Warning: Graphic content, readers’ discretion advised. This article contains a recollection of crime and can be triggering to some readers discretion advised.

Perhaps the most infamous serial killer in American history, Ted Bundy murdered at least 30 young women throughout his killing spree. This is the  story  on how Ted Bundy came to be caught and killed in the 1970s.

florida state university tallahassee , january the 15th 1978 around 20 :45 am the serial killer on the run broke in in to the chi omega sorority house and four women .
the blistering attack on all four students lasted just 15 minutes.
in just four years in the mid-1970s a sadistic killer, kiddnapped ,raped and murdered at least 30 young women .

initially convicted of only kidnap and assault it is suspected that bundy may have raped ans slaughtered up to a hundred young women.

sentenced to death for his terrifying crimes.

ted bundy is undoubtedly one of the world’s evil killers

seattle washington , ted bundy began his reign of terror of terror in the pasific northwest and spread across seven U.S states .

he would eventually confess to the kidnap ,rape and murder of 30 young women between 1974 and 1978.

two of his victims were just 12 years old.
this is a man who killed an the most violent the most terrifying way , he would before death, he would break bones, he would rip parts of the body off, he would keep parts of the body mutilated after he did it , this is a person who ravaged his victims intending to cause pain.

he was a monster because he just enjoyed killing , one of his interviews the interviewer asked him point blank he said :
“ted ,why did you kill and ted kind of raised one eyebrow and kind of smiled and says ” because i liked it.”

nobody went out at night ,nobody even walked to the libary alone, there was terror and fear among women everywhere .

when bundy was finally caught in 1978 ,he was incarcerated at the Leon County Jail in florida.

he was evild but you could not discern that even if you knew he was evil .he came across as brilliant,charismatic,smart ,so you put together the evil with all of those positive traits and you have a very dangerous person.

this killers story begins in 1946. theodore robert bundy was born on the 24th of november at elisabeth lund home for unwed mothers in burlington wermont.

this was the 1940s in America that the ideal nuclear family was mum and dad who were married, that nice family unite where everything is very neat and very defined. and people who were outside of that ideal really were stigmatized

to avoid that judgment ted’s 22 year old mother eleanore moved back to her parents home in philadelphia pennsylviania,where her parents bought up ted as their own.

the unusual part of his childhood is how he´s raised ,he´s adopted by his grandparents.he´s raised alongside a person who he is told is his sister but she wasn’t she was actually his mother .

this arrangement went on for almost four years with ted’s grandparents as his main carers ,his grandfather was quite a violent character,so that suggests that very early on in his life he’s almost in a bit survival mode.” i’m not safe within this home.

just before his fourth birthday eleanor moved to tacoma,washington. there she met and married johnny bundy in 1951 they formaly adopted ted when he was five years old.
the couple had four children together ,but ted reportedly didn’t form a close bond with his new family . and still believed his mother was his sister.

ted bundy is somebody who hos always been really conscious of his social class ,he came from quite humble beginnings that the family were quite poor and he was really aware of that and really quite embarrased and ashamed by it .

an exceptionally bright student,ted bundy enrolled in  the university of washington 1966 to study chinese.there, age 20 he met and fell in love witha women called stephanie.

 this was his dreamgirl,this was the women he was going to marry ,this  is the women to which  he was dedicated , it was romance and the realest sense you could imagine .

but she suddenly dumped him.

on of the reasons that she  cited was that he wasn´t  ambitious enough and this would have really hit ted bundy quite hard because this feeds into his anxieties around his social class and those  feelings of unease and those feelings of not being good enough .so what  happening here is this resentment brewing.

Bundy dropped  out of  university in 1968, the following year ,he returned to the  east coast in what  he later described as a bid  to understanding his roots ,whilst there , bundy unearthed the family secret.

In a photo from Ted Bundy’s childhood, Bundy, far right, sits with his mother and his three half-siblings in their family home in Tacoma.

he discovers his true identity,he  discovers that the women that he´s considered to be his sister for his whole life is actually  his mother  and he discovers his birth certificate and the birth dertificate says  h e´s illegitimate.

the two most important women to him , his mother and his  mother surrogate and the women he wanted to marry in  essence both deny and abandon him .

the significance to him of that is that women simply cannot be trusted.


Elizabeth was 24 years old when she met Ted Bundy.

