Warning: Graphic content, readers’ discretion advised. This story contains a recollection of crime and can be triggering to some readers discretion advised.

 five foor four  donld pweewee gaskins woule earn himself  the title meenst man in americaif you had a bisnuiss dispute you’d soon him .

he would kill him.

a serial kille

 who  if  he’s to tebelives was responsable  for a hundred cruel  and sickness muerders.

right over here is where he drowend  doreen and then he hit the baby in the back of the head  and hatchet after  he had raped her 

the total ammount is a hundrad and five people.

a man who wouldn’t stopp killing

even on death row

it was just of  astonishing that all that what able to happened in penitentiary

so what made peewee the man he was and was he born to kill

He called himself vampire, he would have to see blood.

south carolina ,1975

school teacher mary ann dunham  reoprts the disappeareance of one  of her students ,10 year old kim Ghelkins .

 often at the beginning of the school year, teachers want to assess their class writing skills and somethimes you’ll  assign them to write about what they did on their summer vacation or whatever and  that particular year the children write about he person they  admired most .and kim wrote about someone who was donna gaskins.

donna gasking was the common -law wife of a colorful local criminal ,donald peewee gaskins.pewee has always been known as notorious person in the area. 

he would came  over as different because how many people do you know that drive  a hearse for their vehicle.

It was a long black hearse , like they used to  drive a long time ago .and on the  very back ,he had a little sign that says” i   hauled dead bodies.”

everybody joked about it ,everybody thought it was funny.

he always told people that he hauled bodies in it ,but people didn’t pay much attention to  them  but while  they didn’t pay attention to him they were still scared of him in the lower end of the county, every body .

if you talked about  peewee they sort of would run and hide ,because  he had that kind  of reputation.


kim was not the only  missing person, five years earlier in 1970, sherliey’s cousin janice kirby had vanished.

Now ,detectives investigating the new disappearance, began to focus on shirley’s father . donald peewee  gaskins.

some field agents were working on rumors that had been surfacing,working along with detectives from charleston in an attempt to find kim Gelkins

they started  looking for the gelkings girl and of course  they didn’t  not have peewee at the  time,but they did an individual who was  runing with peewee  at the time.

they pick walter  neely up and after  a lot of talking,walter finally took the investigators out and showed them where he had helped peewee buty someone.


florence county ,south carolina

Detectives knew  somebody was buried there  ,they didn’t have any idea what they were going  to find until they started digging.


” we took probably i guess 10 or 12, 15 deputies and sled agents  and we just lined up and  started walking slowly into the woods”

-Ira Parnell JR.


sometime during that  process in moving through the bushes the undergrowth somebody  discovered there were bushes that had been put there ,that weren’t growing there .

They had metal probes that were maybe three feet long with a T-handle on top of rebar with a point on it that you could determine soil consistency.your prolonged prolonging,it’s goes down


” they probed around enough to where they could tell that there was someone buried there , so we sealed the area off and started digging .

-william c barnes


and it turned up that they found six bodies buried there.

It was a gruesome scene.

But the discovery of the six bodies was just the beginning of a shocking tale that would lead to claims that gaskins was the  most profilic serial killer in US .history 

In 1975,  the disappearance of thirteen -year old school girl kim Ghelkins  had led  detectives to a burial site in the woods od south carolina.

there , investigators including sheriff william barnes would make the shocking discovery.

this is the area where the sic bodies were recovered.


” i have not been back here since everything happened back in 1976 .the graves would have all been within probably 25 foot of  each other. they would have all been right in this area here where we’re standing now .under this tree.”

