Warning: Graphic content, readers’ discretion advised. This article contains a recollection of crime and can be triggering to some readers discretion advised.
Throughout each of his murders committed in his house in Kansas City, Missouri, Robert Berdella kept detailed notes and photos of his victims, with each horrific ordeal lasting weeks at a time before he moved onto his next prey
December 1988 kansas city, Robert Berdella finally confessed to kidnapping and raping, torturing and then killing six men , four and a half years after the murder of his his first victim.
To him they weren’t living, feeling and breathing individuals , they were just literally just pieces of meat and he would do with them what he wanted.
he took hundreds of photos and kept vivid detailed notes ,to document his macabre acts. using every increasing twisted methods to cause unimaginable pain and suffering.
This was not a spree killing , this was not somebody out of control of their actions, this is somebody who knows what he’s doing, know’s what he wants to do and does it . that is the definition of evil.
after murdering them he dissected his victims with such precision ,he become known as as the kansas city butcher.
and he would cut the bodies up with a butcher knife and a chainsaw and then put them in the trash.his dark fantasies sick mind and horrific torture of six men that sometimes lasted weeks at the time, makes robert berdella one of the world most evil killers.
april the 2nd 1988, kansas city missouri, a man wearing nothing but a dog collar was found in the street, he was taken to a house nearby where he plead for police to be called .
a police investigation revealed a horrific series of murders that took place at the hands of one man, who systematically and methodically kidnapped and tortured young vulnerable men before killing them.
” Bordella is evil ,because he took advantage of the week and he just performed so many unpleasant acts on them while they were alive, for bordella it’s more than just killing,it’s cruelty”
-Dr stuart hamilton
after claiming his first victim in 1984, he went on to murder five more men ,each time increasing the level of pain and suffering that he caused them.
“Berdella had a complete disregard for human life and i think what he was always aiming for was to create this compliant docile sex slave and some of his victims he treated them so bruttally that they died as a result of him trying to deprive them of all of their sensations”
-Dr elizabeth yardly
Rick holtsclaw was the assistant prosecutor for the sex crimes unit in kansas city.
” he would prey on those who where down and out or needed some help. he would befriend them or take them in and that’s how it would begin “
-rick holtsclaw
but berdella’s crimes would go unoticed for years untol one day , one of his victim managed to escape and call for help .
Troy cole was the lead detective on the case.
” we decided to bring in backhoe to dig up that one particular spot where it looked like it might have had a grave marker to it and sure enough on the second scoop of the backhoe it pulled up a human head and that was the first time that i’ve realized we had a homicide investigation and it was probably going to be a big investigation “
-troy cole
Until this point berdella was seen as an upstanding member of the local community ,
roy orth was a seargeant with the kansas city police department
” robert was a member of the Arts community in kansas city missouri,a former student of the kansas city art institute ,he was involved in his neighborhood,crime watch probram,and as i remember,was even appointed advocate for juveniles through the kansas city missouri juvenile juxtice system”
– roy orth
This seemingly normal member of the kansas city community went from being an upstanding citizen to an infamous serial killer.
berdella documented the torture and the murder of his victims for a couple of different reasons ,firstly, he wanted to relive and revisit that sense of power he felt when he was doing these thing.
but secondly he wanted to create an archive. he wanted history to remember him and remember the horrendous things that he’d done.
This killer story begins in 1949,robert andrew berdella Jr wa born on january the 31st,the first of two sons.
he was raised in cuyahoga falls , ohio , in a strict catholic household.his father works at the ford motor company.his mother was a homemaker so there were very much the traditional american nuclear family .
