Warning: Graphic content, readers’ discretion advised. This story contains a recollection of crime and can be triggering to some readers discretion advised.


In war of  world of crime and cartels few names resonate as powerfully

as  joaqune ” El Shapo “Guzman the notorious mexican  drug lord.behind the scene of his psprawling drug lay a network

of secret mansons hidden in plain sight.

in this story we vill delve into  the mysterious world of chapo’s hidden  safehouses and  explore the tactic he used to protect his vast fortune.

El chapo  Joaquín Archivaldo Guzmán Loera  known as el chapo  emerged from humble beginnings

in the rural community of Luna badiragulato  sinaloa , mexico.

born  on april 4th into modest family

his early life set  the stage for a legendary crminal career  that would span dedaces.

el chapo’s parents emilio guzman bustillos

and maria  consuelo lorea perez provided the foundation for his tumultious journey.

raised  in a family that may have been involved in Opium poppy farming , young  joaqine faced a challenging childhood  in latuna.

el chapos   uprginging was market  by adversity.  he dropped out of school after the third grade

and began  working along his father despited his practical jokes and playfull demeanor he endured regular beatings

and sought refuge at his maternal  grandmothers house to escape the  harch treatment.

faced with limited opportunitites in his hometown .

el chapo turned to the  cultivation of opium poppy a common practice in the region , he ventured into the hills of badiraguato during harvest season to harvest harvest the poppy bud.supporting his family with  the proceeds

eventually  el chapo’s expelled  him from from their home leading  him to live  with his grandfather during  his adolescence. he  aquired the nickname el chapo  due to his  his short stat and stocky build.

seeking a brighter future ,he left his hometown end enter the  world  of organized crimed

the late  1970s and  1989s wittnessed the mexcian drug traffickers becomeng middlemen for colombian drug cartels

transporting cocaine across the US  mexico  border

this era saw the rise of powerfull figures

like felix  galardao, hwo controlled the drug  trade.

The muder of DEA  agent enrique camarena salazar

by felix gard’s carel in 1985 . ignited a crisis in the drug trade .

El chapo  seized the  opportunity to expand influence  within the cartel .

by  1989  felix gallardo’s  arrest led to a division of territories. with El Chapo  taking control of key drug corridors along the  Us mexico border.

joaquin  el chapo guzman’s jorney form a  modern uprbinging in latuna to becoming a dominant  force in the  mexican drug trade is a tale of ambition, resilience and ruthlessness.

his rise to power within   the sinaloa cartel would make him one of the  notorious and and  elusive drug lords in  history , leaving an indelible mark on the world of organized crime.


in 2016,  the transformation of a seemingly  ordinary house on the  corner

of Rio Qualite street and  jiouilpan  pan boulevard in the affluent los  palmos  Qaurte of los mocus mexico.

left the neighborhood’s residents.both intrigued and suspicious.

little they  know that this house would become the stage

for one of the most significant chapters.

in the life of  joaquine El Chapo Guzman.the infamous leader of the  sinaloa cartel. the world’s largest  criminal syndicate.

the story begins mormon couple who had lived in the house .

selling  it  and leaving about 2 years before El Chapo’s arrival. the house fell into the hands of an inknown buyer who initiated an enigmantic transformation.

the workers  planted six olive trees on the pavements. added high walls, installed security cameras and even a satellite dish on the roof.

for an entire a  year the house remained vacant  shrouded in secrecy,

the residents of la palmas began to grow suspisious.the sudden activity including the arrival of cleaners. raised eyebrows.

alejandro Gomez, a long time resident recalled their concerns.

