Warning: Graphic content, readers’ discretion advised. This article contains a recollection of crime and can be triggering to some readers discretion advised.

 our next story  starts with the sudden killing of a culinary instructor.this left  investigators scratching their heads.who would want to kill this man? a stranger ? an enemy? a loved one? lets found out.

It’s early saturday morning june 2nd 20018 at the Oregon Culinary Institute in Portland.

students walk  in, expeting a day of learning techniques and recepies.yet instead …

they found discovered the body of their instructor ,63 year old Daniel brophy lying on the floor of one of the school’s kitchen .

Daniel brophy was at his school where he teatchers culinary arts and on the day he was preparing for students to come  in , it was just like any other day.

studens had found chef brophy lying  on his back by the sink, the water was still running, one of the students actually tried to perform CPR,

they assumed that he had maybe  had a medical event.

what made it harder at the beginning was  prosecutors  had  initial 911 call, that’s even  confusing the callers stating ” hey  we have an older gentlemen down ” they didn’t even know.

Right away that dan had been shot .

the gunshots wounds were not apparent.there were no  pool of blood ,there wasn’t  the classic kind of signs  that people imagine and it wasn’t until student  saw blood on her hand that they realize  that ,” oh this isn’t some  sort of heart attack”

the officials are called to the scene. but they aren’t sure what exactly happened or even what to expect when they  arrive.

fire and medical arrive.

they realize after  examining chef brophy’s body  that he had what appeared to be a possible gunshot strike to his chest.

they found two spent  shell casings  lying on the floor.

because this was a large building and it was a school, they didn’t know  if it might  have been an  active shooter situation,and the shooter could still be in the building

 they went through and methodically cleared the entire building to make sure there was no shooter or suspect still at the scene.

this is a building with exits on multiple streets.if the shooter’s still at large, they need to get a perimeter going.

after  confirming there’s no active threat on the property  authorities have to figure out  what happened here.

who would   want to do this , why would somebody do this. law enforcement  treated it like they  do any other homicidethey start to  separate  all the witnesses and in this situation there were numerous wittnesses because there were two different classes going on  on that day .

so there were anywhere from  30  to 40 some students. investigators  started looking at the students first

the students that were there. and more importantly the students that weren’t there, that should have been. pilice tracked  all of them down.

it kind of looked like  well given the area of downtown portland could have been a robbery gone wrong, those were som of the things  police were thinking.could  this been maybe a houseless person that came in and  wanted tto rob the place . but chef brophy interrupted it.

it just didn’t seemed that way from him working at the sink and getting shot in the back.

there was no video ,there was no eyewitness, didn’t look  anything was really disturbed.one person that  became interest was a guy  named Oscar taylor .

somebody who steels,  he  was out looking for cans that  morning.law enforcement  thought:

” okay,he didn’t go  canning walk and  murder dan for no  reason whatsoever” and  then just leave.

that dosen’t make any sense .

he’s living from day to day trying to survive canning. law enforcement  don’t expect him to have a 500 dollar Glock hand gun in his pocket.

there ‘s  no signs of forced  entry on the building, they don’t  really find  anything

as if somebody had done a robbery or something  of that nature.

one of the things that stood out right away ,was dan’s wallet was there. with money in it , he had cash in his pocket.

his credit cards ,debit cards, his ID .

his cell phone, his watch , his keys nothing was taking.

police thought; ” okay this maybe is more personal , maybe ,this was targeted.

 the lack of evidence was pretty telling. when you look at the crime scene   and you’re looking at the  video  from outside the crime scene.

and you don’t  see anybody fleeing there¨s nobody ryunning down the sidewalk, there’s  no car speeding  away .

everyone liked Dan ,everyone respected Dan , he was passionate ,his students respected him and loved  him and adored him.nobody had a bad  thing to say about him. he worked  them hard and that’s what they respected most about him ,because he  brought the best out of them.

investigators aren’t sure  at this point how to piece together who killed chef brophy and they need  to get a better  understanding of his life

that’s when they decide to speak with his wife 67 -year old Nancy brophy , perhaps she can provide  some clues as to who may have done this to her husband.

