Warning: Graphic content, readers’ discretion advised. This article contains a recollection of crime and can be triggering to some readers discretion advised.


Driving through the picturesque countryside of of michigans upper peninsula ,you you cant help to think you´re in the middle of  nowhere….and you can´t  get much more isolated  than the tiny town of Iron River.

Iron Riveer is a small town , lot a crime for a small town.


but if tou love the outdoors and icy cold winters like chris  regan iron  river is paradise and it also didn´t hurt  then an old girlfriend terri O´donnell lived there.

They started dating  exclusively and planned a future together planning on living together and moving to an other area.

But terri  says there was just one problem.


”  he had just two sides of him”



Terri says she discovered other side when she traveled overseas

chris decided that he was going to hook up with other women while  terri was in England and told her that it didn´t mean anyting..just sex nothing to do with love or relationship.


Terry claims chri´s roving eye led to their split  but says  amazingly they still remained friends.


Chris  , an Air Force  veteran studying for a buisness degree decided to stay in Iron  River and applied for a job

at a locak company that makes mining equipment.

He gets  a job  there  and that´s where he meets  kelly cochran. A friendly  young women who apparently liked  to swing both ways

chris wasn´t dasting kelly  ,chris   and kelly hooked  up for sex  and that  he never went  anywhere with her.he was never seen in public with her.

kelly and   husband jason

Maybe that´s because chris ´s new girlfriend was already married.

the only place  chris and  kelly went was  to his apartment and she  was  not to say anything about them hooking up

chris rented a small apartment from terri´s  parent´s right above their gorcery store and in the next town  over….

 kelly  lived  in this modest house with her husband jason. kellys younger  brother colton says they recently moved here from …

Merriville  Indiana not far from chicago.

colton   think jason and kelly were  not   a a good match. 


” he was a laid – back guy , she was more of a go -getter”


kellys affair with chris wasnt her first rodeo.

 But did jason know what kelly and  chris got together four or five times  a week.

was she a married women sneaking  around  or  did  her husband  know exactly what she  was  doing?



” He  had said that he prior he had not  been aware and that he didnt wanted know about it .jason was suicidal and hwas hawing emotional problems and again seem to be stemming  from her  extramarital affairs driving him crazy.



chris  job  at lakershore was taking a toll on his knee ,because he was on his feet all day long at work so he needed a job also that  wasn´t so tough on his  body.

Chris found a desk job all the way across  the country  in Ashville  north Carolina .

He gave his two weeks notice at the plant. where he and kelly  worked

and stared packing 

Terri´s dream of moving with chris to another had melted   like a spring thaw in michigan.


But  did  kelly think she was the one  who would be moving to Asheville with her lover .



 chief Frizzo: she did make it seem like they had this,like lengthy romantic affair and in fact she even  mention that he wanted her to move with him out to North Carolina.



so  on  one  of chris´s last  nights in Iron River … 

…there  was a first instead of kelly coming over  to his apartment  she invited him over to  her house.


Terri” she  called  chris and lured  him over there for sex.  why would they go to  her house if they had never before  been t her house for sex”


Apparently kelly made an offer he couldnt refuse .” I´ll  cook you italian for dinner and give  you my   body for dessert.

Chris regan had just given two weeks notice at work , he was about to meet kelly cochran his secret lover from the  office for  lasagne and maybe little fooling  around

 chris friend , Terri  O´donnell says she never heard from him after that.

Terri spent nearly two excruciating weeks with no word  from  chris 

Frantic and in full panic mode she went  to the apartment chris rented from her  parents.


Terri: it was a wreck. stuff.scattered everywhere,dirty dishes. all crusted in kitchen sink.red goo in the bottom of its wine glass.The windows  was open .the apartment was cool off. his medication  was there ,its like he was gone. he  vanished .



Vanished but where  and how

chris recently had knee surgery  so he couldn´t had walked into the wilderness….

somehow his car ended  up in a park – and -ride lot four  miles east  of town.



Terri:i said ,  he would never  leave his car at the parking ride  and so i droe out  there  and sure ,enough there was chris ´s car sitting  there and i looked in and his things were  in there inside the car  was his knee brace ,his watter bottle.



Terri drove to the police departement to report him as a missing person.


The detective that was basically in charged had said over and over again that chris regan  disapeared  because he wanted to  either  kill himself or just  disapear.

But  Chie fFrizzo  dogged the   dermination convinced the other   detectives ,in chris car they found a key clue pointing …

….straight to kelly!

in  the front  passanger seat was a small piece of paper with directions written on it .directions were to kelly cochran´s house .

