Warning: Graphic content, readers’ discretion advised. This article contains a recollection of crime and can be triggering to some readers discretion advised.


Shoulf a convicted serial killer ever be released from prison? it’s a vexing question most people would say no .

But even still it’s one victorian authorities   have  to adress  and it’s all because of paul denyer.  he is an awful man ,evil bruonf measure

in 1993  he randomly murdered  three young women . when he was caught he happily admitted his crimes taking glee in the act of  of killing

but now 30 years on  he´s eligible  got parole. Denyer  already applied for his freedom once and been rejected ,but there’s nothing to stop him trying again ,unless the law is changed.

30 years ago ,the street of  frankston were  under siege.

People describe it as  almost lockdown it  as almost a lockdown.

exept it was like a lockdown for women.the whole town was terrified

Under  the cloak of darkness this seaside melbourn suburb was being  stalked by a serial killer. murders happen every day,but serial murders…it´s phenomenon.

over period of seven short weeks three young women were picked up  at random and murdered without mercy . he hated women and that’s one of the reasons he killed them.He’d been fantasizing about  killing women since he was 14 years of  age.

The killer was  Paul denyer an unemployed frankston local,who reveal himself to police as the embodiment of pure evil.

But perhaps even more confronting  than the horror of his crimes ,was the blase way, he described them,without the slightest flicker of emotion.

he boasted of  threatening his victims with a makeshift gun .

and slitting their throats with homemade knives.

It´s inconceivable to the families of denyer’s victims that 30 years on the man who terrified frankston could have any possiblility of freedom .but the fact  is paul denyer is now  eligible for parole.

outrage has galvanized the fight to  keep  him behind  bars ,led by victorian MP david  limbrick.

The fear is given the chance this monster will strike again

what he was diagnosed with, what happens back then what led him to kill.

those elements are still presnt today .

forensic psychologist Carla Ferrari  poured over the letters  denyer has written from the confines of his cell to help  assess the mindset of this killer after three decades  in jail .

is it an explanation for the savage murders  he commited ? absolutely not.sdhe sees no evidence of remorse or reform.

what  he has been diagnosed with there,is no  treatment for even with intensive treatment. treatmen gains vould probably be modest at best.

paul denyer’s killings spree began on friday  the 11th of june 1993 on the evening 18 year old elisabeth stevens  would become his first victim. going missing after getting of the bus to make the short  walk home .

veteran  detective charlie bezzina  led the investigation into her murder.

what do we know? what happened to elisabeth that night?

he sees elisabeth get off the  bus it was  a horrible night , it was raining  ,he then comes up from behind,holds a makeshift pistol  that he made from alittle barrel and a piece of wood holds that  to her and tells do not  scream out or  i’ll kill you.

and she didn’t scream.

In the darkand the rain driven by an urge to kill  denyer forces the 18 year old  to walk to  a nearby park and to her death.

denyer continued to stabbing of  elisabeth long after  she died   was a  telling clue to his sadistic nature

postmortem once she was dead,is when he inflicted a number of stab wounds  to the upper body and then inflicted marks on the torso  like a bit  Tic- tac- toe noughts and crosses. 

he saw her  as a piece of meat and  that’s what’s so chilling about this killer .

As with his other victims there was no evidence of  sexual  assult .denyer´s  deadly impulse was driven by  an  inexplicable loathing of women.

so after he killed  elisabeth , denyer drags  her down here and leaves her in this water. 

At this point the investigator investigate a single murder.

initially this is a single murder and the police treat it as such nothing to indicate anything more sinister than that .

as horrific as the scene was,

the homicide detectives”  this was just  anouther routine  investigation”

as they  were to discover, they couldn´t have been more  wrong.

They would soon be on the hunt for a serial kiler.

here we had one in our midst in our  neighborhood.

Darren Russel knows firsthand , the savagery Paul  Denyer inflicted on those  he  murdered and is convinced  he should never be allowed out of jail.

a 30 year old doctor at  the time , he identified the body one of denyer’s three victims.

unimaginably it was that of his  own 17  year old sister  natalie

In public’s mind ,he was an extremely callous , dangerous, evil person.

and the public got no reason to believe that´s changed.

