Warning: Graphic content, readers’ discretion advised. This story contains a recollection of crime and can be triggering to some readers discretion advised.

when state police accompanied  investigators from child services  to a home in  Texico ,new mexico on  july 22nd 2022

they had  no idea they were walking into a house of horrors.

the women who answered the door  was jayme kushman this isn’t her first time the CYFD

but this visit woulld eventually launch an investigation into one of the most shocking cases  in all of new mexico.

most of the following footage   has never been  seen before.

kushman alleged that the person who reported her was someone she had a falling out with.

for now though…

CYFD notice that the home was cleaner than last time they were visiting

kushman said that lora  had cleaning up because  she had a visit at the hospital.

the police kept focused on inspecting the property

the kitchen was extremely messy , with dirty  disches rendering the space nearly unusable

 the badroom s wee an evem worse mess with mold growing on the  tile arouind the shower and bathtub there was no running water and the toilets were backed up.

portable toilets had been placed around the residence to compensate,though it appeared that none had been emptied recently as they were completely filled with waste.nedless to say ,the house didn’t pass inspection

but the evidence which would take the case from simply concerning to truly horrific,was yet to be found.

kushman  had been sharing this house not only with her own children but her girlfriend’s kids and a 16 year old girl who was not related.there was also another couple staying with  them

but before investigators  could get too far, kushman attempted to pull a fast  one with the authorities.

she tells  she know that she have a bad standing with CYFD and she doesn’t feel safe. and that the CYFD  inspector dosen’t like kushman because she  took an infant from kushman and they thought in court. she didn’t get the infant back ,because it wasn’t hers and again she  says that the CYFD inspector doesn’t like  kushman.

and she don’t feel like  she going to get a fair…you don’t need to agree with me but i din’t see anything wrong with my home. she says  and kushman ask the authorities if she also think anything is wrong with  her home 

the authorities  said there is stuff here and there.but no one’s home is perfect.

kushman insist that is nothing to cause alarm  about.

it’s  safe to say that the investigotors were  infact, alarmed.

they would seek to learn more about the baby later,but currntly needed to focus on the situation at the house.

and the state of the children living  there.after sendingkushman back inside the house

 the investigators finally catch up with 14 year old CK,  to aks  her what had been going on.

But  this  wasn’t  the only  suprise  investigators were in for as a new party parrrive on the scene while theywere chatting with the kids.-lora.

what Lora was suddenly doing on the scene  was anyone’s guess.the specifics of “why” weren’t needed  for investigators to know that there was more going on than met the eye.

the horrifyng details of what the children revealed would be learned later.

for now , after speaking with the children , the officer and the child services investigator had to make a decisionon how to move forward.

what they came up with did ot go over well with kushman or her girlfriend Jaime Sena hwo hadrushedhome from work when  she heard the police were there.

this is an interrogation tactic.by stating that the “kids have told them everything this time”

the invetigator makes it clear that she already knows what’s going on, as this puts pressure on kushman  and  Sena to say  something that matches what the kids have said .

what ‘s most interesting here is that ushman doesn’t make any denials and doesn’t ask  what the kids have said.

based on the evidence gathered , the police returned  a short time later with a search warrant for the kushman property and aks for they’re cell phones.it’s a part of the search warrant.

the both  phones was   were seized along with the requared pascodes as the search  warrant dictated. it’s an interest question of what would have happened if they  had refused to hand over their passcodes.

though the warrant technically required them to hand over this information ,it cannot actually force them to comply.

however , refusing could result in them being found in contempt of court, in theory by disobeying the warrant, the court  could put them in jail right then and there until they produced the  passcode.

 with their phones in the hands of the police,the full scope of the horror would soon be revealed and it was more deplorable than anyone could have expected

despite kushman’s apparently jovial attitude.

the  however police did  a few more questions for kushman ,small talk complete and the warrat served the police took their leave thanking kushman for being so cooperative as the police comb through kushman and Sena’s phones

they uncover thhe uthinkalbe horrors that took place in that house

and immediately asked jamie  to  sena to come by the station to answera few questions.what she ended up revealing was enough to shock even the most seasoned detectives.

