Warning: Graphic content, readers’ discretion advised. This story contains a recollection of crime and can be triggering to some readers discretion advised.

Sweden historically knwon for its prosperity  and peaceful reputation  has faced a significant shift in recent times.

A  surge of violence  has shaken the nation’s sense of security .

in 2022 the country experienced a staggering 392 recorded shootings and the trend continued into 2023 with no signs of abathing.

 September 2023  alone, witnessed  11  fatal shootings.

 The root cause of this wave of violence lies in territorial disputes among crimingal gangs cying for control over drug distribution.


there are not typical criminal organizations,they actively recrut young boys,some as  young as 13.

to carry out acts of violence including shootings and   greanade attacks.

one individual who has played apivotal role in this ongoing  turmoil ia  Rawad majid , also  known as the Kurdish Fox ,born on july 12 1986 in  Iran to Iraqi parents

.his family sought refuge in Sweden due to the intensifyingIran Iraq conflicts.they settled in in up in Uppsala, a smal city located about 70 kilometers from stockholmswedens capial.

 Despite his fathers’s gradual absence from his life .Rawa excelled in schoolduring his childhood Rawa majid’s journey  took an unexptected turn after his success in secondary school.

Particularly in  subjexts realted to business.following his secondreeducation he established his kiosks in uppsala,sweden where he sold various products,including food,phone cards and even gold.

However his involvement in criminal activites began not long after his venture into entrepreneurship.In 2010 he found himself sentenced to a substancial term of eight years  and six monts in prison. due to mutilple drug related  offences.

This included his participation in the distribution of cocaine. which he imported from  Nethrelands.

In february 2015  Rawa majid was granted early realease on parole he capitalized on this opportunity by  purchasingan ice cream parlor in uppsala.This move eas not driven by the parlor’s profitabilty through customer demand.

But rather by his intention to employ itas a means aof money laundring.

there by futher entangling  himself in criminal activities

. Rawa majid’s reintegration into society after his  initial release was short lived as he violated his probation just thee monts  later and found himself incarcerated once more time

2018 he was realsed again but this time under  strict supervision  and  a prohibition on leaving sweden.

how ever his perspective on life changed when his cousin face a severe threat.

leading Rawa to believe he could be next. consequently he was granted permission to leave Sweden, although he remained under close surveillance. and probation.

he chose to travel tohis parents birth country .Irak. and eventually settled in sulamanya ,a city situtated  in the eastern part of the kurdistan region of  Iraq.

.It’s worth noting that rawa wasted no time resuming his criminal activities upon his release .

he quickly resumed smuggling and selling narcotics becoming a prominent figure in  the illicit drug trade.

his asent was solidified in 2020 when the swedish police successfully hacked into the encrypted messagingdatabase he used

This revelation allowed law enforcement to recognise the extent of his influence and activities in the swedish drug trade .

By this point Rawa majid had earnedthe moniker Kurdish  fox and had risen to a leadership role within the foxtrot gang

.His crinial endeavors and leadership position within the gang shed ligh onthe complexities of organized crime .and the challenges that law enfforcement faces when dealing fitch   such figures.

Rawa majid’s criminal organization the foxtrot gangis primarily composed of his family members and close friends.

to ralling about 10 individuals aged between 25 and 35 years.

this core members can be identified by the golden fox rings and chains they wear and chains they wear

signifying their association with the gang

 the primary focus of the foxtrot gang is the importance of largee  drug shipments into sweden . which  are subsequently distributed to other  criminal groups.

the gang has gained notoriety  for its willingness to employ excessive violence in its opertions.

Hacked PGP pretty good  privacy messages revealed that Rawa  majid assumed complete control of the foxtrot gang  and its operations  from  at least 2020.

he oversaw couriers responsible for drug transportation.foot soldiers and those guarding  stashe houses.

this revelation prompted swedish police to intensify their investigation into Rawa. In november 2021 ,swedish and Iragi authorities colaborated to loate Rawa  In Iraq but he had fled the location just before the raid ..

All rgwt douns wew  numerous mobile phones suggesting that Rawa  had received  advanced warning. and had connections that facilitated his escape

 Following this incident  Rawa relocated to Turkey .maintaining a low profile for several months.however in march 2022, he resurfaced  about a feud between his foxtrot gang…

and another gang in sweden Bandidos.

The feud stemmed from the seizure of two significant drug shipment by police in february 2022. the feud  escalated resulting in violent incidents, including shootings.