Back in the winter of 1993, paul  denyer was only  just getting started.he had the taste for blood and compulsion to kill

four weeks after his first murder he  tried to grab a women walking home from work.

she managed to escape.

homicide detective charlie bezzina says paul denyer was  intent  on killing someone anyone that  night.because  the urge was that strong.”i need to kill and today’s the day i’m going to kill another women ” and he did .

if it was any doubt,his next murder would show how cold-blooded and evil he’s truly is .

new mom debbie freame had left her 12 -day old baby at home with a friend  while she popped to the shops ,driving to the milk bar just 650 meters from her home. in that moment  denyer sees his chance and takes it .

In the one minute she weas in the shop denyer who had spotted her as she crossed the road sneaked into the back of her unlocked car

As the young mom  jumped in to make the shorty drive home, she had no idea of the monster so close, the monster just lying in wait.

Threating her with his homemade gun  denyer forces her to driver right past her home and out  into the back roads on the outskirts of frankston.

she wasn’t just confronted with the  torture of her own potential demise ,but she was so close to home she was so close to her little baby son.

the torment that led up to her  death, meant  nothing to him .

Debbie´s mutilated body was found by a farmer ,four days later.marking a frightening realization for police and  the people of frankston.

investigators knew they had a serial  killer amoungst them  and that put really the pressure on the the police ,because serial killers just don’t stop.

Darren russel could  never have imagined that  his 17 year old  sister natalie would be  denyer’s next  victim. and final victim.

On friday the 30 th  of july  1993, three weeks  after the murder of  debbie natalie took the track she used as a regular shortcut home.

here we have a 17  year old  girl that went to  school ,who never made  it home

and this is the first one that denyer planned and it’s  in the middle of the afternoon as he told and showed  police denyer thought he’d calculated everything. 

he’d pre-cut holes in the fence to drag his victim away fgrom prying eyed , only to return later

parking  at the head of the track to lie in wait for a female, any female to walk  into his  trap.

but what denyer didn’t know is he’d been spotted. a postal worker happens to see a  motor car with  an individual sit in the driver’s seat  slouched down.  that was suspected enough, she then went to  a  house and made a call to the police.

unaware police are now on their way,denyer sees natalie russel take the  track as she heads home.

he follows and  quickly overtakes her  and puts his despicable plan into action .

detective charlie bezzina  wont go into  details but  the savage of it was so significant that he must been in  frenzy

then he goes out , walks back to the track to his motorcar  but his hands are covered in blood and then walking back  he tells investigators  he sees two police officers at his motorcar.  he put’s his blood soaked hands in his pockets and walked past the police  till they left, they lefy  ,he came back to the car and  he drove home

within a few hours of reporting natalie missing her family´s worst fears were realized.

at 10.30 lat night , searchers found a young woman’s body in bushland just  off a bike path. short distance from her home .

The discovery of denyer car at the location of natalies murder

  finally delivered  police a suspect.

Detectives swooped on denyer’s home.

and hauled him in for questioning,the serial  killer had been caught.

but  30 years on frankston is again Riven by fear that paul denyer could walk free and kill again.

just 32 hours after he killed 17 year old natalie  russel  ,paul denyer was being grilled by detectives. they were convinced they´d caught the serial killer who terrorized the community of  frankston for seven weeks.

He still has blood under his fingernails, it’d have to be the case  bevause  he was absolutely soaked in it , in killinh natalie

homicide detective charlie bezzina is still in disbelief. about what unfolded. during  a break more than two hours into questioning and away from the police  camera  denyer suddenly confesses.

And just  out the blue , he´s words  were ” i did the  three of them.all those  three women  you’ve been asking me about .i´ll kill’d  them.

Given the gravity of his crimes , it seems unbelievable  that  paul denyer has a shot at freedom  in 1993 he pleaded guilty  to the murders and was sentenced to life with no minimum.

a  sentence  that was was overturned on a technicality allowing him to apply for  parole  afte 30  years and and that’s  what denyer did this year as soon he was eligible, he was refused  but under the current laws  he can in theory apply again and again.

The victorian goverment has previously made so -called one- man laws to ban parole  

mass shooter julian knight  

and the russell street bomber craig  minogue

but much to the  disappointment ofhis victims families  it ruled out  doing the same for paul denyer.

like all prisoners paul denyer is banned  from writing to his victims families ,

but earlier this year, he cruelly  exploited a loophole to send a letter to the MP .david  limbrick.

prisoners are allowed to write to laywers and members of parlament.


