Warning: Graphic content, readers’ discretion advised. This story contains a recollection of crime and can be triggering to some readers discretion advised.

William Atchison, who scheduled his attack at a New Mexico high school, appeared to have threatened a mass shooting online just last year.

in the  deadly high school shooting in new mexico, authoritiesr evealing new information  about the gunman who killed two students, firing shots through the walls of the classroom as he was  in the hallway

the school custodian who ran through those halls ,shouting that there was an active shooter giving students and teachers time to hide.

 new mexico 2017

the horrifying moments as a shooter opens fire inside this new mexico high school

the gunman ,21 year old william atchison scheduled the attack , writing work at 6: 20 am  and die at  8: 00 am .

police say  he slipped into the school with students went to the bathroom and pulled  out a nine millimeter glock.

that’s where shot and killed francisco fernandez

moments later he gunned down , casey marquez

casey’s best friend distraught face timing with her mom .

police arrived one minute after the first call for help .

atchinson had allready  killed himself he left  behind a note , hinting this  could have been  worse writing  ” he would hold a class hostage “

back in march of 2016 the FBI interviewed atchinson after he appeared to make a threat about a mass shooting online.

William  Edward ” bill” Atchon.

When a troubled, to put it lightly, young man was bullied in school, he spent the next several years becoming more and more edgy online.

We can see a long record of his online activity that shows the downfall of a young man and the birth of a deranged mass killer.

we can see  a long record of  his online activity that shows the downfall of a young man and the  birth of a deranged mass killer……

we are going to  be doing a deep dive into a school shooter’s gradual  descent into madness.

we can see  his going from  being a sad lonely bullied kid wanting to be a hero to wanting to be the killer himself

leaving a mountain of online activity  behind we can  really start to see when the first  change occurs, let’s look into exactly what  makes a  young man go down this path in the first  place

william   “bill” Atchison was born  on march 18th of 1996  Belen, New Mexico


the younger of two sons, according to william himself his childhood was very rough due to his home life and his violent father in his own words  he said ;


 my life was ruined once my shit head dad beat up my mom and abruptly forced us to move to the middle of nowhere, i went  from an A + to a flunky contemplating ending ending it  all at age 10, moved to this town in 2005 after  divorce , dad was really abusiv physically and psychologically

my only ally  was my 3 friends at school,they fucked  with me all the time , i was a sad kid my life was tolerable for a bit  but became  horrible”



our story  begins in a small town in northwest new mexico called Aztec, right up there near the Navajo Nation ,this is where william and his family ultimately moved.

it’s a place  mostly known for its oil and natural gas  deposites being 3 hours away from Albuquerque.

the town only has a population of roughly 6,500 people in total , william was not a fan of living  in such a small town ,something that he would come to make very clear throughout his writings

not all of williams’s problems came from his environment or the  people around him , he had also a good amount of internal personal turmoil from a very young age he had an anger  problem , something  he had gladly spoken of himself on multiple occasions.

he spoke about tearing up his toys and video games when he was as young as 9 years old trowing them at the wall in a rage whenever he would lose a game.

eventually  william would go on to attend Aztec high school where his life would only get worse according to his father  william was bullied  quite a bit in school 

on  one occasion much worse than the others he was attacked during a welding class ,william later said that he was stabbed in this  incident, although it isn’t known to what extent the damage was .

if it  really was a stabbing,it couldn’t  have been too bad  as he  returned  to school shortly after, there were some class mates that did try to befriend him

a friend  named tanner leblanc would later tell the media:

when william was in class , no one would ever talk to him “


adding that bill was shy but fairly nice and smiled a  lot,however he did have a stutter and began to wear a long dark trench coat to school most of the time , something that often got him made fun of just that much more


he would begin writing out his thoughts online fantasizing about having power,he posted about how he would behave if he were able  to become a god .