 Nancy was from Texas, she decided she was going to go into culinary world and that’s where she met Dan. In the early  90s Dan  was actually her instructor ,they got together and  eventually got married in 99.

Nancy wore a lot of hats,she was developing her writing , she was working on some books ,

she sold insurance, she also sold  medicare coverage.

Nancy and dan had been married  for years.they were knon to love each other and they were always  with each other.


Sometimes it’s the people closest to the victim that can provide the best  information.can  Nancy brophy help law enforcement find her husbands killer?


Back on june 2nd 2018  culinary students discover 63 year old  cooking instructor  Dan brophy shot to death on the floor of a kitchen at the Portland Oregon  Culinary Institute.

Investigators  are exploring  every Avenue to determine who would want chef Brophy  dead .

hours after the  murder, Dan’s wife 67 year old Nancy Brophy arrives downtown at the school.

police were just kind of standing around  and that’s when Nancy Brophy first got  to the crime sceme. investigators remember that very vividly she was just standing there ,didn’t show any emotion , she was just kind of there.

police initally met with nancy to let her know that her husband was  killed.

it was something that normal with every homicide that takes place.

police took Nancy brophy into the van, that’s set up for intervies.

they needed to learn as much  as they can about chef brophy’s activities that morning, what he did,if there was anything  going on , problems grievances with other people.

she said that he  had come up and taken a shower upstairs in the master bedroom area while she was in the bad  and  then he left.

A  mutual  friend of hers and Dan’s , maxine called nancy. maxine  kind  of filled her in and asked her if she was going to go down to the culinary institute and nancy’s reply to the detectives was farily odd.she said that she wasn’t .

because  something along the lines of there was going to be toomany cops around there. and then she gets a call from Dan’s mom  Karen and it was really when Karen insisted that  she needed to go down there.that’s apparently when Nancy  decided that she needed  to.

as investigators push  for more information, they look for possible suspects from Dan’s life.

somebody whose name came up was a  janitor that may or may not have been there that night before or maybe that morning.

investigators had alarm panel codes and so they had the history of the alarm panel . they know  nobody was was there. the night before or the morning before Dan.

Dan brophy was a beloved teacher but in  terms of hwo couldh ave killed him.invetstigators know  it’s se 7 in the morning  ,could  it have been a student that was upset with him.

could it have been just someone with some mental health issues that just went off  that day or could it have been someone else that he knew that wanted his teacher position or wanted  his job

no one knows.

Nancy  made it very clear that nobody would want hurt Dan.

he wasn’t  abusive at home,he wasn’t secretely doing side deals with people, he went to work, tended  his chickens and lived a pretty simple life.

where to turn in a case where it seemed no one wanted dan brophy dead? authorities learned some case changing information.

2018 Portlan Oregon.

investigators  are working  to  determine who shot and killed culinary instructor  Daniel brophy

 in a teaching kitchen where he  worked at  the Oregon Culinary Institute . he had been shot twice through the heart.

as police try to learn more information about  Dan from his wife Nancy brothy , a self- published romance author. they  realize her  behavior and answers are a bit off.

when they met wit Nancy, Nancy very talkativ inserting herself a little bit  but more shocking was when they let  her know that  her husband is person that was killed.

she said ” oh i fugred that, by the way that people were looking at me “

your being told that the love of your life,this person that you just saw  this morning  this person that you ‘ve been with for over 10 years  was just killed and there’s is no reaction.

The unusual thing was  she never asked  investigtors  ” is my  husband okay?is he doing  okay?” prior to her finally being notified that he was in fact deceased.she was giggling ,she was laughing.she as beingvery talkative, she wasn’t in  shock.


but then Nancy finally  starts  asking questions which leads to some interesting details.

