Warning: Graphic content, readers’ discretion advised. This story contains a recollection of crime and can be triggering to some readers discretion advised.

Lisa Cunningham is the only Australian woman to ever face the death penalty in the United States. The Adelaide mum could be executed by lethal injection over the first degree murder of her stepdaughter.

This epic legal battle, underway in Arizona, is anything but clear-cut. Cunningham was charged after seven-year-old Sanaa died in hospital, which she claims was because of poor medical treatment.

But prosecutors are accusing Cunningham and her husband of systematic child abuse and neglect.

If convicted, she and her co-accused husband Germayne, 43, who is a former Arizona robbery squad detective, could both face the death penalty. Ms Cunningham would be the first woman to be executed in Arizona since the 1930s, and the first Australian woman ever to be executed in the US.

Lisa Cunningham   mother of  six who’s inside the maximum security wing at Estrela women’s jail in Arizona.

Behind the barbed wire and brick she’s facing death by  lethal incection.

charge with the murder of  her seven year old  stepdaughter sanaa .

Lisa is the first Australian women in US history to be facing  the deaf penalty.

 lisa’s husband   former  police officer Germayne ,sonaar’s biological father were arrested and  charged with first degree murder.

Lisa’s defense : there was never any crime . there was no murder, there was no homicide  she died from from  pneumonia.

 as you’ll see  there are two very  different versions  of what had led  Lisa to the doorstep of deathrow.

her supporters say little sanaa was the victim of a devastating mental illness and severe health problems

and lisas pleas for help  fell on deaf ears.

Lisa is not a criminal . she’s a mother , a good mother . but others will argue in court  this Aussie mum is guilty of the cruel neglect and callous of her sick child.

that child should not be dead , something in the room stinks and the fingers  are all pointing in  a particular  direction . there is something there is something else  you could have done to save this child’s life.

how on earg did am im  from Adelaide end up here , inside  the toughest women’s jail in Arizona Lisa cunningham is being treated as one of  the state’s most dangerous felons in solitary confinement 23 hours a day and  ordered to have no contact with any of her children .

unless she can somehow convince the court that she’s innocent , she could become the first  australian in US history  to be  executed .

Lisa’s  oldest daughter Sierra is 21 and has s put her life on hold to campaign for her mother’s release ,because Sierra is  a key witness she’s banned  from visiting Lisa in prison.

she also grieving   the loss of her little sister Sanaa.

Lisa grew up in the working -class suburb of Murray Bridge  near Adelaide attending the local high school .

Her adolescence wa sa struggle with her parents separating when she was 10  and an older  brother dying of a drug overdose. she helped raise her little sister katie who has down syndrome.

 Lisa grew up having difficulties knowing what that’s about with a sister that had fairly marked disabilities.

when Lisa was 24 she met a  visiting american airman Russell Anderson they  were married

and soon after welcomed their first baby Sierra.

they moved to Arizona where their son  Jovian was born.

But  Lisa discovered Russell was being Unfaithful, she find out that he had a little bit of a wandering eye and she tried so hard to keep things going for the sake of the children .

But when the marriage broke up to make ends meet  Lisa wnet to work in a prison as a guard and a chaplain, it’s where she met police detective Germayne  cunningham and fell in love .

he had two children Neriah and her  younger sister  sanaar

Lisa and Germayne went on to have two children together,now there were six kids  to look after .

Lisa left her job at the prison to become a stay at home mum in this house  in a middle-class suburb  of Phoenix.

and Lisa made sureto capture her big family ,taking  hundredsof photos.

But everything wasn’t okay with Sanaa around the time of her six birthday  the family became alarmed about sudden  changes in her behavior.

In july 2016 sanaa is diagnosed with acukte schizophrenia

Lisa and Germayne say she is tearing at her skin and hearing voices urging  her to kill.

the couple insists they are doing all they can under the watchful eye of child safety  authorities.social workers  visit the home twice.

but as  sanaa’s health goes from bad to worse , suspicions will soon be raised about whether Lisa and Germayne are   really  the loving parents they claime to be.

2016 Adlaide mother lisa cunningham  is living in suburbun Phoenix Arizona with her husband  germayne and their  and their six children. being a mom is a role she loves.

But the joys of motherhood are being tested, places sixy year old stepdaughter sanaa has been diagnosed  with acute  schizophrenia, according to her older sister sierra  she’s a danger to her self and others.

In the last few months of 2016 sanaa’s behavio rapidly deteriorates.

sanaa would rinate and  defecate on the floor , she would do it in her bedroom she would,she would to it in her bed , she would do it  wherever she could and then  she would smear it .

Lisas laywer  Eric Kessler has studied  sanaar’s medical closely to understand the difficulties

Lisa  and Germayne faced caring for their little girl.

sanaa would get on her knees ,her bare knees on the floor and spin , continuously spin until the skin on her knees rubbed  robbed off . she would scratch at herself, she would cut herself

she would scratch  at her own eyes to the point that  Lisa and  her husband would to buy goggles  these are some  difficulties that the cunningham’s had  to adress.

And exactly how the cunningham’s adressed sanaa’s many health problems will soon come under scrutiny.

these neighbors recall  being asked to help punish  sanaa  by allowing her to pick up dog droppings in their backyard.

  by early  2017 Lisa says Sanaa is showing no  sign of getting better ,she has cut and sores on  her body that haven’t healed . 

