Warning: Graphic content, readers’ discretion advised. This article contains a recollection of crime and can be triggering to some readers discretion advised.
A shilling discovery in the basement…
the beloved matriarch of a tight-knite family found beaten to death and lit on fire
detective raymond purvis:” it was a vicious and and violant attack.
who wan ted to hurt this harmless grandma? detectives investigate a possible buglary gone bad.
but no, this is something much more personal , in a bombshell discovery DNA at the scene ,identifies five potential suspects from her family
Detective raymond purvis:” Anthony Sena,devin Sena. bruce Sena , Sebastian Sena . and we have joseph Sena.
so, hwo is the killer?
Fire crews rush to a house fire call in Pueblo, Colorado, but they found much more than just flames and smoke. They uncovered a deadly plan that would rip a loving family apart
911 call
katarina:” oh my god! it´s my mom that´s on fire . oh my god. oh my god. my mom´s on fire !
A frantic 911 calls as a daughter searches for her mother inside a smoke filled house.
for susan hernandez her family was everything it ´s been six months since the love of her life her husbands of 59 years carlos died.
Now to keep her kompany in her Pueblo colorado home is her dog baby
and vanessa one of her daughters who lives right across the street
Katrina who lives about 45 minutes away talks to her mom daily.katrina says her mom hadn´t been sleeping well and she´d been s sressed out about the new roof she´d hired her grandson anthony to put on.
Grandson Anthony .
In any case the devout catholic had a tried and true way for dealing with her worries.
katrine:” pray that´s what my mother did whenever anything went wrong in her life she would turned to god and pray.
But on this one wednesday in late july ,77 old susan hernandez would need so much more than prayers
Katrine: that wednesday morning first thing i did was called mom a little bit after seven in the morning .
But her mom did not pick up so, so katrina left a voicemail
katrina : told her i talked to her later ,told her have a good day,gotta brush my teeth and for some reason i thought i´m gonna call mom again, it was around 7:15-7:17. i called mom again,
Still no answer. katrina tries her again later , nothing.
katrina : i had a horrible gut feeling going thtough my stomach, i closed up my house and uhm.. i drove down to Pueblo
When katrina arrives at her mom´s house she´s greeted not by her but by clouds of smoke. sees where the smoke is coming, katrina make this gut – wrenching call to 9-1-1
911 call
operator: ” police departement ,can i help you?
katrina :” yeas there´s a fire at my mothers house
operator: what´s burning?
katrina: the house is full of smoke .i cannot find my mother .
operator: you dont see any flames?
katrina: what? yes , theres flames in the basement. and her music´s on, the door , the door , front door is broke,like somebody broke in, i … she might be in the basement i dont know. but the house is full of smoke ,please. send somebody .
operator: they´re coming right now.
katrina:okay! mom! im in the basement now.
operator: katrina i want you to get out of the house.
katrina: okay. mother!mom!mom!okay , im going now.
katrina goes outside but the intense need to find her mom pulls her back in what she´s about to see its beyond comprehension
911 -call
operator: i dont want you to go in there.
katrina : im here . im in here.i cannot leave. il be okay.mom!mother! god ,can they check the basement as soon as they get here? im afraid she´s down there. mother!mom ! mom!mom! mom! oh my god ! it´s my mom that´s on fire. oh my god. oh,oh my god , my mom is on fire ! oh my good
police and fire crews already on their way to what they think is a structure fire here this over the radio.
operator it´s possible burglary as well. she found her mother in the basement on fire
detective raymond purvis who is s assigned to the case comes from law enforcement family he´s a relative of famed FBI agent melvin purvis. considered to be the man who got gangster john dillinger.
FBI agent melvin purvis
gangster john dillinger.
as detective purvis approaches the house ,he immediately notices signs of force entry The door jamb was broken and splintered it appeared that someone had kicked open the door .
Inside things seems to be untoched and nothing was out of order
detective raymond purvis :” miss hernandez kept that house immaculate
Then the det.purvis made his way to the basement.
det.purvis:”so you go down into the basement and you hade mrs hernandez ss,s she had been set on fire.
but that wasn´t all, investigators would soon learn that susan hernandez had been bludgeoned.
