Warning: Graphic content, readers’ discretion advised. This article contains a recollection of crime and can be triggering to some readers discretion advised.

A call for help.

911 call .

operator :montgomery  county   911.

 katie vilardo : there´s blood everywhere and they´re dead. i dont know what  happened.


After a savage attack.


John McCarthy:  there is literally blood everywhere in this crime scene she is . nearly decapitated

but hwo is responsible?

John McCarthy:this was a who -done- it from the very beginning.

and why?



Darren  Francke: because  of the overkill maybe there´s some sort of vengeance here.



John McCarthy: we had a  killer among us.


911 call.

 operator:   montgomery 911.

 katie vilardo : oh  my god .we were on our way back here for mother´s day

 operator: fire, she just said she just got home and that both her parents were on the floor and there´s alot of blood and she thinks they ´re  both dead.


It´s sunday morning  mothet´s day and just minutes before this panicked 911 call katie and andy vilardo are waiting at a picknick area for their parents. dick and jody to celebrate the holiday  ,but ther folks are a no-show.

John McCarthy: the  children are waiting  for their  parents at  resturant  for  a pre-arranged mother´s  day and they cant eaise them on the phone, have not heard from them, not heard from them since the night before.

concerned the kids rushed to their parents home in the upscale neighborhood of rockville maryland . one insid…..

John McCarthy:there´s a pretty  horrific discovery, there is literally blood everywhere in this crime scene.um , on doors,walls ,floors, ceilings .

Within minutes of the 911 call,they follow the blood trail to the backyard.

John McCarthy:her mother is on the floor  with multiple catastrophic injuries most  notably to her neck, she is nearly decapitated.

And just outside the back patio door ,another grim dicscovery


John McCarthy: the father just  a few  feet away from his wife he had made his way out  the back  sliding glass door ,collapsed on back  patio and he has  multiple injures more than 40 stabbing injuries,they´ve obviously been deceased for some period of time.


Dick and jody vilardo´s last time with their kids was a phone call around 9 :00 pm the night before the couple  spent the evening with friends at a  nearby casino and returned home sometimes after 11. pm.

but what horrofic events occurred from saturday night to sunday morning.

John McCarthy: this was a who-done- it from the   the very beginning,if you look at the crime scene  it almost immediately tells you someone attacked this man as he lay in bed an then basically savagely also attacked his wife.


and who  wanted to kill dick and jody vilardo , the happily married couple of 40 years built a successful life in the community of rockville and they were actively involved in local scharities

John McCarthy: he was  a great guy who obviously had financially been  very very successful in his life as his wife had ,he had raise two great kids ,he had a beautiful home. this was a neighborhood  where  dubble homicides don´t accur.

police search the home. they immediately discover the point of  entry  a den window ,a screen is cut and lock jimmied.

then a bloody footprints  everywhere , it´s a path of desttruction with one  notable pattern.

Darren  Francke: one of the things we noted right away  again an oddity is  that the attacker.. we believe the attacker did this without shoes on he had just  taken his choes off,not barefooted but in socks.you can see in the impressions of the feet that go through the house.  that was were now soaked in blod , you could see that a sock pattern like a crew sock pattern.


Upstairs in the bedroom investigators  photographed blood -stained money and  empty jewlry boxes.

a clear picture of the attack from start to emerges . 

John McCarthy: he was laying in the bed when the  attack occured , the attacker  left him for dead and  the wife who was on the other side of  the bed  furhest away from the initial attack ran out  of the bedroom and into the kitchen area .


where police believe jody vilardo makes a mad dash for the landline phone ,desperate to dial 911.

Darren  Francke: we found that it was missing a piece.it looked like it had been either slammed or dropped and then she was  the focus of the attack.

and the weapon  of choice.

Darren  Francke: a serious, serious knife.


that  nearly decapitates  jody. then a very odd piece of evidence jumps out  to detectives  there´s a  bloddy glove handprint on the frigde. did the killer open it

the detectives wonder if the suspect is familiar with the house then this  terrifying possibility

John McCarthy: we had  a killer living among us.