Berdella was a shy intelligent child who struggled to fit in at school . he was bullied by his peers did stand out as different, he wore very thivk glasses ,he went to the algebra club, he collected stamps.
so there was that sense in which he always felt that isolation from his peer group
In his mid-teens,his world was turned upside down.
berdella’s father died of a heart attack when he was 15 and this did have quite a significant impact on him.
because his mother remarried and she went on toset up another home with somebody else and berdella really did feel a sense of rejection here ,he was part ofhis mother’s past .
the world had moved on and he was left behind.
around the same time berdella had been working part -time.there’s a particular incident that berdella later recalls that is potentially significant.berdella claims that he was raped when he was an adolescent at a resturant where he worked.
Berdella never reported the incident to the police
in 1967 after graduating high school berdella enrolled in kansas city Art imstitute.at this time he’d began exploring his sexuality.
“he’d realized that he was certaimly gay and it was pretty apparent to him that his father would not have approved of that “
-Geoffrey wansell
by 1969 berdella had begun to experiment with drugs , he quit college after tutors failed to understand his twisted art projects often nvolving live animals.
he may been a bit nerdy to at and a bit strange ,but he was clearly talented.
in need of a job berdella put his talents to a new use .berdella started working as a short shef and quickly rose.
he develope quite a good reputation in the local community as people were talking about the food that he was making.
and he bought his own house, he had quite a bright future,he really was a figure that commanded respect in the local community
by his mid-late 20s berdella had also developed a passion for collecting and this hobby soon became a business in its own right.
he was obviously a good chef but it wasn’t his only talent.he also collected Art ad anticquities.this was a man of quite considerable taste working at some of the best resturants
and at the same time operating a boutique :called bob’s Bazaar Bizarre selling art and antiquities .the boutique became berdella’s full-time.
and began to out rooms in his home to help makes ends meet . some of the lodges were vulnerable young men who´d received a bed in return for carrying out jobs around the house and at his antique shop.
people who´d ran away from home, young gay men, couples,,rather a sort of benevolent figure as far as the local community concerned and entirely upright .and straightforward. citizen.
in 1984 berdella´s behavior began to get bizarre.
his house had become literally a warehouse of all sorts of odd objects.
this man who previously had been sort of pillar of the local community, it was becoming increasingly odd and he also began to despise the young man who came seeking shelter.
in march that year age 35 berdella been a relationship with a 19 year old male,former sex worker jerry howell.
berdella knew his dad who also had a stall in the flea market so jerry hang around with his dad,so,berdella knew both of them well.
jerry had issues with drugs , he’d had some issues with the criminal justice and berdella was seen to be this trusted figure , so when berdella offers to help him ,he offers to lend him money , jerry takes them up on this ,he doesn’t pay it back though.
On july the 5th 1984 ,he picked jerry up from the flea market to help with some jobs but jerry was more interested in getting loaded .
Berdella gave him drugs and alcohol and they headed home but getting increasingly frustrated with jerry using him but berdella gave jerry some some stronger medication that caused him to pass out.
when the victim became virtually unconscious berdella would inject him with drugs,giving him absolute control of the body , he would then repeatedly rape the victim over a very extended period .in this case 27 hours.
When he returned from work the torturing continued, he’s not o nly sexually assaulted, he is struck witha metal ruler.
he’s given a cocktail of drugs ,before he’s even killed , so we have a mixture of somebody whos going to be confused what’s going on ,they’re going to be confused by the drugs the’they’ve been given and then he’s being physically and sexually assaulted , it’s just a horrific way to die.
The following night,jerry was dead.
berdella had meticulously detailed the torture and murder . in extensive notes and photographs
One of the things berdella did immediately after jerry had died was to note down and describe precisely what he did with the body.which effectively was to drain it of blood and then dismember it.and wrap it up in garbage bags.
He kept a detailed record because in many ways that was the kind of character that he was .he took pride in his work.he was completely cold and isolated interested only in his own satisfaction which make it more chilling.
Berdella bagged up the remainse with all the instruments he´d used and dumped it in the trash which was picked up the the next morning .