” we  thought maybe it was  for kidnappers ,” he said.” we never imagined it was for EL senor.joaquin  eel chapo “

Guzman had benn on the run since his daring escape from  altiplano maximum-security prison near mexcico city in july  prrevious year.

during this time he sought refuge in  the remote and treacherous terrain of golden triangle.

a region spanning  the states of  sinaloa  ,durango and chihuahua.

here he found the perfect sanctuary with wast  marijuana  and opium cultivation

a loyal army of gunmen

and the support of a community that relied on his patronage.

despite his seemingly secure rural redout  El  Chapo made a bold decision to relocate to the las palmas mansion.

the reason behind it this  move  remain shrouded in mystery .why would leave the realtive safety of the golden triangle to occupy a mansion  in suburban neighborhood

perhaps  he felt the need for more concealed hidout or maybe it was a strategic move  to evade capture,whatever the reason it would prove to be a fateful decision .El chapo’sarrival  in las palmas went unnoticed for a time

however  his presence would not  remain hidden for long. mexican marines stormed the mansion in dramatic operation .killing five guards.

and  capturing the drug lord after a chase  through drains and streets.

the house  that  had raised suspicion  among residents.


became  the backdrop for El chapos ultimate downfall.

the tansformation of the house of the corner of Rio quelite street and   jiouil pan   boulevard in las palmas los moches is a testoament to the intrigue  and mystery that surrounded El  Chapos guzman’s life as a  fugtivie.

the reason  behind his decision to move there may  never never be fully  underestood. however it serves as a reminder, that even the most powerful figures in the world of organized crime are not not invincible .

El Chapo’s capture marked

a significant moment in the  ongoing drug wae in mexico

leaving two critical questions unanswered. what drove him to  las palmas and what lies  ahead in the relentless battle against drug cartels.

the mansion on the corner ofRio quelite street and   jiouil pan boulevard  had witness an extraordinary chapter in the life of joaquin  el chapo guzman, his  audacious move

from the rural stronghold of the  golden triangle …..

...to this coastal city  hundreds of miles north .

had perplexed many yet .

the events that unfolded would soon capture  the world’s attention.

the mansion became a crucial piece in the puzzle of El chapo’s life on the run. it played a role  in his attempt to regain control of the northern   sinaloa. even as  rival cartels  encroached on his  traditional turf.

it was a place where he believed he could be safe , perhaps even celebrate  the day of the kings with his twin daughters

the mansion’s secrets were unveiled when mexican marines storm the property.

thjey discovered not only the  elaborate tunnel hidden behind the ground floor dressing

but also  an arsenal that spoke  spoke to El chapo’s preparedness  for confrontation.

two  armor- plated cars .

50- caliber weapons

and a rocket launcher undersocred the seriousness  of his intent

the los mochis  safe house

located at jaQuil pan 10002 boulevard.

emerged as significant battleground.

in the  dramatic capture  of joaQuin  El chapo Guzman on january 8th 20016.

this two -story residence bore withness to intense confrontations between   guzmans gang and mexican goernment forces.

during the  the operation aptly named black swan ( CISNE NEGRO)

as you  step inside this nondescript suburban  dwelling you can still sense the echoes of the fierce gunfight that ensued on that fatfule morning

bullet  ridden walls and granade inpacts tell a story of a  desperate last stand by some of guzman’s associates who fought  valiantly to protect their boss.

the house itself comprises three bedroom with a unique feature on the second floor.

a specious living  arean there is a nother room. seemingly with  a walk-in that boasts  glass walls  which conceals secret entrance.

many believe that this room was likely el chapo’s sanctury  given its proximity to the concealed passage.

evidence of the frantic escape is scattered througout the house.

one of the bedrooms on the first floor there are beds suggesting hurried   departures.

a particular bedroom on the second floor revealed a collection of rented DVDs

including the 2011 version of the Queen of the south television series.

a show centered around a woman’s journey from poverty to wealth through drug  empire  building.

interestingly in one of the bathrooms, there were remnants of hair diee, perhaps indicating last minute efforts to change appearances for  escape.

2nd  badthroom .toothbrushes lay beside. further  testament to the daily routines that were abruptly disrupted by the raid.

the house remains  a silent  witness to the intense and vilent moment of el chapos capture.

despite the passage of time, it still stands preserved in a state of low -level surveillance.

caught in  the web ongoing legal proceedings.