The vilardo´s closest neighbors are eve dempster who lived just  across the  street  and  the tomaszewski´s family wh o lives  right next door. both family have known  the valardos for dedades . eve dempster  is an elderly woman whos is home at the time of the  attacks.


and the tomaszewski family is  currently on a cruise  in alaska. and the other neigbors living around the vilardos,well they don´t actually strike the  cops  as prime suspects.

Darren  Francke: the neighbors were fantastic they wanted to help with whatever they could  , infact one of the nicest things that came out of it , after working a week on s the cases one of the neigbors actually baked  this huges tray of cockies . 


eve that tomaszewski´s youngest son scott gets word about the murders while on vecation with his family and  posted this heartfelt message on face book.


Darren  Francke: neighbors  were wery   worried. to everyone´s knowledge in this neighborhood this could be just  someone  that burglarize this house  ,targeted these people  and did t his  horrific act and could show up in their houises.

police have their work cut out for them .

John McCarthy: for multiple days in this case ,there really was no solid lead , this was a wide open case  this was  a red ball,no one  really had an as to who was responsible for it .


The valaros had beenat at the nearby casino the night they died.police investigate if there was an connection and  they have good reason to believe there might have been one.

Darren  Francke:we´re dealing with a rusch robberies of people that had gone to casinos and then been followed from the casino and robbed once they got to their residences,we had initial information that the vilardos had testified in a federal case uhm.. and  so that´s alway´s in our minds that , okay, maybe the´re..because of the  overkill maybe there´s some sort of vengeance here 

and another possible lead pointed to local landsapers

Darren  Francke: we had information that  there were some woodchuckers in the neighborhood, people that were going around  asking neighbors ,” can i cut some trees down on your property” they´re kind  of a transient group just  move  around the neighborhood


both leads are eventually dead ends  then cops finally get the break they´ve been waiting for from one of their own.

John McCarthy:a retired police officer who called in and said “hey ,by the way let me tell you about something that happened years  ago.

beloved maryland couple  dick and jody vilardo  are  murdered im their upscale neighborhood and now cops  get a  big break in the case. a tip from one there own , telling them to take a look at the boy next dorr ,brian tomasewski. when brian was a juvenile he burglarized  the vilardo´s home . then  took one of their cars on a joyride.

John McCarthy:then  all of a sudden, you have this golden suspect that´s staring you in the face, he lives right next door, he knows the house ,he is a number one suspect.

but how could brian kill dick  and jody the tomaszewskis are all supposed to be on  vacation 

John McCarthy: brian did not go on the trip to alaska it was just scott ,his mother and father and his older sister.

police interview brian.

Darren  Francke:he didn´t provide us anything really  substantial


police no longer believe brian is  involved, so since the vilardo´s were  also burglarized after being  killed ,the cops turned their focus to local pawn shops hoping for a hit .and boy do  they get one.

Darren  Francke: all of  a sudden scott showed up as pawning something

that scott is  scott tomaszewski,brian´s   little brother.

Darren  Francke:he pawns a ring beloning  to his neghbor.


but not the vilardo´s ,his other neighbor. eve dempsher who lives directly across the street.


the class ring had  been reported stolen  just  a month before the valardo break -in.

Darren  Francke:it fits now.it´s starting to fit. wse´re starting to fit the crime to the person.

In fact it´s all captured on pawn shop surveillance cameras , show´s scott tomaszewski  pawning the stolen ring.

Darren  Francke: all of the sudden we now have  probable cause for a burglary. arrest.

but burglary is a  a far cry from murder.detectives know the´ll need direct evidence tying scott to the murders and they´re hoping scott  packs something extra in his suitcase.detectives know if scott commited the murders it happened sometime between 1 :30  am  and the time he left for the cruise. at 3 .am.

Darren  Francke:we already knew  there was a very very small window he had , if it was scott to commit this crime and he could very well have taken all of the evidence at sea. we knew he was coming into port   in juneau,that became the port of call that we were interested  in acting on.

and investigators want to make sure that   scott isn´t tipped off  giving him time to destroy evidence

Darren  Francke:you could walk to the edge  of the ship  and toss  of  a rolex watch,toss off cash, toss off bloody clothes.we tippped our hand too soon ,it was just  another thing that could go wrong that would allow…if there was evidence on that cruise ship that could allow that evidence to escape us.