In  1969 age 22,  bundy returned  to the university of washington and this time enrolled as a psychology major, there  he met  and starting dating a single mother called elisabeth.

their turbulent relationship would  last into  the  mid -1970s

women serve at a  function for him him ,they provide a roof  over his  head, meals on the table, sex ,useful contacts with other people , so he has  got  quite a  parasitic lifestyle.

he will hook on to particular people and get  from them what he wants and then he will just discard them and move on.

In  1971 bundy got a part – time job at seattle’s suicide hotline crisis  center. what 

what he’s doing is he’s performing the role  of  the respectable middle class y oung man ,he want’s to be seen to  be helping other people ,he wants to be seen to be doing socially worthy  things and this also feeds into the work  that  he become s involved in terms  of political campaigning

When bundy graduated university ,he joined the republican govenor’s re-election campaigne. then in september of 1973,bundy was accepted into law school at the university of puget sound  in Tacoma just 30 miles  south of  seattle.

before beginning the law course he went on a trip to california whilst there he rekindled his relationship with his first love stephanie despite dating elisabeth.

all of a sudden he’s a different man ,he’s working for the governor, he’s talent he´s successful , he looks like he´s good enough fot her  finally .

bundy and stephanie getz engaged and they planned to get married and stephanie’s were very excited about it but  ted very coldly just drops her.

 what this all about was how far this man would go for  revenge ,to have the kind of narcissistic victory that he would not be her rejected him.and then rejected her summarily .

having taking back control by ending the relationship with stephanie ,  27 year old ted bundy returned to washington and decided  he needed show women  who was  boss.

just after midnight on january the 4th 1974 bundy broke into the basement apartment of an 18 year old dancer a university student.

she was at home asleep  in her house  one night when ted bundy broke in and he beat her with a metal pole and he raped her and she was  in really terrible state. 


many people think this  is something kind of came out of the blue ,this was an attack that was built up to.

we  often find with  offenders there’s some behavior before they get to the point of raping and attacking people  and in ted bundy’s case, this was voyeurism , so he had a history  of peeping through women’s windows and watching them get undressed and it’s  something that gradually builds and it’s not enough for him and he ratchets it up to the next level.

the violent assault left the young women unconscious for 10 days. she sustained injuries from the blows to the head,that  cause brain damage and brain swelling and when he sexually  assaulted her with the metal bar that caused  damage  to her internal organs and she was left permanently altered by those injuries.

Seattle washington  february  1974, it was here that the 27 year old ted bundy  attacked again. and turned from rapist to killer.

it’s  no coincidence that she’s  a university  student who he sees as  privileged ,he receives as  underserving where’s  as he’s somebody who’s really hard done  by ,and  it is that constant jealousy  that constant underlying feeling of shame that drives a  lot of his violence.

bundy’s chosen target was a 21 year old university  of  washington student called linda.

he broke into her room  

he vey severely attacks her, he really does bash her skull when he carries out the assault on her.

she dosen’t survive  the attack.

 that night after he’d attacked and killed linda, bundy moved her away  from rhe campus ,

he dumped her  body in rhe dense woods of taylor  mountain forest

30 minutes drive from the university.

it’s very important that he maintains control over the victims even  after he’s killed them , so he doesn’t just leave them where they are, he wants to be able to know where they are .

he wants to  have control over them ,so he chooses a  local beauty  spot , taylor mountain’s  it’s a place that people generally go to  enjoy. but for him it really is a macabre dump site.

lindas body was found a year later in 1975, her death marked the start of a furious spate of killings that this time bundy  quit law school in tacoma after just six months, he returned to washington not as a student  but as a preditor.

he would lure women over to his car ,saying that  he needed their  assistance with something

and he ofthen be waearing a sling to make it appear that  he’d injured himself and he was good looking  he was charming,he was respectable .

bundys trademark VW  Beatle became his favorite method for abducting women before taking them to a remote spot to attack them.he’d  use a blunt object to bluedgeon his victims and then he’d strangle them .

after eight aggravated murders of young women in first half of  1974 a rate of more than one  a month.

fear spread across pacific  norhwest.

Ted bundy enjoys the feelings of power he  enjoys the feelings of control  so you start to see attacks  get closer together ,because he’s having to escalate his defending to get  that same feeling of power   we know  with psychopaths like ted  bundy they’re  prone to boredom , so they will start to mic it up a bit and offend in  different ways .

then in the summer of that year ,bundy changed his  Mo,he now decided to asttack in broad daylight

on july the 14th of lake sammamish state park  ,just over 15 miles  southeast of the university  of washington  . bundy  attacked two young women.

