Warning: Graphic content, readers’ discretion advised. This story contains a recollection of crime and can be triggering to some readers discretion advised.

there is no body

she´s missing

no one knows where she is,

 no one knows what has happened.

there was blood in their shared bed, and the police did not discover it

the search party saw that something was hidden there

it was  difficult , all possibilities were open. what happened.?

the policebrought in search dogs and canine unites to search the house.
before the police entered any building . the police had dogs on site. 
who searched the entire area and inside the house, we did not get any indication from the dogs that there was anyone dead.
weapons that the police knew marina had in the house are missing. including a gun.
but nothing was found in the house .this gun has never been found.
fredrik :under here there was a shotgun and a pistol. it was just stuffed here. the pistol was in a bag, and the rifle was also in a bag. the rifle was in a sack.
The house was quite small, but there was an incredible amount of things in the house. so it took a long time for the technicians to go through the house, but they didn’t have a crime scene. the police did not know where it had happened.
then there were several small houses on the property

then this miserable terrain all around. so there were many police officers involved in searching

the police’s investigation gives no answers, but pretty soon one begins to suspect a serious crime. after a discovery at stora Höga’s commuter car park

a tip came in about a Hyundai in the commuter car park in Stora Höga and it turned out to be Marina’s car in the commuter car park in Stora Höga
The car has been there for quite some time. on the 5th, the police get the tip.
it was another piece of the puzzle that could match the disappearance.
the police found out  that money  hd been taken out in  stora Höga. with her card,
Police suspected that this was the cash from the ATM  withdrawals
ex -boyfriend is at the top of the list of suspects. and fredik svensson is eventually held in h jail.
from the TV program “wanted” TV host  Hasse Aro
31-year-old Marina Johansson has now been missing for two months. The police do not believe that she is alive, but the investigation is at a standstill. but  there´s  a lack  of  evidence.
allthough no body ,murder weapon or crime scene have been found,
the police  are certain that they´ve caught  a suspect murderer.
fredrik svensson  never  showed any sign that he might miss marina.
or wonder  about her whereabouts . he never looked for her.
-as far as i can tell,  he seems  very unsympathetic.  arrogant , donfident, and slightly aggressive.
the prosecutor remanded him in custody. the little evidence we had then wouldn´t be enough to charge him with murder. thats why  h was released.
after the release of  fredrik svensson,the police assemble, the largest search party ever to find marina.
the police search extensively around marina´s house  and the path to the house in the woods.
they divided rge area into patches to be searched with police from different departement.
it was hard .the   terrain  was tricky. you cant walk very far.the police though about that as well.
if  she is to be hidden in the woods , he need tobe taken there.
the police  used  large resources from the start. they wanted to find marina and they thought she might be close.but in spite of all those resources ,they didn´t finfd anything.
there are hills in some places that are  difficult to scale.thers thickbrush on the ground, since this is an old forest.it´s not easy to dig into the ground.

 the police had the forensic team and canine units.

horses have been there . many departments help out.

a helicopter has benn there. many are involved in this.

but  police still had no crime scene.


-it is a strange interrogation with Fredrik when he is told that there is a bloodstain on the bed. he shields himself completely.

when the picture is shown, he says he doesn’t see what it is. he doesn’t know what it is at all. not even when ma says it’s blood, then he says: “I don’t think so, it looks like that.”

but the blood on the mattress was not the only thing he had missed in the house.
law is law, and emotions are something else.so this came back to the police as a murder with an unknown assailant. there was a hope that this is what we’re going to find, we have to find the body.
 it was when the ex-partner was acquitted by the court of appeal that peder schillerström, founder of missing people, realized that a new organization could be created that could, with the help of voluntary forces, help find missing people.
– I got the idea of founding missing people at that time. and a few people who helped made it possible for us to direct hundreds of volunteers out on a search effort with simple methods.
we knew that many people were needed to search areas to maybe reach a result.
then missing people was new, so Pernilla didn’t know much about this. More than she talked about where the police had been.


– in this case, the corones raport was delayed there was only  a week left when an appeal was filed.


the five  justices of the supreme court that handled the case. didn´t agree and thedecision was very close.

two justices documented thei disapproval. they didnt see reasons to take up the case , but three  did.   it was a three to two decision, but an appeal was granted.

-it felt good that the supreme coufrt listened to our arguments.


A new trial  date is set. just like many times before  since marina diappeared

“i´m innocent”

just like many times before since marina disappeared,  fredrik svensson is interrogated by berry nejding and and pwenilla wetterskog  at the station.and still  denying that he killedmarina.

-but whenwe receive word that there will be another trial , fredik is taken into custody.

pernilla: this interrogation is held due to new information. technical advances.

-a few daysbefore christmas in 2013  ,an IT forensic specialist cmes running to me with a CD.

pernilla :  it has to do with text messages .

fredrik: so?

– we weren´t able to access the mible phone back then.but now  ,they´ve used a new software, that could  access deleted text messages.

pernilla:  we cansee that text messages  in your phone  were deleted.


pernilla: there were no incomingmessages before. but now we can tell that text messages were deleted.

  fredrik. ok.

pernilla: and text messages weredeleted on july 29.


 pernilla:on july 29 , around 10, 0´clock, a text message is sent. berry talketd about that with you before. a text message is sent from marins phone to yours.

-our  idea was to pressure him dirung the interrogation. to make him confess…..

pernilla:  on six occasions you denied receiving a text message  from her.

-he didn´t want to acknowledge  that he received this message.

pernilla  : did you deleete a text message?

 fredrik: apparently.

pernilla :aftger she went missing?


when fredrik felt trapped ina corner he lost his  temper.  or else he turned the tables on  the investigators. and said  that  they were lying   or couldn´t be sure.

fredrik: i refuse to sit here with a fcking cop who´s lying.it´s simple as that. 

Berry :  ok.

 fredrik.:  you´ve lied in every interrogation since you became part of this. and you´ve done it purpose. you ´ve threatened me, and so on .


thas just the way he was .  he swattedd at thecamera ,too.


fredrik: lets take a break . 

 berry : dont touch anything.

fredrik: we´re  taking a break  now.

pernilla : nej. 

 fredrik:  you´re supposed to be ovjective, but you´re …

pernilla: fredrik.




the prosecutor demanded  life in prison for the ex-boyfriend.but the defense said that the neew evidence wasn´t enough

-when we arrived , there wa s media everywhere,everyone is there ,including family and friends. when the trial starts and fredrik svensson comes in you get the sense that he´s screwed this time.

-the family were in agony  when the body hadn´t been found.it´s ovious that fredrik svensson is guilty.all the circumstantial evidence points in one direction. i cant see  anything that points  to the opposite.

fredrik  svensson  was convicted   march  14 ,2014


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