In 2012, Alaskan law enforcement came face to face with one of America’s most notorious serial killers, Israel Keyes. Over the next seven months, he played a cat-and-mouse game with investigators divulging clues about his other victims

The FBI believes skulls drawn in blood are the number of victims murdered by a prolific serial killer

israel keys is a serial killer who hid his crimes for many years , hewas meticulous, he ws incredibly bright and he was  significant lethal.

FBI believe that the 11 skull is the total number of  victms.

in february of 2012 the residents of anchorage alaska were  shaken by a frightening mystery it was the evening of february 1st

when 18 yearold Samantha Koenig vanished after  her night shift

at this road espresso  stand.

her boyfriends was  supposed to  pick her up that night -but that didn’t happen multiple calls went   ubabswered ,several hours later her boyfriends’s cell phone lit up with a message  from samantha’s phone.

 the text messages said something to  the effect of ” im going  on vacation ,im tired “family and friend knew something was wrong .

something was terribly wrong and the next day investigators watched it all unfold on security camera video .this is samantha  8:00  pm is closing time so she’s doing  all of her normal things she would  do to get  ready for closing .

that’s when a masked man  walked up to the window.he wanted much more then just coffe. samantha is over at the window here she handed something to the customer she’s backs up and this is where samantha   raise her arms.

what started  as an apparent robbery suddenly took a darker turn.

she turns the  lights off  and then you see two individuals walk away  its  looks like an abduction .

 as the news spread james Koenig went public

as time went on there was a tremendous amount of fear about what happened and who was in the community

that could do somethin like this 

the  FBI  joined anchorage police department in  looking at family and friends.

samantha’s boyfriend was quickly ruled out  as a suspect.

 10 days after samantha disappeared a vigil  was held  hundreds of people came.

as friendsand family fan out across anchorage to try to find samantha

the question is  could she also be out here somewhere in Alaska wilderness,then finally fter three agonizing weeks . thatäs when the text came in that said there was a ransom note and where to go.

the text  to samantha’s boyfriend was as mysterious as her disappearance , it said to look in connor park under pick of albert it also said aint’t she  pretty.

there was a pictureof a missing dog named albert and right underneath is a plastic bag with a clipping and a photograph in it.

that note contained a picture of  samantha and a long typed out  message  that talked about putting 30,000 dollars into samantha’s bank account.that acount  was connected to samantha’s  debit card which the kidnapper had

and the  photo which has not been made public  was of samantha holding a was  dated february 13th so well after samantha’s abduction so hope is that samantha’s alive.

samantha’s dad deposited 5 ,000 dollar into her account, several hours later a man makes a ATM  withdrawal using samantha’s card.  investigators rushed to the ATM but were  to late missing the suspect by minute.

one week later another  ATM withdrawal is made.this one  is very  different  this  withdrawal  occurs in wilcox  ,Arizona.nearly 4,000 miles away .and  then a short time later , one in lordsburg new mexico  then umble Texas, then shepard texas-he’s heading east .

they  could see that he’s moving across the I 10  corridor.

but the suspect had made a crucial misstakeduring the  ATM  withdraw in arizona a white ford focus can be seen in the background, that information was pushed  out to law enforcement across that entire corridor.

then – on march 13th a  state trooper notices  a vehicle matching that description in a  Texas hotel parking lot .in a short time later a man comes out he gets in the vehicle and he starts to drive away.

the trooper follows and once  that vehicle exceeds the speed limit  he has his probable to pull that  vehicle over.

and when he asks the driver for identification, he ultimately presents him with an identification cards

 for  israel keyes  ,he wasn’t even on FBI s  radar.

 that troopers instinct were spoton a search of the car  uncovered samantha’s ID her debit card  her cell phone, and a gun .

along with a disguise that match the man in the ATM  photos.

at this point they believe they have  their guy.but now  the FBI wanted to know what had israel keyes done with samantha

the race is on because  FB still don’t  have samantha ,they have him.but they don’t have if samantha is  alive then  FBI  really need to find her quickly.

in march 2012 two weeks after isarel  keyes was arrested in Texas he was extradited to anchorage alaska. at the point  the FBI didn’t  ewllt know was he the one who took and kidnapped samantha  or  was he someone  who was just using a credit card  that he found

investigators scrambled to learn everything they could  about israel keyes- the man he had a DUI  but that was it , no crimes of violence in his history  no  sex  offenses in  his history  nothing.his a 34 year old man from alaska who has a construction business, small kind of quiet   life.

this is someone you felt comfortable giving a key to your house so he could go there whne you  weren’t there to fix things.

