Warning: Graphic content, readers’ discretion advised. This article contains a recollection of crime and can be triggering to some readers discretion advised.
jeffrey epstein was a billionaire, new york businessman whose wast wealth but an arrogance that knew no limits .dan the consequenses he acted as if hecould have anything he craved.
but what he desired most was sex with young women and girls for years he abused them at will . and such were the numbers of victims Epstein exploited ,he started trading them around the world .
He masterminded a sextraqfficking ring which enabled his rich and influential friends and associates to share in his perversion
remakebly those accused of complicity in this scandal include his royal highness prince andrew.
Today , this opulent manhattan mansion sits empty abandoned by its owner the disgraced and now dead jeffrey Espein.
the world within this walls was inconceivable
a horror house of sexual abuse and international sextrafficking.
Jeffrey Epstein led a privileged life.his extraordinary wealth on show around the world.
He had his own fleet of planes, a privat island,ranches and mansions in New Mexico, New York and Paris.
But in privat Epstein had a dark and insatiable sexual appetite for young girls an obsession he shed with like- minded wealthy and powerful friends.
The people that were involved with jeffrey Epstein. included some of the richest and most politically powerful people in the world.
including a member of the british roal family.
standing accused is the Queen´s second son . prince Andrew.
Prince Andrew denies any wrongdoing any knowledge of the epstein sex ring .
inside Epstein scandal
piled the powerful protected jeffrey Epstein.
They had enough evidence to lock him up for decades
and yet they essentially let him go.
he was literally doing this for over 20 years.
Ghislaine Maxwell,Epstein´s partner and procurer of young girls
Ghislaine was teaching girls how to massage Epstein here at his palm beach island home.
Jeffrey targeted children that were vulnerable to him and his money and the girls felt like they were being helped and saved by him when altumately he was just preying on them .
Jeffrey Epstein was the master of manipulation,luring poverty -stricken girls in wich cash and feeding their dreams of a better life.by the time the sexual abusebegan many were too invested in his promises to get out.
Epsteins desire for sex was insatiable demanding at least three different girls a day to massage him
and in return be molested in a perverted pyramid scheme
Epstein would pay extra for his victims to find more girls for him. the younger the better.
His addiction wasn´t drugs or alcohol it was definitely young girls
50 or 70 girls was brought to jeffrey during this period and there ages was 14,15,16.
Despite these girls testimony in 2005 jeffrey Epstein would go on to abuse and scar countless of more young girls.
that he got away with it is a disgrace.how he did so is even worse.
Why did this man get to continue roam the street freely and sexually abuse other young girls when you knew what his was doing -this was no secret.
Jeffrey Epstein was a man made of money.worth nearly a billion dollars.
But with friends in high places
He was not only wealthybut extraordinarily influential.

He was a sextrafficker, a sex abuser,and he was virtually untouchable.
New york , palm beach ,california ,Paris,london, this is where ever Epstein was touching down , he needed to have girls unconstant all in every single state or every place that he goes to he´s already got people lined up and makers making that happened.
Allegedly part of the sick Epstein machine was jean -luc brunel a model agent based in paris with acess to beautiful young girls,girls he was happy to deliver to Epstein.
Girls ranged in all different ages. there were girls as young as 12 years old.
He was having sex with 3 ,12 years old sent by jean luc brunnel and jeffrey laught about it . he thought it was funny.
This is not just a story of terrible sexual abuse but also an extraordinary abuse of power where the enormous wealth and influence of jeffrey Epstein would prove to have the ultimate say where justice was not just ignored but deliberately denied by the very people who meant to stop him
Jeffrey Epstein could have been stopped a decade and a half ago.
His murky massage enabled by inducement and intimidation was uncovered when a 14 year old victim finally told her parents about the abuse
This alone he could and should have been sent to jail for life ,but no one counted on the reach of Epstein´s influence.
After raiding Epstein’s home it wasn´t just one girl,in the end they had testimony from 40 victims whose average age ranged from 13 to 16.
police were able to amassa whole wealth of evidence,
amongst them were damning message pads clearly showing a trade in young girls scheduling them for massage appointments.
as well flight logs showing girls being transported aboard jeffreys private plane.
dubbed the lolita Express.
