of 3 years….

and his friend trusted her to  get them home safely….

but what if  this was the last thing she wanted.in this CCT  footage mckenzy can be seen driving at 100 mph   down a quiet  street

before  smashing into a building.

the collision  killed  both her  boyfriend and his friend

mckenzy claimed that this was a tragic accident

but  ironically merely 3 months after the crash she was seen dressed up as a corpse.

is  this a the behavior of an innocent victim or a coldblooded killer.

 this is the case of  mc kenzie shirilla


it  was the end of july  2022 in  the peaceful town of strongville, Ohio.

the seniors of that year’s graduating class looked forward to brgiht futures. their parents were proud of them.

that was the case for dominic  russo and davion flanigan both 19 .

dominic was one of eight children a go – getter who loved playing baseket ball and  was driven to succeed. he was starting his  own clothing line .

davion too  had ambitions

he and his two biological sisters  spent som of  their early years in foster care.both of their parents were addicts and the children  wre removed from their parents home as  result of neglect.life in the foster system was no  easier.

when the siblings were adopted by husband and wife scott and jaime flanagan, jaime recalls  they  were very  underweight rescued from a difficult life .

davion recognized  that he had been given a 2nd chance .

he was determined to grasp this chance with both hands. he could pick up any  sport and be good at it  from the start, he was  mainly  focused on  football, that was  his passion . when leg injurie spoiled his dreams of  football ,he developed  he developed another dream.

that of going to barber college and open his own barber shop. Davion was a resourceful teen hwo taught himself the basic skills  from YouTube and TikTok and  he had only recently submitted  his application to the All State barber  college.

life beyond  july was full of hope for both young men , yet an unforeseeable  tragic  ending lay in store for both of them.

 to all appearances mckenzie was a  typical, if riskt-taking teenage girl.

she had her own  Tik Tok account where she posted careless videos of her self joking about her use of illicit substances.

she   frequently posed with with paraphenalia in photos taken in her car,this was irresponsible criminal  behavior, but no one could have  predicted where it would lead.

what started as a whirlwind team romance had continued for over 3 years. mckenzy was now living with dominic and his family and  apparently the cramped quarters had taken their toll on the young lover’s  relationship .

at school she had been considered something of a bully .

according  to davion’s mother  mckenzy would make it her buisness to humiliate people and took delight in it.

in the past she had told people who were depressed to  kill  themselves this was the first sign that something would  go terribly wrong.

mckenzy and dominic frequently fought and broke up  before making up again as if nothing had happened. she treated him in the same way she had treated everyone else at school.displaying narcissism and an impulse to  inflict hurt.

her own personality combined with a pressurized environment that was constant  cohabitation with dominic  gave  rise  to one incident in particular that  gave a disturbing taste of what was yet to come.

on july 17th  2022,mckenzy was driving her toyota camry on interstate 71, dominic was her passenger, they were in the middle of an argument and as was so often the case their conflict was taking place inside a  shared confined space,

dominic wanted out ,he phoned his mother  asking  to be picked up .when she was not available

he then asked a friend, this friend was  on the other end of the line when he he heard  mckenzy say ” i’ll crash this car  right now”

dominic’s friend sped to the scene and when he pulled up behind mckenzy’s car stopped  on the side of the road, dominic’ss door was open.

as  dominic sat there mckenzy was hitting him with both hands.

in another incident that same  month, dominic recorded a another argument. in the videos mckenzy could be heard repeatedly  degrading him. things had clearly degenerated between the couple. from living together he  was no longer comfortable with her presence in his house.

she threatened to keep his car  if he wouldn’t let her in or  else  break off the door handle.she counted down enforcing a time limit forhim to come and let her into the house.

when dominic still didn’t open the door mckenzy said” you’re going  to come open this door  right now or  there’s going to be a serious  problem.

once again . dominic called his mom  for help . the involvement of his mother in both situation reminds  us as to just how  young both dominic and mckenzy were.

the conflict in their  relationship continued to escalate.

but no  one could have predicted where the relationship would end

at  approximately 5:30 in the morning of july 31 st 2022 a car crashed into a strongsville building at speeds of 100 mph  ,this car was a toyota  camry its passengers were dominic russo and  his friend  davion flanigan.its driver was its owner  mc kenzie shirilla.

dominic and davion died at the scene.

but mckenzie was unconscious and not breathing she was  flown to the hospital in critical condition .

to all appearances this was a tragic accident that cut short the  lives of two promising young  high school  graduates and seriously endangered the life of a third.

this was what the community believed.