-william barnes



All six had been murdered and buried to a piece in three  shallow graves  and all six  were linked to notorious character donald peewee gaskins.

a diminutive local car  thief,who drowve an old hearse and boasted of having his own private cemetery, no one had believed him.

all of the sudden , police found themself in a national limelight

 cecil chandler was one of the first  reporters on the scene and he got  a lot of it  firsthand 

investigators now had to uncover the identity of the victims. the one  they  initially found. were in very good  condition, apparently they’ve been  putting the ground in a cold time of the year 

so adipoceae had occured where the fatty tissue sort  of turns to ,like a soap-like material that’s firmer and keeps the shape and consistency of the skin  and the underlying  tissue



“i’ve never been a smoker , but the smell of decaying flesh was so intense in that area that the smoke from the cigars diminished that smell enough to where you could stand it “

-Ira Parnell JR



In the first grave were 25 year old dennis bellamy

and his 15 years half brother johnny knight.

both had been involved in an auto theft ring with gaskins

 detectives took them down into the woods went  to a big oak tree and  sort of pointed  up in the  tree and was telling  hem how they could use that to throw a chain horse over to pull  enginges out of the car and and dispose of stolen property.

this would be the tree, where  he brough the two fellows out  and pointed up to the limv to talk about  how they could hoist the motors out of the stolen  vehicles here.

as they were looking up in the tree ,he shot one of them in the back of the head and then when the other one ran, he shot him .

this is where he shot him right here.

the other four victims two men 

and two women.

but none of the six bodies found was that of missing schoolgirld kim gehlkins

Gaskins was arrested trying to flee the area faced with the prospect of the death penalty for his crimes ,

he struck a deal to lead the investigators to furher bodies.

at an area known as alligator landing. he admitted to burying

23-year old family friend doreen dempsey dempsey 

and her two -year -old daughter.robin.

Doreen and robin were both skeletonized because they were  very close to the surface,they were not really buried deeply that child had some injuries ti the head that detectives  felt were probably pre-mortem.

this hole here that´s an example, something like that he just stuffed the body down in that hole, a small child.

the reason he killed them s because the mother had been with a black man and the baby  was half black and half white.

he just  didn’t believe in that and that was the reason for doing 

 eventually gaskins would reveal the truth about the disappearance of the school girl kim gehlkins


“kim was buryied  almost in our  backyard”

-shirley gaskins


right out in here  it’s where they found kim, she walked  out  shirley’s front door and  shirley  never saw  her again.  he took her off  from the house and killed her.

eight years after he  had killed her ,gaskins gave up the body  of his niece fifteen year old jannice kirby.

this is the gravesite where  gaskins niece janis was buried, he killed  her 1970 and her body  was recovered in 1978.

Investigators would ultimately discover the remains of 13 victims, a body count that made peewee gaskins  the biggest mass murder in  the history of south carolina

But in prison ,gaskins would  make an even  more shocking claim Gaskin is going to claim that he mudered some  80  to 90 uoung people.torturing them then prolonging their death , torturing them again and then hiding their bodies.

he allegedly started in 1969 killing young  women ,primarily later young boys and young women  along the coast.

he used to travel up and down the road and pick up hitchhikers and  he would torture them.

he always talked about dumping their  nude bodies  into marsh areas and sinking them deep enough so they’d be unlikely for people to be able to find them .

Gaskins , if we take his word seriously is clearly a process to focus serial killer .

he’s someone who wants to be with the victim to experience the terror that the victim is experienceing for as long as possible.

Gaskins for example would ofthen describe going into a hardware store and eying up , partucular tools

that he felt  he would be able to torture his victims vith for longer . w’re dealing with a very very cunning predator who is quite clearly also a sexual sadist and a psychopath.

The allege that he did 10 or 12 year practically every month he killed somebody along the  beach.

serial murderers will tell you that  there is something inside of   them  that they  have to go kill 

and that’s common among serier murderers,its almost like somebody who’s almost so anxious that if they don’t  do something they’re going to break into a billion pieces.

it’s a little scary to say that a serial murderer is an addict but if you really look at it  in that context in the way they are an addict.that they have to do it . 

Donald pewee gaskins wouldn´t even let being in  maximum -security prison prevent him from taking human life.

in 1982 , he would plan a murder that  was thought  to be impossible

 no one  had believed criminal donal peary gaskins when he boasted of having his own private  cemetery in rural souith carolina.

but in the 1970s, detectives had beenled to  the graves of 13  of his victims and gaskins  would claim there were more than 90 others still undiscovered

so who was peewee gaskins?

most of the family  was good christian people , peewee  was the only  person that ever  gotten any trouble

Prospect florence ,south  california US.

donald gaskins JR was born on march the 13th, 1933 to an unmarried mother .