As compelling as the case was.Epstein fought back using intimidation as his main weapon .
He had multiple people that were out there really digging up dirt on not only the victims but also the laywers , the police , everyone involved.
but ultimately there was too much evidence for authorities to ignore. they had to act.
But Epstein with an army of lawyers negotiated a slap on the wrist and slap in the face for victims.
instead of admitting to child sex abuse, Epstein agreed to plead guilty to a lesser charge of soliciting a minor for prostitution
and in2008 was sentenced to a mere 18 months in a florida jail .
He was a pedophile accusing his victims of being prostitutes, he turn the tables completely.
This is where jeffrey Epstein served his sentence . but really , he only slept here.
If Epstein had been your average sex offender he would automatically been denied work release but instead being Epstein,he was allowed out six and then seven days a week 12 hours a day.
driven by chauffeur to his downtown office where it said he was attended to by two young victims he flew in from new york.
Back here at the jail.the special treatment extended to being housed in his own privat wing ,protected by his own private bodyguards.
so for jeffrey epstein this prison sentence was pretty much buisness as usual .
throughout this whole case there´s never been justice and it started back in 2008 with the secret plea deal that jeffrey was offered by the state of florida.
Apart from his light prison sentence no one knew what else Epstein had negotiated in his secret florida deal .
It turned out he’´d wrangled full immunity against any other charges for himself and his co- conspirators
young Courtney Wild
final outrage victims like kourtney wild were never to be told of the deal .
to be abused by a man and have the goverment know and then actually co – conspire with the perpetrator to make sure nothing happens to him it´s just so .it sounds unreal . exept it is real.
so why did the goverment do that ?
money ,power and there was a lot of people involved in this ,this underage minor sex ring that they were running and everybody wanted it to go away. there was a conspiracy play here.
autgorities signing up to that ,they ‘´re happy to protect a perpetrator at the cost of the victims.they wont even tell the victims what’´s going on.
for a fact the directive to shut it down came from highest levels from DC.
With Epstein out of jail and with no criminal avenue left to them.victims could only sue for damages.
in pursuing Epstein attorney spencer kuvin was intent on rattling the buisnessman who until now had been largely untouchable.
S.kuvin:”is it true sir that you have what’s been described as an egg-shaped penis .
-was that question based on evidence?
S.Kuvin:it was . my position was always how would a 14 year old girl know what his private parts look like. there is no valid explanation for something like that .
Courtney Wild / today.
at the time of this humiliation for Epstein courtney wild was demaning some answers too.-which led to her uncovering the secret deal between prosecutors and Epstein.
ever since she´s been fighting to have the deal overturned.
courtney: basically it took 11 years litigating back and forth with the goverment for them to you know finally declare that yes my rigts were violated and the goverment was wrong.
Early this year ,courtney won her case keeping the plea deal from the victims was declared illegal.
but the rest of it were Epstein’s co-conspirators are protected in florida by immunity stands.
something courtney is now appealing.
By 2009 Jeffrey Epstein had served his sentence in florida and extraordinarily lakhs and lenient 13 months when he could have faced 45 years for his crimes.
with his luxury properties and private planes ,he traveled when and where he wanted and old friend prince andrew reconnected with him .despite his sex offender status
virginia robert drew frey says she was a victim of both men.(jeffre Epstein and prince Andrew)
her layer david boies says she was also a victim of a system prepared to let Epstein get away with it .
The sacret sweatheart deal in florida proof that these young women counted for nothing.
D.boies:that’s one of the most disturbing and really shameful things.that people who should have known better didn’´t know better uhm.. turned a blind eye and just let him continue.
But Epstein didn’t count on the anger of his victims when they found out about the secret deal they took further legal action which in turn led to the federal authorities reopening the case.
what florida didn’t have the stomach to do , New york certainly did and so on july 6th of this year,jeffrey Epstein was again arrested and charged
but this time ,he faced the prospect of life behind bars.
Armed with fresh with allegations from new victims authortities charged Epstein with child sex trafficking and conspiracy to engage in sex trafficking.