On july the 8th jerry’howell’s father contacted the police. jerrys father reports him missing and berdella is interviewed by the police in relation to this and berdella says “well i dropped him at 7-eleven” the convenience store
and at this point in time, why wouldn’t the police believe berdella ,he’s this upstanding figure in the community,he’s not somebody who would appear to have a reason to lie,so unfortunately this case goes cold.
Then officers received a tip-off from one of berdella’s previous borders todd .
one of jerry’s acquaintances ,who was also known to berdella actually tipped off the police that thought that berdella may have been involved or at least given jerry a hot shot injection.
but there was no body . nobody knew where jerry was.Berdella was put under surveillance but no evidence was ever found.
jerry’s father always thought that berdella had done something to his kid , he just couldn’t prove it.and he was very suspicious of him.jerry ‘s body was never discovered
Berdella had developed a sick taste for torture and murder and after getting away with his first crime , he began to look for ever increasing horrofic ways to get his sexual kicks.
nine months after he tortured and murdered his first victim,19 year old jerry howell . robert berdella took his next victim.
April 1oth 20 year old drug addict robert sheldon appeared at berdella’s door looking for somewhere to stay after an argument with his girlfriend.
shortly after he set foot inside berdella put his sadistic plan into action. he keeps him for four days.automatically you know that this is going to be somebody who’s in distress.
he starts to escalate his cruelty with this victim ,he injects drain cleaner into his eyes .he fills ears with caulking material .
there’s damage to the hands from piano wire
,he´s hitting him with arubber metallet all of this things are acts of cruelty and they would not kill you. it’s subduing the victim
He did some horrendous things to him,but the thing that really stood out was the tattoo that he gave this victim on his shoulder
he was almost branding this man saying”you are mine , i own you and i possess you “
like he had with his first victim ,berdella documented his methods by writing intricate notes .this time he went one step further and including himself in the photographs with his tormented vitctim.
he wanted an absolute record of everything he’d done.it was a certain amount of pride, there is no doubt whatever that was in his mind ,he documented it because he was proud of it .
On the 14th of april , berdella arrived home to find a workman he knew on his roofs of his property.conserned that he´d be discovered, he decided to kill robert .He becomes quite paranoid because he knows this guy .
so berdella takes matters into his own hands and he goes and places a plastic bag over the head of his victim, essentially ending his life.
Berdella began his ritual act of cutting up his victims body piece by piece.
dismembering a body is not the easiest thing in the world to do,but if you have some knowledge ,like a surgeon or a chef then you can quite effectively dismember a body and thats make it easier to disposal
this horrific expertise in chopping up bodies .later earned berdella the nickname
kansas city butcher in keeping with his obsession with collecting this time bit berdella decided he wanted to keep a souvenir of his actions
berdellas second victim robert, he dismembered the body and cut of the head.but this time he didn’t put it all into black garbage bags and put it out for the garbage truck.
he kept the head first in the freezer in his house. and he later buried it in the garden where it decomposed as a kind of throphy of the killing.
and this is really significant because thehead is what gives somebody their identity,it’s what makes them a human .
by keeping the head ,berdella wants to be able to say “i’m the one that has de-personalized this individual ,i’m the one that’s dehumanized them”
Berdella had now tortured and murdered two people without being caught .
The following june ,just two months after his last murder,he struck again.
mark wallace ,a young man who had helped out around berdella’s house ,he’d moaned the lawn for him a few times and berdella discovered him intoxicated in his shed one day.
he invited him into his home and so begins the process of torture as have been the case in with previous victims
20 year old mark wallace was gagged and injected with a cocktail of drugs to sedate him before he was restrained and raped .
marks was berdellas third victim and again , we have with this the escalation and the experimentation, we have injection of drugs ,he’s used a rubber mallet agan to strike the victim
but now he’s applying electric shocks
When berdella returned from work that evening he found mark trying to free himself.berdella sedated him again before continuing to rape and torture his victim.
it’s almost as if he has a compliant victim and he’s thinking what will this do?electric shocks are rarely fatal but they can be tremendously painful.