23 year old janice

and 19 year old denise . 

Denise was last seen   entering a public restroom  in the park.

there are some witnesses to these crimes and that there’s one  common denominator and that seems  to be a man called ted  who drives a  VW Beetle , so that begins to narrow the  field a little .

bundy later said that he kidnapped both women from the state park within a few hours of each  other .he raped them and made one  watch as he murdered  the other .bundy disposed of their bodies in a area  two miles away.

the bodies  of his victims  that he shampooed, the hair of some of them ,that he painted their fingernails.

What his amo always consists of, is taking these two facets of his personality and used one of them ,the intelligent, the charming, the carring ,the one  that would help  wash the hair .

he’d  use that to seduce them into  his private presence and then , the monster , the face, the face of rage  would come out and this would punder this women asunder

in september of  1974 bundy left  washington and moved east  salt  lake city .the 27 year old had been accepted into  law school again This time at the university of Utah.

on the surface he looked like an  ordinary student, but inside  was a cunning serial killer .

he was not  your average person,he was bright,brilliant,he felt like he was a chameleon in that  he could  disguise himself ,he could change his colors and he could take advantage.

Bundy later claimed that he first  killed in Utah on october the 2nd 1974,the victim was just q6 years old  and her body was  never found.

rhonda stapley a university of utah pharmacy student was waiting for a bus,downtown  after a dental surgery  but  the bus did not show ,but  ted bundy did, he pulled  his VW Beetle up to the bus stop and offered  her  ride.

Rhonda thought  he was nicely dressed ,handsome ,he told her that he was a law student and  rhonda was feeling pretty lucky ,what college girl wouldn’t  want to meet a law student.

after a couple of blocks with rhonda in the car ,bundy  took a turn away from  fromthe university, very politely he says ” hope you don’t mind but i have a short errand to run ” rhonda says” i thought you’re taking me to the zoo.” and he said ” no,i said near the zoo “

 and they kept  driving up that canyon and the  down another canyon. bundy drove up  into  big cottonwood canyon  just  southeast of the city. at this point he stopped talking  to rhonda ,just had both hands on the steering wheel and  was just driving.as bundy  came to a corner he slowed down

in rhondas mind she thought  he was looking for a place to pullover and park and make out  and  in rhondas mind she trying to figure out how do  she get out of this situation wihtout embarrassing either of them .

bundy  pulled off the road and into a secluded picnic area and parked the car and he turned towards  rhonda and he leaned in really close to her face , she thought he was going to kiss her.

instead he said :you know what i’m gonna kill you ” and put his hand on rhondas throat and started  squeezing

rhonda  fell  unconscious,when she  eventually woke up she was lying on the picknick table with bundy on top of her .his sitting on her chest , with all his weight on her chest and stumach, and rhonda told him  to get off because she couldn’t breath.and he said stop struggling  and i’ll  let you breath and so she held still and he kind of rocked up onto his knees to they took soe of the pressure off.

and then he put his hand over her nose and mouth and cut  off her air that way.and he would do that until rhonda would just go unconscious and  then kind of  bring her back. he liked  whatching her fade in and out of consciousness

Rhonda  had  just one  chance  to save herself.the last time when she regained consciousness , she  noticed that he wasn’t standing by her anymore.

the canyon was pitch black with darkness and there was a little light coming from the car,because he had  opened the door to the wolkswagen and wad fidding around  with something  in the back seat.and rhonda used that opportunity to just run the opposite direction,  she just  jumped up and ran,fortunately or by pure luck or grace  of  god or intervention from  above or something,

she happened to fall  into the  mountain river.which wasn’t very deep,  but v was really fast and  swept rhonda away ,there was water swirling around boulders and flowing over  boulders and  rhonda of course  was smashing into those.

and eventually she was able to climbe out and re-arrange  her clothes so she could walk home. 