an anchorage resident since 2007 keyes lived in this house with his girlfriend and his 10 year old daughter from a previous relatonship neighbor say ge didn’t stand out .nothing  suspicious  at all exept that  he worked hard.

but investigators had suspicions and one very pressing question  investigators stared of  with where is samanatha .no one knew  if samantha was still alive. so they confronted keyes about samantha.

keyes admitted he had killed samantha so FBI wanted to find out why he did what he did.

but before  he would say more keyes began what would be become a pattern for giving information. he wanted an americano coffe from starbucks , he wanted a snickers bar and he wanted a particular cigar    ultimatley keyes  lays out the entire story of how the  abduction of samantha occured.

the video  of the confession had never been made public before.

in it  keyes says he pointed a 22 caliber  pistol at samantha, the question about why  he did pick that coffe cart  at that time ,it was open   late.

meaning he chose her  completely at random.keyes says  as they walked off  into the night samantha broke free and ran. he chased  after her and tackled her indicate that this plan is to hold her for ransom suggesting to samantha that  if she cooperates he’ll release her she’ll be able to go home .

it was all a lie.

instead keyes drove samantha to his home  shed and sexually assulted her keye’s then strangled her to death.keyes famly the FBI later dtermined knew nothing about the horrors that just had taken place.

he was talking about the murder of  this girl like  someone  else would discuss what they had for lunch.within hours of murdering of samantha ,israel keyes left anchorage fo a caribbean vacation  with his family and  samantha was stil  in the shed  at his house.

two weeks later it was then he posted the ransom note and texted’s boyfriend  knowing shewas already dead.

keyes told  investigators he had driven som 35 miles nort   anchorage  to  manusa  lake where over the course of  three trips he disposed of samantha’s remains.

he had drilled a hole and went ice fishing in the lake and he had tied uit up with bailing wire and weights and had placed parts of her body down the lake as he fished.

it took the FBI’s  dive team 10 hours to recover  samantha’s body

after talking to  keyes investigators realized they had a depraved killer on their hands and that samantha was likely keye’s only victim .

and says  he had been two  different people long time . fourteen years. and that tells that he had bee a serial killer for fourteen years

every aspect of keyes life needed to be examined,so FBI started a deep dive into his paper trail

cell phones recrods

financial records

anything they could find out about his background

his travels

anything  that would just tell FBI  a better story about  Israel keyes.

it startin to look like keys  could have victims across the united states

Israel  keyes travel to places such as   washington,california , wyoming,Texas and vermont.

and he teased his  interrogators with details of other murders b but before  keyes   would agree to do that he wanted something  extraordinary in return – he wanted an execution date

and he said he want  a promise  that he’ll get the death penalty and if FBI  did  that he’ll tell FBI all about it.and tell them  all the people  he had killed what FBI said is the more murders  keyes give them more likely  it is that they’re  going to inpose the death penalty on keyes

without a guarantee of  death keyes was relucted to say anything more.

but finally  keyes folded

there are  odd moments to see ,investigators casually bonding with their  interview some ways to the  outsider it looked like FBI  were in a way befriending a serial killer.

but there was method to this madness says assistant US Frank  russo it was just  the act that  they had to put on when they went in that  room it was just trying to kind of do anything they could  to get information.

Israel keyes  voluntarily  granted two dozen interviews to various  investigtors in the seven months after his arrest. he enjoyed the rush he enjoyed the thrill of it. that strategy paid off when keyes fave up the names of two victims.

a married couple  more than 4,000 mil from anchorage in vermont. he gave FBI  the names of the people they wrote them down.-bill and  lorraine courier and have been missng for  some time .bill and lorraine courier are a couple that lived in in Essex ,vermont.nothing stands out really about them ,they were  just kind of living their life.

 the couriers  vanished on a night in june 2011 leaving their family bewildered.

affter interviewing  neighbors police drew this sketch of a possible suspect

police say this composite of a man who have been seen driving the couple’s dark green saturn sedan is a big break.but the  cae went cold for nearly a year.

until keyes laid out the road map of what  had happened. he flew into chicago and he drove east  he intended on that trip to commit a homicide  he didn’t know hwo it would be yet.

on that trip  keyes stayed at this hotel in essex ,vermont.

while there he dug up a  bucket similar to this one that he had biroed a few years  prior

for the first time the FBI is showing 48 hours…..

several boxes of 22 ammunition.

