Warning: Graphic content, readers’ discretion advised. This article contains a recollection of crime and can be triggering to some readers discretion advised.

Anchorage . Alaska  in the united states  of america  back to the summer 2019. amongst the almost 300.000 people that called this place home  ,live the very  big and very close Hoffman family  who all live toghether in East Anchorage trailer

Timothy hoffman  had started  grow   concerned about his daughter cynthia.she had not  replied to any message or answered any calls  for several hours. allthough she was 19 .cynthia faced  developmental and learning  challenges, meaning she  were at a seventh grade level .her beiing out of contact for even jsut a short while  was alarming and timothy knew  something was wrong.

On the first weekend of june 2019  ,the hoffman family spent some time working on a friends´campingvan together.

On the 2nd of  june cynthia made plans to meet up with her sister and  get her part of the money she had earned.she sent a text message to her father to say that she was on the way. but she never met her sister that afternoon.

Her father called the police but was told  he needed to wait  24 hours and then ring them back. timothy was upset that they  weren´t taking it seriously as they should have been and sad that they didn´t understand how vunlnerable Cynthia  actually was.

for someone still so young she was definitely busy and  very determined as tough the school had been for her ,Cynthia had persevered and  graduated in 2018.

as  wellas working as an apprentice for timothy who worked  in buidling and  construction  she was  earning extra money at a resturant, studying in a post -high school skills program. and  was close to get her driver´s  permit as well.

Timothy and  Cynthia  shared an incredibly close bond and she was most definitely a daddys girl. he recalled  that she was always working hard to overcome her challenges and  looking  to make her family proud of  her with everything that  she  did.


Timothy:” all she wanted  was my blessing and approval and i gave that to her a lot 


frustrated   with police departement Timothy started contating news station and  set off on his motorbike going through the nearby woods and  bike paths.searching  everywhere.


 Timothy : “when  she didn´t come home  the first day i knew something  was wrong and all i could  think about was the knock on the door


Timothy had many people  reaching out to see if  they could help and he gladly accepted  them all  but one set of messages  in particular left him more  confused than grateful .he had resceived several from one of  Cynthias  closest friends angela. since then.

Angela said that Cynthia had asked her to drop  her of  at  Polar Bear park something  that she had agreed to do but she  hadn´t seen her  since then . she said she had last seen her at 4 pm the 2nd of june. wearing blue  jeans  a hoddie and tennis shoes.  .timothy knews this was strange as  cynthia didn´t mention this  to him or her sister that she  was going to meet. and  angelas messages she said


angela:”is she okej? i hope she comes home safely ,she´s my best friend.i´m starting to get worried.i dont trust what  she said about that guy.i love her too , i want the best for her and i want her to come back. she wont answer me , i think she ignoring everyone , i   know she will come home safe.


Timothy had no idea what guy Angela was talking about and even though he pushed for clarification he was non the wiser. the police were now looking into cynthia´s disappearance ands timothy passed these messages on to them  in hope  it might help  them find som answers , litttle did he know, the number was not linked to Angela it was linked to an 18  year old named Denali brehmer

Denali  and  cynthia were  acctually close friends  . and  met through school , they often posed in  selfie  together  on social media with the captions reading  BFF. so why she had given a diffrent name  was  confusing.Just one day later on the evening of june third  the anchorage police departement were  contacted by a women named  nicole.

Nicole said that on the evening of the 2nd of june the day cynthia was last seen,nicole´s  daughter and  someone  nicole knew as anthony were both at her house.chockingly anthony had told  her that cynthia was dead and   that he was responsible and her daughter was none other than denali brehmer was also  apparently went by “angela”

after this  the  pair left  the house sand  she  hadn´t seen them since . given what anthony had  said she was  now concerned for her daughter´s safty as well.police located the pair and  started digging into these claims.

the 4th of june, early eavening. the knock Timothy had een painfully anticipating came at the door.the minute he sa the  officers he said


Thimoty :” she´s  dead   isnt  she ?


detectives confirmed that thet hade just found his daugthers  boddy.cyntha had been  dicosverd   along  th acutena riverbank.


She was bound with duct tape and  been shoot in the back of the  head. before beiing pussed  into  the river.

officers believe she was  kiled   before timothy had even reported  her  as missing , and  its unconfirmed   whether  or not she shot killed  her instantly or if she was still alive when she was put into   the water

Cynthias body was  located   thusday evening in a river neear thunderbird fals. invsetigators   it was   impossile  for the hoffmans to contemplate who on earth wanr to do  this to cynhia.  she never spoke of having any problems  with anyone. she had  a lots of  friends  and  she was  so beloved  by those around  her.

Before long a web of lies would  start to unriavel showing  the  twisted   and  the disturbing reality. of  what appened and   why and  given what denlis´mother  nicole had told  the police , officers were only looking at sdenalie and  anthont for for answers.