the officers read  sena her miranda rights,thouigh she wasn’t under arrest, little the know sena was hiding more than one shocking secret.and she wasn’t  the only  one listening in on this conversantion.

in the past , sena had also been  in contact with CYFD-the new mexico children,youth and families departement.-due to  conflicts with her older stepdaughter, this compined with  the  horrors uncovered injushman’s house resulted in sena losing custody of her children.

butthe police also took this opportunity to ask what  she knew of kushman’schildren. Sena  explains that RK and CK was kushman’s sister’s biological children ,but  kushman  had taken custodysoon after they were born.

AB wasn’t related to kushman and had been placed with her by CYFD years ago when kushman lived in Texas

in an exlusive interview with EWU,a victim  of jayme kushman named jamee mcdaniel shared there was some confusion on  how AB came to be in kushman’s  custody

mcdaniel  have no idea how  kushman was able to bring another child into the home but texas was lile ” hey this kid needs help take  him”and says that kushman didn’t go through the formal CPS.

Iit was just a phone  call , “heu i’m  getting taken to jail, will youcome get my kid?  kushman said “yep,be right there”

CPS  let her leave with him ,that was the end of it.and of corse , kushman always wanted a boy. so at first this was like answer to her prayers.

he got everything he wanted, he got his on room , we bought so many clothes and toys  for this kids. very very  quickly, the problems  became too much for her.

he was defient ,he wouldn’t potty train correctly, he wanted to eat all the thet time so when hegt to this house where she was willing to give him anything and everything  he wanted ,of course he’s gonna eat all the time.his a kid. 

he’s not gonna stop, and think,”oh ,well , maybe  this is too much”

so he wouldeat to the point where he made himself sick, well ,kushman was like,

“nope , that’s not good” so , all of a sidden ,he was being punished

mcdaniel  says  nobody checked on him not one time from the the time  he got to our home  in farwell till when he got picked up , not one time did someone come to visit him , and be like

“hey ,your ar e not even supposed to be in this state”

“hey, your are not even supposed to be with this women.”

that was never brought up and mcdaniel says ” tell me how a whole state lost this child”


worse, according to mcdaniel,kushman had already been reported to CPS at the time she got custody of AB this was massively worrying , especially considering what police knew  about how AB had been treated.

Sena  might have been arecent addition to the house ,but police  suspected that she couldbe hidingmore than one dark secretthey would uncover exactly what it was during their interview.

the  discipline situation was always redirecting ,like she told the lawyer “it’s redirect over  and over  and time out  to their room”

and if they ended up screwaming and kicking and fighting then they get a spanking but not hard , not excessive and  jayme would do the discipline, sena been aske what kind of discipline will she do?the answer was timeouts.but every once ina while . she did.

if her son would kicking and screaming she would pat him on the but and send him to his room

 though sena portrayed what she thought was a rather favorable image of the children at home the appalling reality was as far cry from itthis truth surfaced dring the search conducted by  the police at the kushman residence

when their announcements went uanswered ,police  entered the resident anyway

despite the officer’s suspicions, no one was found in the  residence.just as before ,however, emaciated dogs were running free all over the property,and police had to take extra care to make sure that none of them were agreessive.

one of the first things the police probably noticed was how different the inside of the house appeared compared to the previous visit.

dirty dishes were no longer overflowing from the sink ,the toilets were empty and the water  was back on   a former friend of kushman family however was able to offer a theory on the matter .

matthew came forward to talk to the police once he heard on the news that kushman  was being invstigated.

he had reported kushman toCYPFD multiple times ,startinga round 2014, eight years earlier than what was happening now, but none of his efforts ever led to a formal investigation.his theory about why nothingever happened was highly concerning..

when CPS get called on , they get a heads up somehow, and jayme and lora get a heads up somehow from CPS through whoever.he doesn’t know if it’s a law enforcement that lets’em know.

police woundering why .

matthew’s answer  because the  time he called, the kids  would clean up everything and she’d get them all dressed up in matching  outfits.