On the 23rd of june 1985 ,he wrote, 7 am no signs of life. mark died as a result of torture and in previous cases seen this happen before.
once again berdella lived up to his alter ego of the kansas city butcher.
with three local men now missing ,rumors amongst kansas city sex workers began to spread.
The male sex workers of kansas city had developed qute a wariness of robert berdella . he developed something of a reputation at this time for being aggressive with people
for wanting tie them up,wanting to aggressively rape them ,so there was definitely a sense in which this guy was somebody to steer clear of. this guy was potentially dangerous .
Bordella was well known for haunting what you might describe as gay bars as a gay community but he was also very well known for wanting to be in complete control.
he did not have have a good reputation and many of the people that came into contact with him warned each other in in that really quite small community
despite his reputation some still trusted him.
On 26th september 1985 walter james ferris a married man and a aquaintance of berdella turned up at his house.once he set foot inside his fate was sealed.
walter james ferris asked berdella wheter he could stay at his house and in this, berdella sees another opportunity and so begins a process again of torture and of absolutely hoorendous pain and discomfort.
Berdella found new ways to inflict more suffering to his victim.with berdellas fourt’s victim we’ve got another development of the behavior , we’ve still got electric shocks that he’d used on his previous victim.
we’ve got injection of drugs .we ‘ve got sexaul assault
and one of the things he uses with his victim is ketamine, ketamin is a tranquilizer,it is used therapeutically but it´s known that it can cause horrific hallucinations and it has to be used very carefully in a therapeutic enviroment so potentially we’re looking at all sorts of horrible hallucinations, added to the horrible things that are actually happening to them.
it is a horrific set of circumstances that one cannot even really begin to imagine .
yet again berdella documented each and every step
Berdella by now was escalating his torture.extraordinary things were done to these poor men and yet againe there was an exact record of what he could survived.part of reason for that was berdella wanted to see how much a human body could take.
what it could accept,he wanted to test everything to it’s limits as he wanted to see how far he could take that ,could he take more?in less than 24 hours walter was dead.
walter james ferris died at around midnight, the day after he was captured by robert berdella. berdella disposed of walter’s body in the usual fashion ,so he dismembered it in his bathtub and he put the pieces of walter’s body out with the trash.
days after his disappearance walter’s wife reported him missing to the police.his wife and mother suspected berdella,because the last time walter left the house he said i’m going over to berdella’s and he was never seen again.
for the secon time in approximately 15 months berdella was question and put under surveillance. but investigators quickly hit a dead end.
the missing person unit did an investigation,they did their best to further the investigation along but they were just unsuccessful ,there was not enough evidence to charge him ,they went to his house,they tried to buy drugs undercover from him ,there were various things they did to try to make a case ,they were just not unsucessful.
in just over a year berdella had detained savagely tortured and killed four men. each murder he committed inreased in brutality as his dark imagination seemed to knwo no limits.
yet he continued the pretense of an upstanding if eccentric member of the local community and police had no reason to link him with the disappearance of his victims.
the police had no suitable cause to search the house ,so as far theywere concerned berdella was simply helping police with their inquiries,they had no concrete whatever against berdella at that point.
June the 17th 1986 berdella selected his next victim in the red light district of kansas city .he picked up 23 year old casual sex worker and drug addict Todd stoops.
berdellas next victim todd had already had contact wtih him over a number of years, indeed has suggested to the police that berdella might have been guilty of killling his first victim with an injection . which was never proven.
berdella was actually attracted to todd and todd and his wife had actually spent some time living in robert bedella’s house in exchange for sexual favors that todd provided to berdella with his wife’s knowledge
so this couple ,they were very vulnerable and berdella took advantage of that vulnerability.
when todd needs money for drugs berdella sees another opportunity here.as soon as todd stepped foot inside berdella began his deadly routine.
over a period of two weeks he subjected him to a ferocious series of attacks.
if what happened to walter was horrific ,he manage to outdo himself with todd so we have a nearly fortnight of captivity with torture,whipping ,sexual assault again,all sorts of horrific physical acts to degrade to cause pain, but he also once again organized he’s planning
He thinks injection drano into the eyes will blind his victim,which it does , makes its more difficult to escape.he injected into the voice box to stop him screaming
The larynx is also called the voicebox. It is in the neck, above the windpipe (trachea) and in front of the gullet (oesophagus).