Cops and michigan stsate polive converge  on the house kelly shared with her husband jason and aren´t  exactly greeteds with open arms.

When they arrived there the sergeant´s said that they   pulled up out front and one of the troopers made mantion to her  that he saw someone standing in an upstairs window loocking out.

when they went to the door they were greted by a man asked if kelly was home ,the man said  ” no she´s not here” she hasn´t done anythin wrong.”

Red flag number one – jason lied . 


kelly was there.she was the shadowy figure in the upstairs window


chief frizzo :shortly  thereafter kelly came down to the door  kelly said  she hadn´t seen chris for a couple days ,she had no idea where he could  be.



Red flag  number 2 .just  a couple of days at  this point it´s been more than two weeks  since anyone has seen or heard from chris  .


kelly admit they had a romantic relationship going on.


Then  what happens…


chief frizzo :  seargeant called me and said there´s something wrong ,she asked kelly would it  be unusual for chris  to have left his   vehicle at this parking  lot ride. kellys respons was ” yeas , that would be unusual ,he  LOVED that car. past tense.


red flag number 3.  he loved that car.apposing to saying he loves that car .

Those red flags were waving   in the winds of suspicion

Cops asked kelly and her husband jason to come down to the station for  an interview.

Jason is in  the hot seat first  and instead  of talking about  chris  he oddly tells, detectives if he sneezes he cant walk.


” i have  like back issues.  we used to call them slipped discs. now   they call them bulging or deteriorating discs,so if i sneeze or move  wrong…a lot of times i can´t walk or can´t stand up s traight for monts at  a time.”


you have a person missing , why are you telling me about  your back pain……?


chief  frizzo :He´s trying to kind of  change direction on what the focus is .so maybe they wont look at him as a possible suspect.


Then it´s  kellys  turn and it´s probably a good  thing jason  wasn´t in the room  she descibes in graphic detail the animal passion in her  secret love life


 and then kelly say something  that raised everyone´s  eyebrows chris didn´t come over for dinner.even though cops found the directons to her house in his car.




chief frizzo: on that last day you went , brought dinner?

 kelly: mhm.

chief  frizzo : and you brought  what? 

kelly: lasagna.

chief  frizzo : so   you   brought a pan of  lasagna?

 kelly: i had plates.

chief  frizzo :  you brought okates with pieces  of lasagna?

 kelly: yes.

chief  frizzo : you brought a plate of lasagna and you made garlic  bread…and then cooked it in the oven?

 kelly: on  the… i think it was a skillet .




chief  frizzo :  her phone records and the communication with chris regan indicate that she wasn´t at his apartment at that time  because  they were  communicating after that 



and this   surveillance video shows kelly was at chris´s apartment two days  after he seemingly vanished.


Did  laura frizzo  ever see her with the lasagna?


chief  frizzo : no. and actullay that was  the  first thing i looked for  when we  did  get the search warrant to go in   there was no remnants of lasagna.


No lasagna , no chris and  no evidence to connect  kelly and jason to his disappearance

soon the couple  moves back to Indiana


chief frizzo  thinks  they´ve killed chris.

and she wonders could there be hidden  clues still lurking in  the house  where they once lived.

chris  stops at a gas station to fill his tank on the way to his lower kelly cochran´s house, this surveillance video the last last known   image of him alive 


And police laura frizzo says she knows what happened to him. Kelly and her husband jason killed him .



chief  frizzo :  my theory was that these two people  were responsible for chris regan´s disapppearance ,definitely believe that they murded him  and that they  were gonna try  and get away with it.


Get away  they did , quickly moving out of the house. leaving most everything   behind and heading back to Indiana.

and chief  frizzo says either of them had a motive  doe  murder .after all ,chris was kellys secret lover but the chied  doesn´t  have the proof to make a murder charge stick,not just                                yet ….


chief  frizzo : when we first went in i thought that we   hit the jackpot……


what  she says looks like blood .



chief  frizzo : you   cold see some patterns on the ceiling  above the the  door where you entered the front of the  house. identical to what it would look like if someone had  assaulted someone with a weapon  and in the spray .. onto the ceiling.



chief  frizzo : we find a loaded 22 pistol under the TV in the livingroom. but without a body it´s imposible  to  determine if that 22  used to kill chris.


 chief Frizzo  was stretched to the limit because her small force was investigating two unrelated homicides  .


Retired  michigan state police sergeant michael neiger volunteered his  help


And what neiger found would shift the investigation from a missing person into a murder  case.