It is a  place  where the line between the criminal  underworld and lawenforcement dramatically intersected .

leaving an indelible marks on its walls and in the annals of crime history .

in the midst of the mansion’s of the mansion’s secrets and and the high steakes drama srurounding El chapo’s capture.

a seemingly inconspicuous detail emerged from  one of the second floor bedrooms on a bed.there lay  rented  DVDs

original 2011 version of the Queen of the south television series.

the  choice of entertainment was both revealing and perplexing.

Qeen of the south tells a story of a woman who rises from a difficult upbringing to  a wealthy ower  by building a drug empire of her own .

the presence of these DVDs hinted at the human complexities that surrounded El chapo’s life .

did he see  parallels  between  the fictional narratative and  his own journey or was  it  simply  a surreal coincidence that highlighted the ironies of his existence .

El chapo move to los mochies signaled that his web influence had weakend living him exposed .

Don winslow an  expert on the drug wars noted that any organized crime figure survives as long as he’s profitable guzman had become distraction for both  the mexican government and the united states

despite hs capture, the story  was far from over. the sinaloa  cartel´s financial and corrupt networks remained intact  adapting to new leadership

in the ever  elvoving landscape of drug cartels , more  brutal and ambitious rivals were poised .

to fill the void  left by El chapo.

life on Rio Qualite street and  jaquil  pan boulevard returned to normal allbeit with a sense og histroy lingering in the air.

the mansion once  a symbol of intrigue

and danger transformed into a local  attraction  children played nearby

and  curious onlookers took selfies in front of the infamous  house.

the mansion in los  palmas , los mochis. symbolized the complex and everchanging world of drug cartels  in mexico. El chapo’s  presence there however brief  left an indelible mark on the community

as  authorities prepared for  his extradition to the  united states and the sinaloa cartel. adapted to its new reality.one thing remained certain the drug  trade as el chapo himself hadaknowledged would continue.

the mansion once a hide out witnessed the end of an era and the beginning of s new chapter in mexico’s ongoing drug war.

in the wake of  Joaquín Archivaldo Guzmán Loera ‘s capture the  world applauded.

and presdent enrique prns nieto basked in praise.however  in his home state of sinaloa the news had a different impact.

to the resident of this pacific city where El chapo was captured. he was not just a criminal but EL senioe . a near mythical figure who held  a unique place in their hearts and minds   in the colorful streets of sinaloa,  many saw el chapo a a man who despite  his criminal activities possessed qualities that   inspired  both respect and  fear .

the capture of  el chapo also raised concerns among locals, some  worried that his absence. would  create a power  vacuum,potentially  leading  to increased violence the cartel´s riles for all it’s flaws had providided a sense of stability for some  and its abrupt disruption could have unintended  consequences..


2nd home in culiacan.

in ciuad in the heart of  culiacán , homtown of the infaous sinaloa cartel stands seemingly unsammusing home  that once served as the second secret  safe mansion of the mexican drug lord.known as  el chapo

this modest house shrouded in intrige and history as recently gaiend attention as it was raffled off to a mystery  winer in 2014. el chapo gamously escaped from this safe house via hidden tunnel under the bathub. as maxican marines closed in he slipped away

through a trap door vanishing into a  network of tunnels , he meticulously constructed beneath  the property. the tunnel   allowed him to make a daring escape leaving authorities in shock.

the safe house   unlike the  opulent mansion s often associated vith drug lords is a humble ,2800 ft  bungalow. with law seilings and fortified windows. it had  remeained vacant for years  after being damaged during the   marine operation in february  2014.