as a god,it would be my  responsibility not to destroy the universal balance,thus i’m unable to just appear instantly,i would need to” convert” them to being open-minded about other gods and then i will appear, i will give out my three main rules,one do not harm any living thing if you break this rule i will break your skull,tw0 , do not act in violence of any form,three , don’t be a stuffhead”


however , despite his ideal rules involving no harm and no violence  william often fantasized about  violence himself to a gruesome extent that  very same year he also wrote of his hatred for his mother saying ;


i am going to grab a knife  and shove it in the neck of my mother ,  i will then drag her dead body by the trash can, drain her blood and then finally cut her and grind  her up into little pieces, i will eat  some of hose pieces, and then i will probably barf i  will throw her body away in the trash  can .

i will then go slaugter sacred animals to appease the gods hail satan,i am agnostic, not satanist “



it doesnt stop there either ,it ‘ll only gets much  more worse…shortly after he wrote  an even more concerning statement online, this time as an insult to a female reader,once again  dipping into power fantasy territory he wrote ;


 i will rape your hot loving  sister and then strangle her with her own hair,then i will sneak into your parent’s room and slaughter them,i will slowly walk to your  room holding my bloodthirsty  knife in my right hand.

i walk into your room when i see  that you’re making out with yourself,i will grab you , tie you to your own bed with your own hair and super glue  it shut.

my bloodthirsty crave is not over,i finally rip your hair out  and you  experience excruciating pain , so painful that you scream and scream, but it can’t stip! i ripped out the skin of  your head ,blood is droping everywhere

finally i pluck your eyes right out with my knife and throw them down …i then cut your neck off and the arms and legs, only the torso remains

i cut off  the gentles  and i stab the stomach repeatedly , i finally finish off by ripping out your heart and  consuming it … nah  JK “


well this all seems very shocking on the surface that last JK is that really telling, william really enjoyed being an online troll something he wholeheartedly admitted himself on multiple occasions

it’s no secret that online trolls often take out their frustrations on other people over the internet  as they couldn’t really do it in person ,william was one of these people and he comletely owned up to it ,he didn’t try to hide it at all , in fact when asked what being a troll was he said …


the shortest i can describe trolls , trolls ar basically young teenagers who bully online to get a rise because they have a personality disorder and want to cover up the hole that real bullies  left in their emotion”




william’s mental state was starting to take a toll on his body as well , he became anorexic refusing to eat more than the bare minimum and losing a lot of weight 

then he discovered marijuana and started using it more frequently giving him the appetite to but back on somuch weight that he actually overcorrected  in the other  direction and became obese 

then he abruptly stopped   smoking and cut out soda and lost about 20 lbs

william tried to get a job at Mc Donald’s in 2011 when he was 15 years old,he succeeded and he got to the point where he made about $ 1,000 before he decided to bail out and never come back.

after that he started working at a safeway but he got  laid off after a few months.

he then attempted further work by helping out a couple for computer shops  but neither of shops were  successful  and both of them closed down after not too long.

his motivation to work was getting lower and lower,later on in high shool in 1012 william  started showing up to school with self harm marks ,namely burns onhis arms

that same year william  ran into trouble with the police for the first time

this was when his neighbor would come to call the cops on  him twice .once for firing an airsoft gun at their dogs and again when he left some weed on their property

got into an argument with the homeowner about it an  threatened to shoot him,after this , the neighbors refused to let their sons hang out with william any longer 

by now  associates would say that william spent the bulk of his time inside and alone  adding that virtually everyone bullied him

william become obsessed with mass shooters, mainly school shooters ,in march of that year he used a whiteboard in class  to write out a timeline of the columbine high school massacre

because of this he was suspended and asked to see a counselor and a psychologist

 the truth was ,william  had been seeing counselors for years and nothing had  really come of it he tried seeing this new counselor a few times but in the  end…..

he never came back to school after his suspension, he decided to drop out of school that summer he  tried to get a GED but it doesn’t seem that he was ever successful in that endeavor.