Lisa  says she doesn’t know what to do or where to turn next.

and  so far nothingis working.In january a psychiatrist prescirbes a cotroversial adult antipsychotic medicine called Risperdal. 

It happens to be that  doctor at least according to the medica lrecords did not personally evalutate the child. the doctor that prescibed that drug . that’s what the record show.

and then  not long after the drug was administered to sanaa, sanaa began to have additonal physical problems,she became  zombie-like.


by friday february 10 ,2017 Lisa says sanaa appears to be coming down with the flu.

according to Lisa, she called  sanaa’s psychiatrist twice to say she had a runny nose,she was little off  but  the doctor was not alarmed.

the flu-like  symptoms continued all  saturday and into the evening.

but  hours later at aaround  1.00 am on the sunday morning , Lisa discovers sanaa unconscious  in her bed.

she’s rushed to hospital , five hours later  sanaa dies. the cause of death , sepsis  an infection in her bloodstream .Possibly the result of her wounds or acute bronchitis .

according to Lisa  nobody took it seriously ,when sanaa began to be schizphrenic,nobody took it seriously because  everybody said it was unusual,that it was rar.

 but they still diagnosed sanaa with it  they still  gave Rispedal  and when sanaa died of the symptoms of risperdal the parents  killed her . lisa says nobody was murdered here , nobody was killed .and nobody was incuded.

at first that’s how authorities view sanaa’s death , nothing suspicious.

But sveral months later , police decide to take a closer look .what they find  ends with Lisa and Germayne facing the death penalty .


The other  children removedfrom the home and placed in  care.

At first there is nothing  supsicious about the death of Sanaa cunningham.A blood infection and  pneumonia the likely  cause.

But  questions are being raised about wheter  her stepmother Lisa and her father Germayne have done enough for sanaa.

Bishop Quacy smith  led the funural service for sanaa .

“you could have had this chils institutionalized, put in  medical for said where she  examined all day  but  instead she  was left to defectate on herself, eat dog hair,eats food with maggots on it out of a trash can. straitjacketed virtually and tied to a water container in a laundry room. and you tell me . you did all you could do ? i don’t by it “

-Quacy smith

as former police officer and as a veteran of the unitedstates marine corps.as a former  federal investigator , as a layer sworn to to practice in the courts of this  country and says  there is something else you could have done to save this child’s life

he’s also the lawyer  for her biolgical mother Silvia norwood

Lisa and  Germayne’s treatment of Sanaa comes under intense  scrutiny as police investage what life is really like in the family  home.

this is the first time television cameras have been inside this home, what the prosecution  alleges in this facts  tendered in court  is that this was effectively a house f horrors for little Sanaafor two years leading up to her  death.

today another family lives in the modest home . four bedrooms to stories  and a  gravel backyard.

Police say it was june or July 2016  When neighbors noticed  Sanaa out here in this backyard for hours, raking rocks and picking up dog feces with her bare hands wearing only a diaper.

 during the same timframe police alleged  Germayne and Lisa were forcibly restraining Sanaa  using   zip ties and handcuffs.


 the prosecution facts alleged that when Sanaa was not bound in the garage she was confined here – the laundry room

which police say had been retrofitted to house her. it’s claimed that Lisa and Germayne would bind Sanaa’s arms while  putting a men’s long -sleeve shirt on her and tying the arms behind her back.

It was on the morning  of February 11 2017 when Lisa noticed  that 7  year old Sanaa was cold to the touch. she put her in a pack and play , similar  this one and surrounded with warm bottles of water to heat her up .

Lisa told police that when she took Sanaa ‘s teperature it was so low it  didn’t register on the  thermometer.

Sanaa was rushed to the hospital where she died later that day.

it took  another ten months before investigators  they had evidence ,Sanaa  had been so neglected and abused 

Lisa and Germayne were guilty of murder.

 Police say though that it was  the case that this little girl  was becoming an  enormous emotional burden and a financial one too.

But  the prosecutors argue the fairest thing to Sanaa  the ultimate act of love would ghave been to put  her in the care of people  properly  trained to  look after her .

Lisa cunningham is behind  bars in Arizona’s toughest women’s jail.

Lisa and her husband Germayne are facing a death penalty charged with the murder of their seven year old   daughter  Sanaa

And this is the man who wants them executed ,county attorney Bill montgomery.

But at the moment Arizona’s death penalty system has  stalled .

Joseph Rudolph Wood II

the last execution  by lethal injection  2014  was  a disaster  . Wood gasped and snorted for an hour and fifty-seven minutes after the drugs were injected, and the entire procedure took almost two hours; experts said the execution should have taken about ten minutes.

Behind this wall is Arizona’s death row compound inside is a collection of some of the worst humans this state has produced, murderers, rapists, pedophiles, and serial killer.

Now if prosecutors get their way  -Lisa cunningham could end up here too. she would be marched through this  Iron gate through to the holding cells to what they call housing  unit 9 .

or in other words -the death chamber.

This is the room where Lisa Cunningham would die .

The prisoner is laid out on a bed  with mechanical arms supporting her or him .

they’re strapped down.

and then the drugs are  administered

Usually the first drug administered at least historically has been done so for the prupose of putting the inmate to sleep.

just into deep sleep and then subsequent drugs are administered to actually stop the inmate from brathing and the inmate  essentially suffocates.

Lisa cunningham is not on death row yet ,but if she’s found guilty and prosecutors have their way it’s where she’ll  end up .

But Lisa has a fear worse than death – never again being able to see her   children.


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