Warning: Graphic content, readers’ discretion advised. This story contains a recollection of crime and can be triggering to some readers discretion advised.

Federal prosecutors in the Southern District of New York have been building a case against rapper Sean “Diddy” Combs for months. Combs was charged with sex trafficking, racketeering conspiracy, and transportation to engage in prostitution on Tuesday. He entered a not-guilty plea.

we’ve been anticipating it for months s and it  finally happened , charges filed against sean diddy combs   alleging  coercion violence, all wraapped up in a RICO charge.

while a few are still showing their support, the evidence is piling up  against one of the top selling rap artists of all time.

we are takinga closer look at the best evidence the prosecution has that could sens sean combs to prison for the rest of  his life.

54 year  old sean diddy combs was let out of a federal courtroom in new york on thuesday by marshals uncuffed but headed straight  for jail.

 spent the night in the MDC  the metropolitan  detention  center out in Brooklyn,it’s a notorious jail that has had some pretty bad  history of violence ,suicides….

sex offender Jeffrey epstein being held there prior to his trial when he was found dead in  his cell in 2019.

actually interestingly enough mr  williams the US attorney for the  southern district of New York


was  actually asked  if he was worried  comb’s safety  given the jeffrey epstein’s situation essentially said “look , we have to strive to keep everyone protected  this is just the way the criminal justice system works.”

 interesting question  nonetheless.

by the way  a form filed with the  court on tuesday afternoon list  sean combs as the  defendant and then under  bail disposition -dentention risk of  flight  / danger it has an x mark next to it .

 also checked is the box next to defendant arrain pleads not guilty.

Right now we want to talk about something else , so the documents what they do is they give us a  better idea of  what  homeland security  agents found  inside of comb’s homes  in Los angeles and Miami when they were raided back in march

as well as other  evidence that they collected during the course of  this investigtion. 

the southern district of new york is well known  for being one of the  top courts in the country according to statistics from the United states .

the sentencing commission in fiscal year 2023 the SDNY   had more than 1,000 cases and  of those cases 94%  of the defendants ended up taking a plea while only 6%  chose to take their case to trial .

 and the court’s conviction rate is reported  to be 95 %  so in  other words …

if the southern district of new york prosecutors files  charges against  you , it’s safe to  assume they done their homework and think that they have a really solid case .

so the US attorney here was asked during a news conference  why the charges against combs were brought to new york instead of Florida or california.


” i  think that we  um have an outstanding track record of bringing some of the most impactful sprawling complex difficult um sex trafficking uh human trafficking,labor  trafficking ,you name it.. um  the southern district of new york  can do it and so we’re  very proud of that and so the scope and complexity of this investigation isn’t something that we ran from it’s something that we  embrace and we will continue to do that .”


It seemed they’ve  interviewed a number  of witnesses at least 50  victims and  witnesses that have already been sort of interviewed and hhave agreed to cooperate in this. and they are even looking for more.

 he came to new york, was at the park high,his attorneys knew he was going to be hit with charges in fact his attorney  said to the media  beforethe indictment was  unsealed  we anticipate racketeering and sex trafficking charges.  

but yet despite that they took issue with the way that he was arrested and he was apprehended and taken into custody.

the bottom line is  he’s  accused of very serious crime, there was harm allegedly harm done to people and  if they want to go out and arrest him and do it in that manner that’s their prerogative and franly that’s their rights.

so for them to say well, he was going to turn himself  he was going to do this ,we don’t know what he he’s going to do because he  he right after or near the time of when the  first   search warrant was done at his place in LA , apparently  he got on a plane  and flew down to florida.

so he’s already shown a propensity  to move when there’s pressure, so  the  new york authorities thought well we got to make sure we get this right , we don’t want to take any chances of a flight  from this guy if they  try to track him down in a foreign country  it would be an absolute nightmare.

why didn’t he just leave the country right he knew the charges were coming, well, the authorities could have arrested him immediately on the spot if they knew but would that mean that they weretracking him  beforehand ?  they  knew when he was boarding a flight? 