william had a few ideas for the future , when asked what he would like to do ,he said 


my dream job would have to involve synthesizing pure LSD legally and selling it to the right kind of people who wouldn’t abuse it , i will living in a basement pretty soon once i finish moving in with my bro 

and once my dad’s put 6 ft under  i can use that  inheritance to move the hell out of the heart of the  sothwest and move to one of the few places in america that doesn’t suck “


however  less optimistically  he also wrote ;


i dont know  what i’ll be up to in 2022 or 2023, i could be dead for all i know”



adding  that he had major depression was unable to feel joy, had intense levels sadistic desires and  various addictions

he said that he was now 5’7 and weighed less  than 120 lb ,however,he started to feel that he was coming  to find some coping mechanisms though

in fact he felt that he could  probably help some other people learn to  deal with their problems too, he wrote;


if i go a few days without jacking off , i get  severe depression,masturbation ,drugs and happy ,cheerful things are the only things  combating my major depression

if i found an internet user talking about their depreswsion or talking about suicide i’ try to befriend them andget them out of that pit of darkness

i’ve been through that hell countless times in my life and i’ve discovered techniques you can use to snap out of it “


when it came to his obsession with school shootings  at this time in his life ,he seemed to fantasize about being some sort of hero  during these situations, he often whished he could go  back in time saying  things like ;


i ‘g back in time and stop a lot of the school shooting such as columbine or or V-Tech  by being positive influence spreading hope in the minds of shooters and keep them on a path of enlightenment “


however  , his desire to stop those  sort of situations would gradually come to change over time..

william feeling very  alone and desperate took the websites like live joural to find someone who could help him out ,give him  some advice at the very least

on a website called think atheist, somewhat of a blog posting  website ,he wrote avery long post  detailing about how he felt at the time 

some highlights of these posts read as such …..

while  it was very evident that he had his own probems within he had to vent his frustrations about his  family as well

it vecame very clear  that he wasn’t too keen on them whatsoever if it wasn’t already clear by this point.

he ended by saying 

in the end  over 230 people viewed the post , not one  single person replied

it seems that due to  the way his family mainly his father actedwilliam came to hate the United states as a hole.

despite never really  leaving his very small town ,he said;

like a lot of people online who freqeunted places 

like 4chan, encyclopedia dramatica and kiwi farms, william began to harbor a fairly intense hatred for women althoug it  isn’t really clear why 

until this point it seems that he had many more bad experiences with men then women .

nevertheless he felt how he felt ,for example , he stated;

while that quote in itself  isn’t too bad, on another occasion he wrote ;

given how he gelt about both america and women you can imagine that william hated  nothing more than the combination of the two, american women saying ;

becoming more and more active online and looking into the mass shootings he took so mujch interest in ,william came to find entertainment in famous killers at least and maybe even admire him at the most 

specifically he liked both Elliot  roger and Adam  Lanza ,stating;

in fact he came to compare  himself to elliot  roger,likely half jokingly saying;

eventually  he seems to have been inspired by these killers 

coming to his own conclusions writing; 

now thoroughly corrupted william continued his journey all over the internet ,he gradually went from only following and reading to making posts of his own,becoming quite known in some small circles.

it was around this time that william’s father and brother could constantly hear red pill and Neo-Nazi content streaming from his room .

william  decided to tattooo swastic on his body and drive even deeper into white supremacist content from this point onwards.

he took to sites like 4chan and kiwi farms to post  content relative to his views

with this profile picture on kiwi farms being a screenshot of edward norton

in american  history x

while he had once fantasized being the hero who stopped school shootings over time william had gradually come to admire the killers instead

while  he  felt that a lot of the shooters out there  were lame,he took a liking  to Eric and Dylan from columbine  in particular,he told  other forum  user;

admiring the  impacct that they had on society and the moral panic they caused

he looked up to them because they were bullied, but he did say that the victims they chose were owed some attention as they were innocent.

on halloween ,william even dressed up  as  a school shooter,specifically  Dylan Klebod sporting his signature trench coat ,rounded sunglasses,boots and even carrying a model of his tech 9 gun

he also wore a t-shirt similar to dylan’s although it said math instead of wrath , most likely so that he could say that he was  only trolling.