….the contents of what keyes like to call- a kill stach

so he would prepositon these caches in and then when the urge  came upon him if he happened to be in that state he had his tools of destruction ready to go  or he’d plan a trip  to a particular state knowing  he already had a stach there .

he didn’t know who he was going to kill but he already knew that he had the items there  that he needed.

the cilencer for the 22….

a wood stock for 22 ….

a plastic stock for 22 ….

a portion of a 22 rifle….

and then the drum magazine the 22. and the number of 22- caliber bullets.

the stach used in the courier attack   has never been found

but keyes told the FBI where they  could find this  a weapon he had used in vermont -this is a silencer that keyes actually constructed  himself.

with his murderous tools in hand keyes went hunting for victims and found himself outside the courier’s house.

keyes  decided to look  for a house with couple in it .he was looking  for a farily easy way to get into the garage  and there was the first  house he foun that had all those things.

he just happens to take a  walk from his hotel into a neighborhood and  this unsuspecting couple just living their lives is about to have a monster at their door.

but the monstger didn’t knock  he was very quickly in the house, he restrains bill and lorraine very quickly.

 and ten he moves them to their car

and drives them to an abandoned farmhouse that he had scoped out earlier

keyes attacks lorraine first , she’s upstairs in the bedroom , he had restrained bill downstairs.but the couriers were not going down without a fight.bill was yealling  for his wife and bill  ultimately starts  to break free from the restraints and keyes has to go back downstairs in order to restrain him again

  and there is a struggle that ensues

FBI think this  silencer  might have been used in the murder of bill courier.

keyes then strangled lorraine courier and left the couple in the basment of  the abandoned farmhouse

did anyone ever find these bodies?

short time after this happened , the house ended up  being   demolished  and it ws taken to the landfill

FBI  made  numerous attempts at the landfill,it was  10 or 12  week search at the land  land fill the FBI was searching  in an attempt to find them but they were not able to recover the bodies.

but as meticulous as keyes  was in coveringhis tracks- he slipped up.

this is the one item in all the things FBI found belonged to keyes  that actaully had his fingerprints on it-a perfect right  thumb print  for  israel keyes.

what  othe clues had keyes left  behind?

what other murders  had he committed? investigators befan focusing on his time in  washington state where keyes was eaised a place where he wouldadmit to  killing at least four more people…..

to undestand Israel keyes  you have to go deep into the vast  remote wilderness where  he was raised the place where he lived off and on for more than 20 years.-washington state.

FBI  special agents ted  and coleen first  question keyes  in 2012 they have spent eight years investigating his life and  crimes in washington  searching for more victims.

the opening scenes of keye’s  life  took place in a secluded cabin outside the small town of colville.he grew up poor  he grew up in a large  family there were 10 children  in all and they kind of live apart from  society.

john smith and his wife  desiree knew  israel keyes when he was a teenager  desiree hasn’t been in this  area since she was 15.

desiree rember it being long and steep and kind of headed up the mountain side and it was completely impossible through most  of the winter.

it was built to be completely off the grid, to be  completely isolated from society, no radio no television no electricity- nothing.the keyes family attended a chuch that preached christian identity  theology  a philosophy john and desiree were also raised on but has since disavowed.

schooled at home cut off from the outside world keyes was socially akward very quite very loner  standoffish.desiree felt unsafe being near him.but just  when keyes  commited his first murder is  still an open question.

sheri harris  is holding a picture of her daughter  julie marie harris, she was 12 years old  and disappeared  on march 3rd 1996. sheri says  her daughter julie a  special olympics athletes with prosthetic feet vanished from colville while waiting for a ride to church.

israel keyes   then 18 year old lived in the area at the time , julie’s prosthetic feet were discovered at the mouth  of the  colville river .

the next year  her skeletal remains were found. keyes  was aware of it but that he as not involve in it.keye’s  told investigators the birth of his daughter convinced  him to never target children but keye’s daughter was born after julie harris was murdered.

48 hours  tracked  down friends of julie who had never spoken with law enforcement one of those friends told that  she remembers keyes talking  to julie at the pool where  she often swam .and that  julie ended up giving him her  adress and phone numeber.- that didn’t julie’s mum heard of.

 does  that sound tantalizing a possible clue?

like  any other lead that  FBI  agents  ted and coleen would want to investigate it fully they would certainly be interested interesting talking with her and  cheri harris woundering if  her daughter  was isreal keyes very first  victim too.

despite the intrigue surrounding julie harris , keyes claims his  first attempted murder came in 1997 or 1998 when he abducted and sexually  assaulted a young women near  bend  oregon.he  indicated he never let another go after that .

after that assault  keye’s  joined the US army.FBI  agents  ted and coleen investigation lent them to believe that he was a model soldier and excelled in the army.

keyes told the investigators he waited until he completed a three year  stint in  the army  before he stalked his  next victim.