Rhonda kept her attack by bundy  a secret for more than 30 years,she felt embarrassed and stupid and ashamed and plus she was  religious LDS mormon,the teaching at that time were that 

‘ if you have a choice of loosing your life or losing your virtue , it would be better for you  eternally if you lost  your life.so rhonda decided the best thing for her to do  was just to suck it up and  pretend it never happened ” 


Unlike other serial  killers he did not  targer prostitutes, which  are easy  victims, he targeted young  attractive , intelligent ,often beautiful and  successful women , this he could do because of his intelligence that made him a unique threat and danger .


rhonda’s escape did not  deter  bundy’s murderous plans . a few weeks later In november  1974 bundy  was prowling a mall  in murray Utah posed as a police officer disguised he managed to entice  an 18 year old telephone operator called carol to get  into his car. he planned on raping and killing her.

and this goes wrong it fails ,she gets away. during the struggle carol had managed to open the car door and escape .

Ted bundy is not the kind of guy who just gives up and goes home.he´sgot his mind set on it. he wants to get what he wants that night.

Now two of bundy’s  victims had escaped death , the  next would not be so fortunate.

On the november  the8th bundy kidnapped  17  year old deborah as she öeft ta theater production, she was pm her way to pick  up her brother deborah was never seen again.

what happens withbundy and many other serial killers, they havet to kill.they kill ,they get  a release, sometimes they get a little extra release by  returning to the corps and  having a small dose of the arousal which they can live through by toying with their trophies, and toying with the corps itself.and then  they have a rest period.

all the time ,27 year old bundy had been killing, he was still seeing his long term girlfriend elisabeth in seattle.

in Autumn of 1974,he also got involved with carol a single mother and a divorcee. he presented as completely normal and so many people were taken in by him

Ted bundy had yet to appear on the police  radar as suspect but  thanks to to eight  eyewitnesses who saw him in july  of 1974 at lake sammamish, the washington state were on lookout for a man hwo’d introduced  himself as ted and was driving a  tan VW  Beetle.


this guy is reported to be  nice looking in his twenties just an average  college guy. he dosen’t look like a monster and nobody thinks  that a serial killer looks like this.

police issued a composite sketch based on the descriptions they had. it was broadcast on national television and was seen by elisabeth , she called the police, she gave them bundy’s details .

as well  as those of his car,but the police  dismissed the tip .because reportedly bundy was a clean  -cut law student.

a year later  the  28  year old headed cross -country, he raped and killed three young women in colorado.in may  he assaulted a 12 year old  child. she’d been abducted from her junior high school  in pocatello idaho.

here we´ve got ted bundy   seeing an opportunity and actually seizing it with not too much regard to the risk and that’s not really his previous Mo, he’s used that charm before 

but this  is quite disorganized and this is something that will lead to his downfall .

bundy had got away  with multiple  murders and despite  a  sketch of him  in circulation  had not been identified by police.

in june 1975 he returned to  Utah and killed a 15 year old in Provo.

two months later bundy wasdriving erratically through  a salt lake city surburb in  his tan VW Beetle when he was spotted by a Utah highway patrol office.

he noticed that the front passenger seat is missing, there’s an ice pick, there’s a crowbar , there´s ski mask and all of this looks incredibly suspicious but ted  bundy beinh that  the chariming  manipulator has  an explanation for all of this .

suspicions were aroused but the utah police did not  have enough evidence to detain bundy for anything to do with with  the murders .

instead ,three  utah detectives flew two seattle where they met up with the washington police. together they interview  bundy’s long- term girlfriend elisabeth she told them that she´d found some strange items in the apartment a year earlier, including meat cleaver and  a bag of womens clothing.

what happens over the course of the lives of serial killers,is the time it  takes them to need  another killing to need ,if you will another savage evil meal  gets shorter and shorter and shorter,their control gets less  and less and less ,the way they perpetrate their crimes becomes wilderand more foolish

With the FBI on his trail bundy sold his VW  ,but  it was found by police , inside they discovered carol´s hair and hairs from two other women .

on october the 2nd 1975,detectives found bundy in Utah arrested him and put him in a lineup,there carol positively identify him as her abducter.

this is where  he started making misstake,he´s been so driven by his wants and desires that he  stopped to actually risk assess what he’s doing.

unable to find  enough evidence to charge him with any murders ,bundy only stood trial for carol’s aggravated kidnap and assult .

