Warning: Graphic content, readers’ discretion advised. This story contains a recollection of crime and can be triggering to some readers discretion advised.

Twenty-one-year-old Ohio State University student Reagan Tokes went missing in February 2017 after leaving her job late that night. That was the last time anyone saw her, and what happened to her next will shock you.

she loved the Ohio state University as much as  anything……

Growing concern for safety  after an Ohio student is kidnapped  and killed within minutes after living her job .

this is the last time that  anyone who knows  her ,cares about  her is going to see her alive.

 911: hello.

caller: yeah , i think  there’s a body out here at scioto grove metro park .. send somebody , it’s bloody, it’s got the arm over the face , i can’t  ,im afraid to get  meir it . i can’t tell if it’s fake or not .god  almighty  , i hope that’s a dummy.

the detectives bureau responded

and  they were  able to determined that  it  was  a female in her  20s that  was  not  be cloth on and  was laying in the field and with two apparent gunshot wounds  to her head.

it’s  not  something  that  the  police typically run across in grove park

an hour or so into the investigation detectives received notification that  columbus police  were  in a process of taking a missing  person report.

body has  been identified as missing Ohio state university student reagan tokes

reagan was last seen leaving work at a  resturant in downtown columbus-Bodega.

no one  suspicious ,no one got up and immediately followed her  out, you didn’t see anybody in the windows on the street  start follow her or anything at that time.

so once he abducts reagan he makes  her drive the vehicle while he has a gun in the passanger seat . he makes her driv him to a chase bank and go through an ATM  machine and try to withdraw cash out of the ATM.  she  is unsuccessful and does not get any cash out.

he then forces her to drive to another ATM machine at huntington bank to try to  withdraw  which she is unable to as well.

you could make out  a figure that apppeared to be her and there was  clearly a passenger in the car  but that’s about all you could see was a shade, couldn’t  identify any features or anything  like that .

you don’t often see crimes on video  untill you’re seeing it happened.

the car stops  in this alley, this dark alley and they’re  for about  12 minutes. that’s when he’s  actually raping her .

after they  leave the alley he makes her drive him back to the same  chase bank.

she’s able  to successfully get 60  dollars out of the ATM. after they leave the ATM  and they  go get gas at a gas station.

the video at the gas station is not that  great, it’s very pixelated, it was raining and snowy that night.and they parked at the furthest pump away . detectives  think that  there’s a time for  they  think she could have taken off  for sure but   detectives don’t know  where he is  they don’t know if he’s got a gun  pointed at her .

once they get gas they leave the gas  station and they head down to  metro park area.

it’s cold february night, it’s dark. what the  police believe happened is that  he told her to get out of the car, take off her clothes and keep walking.

she thought she was going to live . he’s releasing her, run , go .but he got out of the car  follows  her and shoots her in the back of the head . he walks up to her , puts the gun to the head and make sure she’s dead.

the first break in the case came thanks to a license plate reader connected to a police database that spotted reagan’s car.

they could see that  there was scorch marks on  the front sat like somebody tried to burn it.

they found a couple of cigarettes in the  car. detectives call her family and friends ans asked if reagan smoked.

and  they said ” no” . she doesn’t even allow anybody to smoke inside her car.

so  detectives immediately shippedthat cigarette but of  to  Ohio BCI to have it tested for any DNA.

then there’s a gas can in the trunk , so  they start investigating where did this gas can come from.

and they ended up at the speedway gas station where that exact gas can was sold.

and there he was … about a half hour after  police believe reagan had been killed.

there’s a video of him  engaging in that transaction at the gas station  having the plan later to set the car on fire,destroying  that as evidence and  that  was a very key  thing in the case, even before  detectives had the DNA  they had the video at the speedwayand short time later the crime lab called with the DNA results

it was within hours which is truly tremendous.

with a match on items in the car with a registred sex offender, is brian lee Golsby

it was the same person seen on the  gas station video. but he would offer a much  dfferent version  of what happen  that night.

brian golsby was taken into custody without  incident by grove city police.golsby was  on  probation for another attempted rape and  robbery .

he had a long criminal record going all the way back to when he was a juvenile.he was a sex offenderthe prosecutor  found out  that  there office  had handled a case of  his six years before .

 a remarkably similar case which Golsby had abducted a women , forced her to take out money from an ATM machine and then raped her but let her go. prosecutors offered him a plea bargain and he he served six years in prison

prosecutor  james lowe pulled the file ,called the prosecutor who had done the case tried to have him explain why on the rape case he only got six years ,he explained to   james lowe that  the victim didn’t want to go through testimony and that’s why they cut the deal .

he was in the system ,they had a file on him,he  had been released the previous november he  was a previously comvicted violent  offender that   was wearing an ankle  monitor who basically was roaming about columbus unchecked , unmonitored.

he would stay out past curfew he was going to places  where he probably  should not have been going. one you think that there  is a immediate alert that goes off and  an officer is sent to investigate and found out what the situation is .

but  Bennett Haeberle  ,WBNS investigative reporter found out that  no one was  really closely tracking his whereabouts , there weren’t guard rails put into place to ensure where he was going or that he wouldn’t  reoffend. because his  previous conviction was for a violent crime . 

the night that he killed reagan he did get on the bus .him getting on the bus and then getting off in the area  where the  GPS then picks him up and  starts to follow him

as he just aimlessly walks around. the prosecutors could track his movement the whole  night. they had the surveillance video from the ATMS , from the gas station  and then to the park where reagan was  killed .

and  finally to Golsby girlfriend’s house…

where police discovered the black kate spade purse that belonged to reagan. the ankle monitor gave prosecutors great evidence.