william once again tried to go out there and get some work getting a job at a local Giant gas station near his house ,having no transportation he walked to work back and  forth each day .

he hated this job ,the  costumers,in particular and took to the internet to went his frustrations.

william began to post  a lot of pro- Hitler content,becoming very active on websites  like …

and  also becoming quite a big  fan of donald trump, he would often be  criticzied for posting about his love for trump on the websites he frequented being told that his posts were basically

Quote ; shitty facebook commentaries.

he wa also  heavily critized for often stating his love for the columbine high  massacre

still though eventually he worked his way up to becoming a moderator on encyckopedia dramatica website infamous for its relentless bullying of online personalities

users on these website began to know who he was

seeing that he fit the image of a budding  mass killer pretty perfectly with many of them often asking him so how’s the manifesto going in just.


williams  was in direct  active communication with an 18 -year old Iranian german man named David Sonboly , the two  of tem were active in a  steam  chat group called the anti- refugee club

in this group the members would idolize killers and express their hatred for jews, migrants,refugees and basically  anyone not white .

they spoke about  their intrest in weapons and  mass killings and often  played county -strike together wich william was now  playing for about 10 hours a day 

alot of members of that group  felt that their banter was manly  satire but it’s  fairly  evident that bill and david took it pretty seriously

david  would later go on commit a mass shooting in munich later that year ,killing 9  people and injuring 36  before ultimately turning the gun on his self.

after the shooting  william  went over to encyclopedia dramatic  to post about his  admiration what david  had done calling him  a true aryan and true  german .

william took also admiration for another friend online, a 15 year old  named carter boyles who had interest very similar to his own,like bill carteer was very  intersting in  shhotings and posted videos online related to them

his final upload was a YouTube video showing a walkthrough of his chool

carter  actually came to walk into his own school and end his own life via gunshot something that saddened william  greatly 

william once again to to encyclopedia  dramatica to write about   him ,writing under the name Al Gore he he said ;

other  users still felt  that william was mainly trolling sterzing or  just  joking with most of his messages 

one later wrote;

however the FBI  didn’t agree… after   william posted a comment on steam  asking where he could get a cheap assault rifle  to commit a shooting

The FBI cam  out to his home in march of 2016 and  interviewed him and his  family .

  at first  they wer under the impression that willian’s  older brother   had made the comment before finding out wh actually  wrote it.

william once again told them that he was only trolling and venting his frustrations, feeling  that he was harmless, seing that he  had no criminal record and surprisedat how cooperative he was  , the FBI  seeemed to believe him.

when asked  for assurance ,william told the FBI to put him on watch list  if they like

he told the FBI that he had no plans to kill anyone  and they  tool ho, at face value closing  the case and simply leaving.

they never put william on any sort of watch  list and never notified the local schools of what he had written.

william cam to laugh about  the visit from the FBI on his YouTube account where he went by vance  stone , writing.

the FBI  fumbled again  by instead of william  once again giving william’s brother’s information to the local police departement.

including a sketch of him, his photo and  his whereabouts this was never followed up upon or corrected in any way

the police never did anything  with the information anyhow getting more  depressed william wrote on STEAM

william was eventually banned on YouTube  being fairly certain that he was shut down by the jews…not for his  mountain of community guideline violations

he began  playing a game called blockland.US, a minecrift type game, there he had  over 40 different characters,most edgy  or offensive in one  way or another

he even  had a character  that  he modeled after Elliot Roger  along with some made to look like other killers , such as  adam lanza   and anders breivik.

november 0f 2017 he spoke online of being sexually abused by a man who had given him a ride while he was hitchhiking and  mentioned his guilt at having had enjoyed it .

it.s  unknow if this actaully , happened or if he was simply trolling  once againe given the wording of the message it doesn’t  seem like he’s taking it very seriously but it’s hard to tell.

that same month, now 21 year old william  went out with his father to buy a gun, they went out to the sportman’s warehouse in farmington where he legally  purchased  9 mm semi – automatic along with a 22 caliber rifle.

after he bought the gun his concerned father  jokingly told him to never point it at anyone ,even  telling  him never do a school shooting.