Notably  an innocent bystander was killed in  one such attack  highlighting the dangerous consequences of such  gang conflict.

That a significant portion of those involved in these gang related crimes came from migration bakgrounds.

a report from  2022 indicated that  85% of the suspects in fatal shootings and attacks were  either foreign born or had at least one foreign  born parent.

Rawa himself remained in  Turkey .but in aprol 2022 ,he  encountered  legal  trouble when  a gardener in mamarus ,Turkey discovered a pouch containing bundles of cash that someone had left behind. with total value exceeding  12,000 dollars .

and promptly reported it to the police, this act led to a significant turn of events as  the police identified as  the owner  asmiran othaman ho introduced himself as a shipping tycoon and left 400 dollar reward for ali . 

however  upon closer investigation it was revealed that  miran othaman was infact internationally wanted  fugitive Rawa majid hwo had an Interpol red notice against him.

Turkish authorities later raided Rawa’s willa and found unlicensed weapons

substantial sums of cash and lucury items  which he had obtained…

…In using a fake passport.

Allthough Rawa’s arrest initially seemed like the end of his criminal career, he acquired turkish citizenship through turkey’s golden passport program  in 2020.by investing around 400,ooo in real estate  in the country.

as a result  authorities declined extradition request from Sweden and Interpol.

This decision has turned Rawa’s extradition into a political issue, further complicating the matter. in a suprising turn of events. Rawa was released by  Turkey’s police a few weeks after his initial arrest . Effectively regaining his ffreedom.

meanwhile the individual  received a reward for his  honesty.though keeping the money  might have seen more appealing.

Swedish police attempted to aid turkish intelligence in prosecuting Rawathrough operation yilan

sharing a highly confidential police report about Rawa majid and the foxtrot gang.However this document was leaked to Rawan and his associates leading to concerned that a turkish fovernment official may  have been involved in the leak

 in late 2022, Rawa and his foxtrot gang became embroiled in a heated  feud  with mikael tenezos and the Dalon gang.centered around a battle for control over the narcotics supply in the city of sundsval , sweden.

This dispute escalated into a series of ruthless incidents , includingbomb attacks and other acts of violence. 

Reflecting the volatile nature ofgang conflicts in the region there is an instance of a troubling scene in sweden where teenager armed with  a kalashnikov  is seen standing in front of a door loading the firearm before firing 15 shots through the door.

This incident took place in an aparatment that belong to the ex girlfriend of rapper thrife who has connections to the Greek rapper.

 Thrife was not present during the attack but his ex girlfriend and a  child were inside.

Miraculously escaping  harm. this act appeared to be more  of a scared  tactic and was filmed as a a form of boasting,reflecting a disturbing trend of documenting  violent acts.

On september 11th ,2023 ,the feud  claimed  the life of a 13 year old boy who ties to various gangs- including Rawa’s foxtrot gang. tragically young boys becoming victims of gang violence is not uncommon.

in a recent incident the remains of 14 year olds layth al-  azzawi

and mohamed  suleiman

were  discovered in the stockholm region, they were suspected of reselling wepons from the foxtrot gang but could not  return them  leading them to  their violent death.the violence extended to relatives of gang members  as evidence by the killing of a 60 year old mother and  an attack  on Rawa’s mother  – in – law.

The internal conflict within the foxtrot gang involving Ismail Abdo, once Rawa’s right   hand man  further escaleted with violence , this split witihin  the gang may reshape the criminal landskape with new groups forming and alliances shifting.

the flow of firearms into sweden primarily supplied by Balkan arms suppliers contributes to the escalating violence.this arms include:

 assault rifle

Serbian pistols

and Yugoslav ERA  hand grenades.

This weapons are shipped on demand with the Öresund bridge

Serving as a major route for their entry into scandinavia.

the situation has become so dire thatswedish prime minister Ulf kristersson

summoned the head of the military to discuss military involvement in crime fighting.highlightning the severity of the issue.

  gun violence  continues to rise in sweden 

partly because  those involved in shootings anticipate minimal repercussions due to low conviction rates.

in conclusion sweden grapples with an alarming surge in  violence driven by feuds between  criminal  gangs  causing frewuent shooting s and bombingsthe limited success in arrests and convictions compounds the issue.

leaving Sweden facing a complex ongoing problem of gang violence with no immediate resolution in sight.


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