and  he’s beien moving around ,he hasn’t just stayed in one place during the course of this investigation  what would prevented him from getting on the plane and having a flight plan for   let’s say…california ,let’s say colorado.

let’s say  new york and just saying keep going and go to some contry that doesn’t have extradition.

what prevented him from doing that and  what would be the way authorities could track him and stop him from doing that ?

 well , to do that it takes alot of moving parts because he’s  going  to have to get pilots that are going to participate in that  conspiracy to flee,the pilots  also have to filed a flight plan they also have to pick a country to go that’s going to be friendly to his issues , itäs not going to extradite him  and he  also when that plan is filed then he has  to go through a process with customs and border protections.

to be in terms of being able to go to the next country. sure he  had considered that and  sure he took the advice of his lawers and  decided  not to do that because if he had fled then this would have amplified  and then  the full force of the United states government would come down on tracking him down and bringing him back .

Based upon the number of peole  who hae come forward in terms of the indictment, they had people  that were likely  reporting  on  him , reporting on his  actions and his movements.

as well as th fact that they put so many resources to this, it would  be reasonable for them to be  watching his phones,watching his computer activity and  frankly having more people around him who are   informing on  him and  his behavior.

 to be clear  it’s not  entirely evident what the prosecution  has  what people  said to them, what the physical evidence is, what the digital evidence is but let’s go through it .

so the prosecution says that many of  the accusations against combs can be corroborated by witnesses  and this is mentioned several  times in the prosecution’s letter to judge  Robin Tarnavski where  they were arguing  against bail

for example  page two ot  that letter it says quote: at least a dozen witnesses will confirm that they personally observe the defendant’s violence towards women and or the injuriy sustained by women at the defendat’s hand.

then on page 11 it says  dozens of victim and witnesses have provided detailed credible and corroborated informaton against the defendant.

Page  13 quote as to witnesses to date  the  government has conducted interviews with over  50 victims  and witnesses many of whom saw  or experienced the defendat abuse, the government only expects that number to continue to grow giving  the investigation, which is now public is ongoing.

 so how does law enforcement even go about this finding this people,conducting this interview ?

number one ,he  cooperated his behavior himself, with that video  that came out of him  assaulting his girlfriend in the hotel 

secondly  the basic question you asked at the beginning ,middle or  the endof the interview is there  any body else ? oh yeah , this girlfriend that also suffered this type of  behavior from  him and  then you go to that  person  oh yeah  i got this person  i  get this .

so  it ends up being a string or a  network of people because frankly these women are  most  likely associates with each other or know  each other  and  they may even  be close friends and they’ve been in the circle that was basicalyy   targeted by sean  on PD  combs as well as the people around him that were assisting him  in this behavior.

but how  do authorities corroborate what they ‘re being told , is it they hear a consistent pattern over  speaking to multiple people  if   five people say the same thing  -okay , unless they coordinated this, it looks like it might be true or it looks like there might be probably cause here.

or is it also lookng at their phones,looking at other evidence that was collected during the course of the raids. -and saying that matches up to their story, the fact  that  the idea that anybody can sue anybody , your supposed to file  frivolous lawsuits.

but it seems on the outset that you have prosecutors twho are believing  the accounts of these accussers,

the very least it seems cassandra ventura.

and filing criminal  charges based on those accounts , so it seems that  authorities are believing what’s  being told and they have the corroboration,it’s not just the accounts of theses people but other evidence to back  it up-now  again , their  stories mighth be similar.