william  responded that he  knew that he would never do something  like that  ,either way his father was worried because of  his concerning online activity.

by now he could hear both of his sons listening to constant white supremacist content and told them to Quote; stop listening to that shit.

shortly after william and his brother took the two guns out to test them out .

it wasn’t  long  before william finally expressed his clear intention to perfom a school shooting wihle dresssed up as a student for the first time onlien.

william  began to go back to his  old high school, Aztec high school to do some surveillance around the property , he was even given a full tour  by one of the teachers

he began to play some video games that he felt could better prepare him for doing what he was about to do

shortly after while working at the gas station a couple of  police offiers actually came into casual conversation with him  saying that they felt nothing out of the ordinary with them .

that same day though ,  william took to  kiwi farms to write his final message online;

” praise be  to allah” . trolling until the very end……

December 7th, 2017

william usually working overnight shifts came home at about 6:00 a.m . his father was sitting around when william entered their home  .

the two started talking with the father asking how william was doing he said bad  because works sucks, he hated both the job and the customers.

specifically noting that nobody but crackheads go to the shop overnight, rhe refused to speak annymore beyond that simply shaking his head and going up to his room.

william’s father  didn’t see him again,feeling  that he probably just fell asleep as  usual.

william in his room wrote out his plans , he wrote a text file and put it onto a thumb drive, it read ;

william then began to write out his  plans, which weren’t too sophisticated,the plans  consisted of a rough timeline consisting things like ;

work, prep,walk and  finally die, he tore up that piece of paper instead writing the same timeline and putting it on his thumb drive

after he collected all of the gear he had amassed over a short time and got ready ,at 7:30 a.m. without his father noticing william left his house and began to walk towards the school.

this was caught on security camera footage allthough there was no footage of the interior of the school.

william  entered through the main doors desguised as a student, he was carrying a backpack like any other kid, allthoug his contained his Glock along with several magazines

now that he was inside william needed somwhere to gear up, he walked up the stairs and in to one of the bathrooms on the second floor to  take out his gun and get ready .

this was when a student fransisco fernandez who others called paco walked in onhim and caught him in the act.

william panicked likely knowing that francisco would run away and alert the school .

he shot him then  and  there  with fransico falling flat onto his back gon onto the floor  of the bathroom

William  stepped over him and headed bacl  out into the hallways  he came across a 17 year old  chearleader named casey marquez, taking a drink at the water fountain just outside the bathrooms.

he shot her close range multiple times in the  thigh , stomach, chest and even her  head ,she collapse to the ground in a  fetal position

both a teacher  named steve and  a custodian named thomas  saw it happen with their own eyes

thomas  ran away shouting about an active shooter,yelling at the teachers to lock their doors  many of the teachers did so with one  74 year old substitute teacher even  barricading the door with a couch.

william  walked up and down the halls  firing shots  indiscriminately  at nothing  in particular

and reloading multiple times 

he walked up to different classroom shouting ” i know your’e in there” and firing through the walls,luckily nobody  was hit.

thomas , the custodian was able to radio the office and get the whole school into lockdown

it was now 8:11 a.m routhly 1o minutes into the attack and the police was finaly called.

william continued to walk up an down the hallways ,yelling and firing random shots through the walls 

the police arrived at the school less  than a minute after the call and broke through a window  to gain acess

wiliam gave up, he put his gun into his mouth and fired upwards, he fell back against  the lockers and then onto the floor.

he was gone before the police even got  to him .

many of the students withing the school still had no idea what was happening as it all started and ended so quickly

a lot of them thought that someone was merely going around screaming and punching lockers once the police confirmed that everything was all over,the student was finally allowed to leave..

they walked out through the back of the building and into the parking lot, they were later moved to mgee park to  be reunited with their worried families.

after the shooting,member of the small community gathered all around the town in churches , parks and community centers.

they held  a candleit vigil for the victims and offered up their prayers, som  waved  american flags, while some voiced their opinion that teachers should be allowed to have guns to protect their students.

