Warning: Graphic content, readers’ discretion advised. This story contains a recollection of crime and can be triggering to some readers discretion advised.

Judy Malinowski was burned alive and testified at her killer’s trial from the grave. She said that he didn’t deserve the death penalty.

Judy Malinowski was burned alive by her boyfriend after he poured gasoline over her body. She died of her injuries — but had already testified against her killer from her hospital bed.18 maj 2023

  In 2015, the mother of 2 was at a gas station when they got into an argumentthe couple had a history of fighthing

 it was  a case  that captivated central Ohio  and beyond  back in  2015


judy malinowski was doused with gaosoline and set on fire   by her boyfriend  michael slager  

after mounth of abuse, despite being  told she would have just  hours to live . judy  thougt for 700  days before she died . but before her death  , she recorded a statement that would later be used in  slager murder trial

her story  is now being told in a documentary in her legacy living on a foundation  named in her memory  .

malinowaki became the first wmen to testify at the trial of her own murder. this after enduring 60 surgerues , 7 months in a coma and  numerous skin graphs.

but was she lost in her physical appereance , she did not losing her bravery  and spirit . now her fight is being shown in the  documentary ” the fire that took her ” it’s been shown at film  festivals in new york, los angeles and indianapolis.

“lot of people are just really taken back at the fact that  like an ordinary  person who had had like an ordinary life was able  to like change so much while she was so like under so much like pain. a lot of people  really admire her for what she did “

-kaylyn malinowski

with the help of judy’s tesimony in the trial .her boyfriend michael slager was sentenced to life  without parole and  Ohio lawmakers passed judy’s law which created created thougher penalties for those who commit crimes that permantely disabled or disfigured.


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