Neighbors had no knowledge of its owner and authorities had discreetly listed it as casa in  Culiacán on the webside. in preparaiton for the raffle.

the mexican government’s institute to return stolen goods to the peopled -in depth. gave the house  a fresh coat of white paint and removed the security cameras  that once surveilled  its every corner.

while  appearing unassuming it still  holds one crucial amenity, the storm drain adjacent to it which allowed el chapo  to construct the tunnel that facilitated his escape under the bathtub.

el chapo was renowned for his use of  underground tunnels not only for evasion but also for smuggling drugs.

beneath the US Mexico border.his nickname  lord of the  tunnels  reflected his mastery of this craft , his  escape  from this Culiacán  mansion ans  subsequent arrest in mazatlan were dramatic chapters his  criminal saga.

the house in Culiacána and sinaloa where  el chapo  Guzman  sought refuge in february 2014 is a place steeped in  intrigue and  escape artistry.

this unassuming residence once a key part of Guzman’s hideout strategy  underwent notable renovations since his capure fonting the house  it appears any  other typical residence in the capital city of sinaloa.but  beneath its facade lay the secrets of el  chapo’s dramatic escapes.

underneath bathtub  a hydraulic mechanism concealed a secret escape tunnel when activated ir  would lift the  bathtub about an angle.

revealing a   hidden staircase that led to a tunnel interconnected with the city’s storm sewer system .

it was through this intricate network that  el chapo managed to evade authorities. on at least one o ccassion. making his escapes nothing short of cinematic

as mexican  authorities hunted for Guzman ,surveillance cameras meticulously monitored the area around the house’s perimeter

ensuring that any approaching threats were noticed.however these surveillance measures have since  ben dismantled

erasing the once vigilant whatchfull eye over the property.

the story of this house. took another twist when it  was  put up for auction by mexico’s institute to return  stolen goods to peoplw in depth.

the starting bid for the two -bedroom home  was set at approximately 130,000 thousand dollars.

suprisingly there were no takers

perhaps due to the notorious association of the property with organized crime.

mexican  government decided to raffle off the house on september  15 ,2021.

using the mexican national lottery. each lottery ticket was priced  at 250 mexican pesos and a staggering 2 million tickets were sold.

however the indentity of the new owner  remain shrouded in secrecy

possibly due to the lingering  apprehension surrounding the property’s dark past

the Culiacán house  stands as a  testament to el chapo´s resourcefulness and the intricate escape routes he devised to elude  authorities.while  its connection to the drug cartel is undeniable

it also serves as a stark reminder of the criminal ingenuity that once coursed through its hidden tunnels

and  concealed chambers.

in the early hours of february 17 ,2014 , the legendary mexican drug lord joaquin Guzman Loera.famously known as  el chapo found himself in a precarious situation . while in bed  with one of his many misstresses, his personal secretary delivered a dire message.

mexican troops were at the door and it was time to flee.

in a moment of urgency. El chapo  still  naked. dashed into the bathroom and  motioned for his household to follow

he unveiled a  hidden escape  hatch beneath the  bathrub

revealing wooden stairs leading into a dark and humid tunnel .

as mexican  marines aggressively attempted to beach his front  door . the elusive kingpin descended into the depths of the tunnel vanishing into the underworld.

while the tale of El chapo’s escape has been recounted numerous times it took on an astonishing new dimension

as lucero guadalupe sanchez Lopez, his  missress shared her firsthand account in a new york  courtroom. her testimony provided an unprecedented glimpse into the  criminal myth surrounding, El Chapo.

miss sanchez’s testimony revealed an extraordinary love story  set  against the backdrop of the drug world their romance began  when she met El chapo with the age of 21.

and spanned three tumultuous years  , during this, she played the role of his housewife and an unpaid partner in his criminal endeavors.

her duties  ranged from procuring kuilograms of marijuana to set up fron companies. all while ensuring the drug lord had fresh underwaer.

despite testifying as a   prosecution witness miss sanchez emotions were palpable as she recounted her experiences, she professed to still being in love with El chapo and at times  broken into tears on the witness stand.

she expressed confusion about the nature of their  relationship believing it to be bouth romantic and that of partners in crime. mis sanchez , now 29 was arrested in 2017 whlie attempting  to enter the United states .