Nancy” was it an AR-15  that killed him”and investigators like ” what?”

 it seemed like an unusal  question, investigators realize and understand that there’s always shock and  different reactions that people have  in a time of a such of trauma  so they didn’t pay too much attention to it.


Nancy disclosed that back in february they had purchased a glock 17,9 mm.she said that they got it home , they took it out of the box ,they looked at it . they thought it was ugly and heavy ,kind of scared them a little bit and  so she just put it away never did anything with it.

at first investigators  thinking ” well if she is  the murder, there¨s noway this is the gun she just voluntarily turned  it over. so they tested it and  it was not a match.

they knew the gun she got from the gun show was not  the gun  that shot  daniel brophy.  she liked to have hands -on experience with props  and things that she used in her books.

the thing  though that  didn’t fit is that she bought approximately 1.500 dollar worth of guns and gun parts,during this time frame leading up to her husband’s murder.

detectives did  a search of one of  her storage units and they found a box and sure enough they opened up the box and there were scarves and purses and a glock kit .

it was a ghost  gun , detectives thought:” oh my gosh  ,this must be it , this must be the  murder weapon.”

but as  they got looking closer at the physical gun itself , they  realized that she never built it.

Nancy had done searches on ghost guns and just  guns in general and it turns  out that nancy had purchased ghost gun pieces on  online .

however she failed to mention to law enforcement that she had purchased a ghost gun piece a slide from eBay.

detectives  hace experts that can test to  determine which shell casings came out of which gun. the parts that leaves the mark on the shell casing comes fromthe slide and  barrel of the gun.

  so in  theory you could take a slide and barrel off of one gun and put it on an identical lower unit and it would  work . the big question was .where’s the slide and barrel from eBay? thats the only firearm piece that law enforcement was never able to locate.

with no  murder weapon directly connecting nancy to the crime investigators begin to question why would she kill Dan they  discover a key piece of evidence that could change  this whole investigation.

everybody around them thought they had a great relationship.they seem to be doing fine …until 2016 is where things investigators could see started to deral , Nancy is management and she controlled pretty much all aspects of their  life.

most importantly,their finances,they had a lot of finacial issues and financial troubles from taking out loans on  their pension to their full  401K  to paying down their debt to thinking about selling their property.

they weren’t paying their mortgage on time ,there was repeated times  where the mortgage just didn’t get paid. but ironically she’s buying all this Glock parts and some guns

simultaneously she’sprioritizing paying  for life insurance policies and these are in Dan’s name some of them

so it looked very suspicious to investigators.

she would takeout 35 ,000  dollars  on  their  401  k andshe woul spend it on getting the yard cleaned up and vacations andthen she of course spent part of that money on firearms  and firearm accessiories.

but having financialproblems doesn’t mean Nancy’s a murderer or does it …..

as detectives  try to sort out what actually happened to Dan brophy,days after the murder they receive a strange  phone  call from Nancy.

Nancy called and  asked the investigate:


”  i know this is weird but can i get a letter and say  that i’m not  a suspect?that i wasn’t involved”

detectives  is  caught off guard.


it was just an odd phone call in general . Nancy is laughing .she¨s very much downplaying.


It was something that  gave some additional insight to this investigator:

” wait  hold up , insurance policies?”

and it wasn’t just the 40 .000  there were also  other insurance policies totaling  over 1 million

Nancy seems to be a very  weird person .just her interaction and h ow she had this conversation with  this investigator , so it was  definitely a red flag.

investigators did   lot of work trying to find a suspect that was not Nancy brophy and  to try to rule out that there was no  other motive

perosn  that had a problem with then there was nothing else suspicious or anything else that led  detectives a different direction.

based on  her statements  ,behavior and activities leading up to Dan’s death .detectives  narrow in on Nancy as their likely suspect.

but there’s something else a bit curious about  romance  novelist Nancy brophy.

one of the investigators googled Nancy brophy’s writings and learned that she had written :

and  it talked about police tactics avoiding detection by law   enforcement if you were  to carry ot a murder of your  spuse.

another odd deatail, maybe Nancy did kill Dan to collect life insurance money and to live out  her retirement years without him .but  a lot of this is purely circumstantial and there’s  still not quite enough evidence to charge her.