She had a large hole to the back of her head, she had been struck multiple times.
and we knew that because of the cast off o f the blood splatter at the scene.
det . purvis:” we definitely knew it was a homocide there was no question about that.
katrina´s sister brenda was at work when she got the news when she arrives.
brenda:” i saw the crime scene tape and i knew she was murdered at that point.
and other distraught family members also showed up to the horrific scene. There along with Brenda and Katrina is their sister Vanessa, who lives across the street, her sons Devin and Anthony, and their cousin Sebastian.While police canvass the neighborhood, family members are escorted to the station for routine questioning.
cops get other leads and learn susan was last seen alive.
” supposedly she was last seen the day before, earilier in the morning walking her dog. said det. purvis .”There was also a neighbor that stated she had maybe saw a suspicious male who walked back and forth up from the river. We were also told that the night before there were some lights on in Mrs. Hernandez’s house. It was just unusual for her to have the lights on, she was going to bed usually pretty early, and the lights stayed on throughout the night.”
“We had them all transported down to the police station, and began to interview them as witnesses,” said Det. Purvis.
“I was assigned to interview Anthony Sena, which is Susan’s grandson,” said Det. Purvis.

Purvis establishes that Anthony saw and talked to his grandmother on Monday. Anthony then tells Purvis he went to her house again on Tuesday, this time with his brother Devin and his 10-year-old daughter. But on Tuesday she didn’t answer the door or any of his calls that day.
But back to the roofing job, a job he was going to do with his brothers Bruce and Devin and cousin Sebastian. Anthony says his grandmother had written him two checks, one for the materials and one for the labor. He tells Purvis the total was $7,600. He tells Purvis he’s already purchased the materials, but then can’t remember from where.
“The story was starting to not make some sense,” said Purvis.

“Oh God, I can’t think it ’cause I’ll end up dead like my mom,” she says on the recording from the body-cam. “I think it was all about money, he’s psycho, he’s f—— psycho. I know, I know he killed my mom.” But who is she talking about? “I don’t want to die. If we say anything he’s going to come after us,” she says. The officers ask her if she’s been drinking. “Oh yeah,” she says. “I don’t have no proof that he did it, I don’t know anything about that. I just have it in my heart that he did.”
So it was going to take some old-fashioned legwork, and some video surveillance to help solve this heinous crime.
Coming up : an unbeliveable break in the case.
Det .raymond purvis:” the body had not been totally burned or consumed.

All of them are family members.
WHO want susan hernandez dead , the loving grandmother was found murdered inside her home, the house then set on fire to try and cover up the crime, police would zoon zero in on a suspect and they wouldn´t have to far.
working from inside out , cops ,talked to the family of susan hernandez first. her grandson anthony sena just one of those interwiews.
detective:did you have anything to do with this ?
anthony: hell nah.
It was shaping up to be a real whodunit….
det raymond: we did not have a murder weapon at that time. there was nothing at the house a whole lot that we could go on .
so it was going to take som old – fashioned legwork.
and some video suirveillance to help solve this heinous crime.
det. raymond. mrs hernandez had been seen at a store in the area around,i believe around noon, mayby 12 ,30 so with that time that she was alive around , 12:30 and she was potentially not alive around ,2.30. or 3. because she wasn´t answering her phone.
Investigators believe she was killed on tuesday between noon and 3 pm. and the house was set on fire the next day.
A week later the family is back at the police station for som routine fingerprinting and photographs .detective purvis is once again assigned to anthony Sena.
detective raymond:” so we´re walking down the hallway ,he stops me and says .um … you don´t have anything on me if, if you had anything on me you´d arrest me by now. and he looked at me and said you know god stopped that fire. and i said ” no , the fireman stopped that fire” but i thought about it for a minute and i said ,you know what i think, god did stopped that fire anthony. i think you´r right.