unfortunately ,state police would discoverthat this was only one example of how local law

enforcement had failed to capture evidence of the children’s  suffering until it was too late…

after finding the chains next to the beds,the investigators might have thiught they ha already discovered the worst of the suffering…

But this was just he beginning and they never could have guessed just how inhumane some of the children’s treatment had been.

police foundmore chhains and padlocks , secreted away in a deawer  beside kusman and sena’s bed .

it seemed that with every  room they searched ,more disturbing evidens was unearthed.

when investigators eventuyally confronted sena with these  sickening details, she revealed a suprise of her hown.

the  chains ,the alarms was just because jayme has said that AB has  gotten out to the house  and broke into neighbor’s houses. so she explain that it’s an alarm they put on him but the pen pulls out real quick and they have free range of the entire house -sena said.

typically ,children with such  severe behavioral problems have been mistreated , especially if theyäre under 12 years of age.

and then ,the chain goes on their ankle, and the little pen goes into the black box, the second that pen pops ut ,the alarm sete screams. but sena say’s they have free range of everywhere.

sena been asked if CYFD  was aware of that ?her  answer was ” as far as  she knew”

she knew when they came in janary ,they saw them and never said anything about it.

but she doesn’t know if CYFD was aware how they were  being used .

though  sena didn’t yet seem to realize it, she just implicated herself inthe awful happenings inside the house.while  executing the search warrant police had founde the so -called screamers that sena was talking about .

the police found more chains, and screamers beside every  bed in the room

 back with sena , the chains werenät the  only thing planned to confront her about.

police going through the  day CYFD  came  that  the house  was not  the best , cleanset house ever and it was always  dirty. sena   dosen’t agree.

The investigator point out that every time  CYFD showed up , sena and  kushman would  start cleaning it up 

and who would she call to give her time to pick up the house?sena saying she doesn’t know .

in addition to more evidence  of the callous disregard and treatment of the children the police also found a strange area attached to the laundry room at the kushman’s residence.

nothing relevant was found in this  strange  area, but it was a  different stroy  entirely when they searched the backyard.

this small structur would become  very important to the case soon enough.

those who tried to report this terrible mistreatment ofthe children and living conditions med with the short end of the stick, in an exclusive interview wit EWU

matthew shared more about his  frustration with law enforcement after he alleged that they told kushman  he was the one who reporterd her.

what matthew didn’t know ,is that the chains were only one aspect of what was going on .

the officer in question also asked amtthew to provide  photo or video proof of  his accusations.

which just wasn’t feasible

thanks to the iron grip kushman kept on everyone in the house.

after the police allegedly told her about this involvement

sadly , this was only one example of the frustrating experiences  witnesses had with local law enforcement.

in an exslusive interview with  EWU, ALICIA   brand  a former friend   roomate and parther of kushman shared more  on the subject.

she made ,between CPS and the Texico police,75  calls ,she did it anonymously for a while until she didn’t care anymore.

and maybe she’d get a different person on the line,and they like;

“no ,we’re really gonna put good notes  in this  like the notes from last time don’t really look like that  and alicia lile “what do you mean?”

and alicia told them from begining and told them currently , and told them and  spent hours on the line over and over  over again trying to get someone else out there.

alicia  be like ” please don’t send the local sheriff please don’t send the same people  that have been going out there you need someone bigger”

the state police were determined to handle things differently.

they track down sheriff doug bowman and brought  him in for an interview ofhis own.

he says  over the course of his carreer  here ,14 years,  he been over there  a handful of times that he have been over there with CYFD.

bowman  foun it unusual that every time  they went, the accusations that were made,, there was no evidence or foundation to believe what they were doing  was wrong.

 did bowman think that the house was  diryty and not the best that it could be he said yeah , but  bowman  have  been in a lot of houses like that in his career.that doesn’t justify  taking kids outta there   said sherif doug  bowman.

investigator tells bowman thatthey  probably already took  the chains off the wall and that they have t chains  in  evidence on every single wall where the beds are at.