Raids on his homes in new york
and his caribbean island.
But Epstein pleaded not guilty and applied for bail which was denied after the court heard from two victims including courtney wild.
He lived the high life but died in disgrace
just a month later the for the final time. Epstein proved he would not be held accountable for his terrible crimes.
but how he managed that in such a place is a mystery.
he´s shocked death raising suspicions,he was a man who knew too much.
D.Boies: it’s incomprehsible to me how the American prison system could with probably its highet profile prisoner. take him opff suicide watch,remove his cell mate, not have the guards look in on him,somehow the cameras are turned off… that just incomprehensible,on the other hand it’´s inconceivable to me that somebody could have penetrated the prison and acctually killed him.
-do you believe that if he had lived the justice system would have been able to hold him
D.Boies: yeas,absolutely and the reason i think that suicide is plausible is that i think he knew that uhm ..the jig was up ,he was going to jail and he was going for a very long time.
Epstein’s death did not silence his victims who were invited to share their pain in open court.
even though with his death the criminal case against him had to be dropped
Their focus now is on prosecuting Epstein´s alleged co-conspirators Ghislaine Maxwell considered the most prominent and cruel.
the other person who has gone to ground is jean -luc brunel the french model agent hwo is also accused of sexual abuse.
and supplying Epstein with underage models who conveniently
housed in and trafficked from this New york apartment block.
New photos from court go inside the historic Manhattan townhouse and nude-art-filled Palm Beach mansion where Ghislaine Maxwell and Jeffrey Epstein allegedly sexually abused girls
⦁ Prosecutors have unleashed a trove of images showing Jeffrey Epstein’s homes around the world.
⦁ The images were released as Epstein associate Ghislaine Maxwell faces trial on sex trafficking charges.
⦁ Epstein, a financier with ties to Donald Trump and Prince Andrew, died of suicide in 2019 while awaiting trial on similar charges.
Photos showing Jeffrey Epstein’s properties around the world have been released in court as his former associate, Ghislaine Maxwell, stands trial on child-sex-trafficking charges in New York federal court.
The master bedroom at Epstein’s Palm Beach home, which has since been demolished. US Attorney’s Office for the Southern District of New York
The photos released at trial shine a light on Epstein’s inner world. Many of the photos inside his Palm Beach home had to be redacted to protect the identities of alleged victims depicted in photos framed throughout the home.
Some of the photos also show Epstein’s taste in sexualized art, as seen here with some of the framed prints hung in the master bedroom of his Palm Beach home.
Some of the accusers who have testified at Maxwell’s trial say they were lured into giving Epstein’s sexualized massages at his Palm Beach residence. A folded up massage table is seen in this photo.
Real-estate developer Todd Michael Glaser purchased Epstein’s Palm Beach home for $18.5 million in March and had it demolished, according to The Wall Street Journal.
The property was subsequently bought by venture capitalist David Skok for more than $25 million, The Journal reported.
Juan Alessi, the longtime butler at Epstein’s Palm Beach home, testified at Maxwell’s trial, saying she gave him a 30-page booklet on how to run the house that instructed him to “NEVER disclose Mr. Epstein or Ms. Maxwell’s activities or whereabouts to anyone.”
Another instruction in the manual was for household staff to make sure to leave a gun in Epstein’s bedroom.
One accuser who testified during Maxwell’s trial, Carolyn, said she started giving sexualized massages to Epstein in the master bathroom of his Palm Beach home starting when she was 14.
Carolyn said Epstein would pay her $300-$400 after every massage, and she used the money to buy drugs and alcohol and “anything else that could black out” the appointments, which she said Maxwell was initially in charge of setting up.
Carolyn said that by the time she turned 18, Epstein seemed to be done with her and he started asking about younger friends she could bring to him.
The first accuser to testify in Maxwell’s trial said she was first assaulted by Epstein in the pool house at his Palm Beach home when she was 14. Soon after, she says Maxwell trained her to give Epstein sexualized massages.
That accuser, who testified under the pseudonym “Jane,” said soon after the pool house incident, Maxwell brought her into Epstein’s bedroom and trained her to give sexualized massages to him.
