Warning: Graphic content, readers’ discretion advised. This article contains a recollection of crime and can be triggering to some readers discretion advised.

July 26 th 2015 m 6:08 pm. a panic 911 call comes in from an apartement complex in santa  cruz , california. a young girl is  missing and her mother is beside herself.she had last been seen riding on her scooter around the the complex and  she had not been seen since after 5 pm.

her mother gave the  officers  the  all- important descriotion eight  years  old four foot tall about about 48 pounds,brown hair, wearing a black helmet and  a purple dress.last seen  riding a little white scooter. named madison middelton .

It was now all hands  on deck  to find  the eight  year old  hwo  had seemingly disappeared in a space of a fews minutes.

Eight year old madison middleton know as   maddie lived with her  mother laura, she was   the only child and  she and her mother and father michael were a  tight trio .

the family lived  in the tannery Arts center  apartement complex. a really unique campus .

that provides affordable living for families and   and artists ,a place they can live and create art toghether in their little comunity. every on in the complex  was  close , they  would  all creates things and spend   times togther. all the children would  hang out  in the ourt yard  and and  play games.

for a young girl that loved all things creative it was  the perfect place for her to grow up . she would often paint little toy animals and  create plays and  stories  with hem. she loved to sing ,dance and daw. her mother laura sais madddie was  such a generous child always the first to try  and help someone or stand up for  someone that was  on their own or needed supprort.

she was bright intuitive and  curious never without a smile on her face.everyone in the apartment complex knew  her as  shatty maddie and  shw would  talk to anyone and everyone always making friends and  entertaining people.

July 26 was a sunday maddie was enjoying the last part of her weekend  her friend  took  him  over and and  was now  playing board game  with her mom laura.  maddie was waiting  for them to finish and  desided  she was going to play  with her new present while  they wrapped  the game. she had jsut got a scooter a  few days before and couldn´t wait to  it  around the courtyard before it got dark .

at 4 pm she was seen by several neighbors , she was also spotted  a few times after  this ,just  riding around and having fun. occsionally she stopped to talk to a  other children but  was happy to be by herself. at 5:07  pm she wsas seen going past some mailboxes ,this was the last time anyone saw maddie.after this  she vanished.

her mother laura thought she migh have met another friend and starting going door  to door. there were around 100 apartments in the eight acre  complex.but with each person that answered  saying they  hadn´t seen her .the panic  was mounting. she was nowhere.

officers rapidly descended on the apartments and got to work without hesitation. her family said that  although maddie was confident she knews not  to wander off by  herself.go to far or talk to people that she  didnt know .so detectives knew her disappearance was  out of  character.

dispite this an amber alert was not  issued  because they said the case did not meet certain criteria .

An amber alert is an emergency alert system that  sends out information  about endangered missng or  abducted  child.

an  ectensive search was now underway which included  the  involvement of  the santa cruz police departement. as santa crue´s sheriff´s  office search and  rescue team and  a k-9 unite ,b ut it was soon dark and they hadn´t  found anything.

by 11 am the next day ,50 FBI officers were on the case going door to door in the area and requesting evryone look in  their garages and check their bins  ,gardens and  cheds.

by this point  the complex had  already been searched top to bottom and  the hunt for maddie was now spreading into the  outer areas.


 joyce Blashke ,santa cruiz  police spkersperson ” we´re not calling this a kidnapping ,we´re still early  on  in our investigation  where we´re calling it, this is we´re looking for a lost child.



police  stopped vehicles entering the Tannery parking lot. and  looking for any informatiuon or signs of  msising madison maddie middleton.

hundred of volunteers arrived  to search, police had now received over 1000 tips and  it was clesar to see how  this case  had resonated with the public  and how much they were trying to help to bring her home.

As the police approached the 24 – hours  mark, they decided to refocus their  search  back inwards. with such sa small window of time in which  she suddenly vanished they felt confident thats the answers lasy  in the apartment complex. somewhere.

They started  a more thourough and intense search of the buildings.

july 27 th . 8:00 pm. just over a day after the search for maddie had started  it came to a painful and a abrupt end at 8 pm  on july 27th her body was found in a bag inside a recycling bin in the first floor garage of  the appartment complex.

One of the investigators said


“everyone´s heart sank when  they found  her


but they  quickly regrouped as  the missing person case was now a major homicide investigation.

no sooner had this happened police annonced  that  they had made an arrest .

News:” police in santa cruz california  have a 15 year orld  boy under  arrest  inconnection  with the  disapperance and apprent death of an eight year old  girl 


More  shocking still the suspect lived in the  apartment complex

at 9 pm  on  july 28 th the broken  community came together for a vigil

Because of  his age the  tennager´s identity was protected but all this  changed when santa cruz   county district attorny jeff roselle issued a  statement he announced that they had sufficient evidence against him and he would be charging the teen as an adult not only for murder  but also for kidnapping and sexual assults



” the  law allows under certain circumstances with certain types of  offenses a determination as to wether or not you want to charge someone as an adult or wheter or not  they´re charged as a juvenile based on the information thar we know at this point, there do appear to  be charges ,that can be filed as an adult and we are absolutely considering that and these  are the type of charges and the type of offenses that are and can be charged also.


and with this  name was released.


The supect in custody turned out to be Adrian Jerry Gonzales as AJ. and he had lived in the apartement for the last six years with his mother .it was a bombshell for the neighbors and the fact that he could have been involved left them shocked.not knowing any details, everybody at first thought that this must have been an accident and AJ  had panicked and tried to cover it up. everybody described him as likable and polite often spending time ouside with the other children.  teachen them how to do yo-yo tricks and play the piano. he even worked as a councelor for the younger  children .everyone loved and trusted him and this was an unfathomable thing to process.