Plus  investigators know scott is in contact with his brother back home . evidenced by this text message from scott while  on the cruise ship .

Darren  Francke: what we decided to do was  a simultaneous search  search warrant in juneau as the ship was arriving and on  the tomaszesski´s house here.

to ensure they dont´t lose any evidence  the search warrants have to be served at exact same  moment.

Darren  Francke: we sent them  out ,we got  them on the first flight so we could make sure they got  into juneau friday night , because they had the liaison with the coast guard because as the ship coming in ,the  other ting, we couldn´t  let him get off the ship.

and if they had pulled into dock then we weren´t there to get him  in his room,he could i have easily slinked out and again  get that alert get whatever it is  ,evidence goes with  him  and then goes in a trash can in juneau.,we never find it. so  the the coast guard actually held the  ship for us .


 yeas ,the coast  guard holds the ship at sea. 

Darren  Francke:when these law enforcement partners  get together boundaries go away,espcially when you tell them we´re working  this dubble homicide.

John McCarthy:while they   were  in international waters,we actually figured out where he was, he was not  in the u.s  territory he was  on a boat in international waters.

so  the ship is being held up at sea.he can´t get off.so when that ship finally docks what happens in alaska? the FBI ,coast guard  ,cops from juneau  and detectives from montgomery county stormed the ship i in juneau  and handuffed scott. detectivess hit the  evidencelottery once inside  scotts cabin.

in his wallet they discovered blood soaked cash and in the closet undser his clothes . a knife.and back at the  tomaszewski home cops find a little  pile of incriminating evidence.

the washing machine turns up  plenty of dirt on scott  including the ski mask and gloves.

investigators arrest scott on a burglary  charge.but  they have a strong feeliing they´ll be adding charges of double homicide.police removed scott from the ship in handcuffs and  his folks? they got off the ship and went on a tour,yes mom and dad get pff the ship and went on  a tour.

while scott´s parents continue their vacation their son meets with detectives back at  the montgomery county police departement.scott agrees to talk with investigators without an attorney.his interview is recorded. 

scott explains to detectives that he grew up with the vilardo´children. andy and katie but since college the families have drifted apart.

after murdering   dick ,scott tells cops  he started  stabbing jody. then he tells detectives he ditched the knife.as for an actual murders appear to be about as senseless and cold as s scott´s final act in the home  just just moments after the murders.

John McCarthy: stop and  drink ginger ale, then go out back to his house

Murder is  a thirsty buisness for scott accoding to detectives who found blood transfer on the fridge  door.and a can of ginger ale. and when they asked scott about it  he said.

but while the evidence  mounts investigators are missing a huge piece of the puzzle, a second larger knife, they believe was used in the attack.one they  believe they´ve seen before in this text message from scott to his ex-girlfriend just days before the murder

it´s a photo of a machete.

the boy next door scott tomaszewski has  been arrested for the murders of his longtime neighbors dick and jody vilardo.and police are on the hunt for the murder weapon he used to slaughter them. then cops get a tip about a secret  hiding place.

Darren  Francke:we  learned  that there was a backpack secreted back in this closet behind this area.we go back,but it´s not there.

now  cops know  scott had some help.

Darren  Francke:mom took the bag and  threw  it  out 

so what was in the bag?

Darren  Francke:as near we can tell , it was  dicl vilardo´s watches we believe the actual murder weapon was in that  bag.

scotts mother  faces charges of accesssory after the fact,but she´s offered a plea bargain. instead, mrs tomaszewski wont be charged if she agrees to testify against her own son.

Darren  Francke:the evidence we had…because everything fell in line was so overwhelming against scott .she´didn´t have a choice.

scott is charged with two counts of first-degree murder.two count of  armed robbery and one count of first -degree burglary.scott pleads guilty , there won´t be trial and his mother will not have to testifiy.

scott tomaszewski  receives two consecutive life life sentences.

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