On june the 30th 1976 bundy was sentenced to serve 1 to  15 years and was eventually moved  to the  garfield county jail in colorado .

just as police were gathering enough evidence to charge him with  the murder of a 23 year old women in snowmass ,bundy pulled a major suprise.

there’s  a preliminary hearing and ted bundy being the incredibly arrogant individual that he is, decides that he’s going to defend himself in courts.

bundywas savy  about how the system operated by being his own lawyer he had access to the law library system of the jail .

and he was allowed to go there notwithstanding, that once you got access to the law library system you could go right out the window , which he did .

bundy escaped and went on the run in colorado ,he was caught six days later  a year later he pulled another suprise.

he’s in he’s cell and he notices that  there’s a hole in the ceiling and one day he manages it and he gets through the hole and he comes out in the apartment that belongs to the chief jailer .and he literarlly walks out  the front door of the prison and he’s away again.

free and  on the loose bundy   made his way to the  peaceful college town of tallahassee in the sunshine state of  florida.

 bundy  knows he’s at the end of his road ,he’s been arrested enough times ,had enough interactions to realize that this story is going come to an end.so it´s in florida  that he´s goes on his rampage.around 2,45 a.m on january the  15th 1978, ted bundy broke in to the chi omega  sorority house.

he’s somebody who’s familiar with college towns,with college buildings , so he knew that was there were many women in this house and that  was his intention all along.

Within  15 minutes he’d attacked  four women, brutally, cracking  their skulls ,breaking their colllar bones.

21 year old margaret was with a piece of  firewood and then strangled to death with her stockings.

twenty -year old lisa was beaten unconscious ,raped and killed 

the attack is incredibly  brutal  ,there’s rape ,he beats people ,he knocks people’s  teeth out,he bites the buttock of one of the victims.

the magnitude of the terror  for the  victim is as intense  as the magnitude of the rage by the  perpetrator.

two others were both were severely beaten and  assaulted, miraculously ,they  they survived

within the hour , the sheriff of leon county, ken katsaris was  called to the crime scene..when he got  there he did check with the investigators, they had secured the scene  ,they knew that they had two hwo were obviously dead and two that  they believed may die.


“you could tell which one was first, you could tell which one was second , third and fourth,  you could tell how much  energy that he expended”

-ken katsaris



This was not  the end of bundy’s activity that  night.

as  the sheriff standing outside of the sorority house, they got  a call that there’s strange noises coming from a condo next door  and the sheriff sent  an investigator immediately because the sheriff said “six blocks away ,could it be  he´s doing it again “.which only  tells you, he couldn’t help himself.

Bundy had broken into another apartment where he savagely beat another student. she was in  pool of blood when the investigator went in the condo or the apartement , and bundy was leaving out the backwindow , but she tendend to the injured first .

 still free, a few weeks later , bundy struck again  

this time in lake city in northen florida ,

LAKE CITY, UNITED STATES – JANUARY 01: Portrait of 12 yr-old Kimberly Leach who was a victim of serial killer Ted Bundy. (Photo by Acey Harper/The LIFE Images Collection/Getty Images)

his victim was another little girl who was  just 12 years .

He is a profilic   serial killer at this point, in time serial killling is his hobby it’s his vocation, it’s something that he feels that he’s good at,and more so, he’s getting away with it , and when somebody’s getting away with it, they ‘re certainly not going to  stop and if anything their funding is only going to get worse

Bundy dumped the girls  brutalized  bodies in  woods about  30 miles west  lake  city .he then stole a car and made  his way west into the florida panhandle.

three days later  on february the 15th 1978,an alert pensacola police officer stopped america’s most notorious serial killer  near the alabama state line  for driving suspiciously.

He just  had a gut feeling that something might be wrong and of course it came out over  his radio after he called it in , the vehicle ,had been stolen.

after a brief struggle in which the officer was forced to fire a warning shot ,bundy was arrested, he was taken to the Leon county jail in Tallahassee,  florida.

sheriff  katsaris had bundy  in custody for over two years in his detention center his jail . he had  him so locked up that he wasn’t going anywhere. he not only was in a secure jail cell,

but he had him in a cell that  they had  lined with  armor plate steel  , in sheets that were welded in terms of the seams, floor, walls, ceiling,  there was no light fixture that he could removed ,

like he did in colorado and then  sheriff katsaris , put extra locks on the door, heavy impenetrable locks in  addition to the jail keyed on, and they were in the hands of several people.

when she discovered that bundy was arrested for murder his partner , elisabeth finally left  him.

at the same time detectives in washington state tried to build their  case against  bundy and proved that he was a serial killer .

sheriff katsaris was also doing some digging of his own .he went to his cell one day, talking to him through the port ,  he told  him:


” ted, i think i know whats going on with you,you have a problem with your mother  because you were born  out of wedlock, she witheld who your father was , you never  forgiven her, and that has a lot  to do with what you’re doing in  terms of taking it out on other women.”