Neiger conducted a fresh search of chris´s  car that was abandoned in the park – and -ride lot .


M. Neiger: we found   a lot of fibers  a lot of hair and and we found stocking  cap  and there was a discussion about some leaves being seen trapped in the trunk lid  in other words  the trunk lid was  closed  on leaves  and i´d heard that and i said well that´s important for what i do because  we can decide  find out   what kind of leaves those are what  kind of trees and then we might know where potentially where the body was disposed of because  it´s unusual to have leaves trapped in the trunk.



Unusual because there are no trees outside chris´s  apartment.

But there are plenty of leafy trees outside kelly´s  house.


In fact neiger says he and chief frizzo found. that  the GPS device in chris´s car proves he  was at her house  The day he went missing,


M. Neiger: the car had been  therem yes.


and neiger says he found something  even  more incriminating in kellys digital footprint .



M. Neiger: sometimes  people when  they´re going to commit a crime they  will go and search  stuff on Google  like how to dispose of  a body ,evidence  i found on the computers were Google images satellite imagery of the caspian pit.



The caspian pit an  abandoned mine pit outside of town filled with deep and murky water 

divers   didn´t find   chris but they   found  something  else. 

a burn barrel.


so when they locate this  burn barrel in the  pit they  note  there´s like  what appears to be a like a landury cable wrapped around it  or tied   to it  as well as a cement block.

The cochran´s had a burn pit in their backyard and that  burn barrel was missing.


with no evidence  that  the barrel belonged to kelly and jason and no DNA  evidence…. cheif frizzo  throws  a hail mary  .


in an unconventional move chief  frizzo calls upon  the spirit world to help. the chief  hired a psychic medium where she  says  she receive visions of violance

But a psychic  premonition isn´t  proof beyond a  reasonable doubt  now  the case cgrows ice- cold.


 With kelly and jason in Indiana would cops  ever find the answers  they  want .and what did kelly and her husband jason say when they  all of a sudden showed up in  indiana…?




 colton: they say that they  had enough of being  harassed by law enforcement over  the death of chris, them investigating them for it.


But kelly was still up to her old ways.

chief frizzo says she was sheating  on jason but  this time with a women.

she had actually asked  this women that to  be in a  serious relationship with her. more meaningful relationship and the girl said she would.


 Kelly was still married but  not for long …..


 911 call 

operator : lake county 911.

kelly:  he´s breathing barely.i don´t know what´s wrong ,he´s throwiing up ,he´s  sweating”


she about to be become a widow. 

the peramedic arrived and  jason is not breathing  he´s  dead . and kelly  getting in their way  acting distraught and overacting


kelly claims her deeply depressed  husband overdosed on heroin.

but  is this habitual liar just talkin smack.

is kelly cochran the bisexuel black widow , she sensationally  claims  her husband died from a heroin,overdose.

but is  she telling the truth?

why did kelly killed her husband?


maybe   because it was probably a liability for her  , she was   concerned that she was gonna end up talking  about things  and she was gonna get in trouble. , things like the unsolved disappeaance of her lover  chris. in iron river .michigan.

Now the suspecious death of kellys husband gives  chief frizzo a   fresh oppurtunity to get kelly  to talk about  chris .


the chief asked hobart  indiana  police detective jeremy ogden to spreak to her.( kelly)

right from the get-go there was some kind of very strange attraction or connection that she had to to him .whatever it was she singled him out.


That atraction seemed to surface in this chat -and -mouse game of text messages between kelly and   detective  ogden.

that attraction seemed to surface in this cat – and  mouse game of text between and detective ogden.

she was able to lead her to believe that he was  sympathetic towards and he believed  her and he won  her over .

but ogden  hasn´t been able to nab  her  yet. kelly had fled to kentucky

US  marshals picked her up and while in the local jail

she fashioned these shanks out of eyeglasses.

whos was she gonna kill?


She made a comment that she she was gonna stab  a femal corrections officer .but changed her mind.

In the interrogation room kelly  says let´s make a deal.I´ll talk for a price  immunity from prosecution



kelly:  today i´m her to cooperate   ,however  i  will not cooperate if there´s  any  charges brougt to me.I´ve  seen how easy it is for you  to get a  search warrant . i see how it  is for your …pretty much go through anything of people, so, um , i think you can arrange …something like that for me.



No way would  cops evert cut a deal like that !

so kelly shuts her mouth

now chief frizzo uses her new tool to pry it wide open.

she was so  a ttached to him , he actually was able to do to her what she  does to everyone else and that is kind of trick her ,  and manipulate her 

So ogden sets an almost  unbelievable  trap.