bowman doesnt  doubt  his collegue’s one bit.and says  he never saw a chain hang up next to the bed and said there was never a chain.

back in the interogation room sena was growing more and more distressed and the investigator ask her about the dungeon outside. and she be like ” what dungeon?”

police first learned about the dungeon when they asked about kuschma’s  uncle ,  james.

who sometimes lived on the back part of  the property ,why he built it and what he utilized it for remains unknown.police were pretty sure that they found the dungeon in question  while carrying out the search warant on the property.


in addition to acrossbow, camera ,chains and  an abundance of cats the investigator found another critical piece of evidence that vould be significant later.

sena, however ,had  a different explanation for the shed dungeon altogether. another  couple named andy and rob  stayed in the compound with a baby .but was taken away  according to sena.

investigators ask if sena ever put her kids in the dungeon and she said “no”. and  go on to say the kids  never go in there . she was 100%  sure about that.

police needed to find out how much jaime sena was aware of what was happening to the children and what her exact role was in the cycle of mistreatment that so clearly pervaded kushman’s inner circle, they clearly suspected that she wasn’t telling them the whole truth.though thereason why was more complex than they could  have predicted

when  jaime moved in the chains was already there. and had no plan  in installin those chains she says she tied  them once. but never did it tight or nothing like that .

alicia admitted that kushman tried to pressure her to discipline the children when she first moved in

kushman would dragged to where they were being  spanked ,picked up by the ear and moved and being spanked.there was one time where she was like” if they’re not where they’re supposed to be i grab them by the ear and  i move  them – i expect you to do that ” kushman had said to alicia. 

but alicia didn’t so kushman hit her. she punched  her in the chest . kushman said that  alicia should never undermine her parenting. that she candiscipline her children how she wishes.

jamee mcdaniel had a similarly bleak history with kushman,which began when she was only 15.

one day , kuschaman  had pushed  jamee and  she had hit the wall and  she had like bounced off of it and of course , jamee going to catch herself cause  she think  she’s falling and kushman thought she was coming at her for pushing jamee.

she knocked jamee in her face and melancon -the ex and kushman herself and  all the kids sit on top of this loeseat and  jamie couldn’t move. mcdaniel’s story only became darker from there.

if kushman  was capable of behavinglike this ,police had to wonder whatelse her children had been subjected to.even  with all of this in mind,there was still stomach-chruning details to be uncovered regarding the children.

 as it turns out , the children weren’t only punished physically,matthew said that they were also  frequently humiliated as a form of discipline.

he said  it looks like something you  see in a world war  II PWO camp.

State police found a way  to confirm at least some of what they’d been told whle executing the search warrrant and it was worse than they  ever could have imagined.

in addition to taking all the chains , locks and screamers they could find, the police also collected a camera mounted onthe wall in the first children’s bedroom.

the footage retrieved from this  camera which was also downloaded to kushmans and sena’s phones, would utlimatley reveal the entire , sickening  truth of what took place in the house and who the perpetretors were.

the policeextracted data from both kushman’s and sena’s phones  and extracted data from the video cameras and some of the videos are not god .like not god.they  extracted over 1.400  videos and thatäs just some ,not even everything.

on one picture the kids eating  spaghetti in a bowl  in the bathtub naked and eating with their hands. actually  it wasn’t even in a bowl. the food was thrown into the bathrub.

sena’s explained thet kushman told  her that was a fun thing they did, they filled like the bathrub with  spaghetti   because they saw it on a video or YouTube or something.  sena says she didn’t know what they did and she has never seen the pictures and that kushman  told her.

as it turnes out , the spaghetti pictures weren’t the first time the bathub had been missused as a feeding trough.kushman had dumeped cottage cheese in there, it had been there for day  because  it was growing mold. and kushman wa  allowing the kids to eat it.

unfortunately, this was jsut one of many  incidents involving food.

kushman got this  ,like  the blud kiddie pools,like the plastic ones. she filled it with pudding it was 10 gallons of milk and so many moxes of pudding ans sprinkles and whippedcream and she made this pool of pudding. she made the kids get in there and eat it . it’s wam outside and it been sitting  outside for hours  at this point.kushman makes them start eating it until they’re both so sick they can’t stand it.