-sheriff  katsaris



bundy immediately, opened his eyes wide with anger , he wanted to kill , he immediately started trashing his cell , throwing things about and he grabbed the shower rod ,which was welded in place, he ripped it from it’s position,which meant a lot of power.

intellectually sheriff  katsaris was more than a match for bundy .he  managed to go the serial killer into a game -changing revelation,he would taunt cheriff katsaris  with ‘ can’  as he refer to sheriff katsaris with that sarcastic twist of that name just  three  letters but he  would say’can’ and then  he would say , the evidence is there , you just can’t  find hit.

 and  sheriff katsaris  thought then he knew what he’s referring to, he signed  one of those  bodies. 

This was  sheriff  katsaris ” eurika moment.” bundy used his teeth and clamped hard twice to leave a signature and sheriff katsaris realized  they had a very deliberate dubble bite impression

double  meaning he  bit down and he then he came out and  bit again. that was h’es signture.sheriff katsaris was convinced that bite marks left on the bodies of his victims were the smoking gun that would show once and for all that ted bundy was  indeed america’s most vicious serial killer. but to convict bundy, the sheriff of Leon county needed to prove it.

when  sheriff  katsaris  viewed the two bodies of the  young ladies at the morgue on the slab, just barley 20 years of age , he had a  one  – month- old little girl at home and he had a two year old  daughter at home and he just kept flashing images that this could  be them . he made himself a promise in the morgue:“somebody’s going to  pay for this. i will find this person”


During his regular interactions with bundy the  sheriff realized that in the chi omega sorority house attack ,bundy  left a bit mark on the left buttock of lisa. one of the victims.

sheriff  katsaris was teaching the  forensics of homicide investigation and he was teaching  the advance concepts , so ,he knew that  this bites were going to be important.

sheriff  katsaris is determined that if he could get an impression of bundys bite  he might able to match it to the marks left on lisa’s body.he needed an examplar, he needed   his teeth marks .and it consumed him , how can he get them prison

officers tried some novel techniques to get the clean impression they  needed for a comparison they gave him different kinds of fruits because they weren’t sure which one the core would leave the best  bite.one inmate said ” your’re getting fruit? i dont get any fruit “

and sheriff katsaris think  bundy became suspicious that something was going on  with that because  he quite eating his fruit. 

after  that  fruit tricks failed , the sheriff and his team  had a trailblazing brainwave, then it struck them” what about a search warrant for his mouth, we can just go serve it that would get the bite  impression “

sheriff  katsaris decided to take bundy to his own dentist. he personally went to  bundys cell and he said”you’re coming with me” sheriff  katsaris told  bundy to put his  brace on,  sheriff  katsaris had a special brace developed now called ” the bundy  brace”.

it was spring – loaded so when he would  straighten out his leg, you could here that spring pop into place, that  way he if he tried to run  he’d be running with one step play.sheriff  katsaris told bundy to put his brace on.

bundy reluctantly  went with sheriff  katsaris to the dentist office, and he escorted him up the stairway because he couldn’t walk  it very well with the brace . 

 and then the door opened and there stood, three men with white mouth guards and the dental chair behind and bundy knew  the Jig was up .and that’s when sheriff  katsaris knew that he knew  that the bite marks were delibereate and they were put there for a purpose.

sheriff  katsaris told bundy  that he had a warrant and they were  going to get a bite impression from him. and  sheriff  katsaris had the judge put in there that  they could use any and all force reasonably necessary.

sheriff  katsaris showed him the contraptions that they use postmortem to keep the mouth open and bundy looked at  sheriff  katsaris, bndy sat down in the dental chair smiled and said “can, you know i’m not a violent person, do what you need to do”

the bite mark impression that the sheriff  obtained would prove vital in proving that bundy  was infact a killer .his trial for the murder of the two  students in the chi omega sorority house and the assault of  three more young  women began in miami on 25th of june 1979.

it would  be ther first national  televised trial in America.


On july  the 24th 1979 the jury convicted ted bundy on two counts of first -degree murder and  three counts of attempted murder.