the govenor of new mexico susanna martinez said that the acts of the teachers and the custodian at  the school were brave and prevented  the situation from getting worse than it already was.

the mayor of the town of Aztec sally burbridge posted her thoughts on facebook shortly after writing;

the FBI arrived on scene a while later and began to gather information 

williams father wayne  was taken in to be questioned.

wayne had an idea of what had gone down earlier  but he didn’t know his son was involved

he was shocked to hear that not  only was william the shooter but he was dead  ,distraught he continued with the interview asking simple questions  to the best of his  ability 

the police came out  to inform the public that the two victims of the shooting were not specifically targeted

they were simply in the wrong place at the wrong time

the san juan  county sheriff  ken christensen, said that william was Quote; determined to create  as much carnage as he possibly  could ” saying” that he planned on killing many more”

he added” it’s  a shame he wasn’t  on our radar, i don’t think  he had anything so much as a traffic ticket”

a captain at the  sheriff’s office was asked was williams  motive might have been to which he responded “i really  don’t think he had a motive other than to be afamous in that world, whatever that world that is “

later on , the soutern poverty law center published a report asserting that the white supremacist views that william held were likely the blame for the attack

noting his previous online associates that had committed similar attacks

the police continued to comb through the crime scene as well as williams home to gather their own evidence to come to a conclusion

however even after  picking up his  scribbles,his thumb drive computer and Xbox.

they didn’t really find much , even when diving  into his online writings, he does allude to committing some sort of  attack but he doesn’t exactly say why.

they actually siad that they didn’t feel that white supremacy was the motive , allthough  the two people  william shot before the school went into lockdown were hispanic .

both were simply the only people he saw in the  halls before the school went into lockdown

the police said :


the coroner perfomed an autopsy on william and found that he had indeed passed away from a shot to the head

interestingly they also found some pretty concerning symbols drawn onto his body,he had thre previously mentioned  swastika along  with SS symbols AOG, which  means alhp male of group and build wall written on his arms and legs.

he also had oen more reading…..

william’s family had him cremated and scattered his ashes in the  gulf of mexico since the attack they  haven’t been very vocal.

the sheriff’s office completed their investigation  in august of 2018 coming to the conclusion that william  didn’t have any  accomlish nor  did he have any sort of motive.

they  did believe that he may have chosen the anniversary of the pearl harbor attack  saying that he probably had a realtive that  died in that attack

saying that he picked a day that he thought was already infamous to use for his own benefit.

the family  of  the victm casey marquez ended up filing two wrongful death lawsuit after  the attack ,the first  was against both the aztec school district and the police departement

it was found that the school had been recommended infrastructure imoprovement such  a fence and  a funneled entrance that would made attacks like this a lot  harder to commit

however the superintendent had dismissed these  changes saying that the risk was too low to justify spending  that mch money

casey’s mother  filed a second wronful death lawsuing  suing FEB  she claimed that the FBI was  negligent when they dismissed william   as being  no threat despite  the mountain of evidence  showing otherwise.

she said that the attack would have been stopped if the FBI had taken their treat assessment more seriously, she  specifically mentioned williams  mental healt issues, his history of  being bullied and his his frendschip with David Sonboly, she was  seeking unspecified damages for lost value of life, pain and suffering.

in addition to loss of earning capacity ,however theFBI was found to have  immunity in their decision and the suti was  dissmissed.

casey’s mother faced even more  shock when she finally received her daughter’s  belonings avter the investigation was over in he rarroeny’s words

infact there were two monsters on the day of the shooting,the shooter as well as JD couldter teacher at the time at the time”


JD coulter or james coulter was one of  caseys teachers on the phone  her mother found  numerous inappropiate blatantly sexual  messages from her teacher .

going all way back  it was very evident that the two had been in a very secret relationship since fall of 2017,half a year before the  shooting.

looking even worse on the school this was not  james coulter’s first incident .since being hired as the girls junior varsity basketball coach in 2013, he had numerous inappropriate incidents with female students

his first was only in 2014, shortly after being hired one semester prior in fact  he continued tohave allegations placed against him even  after the shooting.