things got really messed up when the youngest one started having accidents that’s when they started blending the food , if the kids had something for dinner  it got thrown in the blender  with  kushman’s drin ,her everything and that äs what she was expected to eat .

even if the concoction was disgasting enough to make CK vomit she would still be made to eat it . but it  didn’t end there . either.

matthew tells a story about AB  when he was chained to the fireplace that one time ,they had run out of dog food, and he couldn’t eat that morning  or whatever ,cause  of what he did last night or the night  before. kushman made a bunch of rice and just a bowl of rice and stuff and was feeding their dogs and stuff.

and one of the dog bowls was by AB and he scooched the dog bowl over to him and ate it and he got punished for that , too. because he ate the dog’s  rice.  so the dog  got a better treatment than he did they were evil , pure evil . matthew said. and he meant ,100%  pure evil.

when CK  started her menstrual cycle jayme had mentioned that  she thought that ( redacted) and  was jayme like ” well, that’s gross , we’re not doing that . that’s disgusting ,women don’t do that .  she put hot sauce on her actual parts,or  if she put hot sauce on her hands.

everything the witnesses shared so far was from before sena moved in .

at that tim kusman  was still in a relationship with lora, raising the question of what role she might have played.police would soon find out .


 mcdaniel says  if  lora wasn’t as hateful to them when jayme wasn’t around i would thought she’s  in the same position i was. she’s to scared of her ,she’s just doing  what she’s being told..but when jayme  wasn’t around, when jayme was in the back or whatever, she was no  nice to those kids


in febrary ,2020 , she had the wood paddle, and then she had hit  ( AB) with his chain.

She had him bent  down ,she was holding his head into the bed, and she was hitting him with the chain. well she was hitting him with the paddle…when he wasn’t crying.because he’d been hit so many damn times

she got mad,and she unhooked him from his ankle and she sstarted hitting him with the chain.

 this horrificscene suggests a level of sadism was likely present.

Lora was apparently not satisfied until she heard AB cry, which is why she used the chain.

please note :

mcdaniel also mentioned that kushman made the paddle herself.

caregivers who spend time planning the different forms  od punishment likely have sadistic traits.

and most  liley have antisocial personality disorder  as the two disorders can often co-occur.

matthew said that lora would be the one  to lock them up too.and that he saw that with his own eyes. and again says that they pure evil, these people are.

and then says lora  was just involved ; but she got  jamy’es the  ringleader of all of them. and he also think that lora should be in jail too for what she did.

perhaps lora’s involvement was why, despite beingdivorced kushman and lora had been in  regular contact  since the investigation began .even after kushman’s arrest later, the two made regular phone calls to discuss the case.including the so called ” spaghetti thing”

kusham seemed  to be missing the point about all th concerning aspects of those photos. a few days later , lora fell into the same pattern.

police did in fact  , ask the kids, with overwhelmingevidence piling up against  Jayme ,Lora and Senathe children ere taken to the state police station to meet with a child forensic interviewer. further depths of the children’s suffering were finally about to be brought to light.

AB was nervouys , he said  she was going to shoot  him where his ankle bone is.

the chain providing CK with a sense of security  It shows how disturbing behavior in the home  hadbeen normalized and even associated with love.

it appeared that kushman was gradually beginningto grasp the gtavity of her actionsyet lora remained seemingly detached from the nfolding reality.

if lora was so deeply nvolved  as police were coming to suspect it was only a matter of time before they determined if Sena had followed in herfootsteps

police would know soon enough, once she finally started telling the thruth.the investigator ask why the  two other kids  has sheet’s and  comfortable pillow but not the boy .