But the question is  how do authorities corroborate what they’re being told.

well, the first thing pattern  is cooperation , so you have 50 people saying the behavior was the same pattern , he took the same actions and  he’s been accused . we don’t know until  he seen his day in court what really happened.

but that’ts the first level of cooperation ,the second things is apparently tey seized videos from his house   in california and  that’s going to be extreme cooperation right there because  you know it’s going to play out right in front of him.

and then the third piece of this is the digitial  evidence is the text messages  is the communications that he had  with these women  based upon and every one of them is likely save those text messages on their phones and were able to give screenshots to the authorities.

so  it appearts  that the evidence is overwhelming however we’re only going to know that

if it truly is overwhelming  once he has his day in court .

it is interesting how many people werea apperently interviewed and we ‘re not  entirely sure if all  the people who filed law suits against  sean combs are the main accusers, 

but it seems  to me at least  from cassandra ventura’s point of view , it seems  the prosecutors have built their  case based on those allegations.

it’sone thing for somebbody to sue somebody else, righ? we have a lower standard they shouldn’t file for lawsuits but you have to kown filing acivil lawsuit  is very  very different than criminal charges  for prosecutors to believe these accounts

and  seemingly have it , people  who are corroborating one another there’s a pattern there but also maybe corroborated by the pyhiscal the  digital evidence, that is very  significant  that you have  civil law suits that may have triggered a criminal prosecution .

The civil colpaints which we saw-there were many.defently got the ball rolling .

but it was the video of cassie  that violent incident that we saw in that hotel loby ,what put the nail in the  coffin, that was  actually  cited to in the indictment as something they plan  to use as evidence and actually  believed led to the enhancements, that we saw on what the’re seeking as far as prison time.

end  essentially  he could be looking  at life in prison ,if he’s  convicted across the board.

they’re saying  there’s a lot  there ,they’re  saying he operated a criminal organization that engaged in force labor, kidnappning ,violence, they’re saying  it was acommon purpose to protect diddy to satisfy his  sexual desires to make money,

 there’s a lot thrown  out there m is this a  tough case to ultimately prosecute? and you  have the sex trafficking charge , you have the  transportation for purpose of prostitution charge .

is this   a though case to prosecute ? is it   a clear case to prosecute?

bringing this indictment in terms of having that intitial  hearing andsort of having him  arrested and bringing  these charges .

diddy has  very competent legal counsel , They have seen this probably coming for some time  while this case feels like our kelly  all over again.

where you obviously have sort of video of underage  person that was involved  and introducedthis has  sort of sapling of that ,but assume that th  defense is going to say ” he did not do this”

that this wasn’t an organizedcrime syndicate,that the prosecutors are accusing him of.

this is a group of friends, having a sex party-yah it’s not what you want to necessery hear about no one  really possibly likes it

but it is what it is .

people  like  diddy ,poeple wanted to be  around him and they allowed themself to be sort of  manupulated

sometimes into perhaps doing things that  sound unsavory when heard in the news. thatäs the crux of the defense’s sort of argument  will be.

and the question will be “what do you believe?”

continued on with this when agents ended up searching combs  back in march they left with  a lot of  evidence

there were weapons, both seemingly legal and illegal.

US attorne damian williams showed photographs of some of them during  that news conference.

here some items they  recovered :

a drum magazin,large capacity and contains 59 rounds.

3  AR -15,  the number has thorougly defaced ,

 a picture of more  ammunition.

and parts of  two AR-15s.

so why would someone deface weapons like this?

well to hide the ownership of weapon or the origin of the weapon, so depending on where he got it he may be defacing it or whoever  defaced it  so if that weapon head been used in a crime prior to him possessing it.

so that’s  one of the number reasons as well as be able to keep transferring that weapon amongst other people because there’s no way of tracing that weapon.

but  he was in charged specifically, which  is a federal crime ,possession ofa weapon that hs an obliterated serial number 

the suspect in the second attempted assassination  of former  donald trump has been hit with that charge.

but combs what not  hit with that. 

but it’s coming, they are gonna supersede with this  indictment with more charges ,they  start with this one  kind of see how it fleshes out and then they’ll  determine what they  need to actually add on depending on how the evidence start playing out  amongs  the people that are going to start forward.

 because  they’re probably looking not only to cooperate this human trafficking but  they also want to  cooperate all this possession of al these firearms.