 However …..investigators find out something big about the murder.

It’s summer 2018 and Portland investigators suspect 67 year old romance novelist Nancy brophy may have shot and killed her own husband 63 year old  dan brophyas he was preparing his kitchen at the oregon culinary institute for a saturday  class.

financial motive to kill  suspicious, firearm related purchases,strange comments to to police  and literally authoring an essay on how  to kill your husband. all look bad for Nancy brophy.however there’s nothing concrete tying her to the crime  untill we take a closer   at the scene.

as detectives  contune to investigate, they learned there’s no video surveillance on the premises in the  interior of   OCI.

across the  strreet. bellagios pizza.

detectives watch the video together.

the first pass goes by  of this kind of silvery tanish minivan,detectives don’t even know that  they  noticed it on the first pass. they didn’t really pay it much attention,until they saw it  after the time of the homicide as well .

detectives like ” hey  isn’t  that Nancy’s  van we just saw  her drive away in .” and they  start looking at it and wer’e slowing it down ,were’re rewinding it , pausing it, doing  still images. and it looks exactly like the wan they just saw .

and not  only that . rights  as the van crosses in fron of the  bellagios it stops for a stop sign and as it stops you can see the driver  appears to look just like Nancy brophy.

she said  that she never got out of the bed from the masterbed upstairs.that she was  working on a book.

investigators ears perked up quite a bit .

what  is the chance of the same exat type of minivan, the same Rim.the same lights  has  this particular in it and then it  wasn’t  just  a scratch. it was a pretty  significant scrape down the side

and so really  to connect the van to Nancy it was that arixkwe in rgw window, Dan’s mom karen explained that  ,that  minivan  used to  belong jack and karen brophy.

and that  they had given that minivan to Nancy when she needed a vehicle. that was a church  parkinglot sticker  in the corner of the van. investigators  were able to  verift it was  fact the church parking sticker

the van was spotted in the area without  any  reason, to be in that area at that time. If  somebody says they’re not there when their husband’s getting murdered but the video shows otherwise that’s a huge problem.


Nanct brophy is arrested and later  charged with the seconf deegree murder of her own husband.

when they  put handcuff on her ,she said” oh you must think  i killed my husband.”

which investigators thougth was not something you say when being arrested for your husbands murder.

four years after Dan brophy’s murder prosecutors lay out the case for the jury in a criminal  trial of Nancy brothy .

the prosecution put forward that  yeas they  had a lot  of financial issues and financial troubles.

prosecutor call several witnesses over the course of the trial to prove  beyond a reasonable doubt that  Nancy murder Dan, these include detectives.an accountant.and an investigative analyst.

but it was some of the first witnesses that really set the stage. they knew Dan too ,it was personal for them

they all loved and respected him and they tried to save  his life. when those  people testify and they’re feeling that emotional all over again and the jury sees that , it’s  pretty powerful.

but  unfortunately for the prosecutors ,they ran into some difficulty with the key piece of evidence -the 2011  essay authored  by Nancy entitled ” how to murder your husband”

 Prosecutors were trying to introduce it,trying to show the jury that she has the knowledge of how to do it. this couldbe helpful to a jury, but it’s so prejudicial that it’s too much  to give that to a jury.it would be too sensational.

so the judge airing onthe side of caution decided  to keep it  out.

and once the case turned to the defense , Nancy’s attorneys took their  time.their case lasting weeks. arguing Nancy couldn’t possibly be Dan’s  killer.they weren’t working with much .

all they could do  is try to distract away from all of that evidence and  try to humanize Nancy as much as they could.