Sena’s answer is  ” because he’s shit  himself so then we  havet o do the laundry.” after  reviewing the security footage ,however, the police knew that there was a far crueler explanation. 

then a slow laundry process.Sena explains that day he got out and stole everything in the kitchen Sena remember specially that day.

and he  had tthrew up  in the bed.investigator asking aboout the red stuff he threw up.Sena says that was all  the food he ate. and says he got into all the hot cheetos .the cereal ,the oatmeal

it sounds like AB engaged in food hoarding, which canbe typical ofchildren who are being  underfed severely neglected , or starved.

on the morning ofjuly 6th, just three weeks before the entire incident came to light 

it became apparent that AB  hadbeen sick at some point during the night  and was forced to sleep with his own womit.

the camera captured every awful detail, including  Sena ignoring the situation.a few moments later kushman entered the room and things went from bad to worse.

nobody  cleans up after him , kushmans smothering AB’s  face in his own vomit.

later AB  had picked out pieces of the vomit from the mattress while he continued to feel sick and remained chained to his bad.

what was further sickening was the fact that kushman and Sena had set up  security  cameras to film this sort of abuse  to later save it in their phones.

Sena heard saying ” oh my god ” that furious one of the  investigators .” you can not say  “oh my god and tell me that you dud not know ” -again  Sena says ” i didn not know thatäs how i thappened”

but what Sena know is  she did know about that chain.every wittness have  said they have chained him up  and police wereä not even done going through the video.

polise  confronted Sena with just how unacceptable this indignity, along with the violence, was. 

you can  probably guess her response when the investigator says

” so you’ re never around when this happens?”

Sena respons is ” no” 

the investigator  again ” so you didn’t know about all this? he sleeping throughout the night like that and the investigator find it hard that  Sena didn’t know why. Sena  said  she knew about it  cause  he got out and then he stole.

 Sena knew about the chain  but the investigator says  she knew it wouldn’t comw apart.Sena says it’s apin.the investigator argue that this one was not a pin. Sena argue back  ,yes it plhugs into the alarm. 

the investigtor tells  Sena they have multiple videos of  AB and says that he cannot get out of that unless he has a key. he ends with saying that it’s time for Sena to think  about herself and not kusman.

and  began taking about  messages that they recorded from her hppone . too. rgR Ata aomwrgin in rgw lines of” i’m getting tired of this”. ” he’s fucking hungry”.

sena answer” i’ve never hurt my kids”

text messages . lile the security footage, suggested that Sena  was far more than a helpless witness. in one message ,Sena wrote to kushman , quote,

“lol LS is pissing me off trying to find  something to watch.”

When  kushman  asked what was going on Sena replied:

” his stupid , i’m hungry ,  i’m going to knock him out .”

later kushman  texted Sena ” haha, they”re not going  to stop until they get me   for child abuse “

she was right, and now ,they were after Sena too

watching  the footage back it seemed to have a strong effect  on her,so strong , in fact, that  it led her to reveal something police had  not even thought to suspect.

invstigator wounder why Sena protect  kushman  andpoint  at the  computer screen and says  

” that is the devl right there , and you know that .do not protect this women”

Sena reveal that  kushman listen in to the interview  through  Sena’s cell phone and  she admits that she is afraid  of kushman.

investigator  remind Sena what she just did , and she answered

” i’ve tried to protect my kids as musch as possible”

again  investigator remind her about what she just did .

 Sena asked  what she done.

investigator reveal that  Sena just tapmered with evidence.

that’ s righ. kushman was listenin in on the interview from the other end of a call.

combine with what  Sena  and kushman had  just pulled off and the overall evidence against them officers acquire an arrest warrant for kushman immediately.

perhaps tellingly , kushman didn’t once ask why she was under arrest

nor  did Lora melancor, who was driving the car.kushman was taken to jail.

Back in the interrogation room , Sena finally statin to ract  ,perhaps only now that her own well -being is on the line.

Sena tells  investigators that AB and CK  don’t get treated like the others. and says that kushman has a anger issue. and when the kids start acting up excessively , kushman gts upset.she say stuff. 

Sena reveals  seen  kushman spank the kids , with a paddle.

they  had suspected the use of a  paddle since they initial report alleged that one was used in the house and all  but confirmed it during the search  warrant.

while this discovery was huge in terms of evidence ,police knew this wasn¨t the only form of corporal punishment used in the house.

they intended to wring every drop of truth from Sena. who still knew more than she was saying.

footage extracted from the security camera and  kushman and  Sena’s phones showed firsthand just how barbaric some of the children’s punishments were.

in  the uncensored footage,kushman slaps AB  in the face three times.