These are not the acts of Madman ,these planned deliberate actions of somebody who knows what he’s doing and why he’s doing it.
bertella took extensive photographs of the torture and the demise of todd. berdella felt that todd was a significant victim for him ,
he felt that attraction to him and it wouldn’t suprise if he’´d be been at the center of quite a lot of fantasies he had about having a sex slave.
On july the 1st 1986 todd died of septic shock from an infection caused by the injuries he had received .
like his previous victims berdella dismemered todd’s body and put his remains to be picked up trash collectors.
On the3rd of june 1987 a little lessa year later the kansas city butcher saw his next opportunity
Larry pearson was a sex worker who needed some bail bond many , so robert berdella says to him ” i will bail you out i’ll give you the money as long you come and stay in ohio for a week with my family .so larry agrees to do this .
when they arrive back from this vacation berdella takes him catchingonce again we have this escalation of behavior, it started with cruelty it´s escalating and escalating , now we have a victim kept for six weeks, tortured sexually assaulted despite constant torture larry fought back
larry didn’t know what to do ,he knew he wanted to survive as best he could until finaly, in what must have been utter despair larry bit bordella’s penis during oral sex.
the njury to berdellas penis was so severe he went to hospital.
Berdella calls a taxi and while he´s waitng for the taxi he kills his victim.when his dead berdella hasthe sense to try and keep the property cool, to slow down the decomposition to reduce smelss produced,
once again this are all unconscionable acts, but they are planed.they are deliberately under taken, this is somebody who is in control of what he’s doing.
when berdella returned from hospital he dismembered larry’s body ,bordella was so angry at the injury that had been casued to him that he was determined to take out the maximum punishment revenge on the man hwo had the temerity to acctually hurt him.
it was the first time anyone had tried to hurt him.and yet again he dismembered the body and yet again cut off the head
only this time he went out into the garden dug up roberts head put larrys in the same hole and proceeded to bring robert´s head into the house clean it up ,take the teeth out put them into envelopes and put the skull which was all the remained at that point into a closet . in the uptairs in his house.
heads are very very significant for berdella and the head of larry is a very impotant one because this the tuy eho has come closest to berdella’s fantasy having six slave.
he´s the guy who survived for six weeks ,he survived the longest and i think he wants commemorate that. But berdella’s barbarous nature was far from satisfied.
on marsh the 29 1988 he picked up 22 year old male prostitute christopher bryson and took him back to his house
Christopher wandering the streets when robert berdella picks him up and he offers abeer and they drive around in his car for a while . berdella then says we’ll come back to my house and you can have a beer there.” so christopher agrees and they go back.
He was brought home to provide sexual favors for bordella and was told to go up upstairs as soon as they got here . as bryson mounted the stairs and started walking up ,he was struck from behind and rendered unconscious .
with his victim sedated and held captive berdella began he´s deadly ritaul. once again he is tortured.he is assaulted,he his given bleach in the eyes but this time it swabbed onto the eyeballs rather than injected in.
that would probably be even more painful, there are many nerves anding on the globe of the eye which react very badly to the bleach.
Repeatedly electrocuted, raped and injected with a cocktail of sedatives .
christopher remained a submissive captive for four days
but on the morning of april the 2ndapril when berdella had left for work christopher had manage to set himself free.
he find some matches and he actually managed to burn trough the ropes berdella had strenged with.and he flees the house wearing only a dog collar.
he must have been an extraodinary site , a naked man wearing a dogcollar. he runs across the street.he meets a meter reader who´s going to a house, they ‘d knocked on the door, the house owenr is astonisched.0pens the door astonished won’t let christopher into ther house but does call the police.