“the dreams in which i´m dying are the best i´ve ever had.


but  othe argued  his social media posts  pointed  to someone who was far  more trubbled than anyone had realized. with many of his posts having disturbing captions .

what had initially drawn police to AJ  that day was that  hw was watching  them intently as they searching the bins.and in  the second  the officers  realized that maddie was in there. he started to run. despite he fact he wouldn´t have been able to  even see what they have found.he had been  helping in the searches and involving himself in the investigation from the beginning.

asking everyone questions about  what they knew and if anyone had heard anything,something that seemed innocuous but when police questioned  him after he ran away. they realized  something was very wrong.and he did had something to hide.

they wouldn ´t go into detail about what he  had said  or what evidence  they had uncovered in his  apartment which was likely  due to to his age and how much they were allowed toi reveal.

an examination of maddies  body came in the following day and  it was  determined that   her mouth had ben bound wuth tape. she had been beaten and  raped before being  strangled and  stappbed it was such a   monstrous crime and   what poor madie had gone through was  horrendous.

after  being formally interviewed AJ admitted to what  he  done. had lured  maddie into his apartment by offering  her som  ice cream, maddie knew AJ well and  trusted  him.As  she was helping herself to the ice cream he attacked her from behind after he bound her asnd  assulted  her ,he strungled  her before forcing her in into the bag she was later found in. as  he was doung  this, he realized that  she was still alive he subsequently stabbed  the neck. medical examiners  concluded that she had utlimately died of positional asphyxiation from her position  in the recycklin bin.


district attorney jeff roselle said” we  are going to bring him to justice he is  looking at life in prison.he also said that he thought being charged and tried as an adult was  the  onyl appropriate course of action and  that AJ was a sexual deviant with no place in society



 judge salazar agreed  with with jeff roselle and determined that AJ´s trial  should go through the adult court system  instead of  the juvenile one.he cited  prop 57 which was  passed  by  voters and allowed  jugdes to descide wether or not a teen should be tried as  an adult 

AJ entered  a  plea of not guilty.despite  his  admissions.but his defense team were fighting  hard to transer his case back to  juvenile court using the controversial Senate bill 1391  which  had just com into effect.

SB1391 prhibits anyone  14 or 15 years old from being  tried as an adul, they also said that the reasons behind why he did  what i hid  stemmed from a tough home and  school life  and  being socially  awkward  but  people that knew the Gonzalez  family said that this was simply not true. 

his mother reggie had left his father when the relationship had turned  violent. and  her children were her biggest priority.they said AJ  was showered with love and affection and he came from a caringfamily that had  done their best giving their situation ,they said that although reggie had battled drug and  alcohol issues  , she was now clean and  doing her best to repair any damage that had been done.

The police and prosecution said that numerous people have tougher upbringings than most and and this is not  the outcome .they said ,using his mother and  his upbringing as some kind  of  justification for what he had done was heartbreaking.

Thousands of  people signed a petition to stop SB 1391 applying to  AJ ´s case but i twas in vain.when after much deliberation and  appeals by AJ´s  defense team the supreme court ruled that his case schould be transferred to a juvenile court .

This was met with huge backlash and the community were  horrified  that  something  so awful could  shappen to someone so vulnerable and be met with potentially just a  few years in prison, judge salazar also  expressed  his feelings saying  his hands were tied  by the  change  in i the law and he had no choice.

he said  :  allowing all 14  and 15 year olds accused to first -degree  murder and  other violent offenses  to remain in  in juvenile court is not  promoting public  safety because not all of  them can be safely  rehabilitated.


following  this decision in april 2021 Adrian Jerry Gonsalez changed  his plea

he finally  pleaded guilty to six felony counts including the kidnapping ,rape, and murder of  maddie more than five years prior  before his  senencing AJ said  he hoped the family would forgive him  one day.

 maddies father michael said he has accepted his daughter´s loss and he has forgiven AJ.

Laura said  her daughter´s death left her suffering with depression anxiety and post – traumatisc stress disorder resulting in her being unable to work.

Even AJ´s attorney expressed his relief that this was all coming to an end , so thtat maddie´s family  did not have to go through any more than  they already had

In the adult court system AJ was facing  126  years to life in prison .but the juvenile court  system gave a very different sentence.

People gathering outside the santa crus county courthouse protesting the  sentencing . under  california law  Gonzales must be sentence  here as a juvenile.gonzales was 15 ,  almost 16 years old when he killed  maddie middleton, because of that  he was a child at the time at the murder.he  will   be released in jsut 4 years when he turns 25.

Judge salazar imoposed the maximum sentence he possible could given the circumstances.the law  as it stands  now determined that AJ´s maximum  term of confinement ends  when he turns  25 . this would  be in october 2024. there is no garantee he´ll  be released  in 2024  however as the court can be petitioned to extend  his time.


 Allthough district attorney jeff roselle said :”he sadley believes it might be.i think its likely  he will  be out at 25 and i think its an absolute travesty of justice and  i think it´s unsafe for the community he,said.


AJ must also  register for life as a  sex offender and pay twenty two thousand dollar in i  restitution fees


Maddies grandfather Dan said that the sentencing ignores all the  evidence pointing towards him. being a danger  to  society . he also predict that SB1391 will have dire consequences for future cases.


A celebration of  life was  also   held where hundreds turned up and the mayor Don Lane commemorated her life by declaring october 5th,2015 as  madison Midlleton day, her birthday.

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