Little did anthony know, who really stopped fire , was it the same person who started it.
detective raymond: she was probably burning for no longre maybe than a few hours,whoever had done this at that time shut that basement door,when they set her on fire. and there was really not enough oxygen to get down to that basement to really ignite the the flames so , it was a big break that ,whoever did this, did not let a bunch of the oxygen fuel the fire, because we probably would hasve had the entire house on fire.
and that misstep led investigators to an absolute bombshell
“The body had not been totally burned or consumed, so there was one hand that had some fingernails or fingers left to it, and when the pathologist had taken the samples from underneath the fingernails we did send them off to CBI, which later came back as Y-STR DNA,” said Purvis.
Y-STR DNA is DNA found only in males. And when the results come back from the lab, this Y-STR DNA identified five potential suspects.
“Anthony Sena, Devin Sena, Bruce Sena, Sebastian Sena, and we had Joseph Sena, which is the father,” said Purvis.
The shocker ,they are all her own family memberes .
“So we knew that it was one of the Sena members,” said Purvis. “We just didn’t know which one had actually committed the crime, or maybe all at this point in time, we didn’t know. So we began on working to rule out each one and try to find the true person who did this.”
Although cops are looking at all five of these Sena men, clues keep bringing them back to just one: Anthony.
Remember vanessa? she had talked to officers before.
vanessa:” i don´t wanna die…if we say anything…he´s gonna com after us.
It seemed like she hade more to say.
“One night we got a phone call from her stating that she had found the murder weapon,” said Det. Purvis. “She identified this hammer that was in her kitchen as the potential murder weapon. She believed her son Anthony could have possibly put it there.”
Cops take the hammer in for testing but can’t link it directly to the murder.
Then a break: A man finds Susan Hernandez’s identification and some other cards of hers lying on the side of the road. Phone records eventually place Anthony near the road where the cards were found. Phone records also place Anthony near the house the morning of the fire.
The leads keep coming, this time from Anthony’s little girl.
“His daughter had stated that the day that Anthony met Devin over to talk with grandma, when her dad came back to get her and they were driving, she saw some blood on his ear,” said Purvis.
As detectives are closing in on Anthony, they’re simultaneously ruling out the other Sena men through phone records, witness statements and alibis.
“It was evident to us that Anthony was pretty much the lone person in the case,” said Purvis.
It isn’t looking good for Anthony.
So what was Anthony’s motive? Cops learn it may have all stemmed from money and a roofing job that never was.
“Anthony took the money from my mother, never made good on the roof,” said Katrina. “He kept giving her the runaround.”
Katrina says her mom told Anthony many times she wanted her money back.
“And she told me that if he doesn’t bring the money back by Tuesday, she’s calling the cops,” said Katrina.
Tuesday she was dead.
“The walls were closing in on Anthony at that time,” said Det. Raymond Purvis. “He didn’t have the money. So he had an option: ‘I can try to get the money, or I can potentially go ahead and kill grandma and make it look like someone else did it and that will be my way out.'”
Cops bring Anthony back in for questioning, and this time he tries to strike a deal.
“He suggested that he would give us the money back and we would call it a day,” said Purvis. “We told him we could take the money back but we still have to look at the murder.”
Investigators continued following leads to build a case.
Eventually the missing cash box is found hidden in Susan’s closet. And the other Sena men, one by one, are all subsequently cleared of any wrongdoing. To detectives, Anthony Sena is their man.
“I think he did it with intent,” said Purvis. “I think he did it with deliberation and I think he committed cold-blooded first-degree murder.”
After a four-month-long investigation, Anthony Sena is arrested at his house for the murder of his own grandmother.
The trial lasts two weeks. After four hours of jury deliberation, Anthony Sena is found guilty and sentenced to life in prison without parole.
“Anthony Sena almost got away with this murder,” said Purvis. “If the hand had been burned, this case probably and could likely have gone unsolved.”
“Every day of my life, every morning I wake up, I relive that day, every day. She was my life, she was everything,” said Katrina. “I will never forgive him for what he did to my mother.”