unbeknownst to her  she had been a target  of a vast WAP  investigation

by investigation by american federal agents. additionally her private text  message  with  el chapo were intercepted when his  IT  expert  installed spyware on her blackberry  inadvertently exposing their  secret communications.

some of the intercepted messages depicted  the cartel couple as a mexican version of bonnie and clyde..

in one messages , miss mentioned having stamped  dozen of kilos of El chapos  marijuana with a brand  that included a heart and the number four, symbolizing the crime lord’s birthday on april  4th .

sanchez  riveting testimony  offered a  unique perspective on the life and love of  el chapo Guzman , a man who defied the law and captured the imagination of the world.

their tumultuous relationship entwined with crime and passion added yet another  layer to the  complex narrative surrounding one of history’s most notorious drug lords

despite  its storied past and  connection to  one of the world’s most notorious drug lords

Culiacán house safe house had difficulty finding  a buyer

at the  auction .

initially listed at  130,000 dollar.

ultimately it became one of tthe 20 impounded properties raffled off during mexicos indepedence day lottery.

the proceeds from the raffle mexicos 2020 olympic and paro  olympic athletes.

the Culiacán safe house stands as a symbol of  el  chapo’s audacity and cinning

as well as the enduring allure of the  world of organized crime

its transformation from a hideout to a riffle prize, is a testament to the complex and ever evolving  narrative

of the drug trade in mexico the mystery winner of this  unassuming house may now hold a piece of history

that has captured the imagination of a  nation  and  the world.

Joaquín Archivaldo Guzmán Loera  better known as  El chapo was not just a drug lord he was a man of  extravagant tastes. and penchant for luxury.

as authorities raided his villa in one of mexico’s wealthiest neighborhoods, in 2014

they uncovered  a world of opulence that  extended beyond his criminal empire.

when mexican authorities stormed El chapos villa  they  expected to find evidence of his criminal operations.

what they discovered was a treasure trove of wealth and excess hidden amid the lavish surroundings

were art collection.

exotic animals

hidden cash.

and a penchant for the finer things in life.

El chapo’s appreciation for art was undeniable even if the subjet matter raised eyebrows.

among the discovered items was a goury oil  painting of a bucking bull , adorned  with swords but still defiantly hanging on the a wall.

this taste for  art.however  unconvencial reflected his flamboyant lifestyle

A twitter acount purportedly  maintained by El chapo’s  son ian guzman showcase the family’s material wealth.

it featured images of sports cars.

stacks of cash.

Gold- plated firearms. all testament to a  life of extravagance and luxury .

El chapo was not just  a collector of  art  he was also a patron of architecture.

he commissioned achitect felipe de jesus verbera

to  designe his privat zoo in Guadalahara.

housing  exotic animals , like tigers ….


and bears.

the architect also designed an intricate tunnel connecting a Guzman residence to a cartel owned  Arizona warehouse showcasing his artistic talent and engineering prowess.

while the  specific details of El  chapo’s  art collection  remain elusive,it likely   included works seized from drug  traffickers similar to those sold at a colombian warehouse  auction in2013.

this auction  featured paintings by renowned colombian artists,fetching prices as high as 77,000 thousand dollars.

El  chapo’s  pension for art mirrored his  extravagant lifestyle.rivalng the earning of Global  teck Giants like  Netflix.

and facebook.

El  chapo waa not alone in his affinity for the arts.

among mexican  drug lords hector beltran leyva.

another prominent figure had posed asan art dealer before his arrest in 2014.

the world of illicit wealth had found its way into the art world even as tighter regulations sought to curve money laundering in galleries and auction houses.

El chapo guzman’s luxuious lifestyle complete with art collection and extravagant tastes  was a  stark contrast  to the illicit nature of his activities  his  opulent hideaway provided a glimpse into a world  where wealth excess were intertwined with the darkes aspects of  organized crimes.

as  the authorities closed in on him .

the true  extent of his extravagance became an enduring  testament to  the allure of a life lived on the edge of the law.