LS was dragged from his bed byan unidentifiedfemal, confrontedwith this , Sena was at last about to reveal the extent of this nightmare  situation.

and what she shared was even more shoking then  anything  discovered so far.

the interviews with the  children proved invaluable, a Sena’s daughter was willingto tell the trhuth. while her mother was not.

 AS , reveail  that she gets spanksed by both  her mother and   kushman , with the wooded-paddle.

according   to  Sena’s own children , not to mantion the camera  Sena’s claims  of being faultless were nothing but hollow lies.

as if that wasn’t enough. Sena’s textmessages once again undercut her declarations of innoncence.  Sena’smessaged kushman

in  a subsequent message she wrote

kushman messaged her saying  AB is on rampage.

we can only assume that a she meant  ” lock  him up”

however , this can’t  be  verified.

Sena’s guilt extended  far past encouragement and police had  footage of her chaining various children on more than one occasion.

of course ,Sena claimed it was all kushman’s  fault.

 the person who reported kushman has recently moved out of her  residence however  they did see what would take place on these walks.

she told that she  saw them beat  the kids up or they were chained to their  beds

meanwhile , Sena initially firmly  denise the children ever going hungrig  and  switches to ” as far as  i know  later on”it seems she doesn’t even believe what she is saying herself

  a complete review of all  footage  revealed  that AB  had been chained without access tofood , water oe bathroom for more than 14 hours  straight during the period the footage was  recorded.

 as the other children weren’t as consistently restrained it was impossible to say how frequently or rather infrequently ,they were fed.

this was all completely inhuman, but even more  shocking was what else kushman  was known to  do to her children .

mcdaniel , who didn’t eve live at the residence anymore had seen the children  locked away  in dog crates

so had membes of kushman’s family .

kushman’s aunt and her cousin spoke with police and revealed that  in 2016 when they had visited the house . they  found CK  lockedin a dogcage on the front porch  and it’s was the middle of winter. and she was only wearing pajamas.

matthew also said  he’d  seen the children in  cages.

but sheriff bowman insisted otherwise  he never  a kid in a kennel , cause he says he  would  come unhinged. and say  anybody around  here that knowa me knows what i would  do .

the state  police would continue their investigtion  but ultimately sheriff bowman was not charged with anything.however in  2023  he

popp up in thhe news once again, this time in connection with the foster who  family hwo had taken in kushmans’s children.

Sena on other hand was facing a host of charges just like kushman

Jamee mcdaniel  says it was lik  a cult of lesbans.

this clams could indicate a disturbing pattern in kushman alleged behavior. these patterns are similar  to those we see   in cult leaders , including   narcissism,love bomb . targeting  vulnerable  people susch as teens an s stringing people along .

narcisssists often lure their victims witg excerssive  affection and  attemption making feel speciel  and  adored.they  manipulate by idealizing the  victim, mirroring their interests, and projecting fantasies ontot them

fosterng a deep ,but  fals  ,connection, once trust is gained , they begin to  devalue the victim ,causing  confusion and insecurity .finally  they discard the victim or cycle trough more phrases of idealization and  devaluation. causing  significant psychological and emotional damage.

it’s important for individuals  to recognize these manipulative patterns and prioritize teir emotional wel-bing  in relationschips.

Lora informed kushman hat  Sena  had broken during  the interrogation .

th person wh o reported  kushman and finalyy bring the state police to her house resulting  kushmans arrest and the childrens  rescue.




as for the children.

the children are with some foos poeple and AB has already  gained 14 pouns and theya e all back in school and they’re loving it.-they doing really good.

 Matthew, Alicia , and  McDaniel  ae all expressed relief that the childen were finally out of kushman’s control


* After  their extreme suffering , we have to hope the children  are gettinga chance to   recover and make a fresh start and that  they will neverr be hurt this way ever again.*

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