He asked a friend of jason´s  to make up a s tory  that will freak kelly out.



chief Frizzo:He´s idea was ” want  you to make this p hone call to kelly and i want you to tell her that  you received a mail this letter  from  jason and in this letter there´s a not that says “if something should happen to me, pleas mail this letter today to the police departement . she fel for it and her initial respoinses to were huges . she broke down ans started crying.”please dont  mail it.”


The setup worked  !

and that enabled him detective ogden ro move into the hundreds  of  interviews  he did with her . 


now kelly is  back  for a second round.emotional holding hands with the detective  kelly finally comes clean  about what happened to jason .

kelly said she had shot him up with a large dose  of heroin ro kins of  subdue  him  a little and she just put her hands over his  nose and  mouth and suffocated him.

Then  comes the moment shief frizzo has been waiting  nearly two years to hear.


Kelly describes how she lured chris to her house and jason ambushed chris while he was  naked.

 kelly says   as she and  chris  were still in a  sexual embrace at the  top of the stairs ,jason was lying and wait.his 22 rifle aimed straight  at chris ´s head, the bullet tears through hiis  skull.

Death came in  an instant and it happened almost as the  psycich said.it did.



 psychic medium :He got hit with something in  the had . i felt  they he  had tried to get out the door or had fallen out the door  ,something like that .


kelly then reveals the  horrible way they disposed of chris´s body .



detective ogden : how did he cut h in  into pieces ?

kelly : with a chisel

detective  ogden : a what?

 kelly:  A chisel.like a  big chisel.you know what i mean?

 detective ogden: a  big chisel . a big wood  chisel?  well ,that  doesn´t make any sense  though.


kelly shifts her story  and says  jason used an  electrick   hand saw to shop him into  pieces.

kelly says thy cut chris up on plastic wrapping

they burned the plasticand the saw blade in a burn barrel and dumped  the  barrel in tthe mine pit.

then jason drove chris  ´s car to the parking  -and  -ride.

and they scattered his mutilated body in the woods.

with The confession complete kelly asked to smoke  a last cigarett before  she´s taken to a cell  and and while detective Ogden is out of the room ,she bizarrely falls out of her chair.is she high or just tired.cops aren´t sure.


Later  the admitted killer  is put into handcuffs   facing two counts of murder in two different states.


kelly´s dungeon of  death.

This is where they took his body apart with a saw and then put him in garbage bags.

The fact that  you never found his blood in  here …well , the plastic 

impervious barrier and that would  prevent any surface in the basement from gtting blood on  it.

no one still knows where the remains of chris Regan are. but one person does.-kelly cochran.

kelly cochran says she killed chris  regan  for love and  killed her husband jason  for revenge.

In  a strange way , kelly and jason´s  diabolical plot to kill chris was hatched 12 years earlier in a pact,made in blood

when they got married, they made this pact that if one of them were to have an affair that  they had  to kill the person that they had  the affair with. 


there ´s no dispute kelly is a serial cheater but  is she also a serial killer.

In a recorted jailhouse phone call with her mother ,kelly hints there are   bodies out there  just waiting to be found.

cops dont know if kelly is even telling the truth and they´ve never found the so -called trinket bag that  many  serial killers keep

now  kelly caged in  a windowed cell  almost like  hannibal lecter is  about to do one  final good deed.

 A deed  that  hardly makes  up for a life of deadly decisions

kelly tells cops  she wants  to give   chris a proper burial.


so she takes cops on  a wild  field  trip  back  to the scene of the crime.

they arrived at the spot  in the woods where  kelly  remembers   dumping chris´s remains

kelly takes advantage  of her day  in the sun.stopping frequently to smoke

.after a morning   search  kelly places her order   for lunch 


The women hwo used  lasagna to lure her prey scarces a slice and washes  it with a big gulp. 

Amazingly the murder   house is exactly  the way kelly and jason left it after bolting for  Indiana.

In the cluttered kitchen cops find a pair of forceps

kelly says she used them to try and remove the bullet from chris skull.

 kellys  memories  of her evil act were  accurate in the fields cops glasses . 

and then…..

there it is …

with a big bullet hole.


At her murder trial kelly pins the  horrific  crime on jason describing in gory details what  happened.


kelly: when he cut him up, he had on of his hands  and   said that was the last time he´d be wawing at med.he was waving goodb ye to me.”



And then then prosecutor melissa powel painted a  powerful  and chilling image for the jury


inside this bag- chris´s skull.

it was  enough to convict kelly o f a first -degree murder .

She was sentence to life in prison.


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