Joaquín Archivaldo Guzmán Loera  widely known as El chapo was the mastermind behind  one of the most formidable drug empires in history. his criminal reign extended across mexico and beyond making him a powerful and elusive figure to maintain control  over such an extensive operation and to invade law enforcement.

El chapo  relied  on a network of secret  safe mansions strategically scattered  throughout thr  country.

these clandestine residences were not mere hideaway, they were  the lynch pins of his empire.

Geographically dispersed to cover crucial drug  trafficking routes.

territories and supply chains.

these  safe houses   allowed him to oversee his criminal Enterprise effectively in the eyes of the public  , El chapo was a notorious drug lord.

a symbol of the criminal underworld , this notoriety made him a prme target for law enforcement agencies both in mexico and  and abroad.to reamain elusive he needed

the secret mansions they often blended  seamlessly into ordinary neighborhoods their true purpose hidden behind unassuming facades. this  discret nature made it incredibly challenging for  authorities to to detective his presence .

but these safe mansons  were more than jsut  places of refuge ,they  were fortified with hidden rooms, escape tunnels and secret compartments.

El chapo’s escape  from a bathub tunnel in 2014 stands  as a testament to the extent ofhis escape nfrastructure.

these secure locations  provided  him with a means to slip away when the authorities closed in. which became a hallmark of his criminal career .

inside these  mansions strategies unfolded.

they were  equipped with sophisticated communication systems

surveillance equipment.

storage facilities  for drugs and weapons. from these  basess el chapo could coordinate the intricate web ofdrug shipments and criminal activities that streteched across international borders. protection of his vast  wealth was another a another critical  aspect. these safe houses acted as   depositories for the immense profits. generated  by his drug  empire.



and other valuable assets were stored in secure locations.

shielding them from the prying eyes of  rival cartels  ,thieves, and the risk of law enforcement. seizures moreover.

these secret mansons  served  a center of  power and   authority within the sinaloa cartel they symbolized, el  chapo’s dominance instilling fear in rivals

and reinforcing his image as an untouchable drug lord.

 in the end….while these secret safe mansions played anessential role in sustaining

El chapo’s drug Empire, they also contributed to his downfall.law enforcement agencies gradually  unraveled of hidden properties

ultimately leading to his capture and extradition to the united stated.

despite  their significance these safe  mansions became symbols not of invincibilty but of the inevitable consequences of a life  steeped in crime and deception .


El chapo Guzman the notorious  mexican drug lord .is currently incarcereated

in the united state. after  his recapture in january 2016, mexico initiated extradition

proceedings to send him to the united state to face numerous charges in various cities . Guzman’s lawyers  attempted multiple  legal maneuvers. to provent  his extradition .

january 19th , 2017 , he was  successfully extradited to the  united states.

and placed in  the custody  of homeland security investigations HSI

and  drug  enforcement administration DEA  agents

he was initially housed in the maximum  security wing the metropolitan correctional in new york  city.

located in manthattan.

Guzman faced a 17 -count indictment. that included charges  such  drug trafficking with intent to ddistribute, conspiracy  association , organized crime agains health, money laundering , homocide ,  illgal possession of firearms. kidnapping and murder in several cities including ; chicago, miami , new york and others.

one crucial aspect of the extradition was the requirement  that the US guaranteed not to sentence Guzman to death , if he were found quilty of  homicide charges.

Guzman’s trial   in the united states began  on november 5th 2018 with jury selection due  to his history  of having jurors and witnesses murdered  . the prosecutor argued for  juror  anonymity and armed escorts.

the judge agreed and juror  remained anonymous. with Guzman transported to and  from the courthouse and sequestered from the public.

during  court proceedings after a trial that included opening arguments in november  2018.and closing  argunents  in january 2019.