more about strong evidence- apperently investigtors collected  a lot of electronic data which can  be crucial in a case like this , we talked about it, but the prosecution writes in their bail letter:


the  electronic evidence is similarly wast, the government has sought and obtained numerous search warrants  for such evidence in addition to obtaining evidence voluntarily from certain victim and witnesses setting aside devices seized in connection with the government arrest .

the government has obtained over 90 cell phones , laptops ,cloud storage accounts as well over 30 other electronic and storage  devices , such as hard drive ,thumb drives, cameras and surveillance system.

 this electronic  data comes from the defendant himself as well as co -conspirators vitims and witnesses and chroniclees much of the defendant’s  criminal act activity. as it  occurs.


and  the government also  sent out susbpoenas to all sorts of companies and associates connected to combs says quote


 finally the evidence  includes recors obrained pursuant to over 300  grand juyry subpoenas and other volutary productions  these material come from over 1oo entities and individuals including communications  provides , tech companies , social media companies,  banks and other financial institutions , airlines, hotel, car services, and other travel related companies, escort services, and even the defendants company and wealth management firm


That is  a lot , what can we expect?

The homeland security investigations are leading this  investigation and frankly  they’re are good at whatthey do, sure they have a team or even  a task force looking at this because the criminal- the  alleged criminal conspiracy is so wast and there’s so many victims 

once they  get through this evidence-the evidence appears to be overwhelming because your’re going to see all the text message all of his statements that  are going to incriminate himself with all of this people.

 and frankly this has been going on for so long , there was a comfort level that he had or his circle had where they  thought they weren’t going to get caught 

they  could just continue to do this and  then frankly that  the hammer fell, so there’s so much here  that if there was going  to be a  trial it would likely be something  that  would take months  in terms of presenting all of  this evidence.

they say the investigation is ongoing , is it possible that investigators are still combing  through this material,-it’s been a while ,it”s been  since march  since they , did those  raids but remember  they interviewed people, they spoke to  these alleged victims, 

 that could have been going  on before or after the raid , do they  combing through this evidence when they  say the investigation is ongoing. it means  more people to come forward

how does i twork?

they are going t continue to comb through that evidence then  once they  comb  through that  evidence that might lead to more search warrants or more subpoenas or more court orders to get cloudbased information as well  the fact that more people  are going to be coming forward and then theyäre going to lead them to   getting more electronic evidence.

so this thing is going to go on until there’s a trial or there’s a plea agreement.


I’ll just  finish up with this last part that  the prosecutors they sent to the judge before bail hearing this  attachment exhibit A -which was the surveillance video of  combs allegedely attacking his then girlfriend cassandra ventura in los angeles hotel 

and ventura was attempting- was allegedly attempting to leave the hotel after a allegedly freak off sessionwhere she was apparently drugged and force to have sex with male prostitutes  and combs come running down the hallway in a towel, throws  her to the ground thatäs the alegation from the video.

  now   the government says this very disturbing footage is proofs of comb’s tember is violent nature , it shows  how far he will go when he doesn’t gets what he wants,

but that’s a key  piece of evidence,but i also think it’s important,  if it was in comb’s possession if it was found during the course of this investigation- that is significant because it would.. i think bolster the claim that he tried to get that footage and he tried to silence this .

it was somehow leaked from the hotel and it was  independent of him so actually   that  actually leads to more credibility forthe evidence  ,because it came from an independent  source  that had nothing to do with tihs and then further more he came out afterwords and apologized for his behavior  andsaid he was in a bad place so that apology basically wasan confession that it was indead him

obviously we know it was him but then he basically owned his behavior, so with that he basically authenticated the video and cooperated the video with his own statement right afterwards  when it was released to the media.

 so that video yeas that is very damning and  i believe they attacked  it because it was already inthe public domain but  it appears that they have more  of this type of  video -this behavior  onvideo based upon all the stuffthat they seiz from his houses  in california , / miami.




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