Roy orth was a sergent with the kansas city police departement when they receive the call
” chris had been severely physically abused and was asking for help,district officer got there found this was probably going to be some kind of an unlawful restraint,abduction situation and called the sex crimes child abuse unite and our detective rewsponded”
– roy orth
rick holtsclaw was the assistant prosecutor for the sex crime unite in kansas city.
” roy orth call me and said we need you and i said you don’t need me today , and he said , no i’m telling you we need you on this one.
he may have told me briefly what it was that we had someone who had escaped naked with a dog collar,it became evident that they were going to need some assistance
so i went to the home on that saturday afternoon and began the the investigation.getting search warrants that’s how it began.”
-rick holtsclaw
In just over a three-year period berdella had held .brutally raped, tortured and killed six men and got away with it .
Unknown to the police they were about to uncover the shocking crimes committed by sadistic serial killer, robert berdella.
Troy cole was the lead detective in charge of the case
” i first became aware of him april 2nd 1988,i was working in the homicide unit .it was a saturday, and i was called out in regards of a sodomy, a guy alleged that he had been kidnapped and held captive for a number of days, and i was the duty seargent which meant that i handled the homicides ,ther robbery and the sex crimes for that particular day.
christopher managed to escape and flag down a passerby,that’s what brought us to the residence.
-troy cole
The traumtized victim recounted his ordeal and gave the police the name and adress of his captor.
when berdella arrived home that evening the police were waiting for him .
when berdella drove uo to the house ,investigators asked him for identification and he produced it,he said ” i live here and ” and at thet point he was immediately arrested for investigation of sodomy.
beretta was brought downtown and asked to sign a consent to search the resident so the police could futher the investigation .
he refused ,he said that he rather talk to his attorney.so at that point he was booked into the city jail and investigators prepared to get a search warrant.
with christopher’s testimony police were able to pbtaine a warrant to search for berdellas property the same day.when they firte went up to kick the door they could hear large dogs in the background so they called animal control out .
Immiedate reaction was the house was filthy ,had a stench ,the odor was horrible, clutter and dog feces everywhere on of the worst house troy cole had walked into .using the information that christopher had given them ,officers search berdellas property for the room he held his victim captive.
they initial thougth was to tryto find the room to verify christopher’s story.so they go upstairs and after a brief period of time they found the room christopher had described.they found the bed that he had described and it had restraints tied to the bedpost.so the police were pretty sure at this point christopher’s stoy maybe had some legitimacy.
There was a device underneath the bed ,plugged into the wall , it appeared to be an electic train transformer
and there were jumber calbe clips on the ends of it so berdella could attach them to different parts of somebod’s body and then increase the electrocution level by turning the transformer selector.
In searching of the rest of the house officers discovered berdellas most prized collection. they discovered several hundred , probably two to thre hundred polaroid photographs that he had taken, some of the people in the photographs were in obvious signs of being tortured
eventually police were able to find detailed torture notes that berdella had kept on several people .six in fact and reviewing those pictures probably the most telling was one of the young men that was hanging suspended upside down from a steel I- beam and police later learned it was the basement of berdellas home .and this person appeared to be deceased.
as the police combed the property they discovered more and more evidence of berdella’s horrific crimes.
a short time later police found a skull in a closet which appears to have been probably fairly recent. the officers gather the evidence,the following day ,a pathologist was called in.
they had called in a doctor to examin the skull that was in the closet and he said that in his opinion that skull probably was less than two years old,but it would obviously require further examination.
so at that point investigators sort of cataloged what we could find in the house,it looke like it might have some evidentiary value to it.