Anthony  was 16  years old   kayden  Mcintosh a  teen  living on the street at the time. on the 5th of june kayden mcintos was  arrested and two days later  so was  denali  brhemer . the pair were  initally quiet and and denalie wa even granted  bail but  after her hpone was  looked  at she   was pulled back in. and  the pair would  soon  start to talk

It quicly becam apparent that  denli  had attempt to delete threads of messages  which fortunaly could be easily recovered. she hads been texting smeone caled  “tyler” a  man  she had started  online relationship with.and  the conversation between the pair were extremely dark. tyler told her he was very wealthy and  lived in kansas almost  4 000 miles away. the police found    child  pornography on denali´s   phone as well and a string of  explicit images  of children  that denali sent to tyler. for his approval. the more  the pair spoke the more disturbing  things   became.

tyler soon told denali to sexually assult an eigh- year old and send  him videos  of it .after this  he wanthed  her to assult a 14 years old as well. the text threads between the pair wew grafiphic  one messafe from tyler read

 Tyler:so are you going to the 14 year old?

Denali :gonna buy weed first. i wanna get her high  so  she  dosen´t fight  me  i love you.soon we can rape toghether



After these assaults tyler texted denali and told her  he wanted to see more. He wanted  her to rape and murder someone in exchange,he said that he would pay her nine million dollars

Denali then sat about recruiting people to help her and get  the plan in motion.She finally told police that  she and kaden had picke  cynthia up and drove her  out about  20 miles  away from her home

using a car owend by another teenager that she had promised five hundred  thousand  dollars of   the alleged money  to a 19 year old called caleb leland.  This gave police a  fourth name to look at. buit little did they know this would soon become more. Denali said she ,kayden and  cynthia  all drove arond smoking marijuana together,something  timothy said he didn´t see his daughter doing at all and was  likely pressured into doing in the first place. if it was even true.

After this. they drow out  to a parking lot near thunderbird  falls trail with intention of going on hike

But instead of  following  the trail, the abandoned  it and  followed another path

That ran alonside the oklunda river.

They all walked along  until they found an isolated clearing dinardi claimed that all  three of them agreed to duct tape each other and take photographs as  a part of a joke or prank. in the clearing cynthia was  bound by her ankles and wrists and had tape put over her mouth. Cynthia soon realized this was not a  joke and  started  to panic. she started to shouting  that she  was going to call the police.denalie held  a gun to her head which she eventually let kayden take off her . Kayden t hen shot then cynthia in the back of  the head.

In a kayden´s interview he admitted  to duct taping Cynthia and said  that he had blacked out but remember shooting her and pushing  her into the river .as much as denali was trying to distance herself she had been documenting the whole the ordeal on her phone, sending photographs and  videos to tyler via snapshat.showing that she was someone whowas very much involved

Allthough  tyler said he wanted to see a reap as well as a murder there was no  evidence  to suggest that cynthia had been sexually assulted . to the piolice denali spoke of being afraid of kayden implying she was following his suit as well as being tricked by tyler  .however denali had not only brought and hled  the loaded gun ,she photographed and filmed  the  entire thing and had engaged in numerous conversations with tyler about all kinds of horrifying things up to that point.police felt cofident that tyler and denali were ring leaders together

after  cynthia had  been pushed into the river denali and kayden then went back to the car and made  a pact  to contact  cynthia ´s family to say that she had benn dropped off the park

After this they sat about burning and disposing of cynthia´s purse ,clothes and ID in lions park in north east Anchorage,they even attempted to burn the gun. denali later texted  tyler and said.


Denali” i wish i never  made a deal with you in the first place.we can meet ,but once i see  a cop i´m telling him or her that  i made your rape people and kill cece. 



But as  the police already suspected tyler wasn´t who  he claimed he was either . the man .the man behind the screen wsas  actually 21 year old darren  shilmiller and he wasn´t living in kansas , he lived in new salsibury indiana .when he wasd tracked  down and questioned ,he confessed to everything   including convincing denali that he was a millionaire and that he would pay her to assult and kill Cynthia. he also admited that he and  denali had discussed murdering someone else after cynthia was dead.

Those that knew   darren schilmiller or ” Tyler” said  his dark thoughts had always been obvious. when he was a teenager he had started asking  very young girls to send  him explicit photographs often  making up fake profiles and going  by fake names online as well.

People described him as off and creepy as he got older he started asking people to send him photos of their children, sometimes while they were being changed or bathed. hehad also a fetish for dirty diapers and often wanted  to see photographs of those too.

He had previously been the object of child ponrograhpy investigation but no charges were filed  and the case collapsed. when he told denali her to find someone to kill she made the choice quickly. she chose cynthia without questioning it.