He was given the death sentence twice.

the only  real evidence  police had was the bite impression and obviously sheriff  katsaris felt good because he found it . he  was conflicted.yeas,


“i understood that this was congratulations,but it was no congratulations ,these women had suffered some some  suffered and lived thank god,others died,how do you  celebrate?”

-sheriff katsaris


bundy would spend 10 years on death row ,fighting his execution .

Ted bundy exhausted every legal avenu he possibly could to save himself from the death penalty so the cost of his trial and his appeals was around about 9 million US dollars which was lot  of money at the time.

at the sentencing for the rape and muder of 12 year old girl  in lake city florida. bundy represented himself.

sensationally he used the opportunity to propose to carol.carol met bundy in  seattle in 1974. she would profess his innocence until the eve of  his execution.

she had a daughter in october of 1982 and claimed that bundy was the father .

 serial killers they are intense, they are moving , and they are real and some women are excited about that,some  women need that terror that  terror that excitement especially if somehow they could be near the flame without beng burned by its touch .

over 10 years  that bundy was on death row, he slowly confessed to 30 documented murders.

He has knowledge of murders that he’s commited ,which authorities don’t know about  and he´s going to use that  out to his full advantage, and he’s going to drip  feed some of this information out bit by bit.in order to try and buy himself some time


as the appeals ran out and as the death sentence  neared, a macabre fascination with bundy grow.



“just  before  his execution they started to see tihs immense   media circus ,around the event  they  started to see radio shows playing the sound  of frying  bacon  on air.”

-Dr elisabeth  yardley


and they had a a bundy countdown .

people had ted bundy dances and  barbecues  .

at  7:16 am on january the 24th 1989 age 42 , ted bundy was finally executed.

even when he was  being walked to the electric chair ,he was shouting out names of victims right up until  the end he´s trying to buy himself more times,he’s trying to gradually give away some of this knowledge about  his  crime.



“it is a sad thing  from a scientific point of view that he would die without telling us or giving us any hint about whether or not  there was something  in his life that we dont know about  .that elps explaine his conduct”

-Rex julian Beaber



so many people were taken in by him despite the fact he was leaving this trail of  bodies behind him. 

 monsters don’t always look like monsters ,sometimes  they look like the guy  next  door.

arguably america’s most notorious murderer  ,bundy was deceptively depraved ,he used his sharms to kidnap ,rape and kill by some estimates up to 100 young women and girls .

 making ted bundy one of the world’s most evil killers

Bundy’s body was cremated in Gainesville, Florida, and no public ceremony was held. Before he was executed, he requested his ashes be scattered in the Cascade Mountains of Washington state, where he murdered at least four of his victims.


Ted Bundy died smiling.

Ted Bundy’s body is transported to the Alachua County Medical Examiner’s office following his execution in 1989.

The now-retired “Old Sparky” electric chair on exhibit at the Texas Prison Museum in Huntsville.
Ted Bundy is among 240 inmates executed in Florida’s electric chair since 1924.

This 1977 file photo shows the jail cell from which serial killer Ted Bundy escaped on Dec. 30, 1977, in Glenwood Springs, Colo.
Ross Dolan/Glenwood Springs Post-Independent via AP
Pile of chopped wood behind Chi Omega. Investigators discovered Bundy had used a wood log to bludgeon the sorority sisters.
Some of the items police recovered in a search of Ted Bundy’s 1968 Volkswagen Beetle. (Supplied)

The 1968 Volkswagon Bug that belonged to serial killer Ted Bundy sits in the corner of a rental lot waiting for a buyer, July 15, 1997, in Salt Lake City.
Steve C. Wilson/AP
There is no consensus as to when or where Bundy began killing women. He told different stories to different people and refused to divulge the specifics of his earliest crimes, even as he confessed in graphic detail to dozens of later murders in the days preceding his execution. He told Nelson that he attempted his first kidnapping in 1969 in Ocean City but did not kill anyone until sometime in 1971 in Seattle. He told psychologist Art Norman that he killed two women in Atlantic City while visiting family in Philadelphia in 1969.Bundy hinted to homicide detective Robert D. Keppel that he committed a murder in Seattle in 1972 and another murder in 1973 that involved a hitchhiker near Tumwater, but he refused to elaborate. Rule and Keppel both believed that he might have started killing as a teenager. Bundy’s earliest documented homicides were committed in 1974, when he was 27-years-old. By his own admission, he had by then mastered the necessary skills – in the era before DNA profiling – to leave minimal incriminating forensic evidence at crime scenes

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