Position of the thoracic vertebrae (shown in red).
on was a bag of what appeared to be human vertebrea that it were wery clean,obviously theýd been boiled out ,bleashed, almost looked like plasticpolice also found the skull that was obviously human and hadn’t been bleached out yet.
the police returned to berdellas home the next morning.and they left no stone unturned.berdella keps dogs in the backyard in an enclosure and looking at the backyard the grass was noticeably greener , in couple of areas which caused policee to think that possibly tthere were something else in there.
at that point police decided to bring in a backhoe to dig up that one particular spot where it looked like it might have a had a grave marker to it.
On the second dig there was a sucking sound , as it dug in and lifted out ,the investigators stopped the man immediately and looked,there was a human jaw that had been pulled up
and they stopped and eventually they found the full human skull, what it appeared that berdella was doing was once he dismember his victims he collected the skulls and would clean by buyring them in the backyard
and after the’d been out there for whatever time he felt necessary,digging back up and then clean them up and boil and bleach them
When police extended their search to berdella’s shop in the bazarr , they found a macabre window display.there was a display of human skulls.
“i think there were two , i cant’ remember now”
-roy orth
and initially these were so clean that they apparead to be plastic but it was later determined that they were also berdella’s victims
Berdella’s obsession with his crimes and brazen behavior where his undoing.
but the police still had a mammoth task to overcome.the biggest challenges early on were identifying all these people that were in the polaroid photographs. police had no idea when they started the investigation who any of them were.
of the 200 they were not all facial shots , there some body parts and people invarious stages but we needed to identify the skull that was found in the closet.and they needed to identified the human head that we dug up in the backyard. so those were police biggest challenges
by may 1988,using berdella’s photos detailed notes and dental records the police identified two skulls as belonging to …….
his second victim robert
On august the 3rd 1988 at jackson county circuite court berdella stood before the circuit court judge alvin randall . charged with the first degree murder of larry Pearson.
The state decide that they’re going to pursue a prosecution for the murder of larry first . but before they get very far, Berdella actually confesses, he pleads guilty.
everyone was stunned. strategically it was a great move on the defense,because at that time kept the state from filing a death penalty charge against him.everyone was suprised.
he pled guilty because he was scared of the death penalty and felt like they were going for the death penalty and at that point he started working out a deal with his attorney to let´s try to cut a deal to save my life.
as the prosecution prepared to take berdella to trial for the murder of his second victim robert sheldon , he made a plea bargain.
part of the guilty plea was that berdella sat down with his to defense lawyers and also with mr hall and mr reader the prosecutor and the assistant prosecutor from the murder division.
and they spent two days under oath on record and he would lay out what he did to these victims.from the 13th to the 15th of december
berdella fully confessed to all six murders.they spent three days with berdella over in the jackson county jail
and he was very matter- off-fact in describing all the murders basically he didn’t show any remorse, he enjoyed reliving and decribing what he had done to the victims.he got a charge out of it and detectives said it was a pretty compelling three days.
Berdella is incredibly proud of these murders of this project of this extended experiment that he’s been conducting and he really does enjoy reliving this and telling people to appear to want hear about it.
by revealing the true horror of his crimes to the authorities he avoided the death penalty
On the december the 19th 1988 at jackson county circuit berdella was sentenced.
berdella receives two life stentences for first -degree murder and four conditional life sentences for second degree murder.
but less then four years later on october the 8th 1992 berdella died in missouri state penitentiary from a heart attack. he was 43
More details
An exterior shot of Berdella’s home.
Local millionaire Del Dunmire bought the place and had it torn down in 1993
Police excavate the yard of a man who was charged with sodomizing a hitch-hiker
he allegedly held captive for five days. On Sunday, police found what appeared
to be a human skull in the yard.
A Kansas City police officer throws a shovel-full of dirt while digging beneath the porch
of a house in midtown Kansas City owned by Robert Berdella. Authorities have already
found human bones and a skull buried on the property, along with photos in the house
showing young men being tortured.
Yearbook photo of Jerry Howell and a photo taken by Robert Berdella while Howell was in his captivity.Kansas City Police Department