Jane said the abuse became more extreme by the time she turned 16, when she would regularly participate in orgies with Epstein, Maxwell, and other females. “I was abused pretty much every time I would go over to his house,” Jane testified.
Epstein also owned a 10,000-acre ranch in New Mexico, which remains on the market for $27.5 million, according to the New York Post.
Accuser Annie Farmer testified at Maxwell’s trial about Maxwell fondling her breasts during a massage at Epstein’s ranch in 1996, when she was 16 years old.
Farmer said the morning after the massage at the ranch, Epstein jumped into bed with her and tried to snuggle her before she locked herself in the bathroom.
Prosecutors also released several pictures showing the interior and exterior of Epstein’s Manhattan townhouse, an historic Beaux Arts mansion on the Upper East Side
Epstein’s Manhattan home was raided by the FBI in 2019. An FBI agent testified at Maxwell’s trial they opened a safe at the house that had $70,000 in cash, 48 loose diamonds, and a foreign passport with Epstein’s picture under a different name.

The Manhattan property was originally built for Herbert N. Straus, a son of Isidor and Ida Straus, the couple who founded the Macy’s department store and later died on the Titanic.
“Every single person in the Justice Department – from your Main Justice headquarters staff all the way to the night-shift jailer – knew that this man was a suicide risk, and that his dark secrets couldn’t be allowed to die with him,” he added.
Epstein called himself a “coward” and admitted to having trouble adapting to life behind bars. Yet he did make some efforts to improve his circumstances by signing up for Kosher meals and asking for permission to exercise outside.
Then in late July 2019, after a judge denied Epstein bail, he made a failed attempt to kill himself. He was found on the floor of his cell with a strip of bedsheet tightened around his neck, which left him with scrapes and bruises that did not require hospitalization.
Epstein was then placed on a suicide watch, followed by psychiatric observation.
In a conversation with a jail psychologist, the financier insisted he was not suicidal, saying he had a “wonderful life” and “would be crazy” to end it.
An exterior view of the Metropolitan Correctional Centre jail where Jeffrey Epstein was found dead.CREDIT:REUTERS
Epstein died while he was facing federal charges of sex trafficking and abusing young girls. If convicted, the 66-year-old would have faced up to 45 years in prison. His longtime associate Ghislaine Maxwell was sentenced to 20 years in prison in 2022.
The sex-trafficking case attracted widespread attention, partly because of the depravity of the allegations against him as well as his connections to high-profile figures including Donald Trump, Bill Clinton and Queen Elizabeth’s son Prince Andrew.
Jeffrey Epstein sent letter to fellow pedo Larry Nassar from prison before suicide — but he never got it
Larry Nassar was sentenced to 40 to 125 years in prison in 2018 for sexually abusing young girls for years.AP
Shortly before he hanged himself in his Manhattan jail cell, Jeffrey Epstein penned a letter from behind bars to another high-profile pedophile, Larry Nassar — but the note was never received by the disgraced US gymnastics team doctor.
The shocking development was included in 4,000 pages of documents obtained Thursday by the Associated Press that also offered an updated glimpse into Epstein’s declining mental health during his 36-day stint at the Metropolitan Correctional Center in Manhattan.
Epstein’s unopened letter to Nassar, who spent decades sexually abusing young girls, was discovered in the mail room of the since-shuttered lockup with a “return to sender” notice weeks after his suicide
“It appeared he mailed it out and it was returned back to him,” the investigator who found the letter told a prison official by email. “I am not sure if I should open it or should we hand it over to anyone?”
Jeffrey Epstein’s cellmate dishes on the pedophile’s final days, suicide
‘I have no doubt’
“That Saturday morning we were informed at wake-up that we’d be eating breakfast in our cells. We were locked down indefinitely. Jeffrey Epstein had killed himself a few hours before and the building was crawling with government agents.
“Assumption he had killed himself was reinforced when another inmate reported that in the wee hours he’d heard the sound of tearing sheets from Jeffrey’s cell in which he’d been left all alone after this bunky had been returned to general population.
“Nobody killed him. Jeffrey Epstein killed himself. No reason not to believe it. That Jeffrey Epstein killed himself I have no doubt.”