GoFundMe pages were set up for each person involved  in the crash family and friends were donating to memorial funds for dominic and davion and  to support mckenzie’s family  in covering her medical expenses.

as kenzy recovered she took to posting on dominic’s obituary page, she wrote seemingly heartfelt messages saying  like;

her grief was public and apparently sincere no one could help but sympathize with  mckenzie

this teenage girl who’d been the victim of a such an awful accident ,but that was before they  knew the truth.

shortly after the crash strongsville police were notified that they had  received concerning emails  from the community that mckenzie and  her mother were seeking employment with the los angeles modeling agency.

there’s  no date on this , based on the investigation it was delivered to the police while mckenzie was still in the metro  health hospital it was during that time period she was in the hospital for several weeks.

shortly after she was released from the hospital , the police  provided additional videos of mckenzie from her wheelchair as she attended a concert  down in the flats .


the prosecutors introduced these to the  court to show the shocking lack of remorse. this was something that was being exhibited while the investigation was still going on before she was  charged and arrested in november of  last year.

and these were the sort of things that were coming  to the police and the schocking lack of remorse  coupled with the fact that  mckenzie was reporting driving an automobile, shortly after this event that she was seen in strongsville again driving a car in spite  of the fact that as her mother testified she  got dizzy sometimes from a condition that she had to take salt pills for .

the fact  that it was  in fact her mother  who provided  her with the car she used to take  dominic and davion’s   life.

12 weeks later on on october 31 st 2022 , mckenzie had recovered enough to celebrate halloween she and her friends went out on the town  trick -or -treating dressed as corpses, in a corset and heavy  makeup, mckenzie was almost ubrecognizable,she certainly looked nothing like the grieving victim of  a horrific auto accident who’d lost her boyfriend only 3 months before.

and another aoutfit for the same celebration , she dressed as drank – the toxic combination of cough syrup, alcohol and a soft drink that has become popular among youngsters.  her friend  was dressed as a joint together they celebrated substance abuse and  death.

the terrible hallmarks of her recent trauma indeed the police found evidence of illicit substances inside the crashed car.

and mckenzie’s blood had been tested the morning of the crash and the level of THC inhe bloodstream had  been found  to be over the legal limit.

this on its own would be enough to charge her with driving under the influence changing the consequence of  reckless teenage behavior.

but a mere 5 days after mckenzie’s decadent hallowing outing the police  charge her with double  homicide.

the tragedy that torn apart  three families and had and rocked a tight-knit

community was now undered doubt. had it  been a reckless addcident or deliberate act of murder

mckenzies lawyers  contended that she lost  control  of the car.

as a teenager they suggested she might have been easily overwhelmed by a chaotic situation and unablr to stop the car and save its passengers lives.

the attorneys pointed to how common reckless driving is among young people .they  describe mcKenzie as inexperienced and  irresponsible but  not a murderer.

they cited her use of  illicit substances as another factor in the  crash at  this point  no one was denying that mckenzie was in some way to blame  for the tragedy.

during her  recovery in the hospital,doctors  noted that she expressed feelings  of grief ,guilt, and shame about the crash.

“patient stated  she open quote wanted to die  close,quote  and  that it was her  fault  for killing her boyfriend”

whether she’d  lost control of the car or been  in charge  of it the entire time ,she had killed  her boyfriend and his friend and she was going to be held legally  responsible.

mckenzie claimed she did not remember the crash.

she sent  a text to dominic’s mothe saying : “i remember  turning onto the street and then my vision fades to black, it  really kills me not be  able to remember anything, I’ve bee askking my  therapist why i don’t remember and she said i’ts  because of trauma but i’m going  to try  get hypnotized  and make myself remember”

if she didn’t remember it , she could deflect the moral weight of  what she had done.it would remain  an accident and she would not   be a murderer.

however the police  and  prosecution took a  different  view in their eyes this was a cold  callously planned double  homicide.

mckenzie,dominic and davion had spent the  night before the crash at a riend’s house.they had smoked a  substances but this was not  what lay at the heart of the horriffic events to follow .

mckenzie had a plan  and she followed it.pivotal to the case was the CCTV footage  from a  business neighboring the side of the crash.

this foootage supported what the car’s recorded showed about her  behavior  as a driver.both technical analysis demonstrate that far from being high and  out of control  mckenzie’s actions were entirely  deliberate.

 the first  footage show mckenzie  turning thhe car slowly and carefully , she  diligently signaled her right turn  hardly the  act of  a substance crazed reckless teenager, but in the next footage something changed.

the early morning  was dark and quite  until the  car   tearing across the camera’s view and smashed into  a building. how could mckenzie have gone from sober to carfule driving to hitting a wall at speeds  of 100  mph in a such a short space  of time.

mckenzie had been to strongsville progress drive business park and she  knre exactly where and when she had  to put her fuzzy prada slipper down  on the  accelerator in order to kill everyone in  the car.

her cell phone records  held evidence that she had visited the area a few days before with the intent to kill ,scouting out the scene of  the future crime, she  chose the area and the time  early in the morning before  any witnesses would be around.

this plan did not involve davion, davion only needed a ride home and was in the wrong place at the wrong time.

mckenzie did not think  about him in the back seat she treated him only as an item of luggage and had  to be reminded by the judge of his tragic  death when she reading out her  statement in court further evidence of the callous and cold  way in  which she’d snuffed out out two young lives.

the judge  had no  sympathy describing her  as literal   “hell on  whells “

” this was not reckless driving,the was murder, mckenzie decided death was the ultimate goal that day  and she alone made that decisision for dominic and davion”

 mckenzie shirilla was  found guilty and was sentenced to two life  sentences for the murders  to  be served concurrently .( 15 years to life)

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