Golsby  was even wearing the ankle when he was arrested.

“he did not  wanted to provide very much  information and he would  only confirm information once you called him out on it “

-rick forney

he did  eventually admit that he had been with reagan that  night  , he tried to make statements that protected himself ,he wasn’t that culpable.


 after talking to Golsby for several hours ,the detectives  knew  he was not going to be 100 % truthful with them.

detectives left the room for a short break  and to give him a break as well .

they return with a plan to get the truth .just for   two double  cheeseburgers is what he want.

 if  he’s not going to admit to doing this, maybe he will  admit  to being  there but someone else being  involved . so  the detectives  interjected a  possible  storyline for him to  use at that point.


 he bought into that right away .and when he knew that  detectives had a lot of  information,putting him in the locations then he started saying

” well , i was there ,but this person that i knew from middle school was threatening my family…”

then he  would give  detectives   little bit more information and  a little bit more information.

” his  name  was TJ. and  he made me  do it  , he made me rob her, he made me rape her and  he killed her”

detectives  saturated the area where he said that this  TJ person hung out  and  nobody could come up  with anyone even close to TJ .

TJ was complete fiction, this level of detail and what detectives  knew matched up perfectly and ecaxtly so they knew they had the right person .

 but they still needed to find the gun .

occasionally  he would ask for a cigarett break so the detectives would take him out into their sallyport which is a garage area. 

he asked for  two burgers from a resturant .two double scheeseburgers is what he wanted  and  as soon  as he had the hamburgers, he told  detectives where the gun was located.

they found the gun in a storm sewer ,they were able to throw a magnet down and pull back a little bit  there it was , matched up perfectly .

Golsby  was charged with aggravated murder  kidnapping rape and robbery .

detectives are reviewing other crimes  such as robberies in german village in south east columbus  to see if  Golsby could be connected to those.

his  ankle monitor showed he  was at the scene of at least six armed robberies before the  murder of reagan tokes.


 a prosecutor  decided to seek the death penalty.prosecutors said  Golsby is a repeat violent  offender and sexually violent predator and said his criminal history  , not his race is what makes  him eligible for the death penalty

” if you’re going   to have a death sentence in this state or any other state, this is the kind of case that it should be used upon.”

– Ron O’brien



opening statements in  the murder  trial of brian Golsby , accused of rape and execution style murder of Ohio state university student reagan tokes, Golsby could  face the death penalty.

since the state was seeking   the death penalty  prosecutors wanted to make sure that the jury knew and understood what a terrible   brutal horrific crime this was.

Golsby was represented by two public defenders .

the prosecutors were up against two very accomplished phenomenal defense council and they showed it throughout  this case from the  very beginning.

The  prosecutors  played  long  stretches of the interrogation  of brian Golsby .his claims about TJ

 and his  description of the last words he heard from reagan.

” she said , all i want to do is live.”

-rick forney 

and there was testimony about the  gun  recovered from the sewer linked to the bullets removed from reagans body..

but the prosecutors strongerst witnesses were the women in brian Golsby’s life agreed to testify against him.

 the purse reagan tokes had with herr  the night  she was murdered that  Golsby had given to his girlfriend as a gift.

on th final day of the state’s case , prosecutors brought in two more women who had relationships with brian.

starting with the mother of his six year old daughter  jennifer. she invoked an Ohio law that keeps witnesses faces from  being shown.

next witness , Britney stepp  also wisited brian the same day in jail .

both jennifer and britney asked brian if he  raped reagan  and  he nod  yes .both also asked if he killed  reagan .

and he had schook his head yeas.

 During closing arguments, prosecutors argued that Golsby murdered Tokes to avoid being caught. Defense counsel argued in their closing arguments that Golsby was not smart enough to plan Tokes’s murder and instead killed her as a result of panic.


” we the jury in this case being duly impanel and sworn find th defendant guilty beyond a reasonable doubt”

“almost  catatonic, didn’t see any emotion , didn’t really move a lot, not  a lot of expressions. he looked  pathetic  more than anything else”

-james lowe.

 the only thing that really was  of any debate  was whether he was going to get to  allow to live or  whether he deserved the same fate that he did to reagan. that was the only debate in that courtrom.


Golsby was convicted on all counts on March 13, which would have been Tokes’s twenty-third birthday. 

When it came to determining the penalty, the jury could not agree. Four voted for life in prison and eight voted for death. Judge Mark Serrott sentenced Golsby to life in prison on March 21.

During the sentencing, Serrott told Golsby that his life was spared because of his upbringing yet Tokes’s life wasn’t. “Reagan did nothing wrong, whatsoever, and yet she forfeited her life because of your background.

You get spared because of your background, and yet she forfeited her life.” After being sentenced to life in prison, he pleaded guilty to six robberies that occurred before Tokes’s murder.Golsby is currently incarcerated at the Ohio State Penitentiary, a supermax prison in Youngstown.



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