Timothy said .” her disability just made her want to  have friends , that´s all she  wanted . she wanted  just to be her friend.


Detective subpoenaed  for darren´s phone data and and all the footage of  the miners denali had hurt up untill that point were found along more  evidence that  highlighted  darren´s sick perversions

This is the  house on rooster church road in  new salisbury where federal investigators say darren shillmiller was living.


Neighbor: as a mother it scares me to think someone was living down the road with those kind of  intentions ,it gives me chills up my spine.  thats scary.


Reporter :people who live in  this quiet harrison  county neighborhood say if  the accusations are true  they´re glad  chillmiller is in custody.


Neighbor:its  schoking of how…how  far someone can reach another just over the internet.



They also uncovered a snapshat video that denali had uploaded after cynthia  been killed in which she said :


denali:”i just want to thank everyone that been there  for me  my whole life and these past few years and everything.i fucked up. i know i did.if  i could take back what i´ve done… i can´t . i´m sorry everybody . my family, my friends …. i guess you will hear from me when you hear  from me but i won´t be back for a long time , i´m sorry  , i didn´t mean to do it.




A  grand jury would soon indict six individuals in  cynthia hoffman´s case:

Darren shillmiller,Denali  brehmer,kayden  McIntorch, Caleb Leyland who had given them the car. and two  other teens  who have not been maned .due to their ages.


they were all indicted on charges  of first degree murder.conspiracy to commit first-degree murder  and murder  in  the second degree.


CBSNEWS:A tennager in Anchorage Alaska has been charge with killing her best friend. the police say  the murder plot began online with a promise of a muliti -,million dollar payday


CBSNEWS: In court Denali  18 years old  Brehem showed no emotional as  she appeard to admit her role  in an  elaborate plot to murder her friend Cynthia hoffman. investigators say it all began with a bizarre online catfishing scheme hatched  by 21  years old  darren schillmiller thousands a miles  away in indiana police  say brehmer offered to pay some of the money  to four other teens to help her plan and carry out the killing



timothy:  iam going to seek justice and i am going to follow this through this full extent of law and i will be here every time she is and i will not let it go.



CBSNEWS. Police found  hoffman´s body  a day later and the scheme began to unravel leading them to brehmer mcIntoch and and the other  theens  involved. brehmer´s phone records revealed  chillmiller in Indiana, authorities say their arrest should be a warning.



Agent jeff peterson in charge ,FBI   : if you´re planning to conduct a crime in Alaska  and you  safe because  you´r that far away. you´re not.



Sixteen years old  kayden was  charged as an adult and  as well murder  he  also faced four counts of  tampering with evidence.

The two juveniles a male and a female addmitted to knowing  about and  being  present for the planing of the murder. in exchange for a cut of  the money

Caleb was also accused of sexually assaulting the female juvenile suspect and  faces additioinal charges of sexual assault and sexual abuse of a minor as well as murder charges.

Darren and Denali were indicted on more counts of  solicitation to commit murder in the first degree and then faced  further charges of child pornograhpy, conspiracy to produce child pornograhpy,distribution of child pornography and   the coercion and  enticement of of  a minor.

All six individuals  entered pleas of not guilty.




Denali adressed  the court and  even spoke of having a child herself.something  which should not be mantioned  before this point , she said.


Denali:” i  don´t want my daughter knowing  that her mom grew up in a killer because i dont see myself as one.


Denali´s sisters spoke to the media and said they were devastated that she could be involved in something like this .

Denali is the third child of  five girls, her older sisters said  that all of the children had  been removed from the care of their mother at different points and the abuse reached a tipping point when the man living with their mother at the  time killed their two-month old baby sister.

Denali was  adopted in her early childhood  but both her sistsers said the trauma have lingered and potentially might have  been casue of  several issuses in adulthood.

Sister:”we all had really hard lives and i feell  like she took the wrong road with the wong people who didn´t care about her and now she´s paying the ultimate cost.




The  pending  hearing and trials have  all been delayed and postponed several times  for  various reasons. 56 gigabytes of material and  over 100,000 pages of evidence and  cell phone data was handed  over in court which is  a huge amount to dissect and go  through.

This coupled with lockdowns due to the   pandemic  has pushed  the trial dates back and  in january 2020  it was  annonuced it would  be some time before the dsates were set .



Timothy hoffman  said  he would be in court in every opportunity adding nothing really disapoints me i am prepared  for a long  journey



It was  a  shocking and  sick  case in every imaginable way . murder. sexual assault ,catfishing, manipulation,greed  and the ultimate betrayal in the most devastating way.


Cynthia Hoffman was  a  determined young women,someone who would  face challenges and  adversity and   had pushed  through all of it,determined to always give  her  all and make her family proud, her life came to an end in a  terrifying  way at the hands  of  someone  she trusted and  would never have  doubted





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