Neah bay at the fartherst  northwestern tip of washington is best known as home to the legedary  tribe whale hunters.keyes  moved here  after marrying a tribe member  he met  online.they started a family.he lived there  he rented the house

eric johnson worked with keyes att he parks and recreation departement this shop here the blue part that was his shop that’s where he worked

there are reminders of keyes  skilled capentry  allaround town including this  structur.

and go out  with friends, go out to bars… ffor all the years they’ve  known  him  they actally don’t know him at all  .

about 60 miles southeast of neah bay is another spectacular location  lake crescent in washington  one of the deepest  lakes in the united states.investigators suspect is also a watery  grave.

he reveleald to  the FBI agent  ted and colleen that one of the washington state victims was actually  their body was sunk in this particular lake. the  crescent lake  is five to seven hundred feet deep.

here’s a picture of israel keyes’s  boat sometime in 2005 or 2006 keyes had a body  in ths boat.

in the ,ast  mounth of  2012 special agent’s john and coleen were hopful that  keyes   would give them more information onwho is at the bottom of this lake.but the killer had another plan.

 keyes laughting when he spoke about  memories.

after  7 months of  interrogations  7 months of  reasing investigators with bits and pieces ofis violent past Israel keyes decided to takeone more life -his own.

the serial killer  was found dead at the  the achorage correctional complex

FBI received acall early in the morning that  december 1st 2012 , israel keyes had committed suicide in his jail cell.heused a disposable razor  to slit his wrists and keyes attempted to strangler himself with bedding

 the reaction to that ?

a lot of these secrets are going to die with him now.

for samantha’s loved ones  the news hit like a gut punch. they  think they he should have been executed. now his killed himself that’s great but it’s not what they wanted.

they wanted  him to stand trial , they wanted  him to answer for what he did  but they say  the world’s better off he’s gone.

inside  keye’s cell  jailers discovered a bizarre blood soaked suicide note with passages like

“crush like a bug you still die”

FBI hoped that  note was going  to be clues  and tips for them  on and thet he was finally going to give them all the information on the homicides. and it  really wasn’t it was kind of a rant.

but the end of keyes  was by all means the end of this case a  few months before  his suicide  investigators find those macabre drawings. he drew a series of 11 skulls  and these wer found underneath his bed in  his jail cell. drawn in israel keyes own blood.FBI  think this is the entirety of  his crimes and it indicates that are seen victims FBI  have  identified.

prior to his death keyes hadpointed the FBI  to another victim but refused to provide that victim’s name but investigators believe it happened when keyes took a road trip through new york the spring of 2009 so FBI comb through missing persons reports and keyes  computer..and the name was on his computer .

when they confronted him with photos one in particular rattled him it was a photo of a women named  deborah feldman.

given  the way he looked at it and  hestarted shaking a little bit FBI  wouldsay she isdefinitely one of his victims.

deborah feldman is a women  who went missingfrom new jersey  it was in 2009 , her body  has never been  recovered, FBI is relatively confident about  deborah feldman however,  bbut do not have any forensic evidence to make that connection .

according to the FBI  that would make deborah feldman keye’s  fourth known victim

 along with samantha koenig

and bill and lorraine courier

agent now determined to identify the remaining seven

and there are clues that point at least two other states.

the green river in wyoming is where keyes  had buried his  stach

FBI have a strong suspicion that keyes may have a victim located in that area.

in the late 2000s israel keyes also spent time in california’s wine county

including visiting the posh sonoma town of healdsburg in may of 2007

keyes often talked to investigators about using boats and also kayaks in  the disposal of  bodies.

FBI know that  he rented a single person kayak in healdsburg near a campground during that time in 2007

but keyes  road trips weren’t limited to the US,2007 he drove along the Alcan highway byhimself for about a  week of that year .- the  alcan goes through canada up to alaska.

FBI  know that keyes traveled to canada quite extensively and specifically said that he would go to montreal . when he  was asked about whether he killed anyone in canada he said

“canadians don’t count”

it’s been several year since isreael  keyes  killed himself

the FBI hopes investigators acroos the country will take a second look at suspicious deaths in their area 

they ‘re also hoping the public can help .

if anyone has any information on israel  keyes  and his travels or family member  that  they  think may have been potential victim of israel keyes  that they come forward with the FBI  with that information .

that includes the lake  Crescent area of washington state where keyes  told investigators he had dumped a body .

and what about those kill stash

  buried throughout the country.

contact local law enfocement in their community who can  then reach out to FBI

for the  FBI  their focus  is clear,  samantha  and bill and  lorraine and all the victims that FBI  don’t have identfied that’s what  this case is about  and there commitment unwavering.

FBI have a ptimisticstreak that says they can find answers to the other seven cases.but it won’t be easy by any means and it may take a long time but FBI  will never give up.


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