to  add  insult to inury casey was only in the hallway because shehad been in james office somewhere she wasn’t eve supposed  be.

it’s only because she was leaving his office that she was where she as at the time she was murdered.

had she not been in this secret relationship she would have been in class with all the other safe kids.

casey’s mother went on to add  secual harassment to her original lawsuit against  the school, it wasn’t long before james coulter was interviewed  by the police and quickly admitted to kissing her and groping  her

he descbribed their interactions as  hugging kissing casey while she was in her car and the  car was parked on AHS grounds

kissing in the classrooms at AHS  when they could.massaging casey’s legs while they were in  his  car.

grabbing and squeesing casey’s  buttocks on one  occasion  when he was in her car and fondling casey’s breast  wbhhen they were in her pakred car.

he even admitted that he had relationships with other students some even younger than casey for years  now .

this was apparently somewhat of an open secret,casey’s family atorney said 

the school did not take the cations  necessary to protect their students, instead , they protected their teachers , which is something we  would never  want to see.”

the principal of Axtec High school strongly recommendethat jamse coulter be terminated from his job  for inappropriate conduct and teccting communications with the student.

exploitation and sexual  harassment,insteas james resigned himself  stating that it was due to the anxiety surrounding the shooting  not the  allegations .

eventually  kames coulter entered a plea agreement in december of 2019 , 2 years after the shooting.

he pled guiltty to fourth- degree criminal sexual assault of  a minor.he was setenced to serve probation in order to registre as  a sex offender, but he didnt’  face any jail time.

just recently in 2024, the school district finally  settled their  case paying out $ 2 million  in the process, that was $750,000 for wrongful death and 1.2 million for personal injury .

the attack has led to legislators in new mexico adding extra funding for school safety infrastructure namely,the  fences and entrances that were  neglected bevore 

at Axtec  specifically  the school got a fence and security  around the doors is now higher.

there was also a push tofurthe suport, red flag laws and  to make school shooting threats a fourth- degree felony about the same level as a bomb threat.

it was debated on whether or not this case was actually an incident of incel violence

while  william did seem to admire elliot rodger  and there is no doubt  he didn’t like women  he also didn’t really have anything to do with specific incel communities

and never described hismelf as one  he also didn’t seem to complain about a lack of sex

it was later stated that the attack did not fit the pattern of an attack used to furher the  incel agenda.

casey’s mother started a non profit program  called;

Aztec strong SJC.

this program will award college  scholarsships to students in new mexico and colorado. she doesn’t seem topersonally blame william for the shooting, instead she blames the community for letting him down and making him into what he was.

saying that the whole  thin was a  collected failure.

she said they lost three children that dat and that william was raised by the same community casey was  saying:

this whole  community  lost him”

a criminologist  named jillian peterson heavily criticized the FBI after the attack stating ; 


they should have and could have done a lot more”


when the FBI asked william see a counselor, they didn’t do any thing to follow up and see if he actually did .

 she said that  FBI failed to realize that william was  in a very serious  mental healt crisis and that  he was both a a danger to himself and  others.

however Katherine Schweit  a former FBI  official and mass shooting  expert said that  FBI did a thorough job.

peter  langman a counseling psychologist who also studies mass shootings agreed with her .

williams  former stomping grounds encyckopedia dramatica  put ut a page about william, they used his former screen name satanic drugie as well as his real identity.

they filed him under their hero section

and hero is forchan slang  for someone who has  taken their own life.

some people on the forum spoke of  they remembered about him one user said;

now  william is only remembered as  yet another american school shooter  if people remember him at all

incidents like this one don’t typically make much of a buzz in the media  unless they have  a higher amount of deaths

there are a lot of cases just like this

one that largely go ignored  because there are sadly  too many of these cases todiscuss them all 

in the end we don’t know exactly why  william did what he did for sure, all we know is that he was depressed and angry and  admired serial  killers .

maybe that’s all the  reason  he needed, maybe will’ll never know……………………………………………………..

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