Joaquín Archivaldo Guzmán Loera was found guilty on all counts on february 12th,2019

he was subsequently sentenced on july 17th, 2019 to life in prison plus additional 30 years,

in additional  to his lengthy prison sentenced  he was ordered  to forfeit more than 12, 6 billion dollars.

since its opening in 1994,this high security facility has hused some of the most dangerous criminals in then united state and nobody has ever successfully escaped from it

El chapo was transferred to supermax after being convicted in  a US federal court in new york.  while  at supermax,he is subjected to stringent security  measures.

including permanent lockdown  for 23 hours a day.this level of security  is implemented to prevent any potential escape attempts or communication with the outside world.

recently el chapo wrote a leter to a  US judge,who is a chicago native, expressing concerns about  his treatment in the prison.

in  the prison in the letter he implies that US prison officials are  bullying him by  preventim  him from receiving attorney documents for new court  motions.

He claimes  that authorities use his  his past prison escapes as a pretex for theses restrictions and calls it a dicidulous claim

El chapo’s prison escapes are indeed. notoriouse.

in 2001 he escaped from an mexican prison and he repteated this feat in 2015 by fleeing through an underground tunnel on a motorcycle.

he was subsequently rec-captured in a dramatic  operation  by mexican commandos

and later extradited to the united state.

el chapo’s  complaints about his treatment in prison echo similar concerned  raised by other  high -profile individuals associated with his cartel.

for exampel his former  lieutant. also  faced restrictions during his time at the metropolitan correctional center MCC  in chicago due to cncerns about  potential escapes attempts.

el chapo appears to be actively seeking ways to communicate with his  attorneys and  receive legal  documents in his quest  to formulate a legal strategy that might lead to his release.

however  prison officials have  not publicly responded to his complaints for requests.

El chapo wrote a ltetter to the federal  judge overseeing his case

requesting  permission forhis wife  emma coronel  aispuro and they young daughthers to visit him.

the hanwritten letter translated for the court sought  authorization for his family to visit him n  the notorious supermax prison.

emma coronel. El Chapos wife was sentenced to 3 years in prison for her involvement in her husband’s

multi-billion dollar criminal enterprise.

including assisting in planning  his dramatic escape

from a  maximum security mexican prison in 2015.using an  underground tunnel.

during her sentencing she express a desire to whatch  her young twin  daughters.

El chapo’s latter explained that the prosecutors had  opposed his wife’s  wisits to him in new york fearing  she might pass threatening , messages to witnesses.he argued that this concern was unfounded.

as all conversation during visit are recorded.

the letter also menthened that El  chapo’s are  in school  in mexico and could  only visit during vaction periods  approximately to two  to three times a years.

his wife  would be the only family member  able to visit him. as his mother and sister do not have travel visas.

emmms coronell, was   scheduled to release  om mod -september,2023, after being moved from federa lprison to community confinement in june.

when it’s unclear wether the letter  directly infuenced her released  it could  have played a role in highlighting El chapos  to have his wife  and daughters visit him. pontential cotributeomg to decisions related to her confinement and release.

the story of joaquin  El chapo Guzman one of the most infamous drug lord in history is a tale of  audicious escapes

opulent safe  houses.

 and a life of crime that spanned decades.

his empire built on the drug trade.

corruption and violence.

was marked by an astonishing level of wealth and power.

from his humble beginnings in the rugged hills of  sinloa , mexico . El chapo rose  to become the head of the powerful sinaloa cartel .

controlling a significant  share of the global  drug trade. his penion for luxury extended   to his secret safe houses. where he hid from law enforcement. and rival cartels.

the safe houses wether in  Culiacán

or los mochies -where not just places of regufe.

but also  showcases of his weealth.

lavish furnishings

where the hamarks of these properties  .

El chapo’s  taset for opulence was evident inevery detail

from Goldplated firearms…

to exotic animals kept in private zoos.

however his life of luxury esd punctuated by darring escapes ….

 and near captures as lawa enforcement agencies on both side of the border pursed him  relentlessly. after ,multiple prison breakes and close encounters with the law  he was eventually apprehended tried  and sentence to life in a supermax  prison in colorado.

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