the most dificult part about the prosecution’s case  is the love  story  that both Nancy and Dan had. they had a wonderful relationship, they worked wery well together .it seemed to  be an ideal marriage ,they  were very  erll suited to each other sort of Yin and Yang. they seemed  just  really enkoy each other.

there was no inclination that there were any troubles in the sense of there was any infidelity that there were any arguments, that they were bickering or that they couldn’t stand each other .

they couldn’t find anything that could have bee brewing to lead to Dan being killed by his wife.

then  Nancy brophy took the stand herself and her testimony caught  everyone’s attention.

the person that the jury and all jurors  usually want to hear from  is the defendant themselves . she was on the stand 4 hours, what happened on that day?  why did you  lie about  where you were at?why is that  now you can’t remember where you were at? or what you did that day?

she  testified  fine  on direct examination with  her attorneys when she knew what  the questions were going  to be, she was very comfortable.


attorney“did they tell you that they had video of you near the murder scene”

Nancy” yes

attorney”  did you beliveve that is true?

 Nancy :” not  for one second. i thought they’re makingthis up. this isn’t true.”


it wasn’t until cross examination that just went  completely off the rails


prosecutor”  why didn¨t you just say yes we have a gun.

Nancy” i wass trying to be helpful  to the police at this point, i thought they were going to find my husband’s  killer , i didn’t think they were going to say” lets look at the one person who didn’t kill him.”


the longer that she was  on that stand  she just became so  combative.two different people between the prosecution and the defense.


prosecutor” you have a gun complete  slid and barrel intact, you  knew how to remove it , in fact she did. you  can manipulate the slide and barrel separate and  apart from the  resy of the gun but you choose to buy the exact same   piece .why? why in the world when you already own this exact piece  you  would need to buy another one days later.”

Nancy“what i can tell  you is, it was  for writting  it was not  to… uh as she would have it murder my  husband.”


 the jury’s looking at her ,”wait  your’re not coming off as that mild mannered

” i  wouldn’t hurt  a fly” typ person that the defense is trying to sell.


prosecutor ” you think you have relevant evidence to a murder  ivnestigation and you dont think you shouldmention it to te police.”

Nancy “even though i market it how is a gun kit relative evidence.”

 prosecutor ” i ‘m asking you “

Nancy“i’m asking you because i don’t think it is cuz it’s never been  put together.”

prosecutor” then why would you marked it for the police”

 Nancy” because i   figured the police would come back and want to know.”


Nancy should not have testified . especially since she wasn’t going to be able to provide you an answer as  to what were h er whereabouts on the  day of the murder.


Nancy “the day of june 2nd,not only is there a memory hole,but i have a hard time making it clear what i actually  remember”


 there were so many things that she could remember  during detectives notification with her and then for the defense to come in and say ” well she had amnesia”causing her to not recall the events that morning. it didn’t sit well wit the prosecutors.



prosecutor” you have no memory of driving  around  downtown onthe morning on the morning of june 2nd,how can you sit here today and say ” i was driving around  writing”

Nancy” if i was down there, that¨s what i was doing.i do know based  upon the  timestamps that i was only  down there  for …6 minutes or less  from the time he signe in to the building until you see me again  living the area.

prosecutor ” how do you know  you didn’t go in the building?”

Nancy” i  didn’t go  in the building because i didn’t kill Dan  i know that for a fact.


After  weeks of testimony and a day and a half of delibreations jurors  returns their descision.

based on her testifying, her performance,she was on the stand that played a huge role in jury deliberations  and the quickness  of their verdict  that  just goes to show you that they did not find her to be believable.

Following her conviction Nancy brophy was  sentenced to life  in prison with the possible of parole  after 25 years. she’d be about 92 when she ‘d be eligible for release which is no guarantee especially  somebody who’s defiant and will never admit that they did anything.

but the questions everyone wants to know : why  would you kill your husband? 

who didn’t sheat on you, didn’t hurt you,didn’t hit you,gave yhou everything,praised you. that’s a  question that will always remain unanswered…….

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