Denyer pleaded for for his freedom.


” i’m not a danger to society”


insisting he has rehabilitated


” i will never go back to  the  frankston lang warren area” 


and making the ludicrous suggestion that david might want to take up his cause .


He had this  idea that  david might become an advocate for him.

david dont believe that he denyer  could be reformed.


The letter i among one of many  that forensic  psychologist  carla ferrari has assessed she believes it reveals  much about denyer’s prospect for rehabilitation.


” there was no real evidence of change and normally you would expect to see someone explaining’ i’ve had all this time to reflect. i have  spent 30 years delving into myself, what was going on at that time for me’  there were  was non of that”

With  other words.’ his  still dangerous


in 2003, 10  years into his sentence the unremorsful killer of women declared he  wanted to be one.

a series of letters  penned from prsion detailed how denyer  identified  as a trangender women called paula.

he explains that it was something he’d suppressed for for long ang  then he goes on to say that ”  commiting these crimes,was to try and destroy those  feelings that he had ” 

which doesn’t really make sense becuse they never came up in  the psychological evaluation in in the psychatric  evaluation in the police interview

but even if he had suppressed it for all those years never mentioned it to anyone  is it an explanation for the savage murders?

The answer is simple :absolutely not!

Whether denyer truly  felt trapped in the wrong body  no one will ever know for sure

but it’s clear one of his goals was to  be moved to a women’s prison .

It was a strategy that ultimately failed and so in 2014 paula  reverted back to  paul .

well he signed off the letters to david as paul ,paula doesn’t  exist.

17  year old Natalie  and older brother Darren 

Darren russel  older brother to  denyer’s last victim , natalie finds  that baffling he’s  a doctor who just happens to be a  leading expert in transgender health


” He’s changed back , um , and that is not a common thing for a transgender person to do . it’s very  unusual, so again, he said that he hated women and  that’s  one of the reasons he killed them , he’d been fantasizing about  killing women since he was 14 years  of age ,he’d brrn  actively stalking women for some years. he’s a man who  detested women  and now he’s was becoming  a women , i couldn’t  understand that .


as a sight of  his sister’s murder this is a place  Darren has understandably chosen  to avoid  but today to mark 30 anniversary of her death ,his return to Nat’s  track . the path that  was named in his sisters honor.

 she would have been 47  this year, and might have a family on  her own. 

For all the families of paul denyer’s  victims their loss can never  be replaced, 

foremost in their minds now is  that  this serial killer be denied   the possibility  of ever again inflicting the pain they’ve suffered.

Debbie Fream  , Elisabeth Stevens, Natalie Russell

paul ( paula) Denyer was diagnosed with a sadistic personality disorder, he has sown himself today  take the light  in other people’s suffering in hurting other people  in tormenting other  people and torturing  people , that’s how he got  his kicks we’vegot no reason to believe that’s changed.

 Daniel still remains  a risk , history  tells  us that these indiviuals generally don’t redeem themselves and it’s only when the´re physically no longer capable of harm that we should be thinking of releasing them from custy .

More details

Bid for parole

In 2023, Denyer became eligible and applied for release on parole, but had his application denied by the Adult Parole Board of Victoria. The Parole Board notified the families of the victims, including Natalie Russell’s father Brian, and Deborah Fream’s son Jake. 


 early life

Denyer was born as Paul Charles Denyer on 14 April 1972 to British immigrant parents, Anthony and Maureen Denyer in Campbelltown, New South Wales, an outer suburb of Sydney. Denyer’s parents met and married in London in the early 1960s before migrating to Australia in 1965.The family moved to Victoria in 1981 due to his father’s new employment. Denyer then reportedly had difficulty fitting in amongst his peers in his new town, which led to problems with study and self-confidence that were worsened by significant weight gain during his teen years.

At age 11, he slashed the throat of his sister’s teddy bear, and cut the throat of the family cat before hanging it in a tree. At age 13, he was arrested and cautioned for stealing a car. At age 15, he was arrested for assaulting a fellow student. After school, he had problems holding down jobs, was fired seven times, and failed a physical when trying to enter Victoria Police.

In February 1993, Denyer started working at a boat-building firm in Seaford named Pro Marine. A short time after he began work, colleagues observed him making knives at work. Denyer’s employment was terminated after several months due to his failure to complete assigned tasks.



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