Gaskins childhood was punctuated by a  series of stepfathers in his life, he never knew his own father and his mother had a series relationships.

Gaskins childhood was also characterized  by physical abuse both at home and especially at school.Gaskins was  peewee,

he´s a small guy  , and so many individuals who live that lifestyle and that  culture have to  compensate  for their small stature

and overcompensate by trying to demonstrate how tough he is how aggressive he is , to gain a reputation and gaskins was pretty good at that.

Gaskins dropped out of school at 11.forming a gang  with two friends.together  they dubbed themselves  “the trouble trio” they would do bulgarized places ,assault people, they would rob

here  we´ve got a boy who is clearly what criminologist would call being involved in differential associationin other words,he´s going to gain status not through having peers who are going to do well at school

but instead he’s going to gain  status through associating with boys through committing crime. initially petty crime but  that would degenerate

Gaskins would eventually commit a sexual offense a rape.   gaskin and his two friends , raped one of the boys sisters.

The troubled trio had lured the girls to their hideout and taken it in turns to rape her.

in 1946 aged just 13, gaskins would graduate from rape to attempted murder

whilst burglarizing her house ,gaskins was disturbed by a young girl,he hit her in the head with an axe and left her on the ditch back tinking she was dead.

the only thing that kep t her alive was, there was a little bit of water trickling through and it kept her a live  – someone  found her  or she would have died .

The girl was  able to identify her attacker, the juvenile peewee was sent to reform school  until  his 18ths birhtday.

 industrial school for boys are a place where kids who in trouble they went and they made him work on  on the farm and the sort  of  stuff.they made him work hard.

Gaskins claimed that on his  second night  in custody, he was ambushed  in the showers and  gang-raped by  twenty  boys.

he would have have to accept the protection of the dormitories boss boy in return for sexual services.

Gaskin was  a really tiny tiny person and the bigger boys  hit gaskins.

what often happens as often in prison settings, since you’re put in with  a group of indivduals who, who are  generally worse then you arevery  frequently they were quite brutal

over the next four years gaskins would  run away  repeatedly, but in 1950 he was due  for  release .

a report february 28 1960 it says ” dear , dr odom, the subject was committed to this institution on june 18 1946 by  the court of general sessions ,the criminal court florence court county under an indictment for assault and battery with intent to kill.

we are not attempting  to any  diagnosis but we assure from our  dealings with abnormal delinquents that this boy is antisocial and there´s something  in his past development that is preying upon his mind, we consider him dangerous and also believe he has homicidal tendencies peculiar to a paranoid type.

we requesting psychiatric treatment in  requesting proper  placement in view of the fact that we have been unable to adjust this boy to a group

 on his 18th birthday donald peewee gaskins was set free.his criminal activities took up where he’d left off.

when he´d left off ,when he got out of  reform school , he got a job working for a tobaco farmer.and what he would do would be to steal the tobaco and sell it .

and then he set fire to the barn to cover up the theft.

after just one year as free manm gaskinsis teased by a teenage girl and strikes out.

all through his life,you can see that gaskins is particulary angry at women , now perhaps we can t date that back to the fact that  his mother  was a single mother that gaskins never knew his father that there were multiple stepfathers

but for whatever reasons gaskins shows throughout his life a  great deal of hostility towards  girls and towards women. 

and this poor girl who taunts gaskins about burning  down the barns, sees his rough and has  her skull opened up by gaskins hitting her with a hammer.

gaskins is convicted of arson , assault with deadly weapon,attempted murdere and sent to the  state penitentiar yhere a group of feared convicts known as power men made the rules.

gaskins was chosen by one such violent convict as a sex slave and gaskins realizes that  if he wants to avoid being  sexually  abused for the lenght of  a sentence, he too as to become a power man.

Gaskins approached the most feared power man in the  prison  and slit his throat.in the rules of  that particular jail,he’s elevated to the top he becomes a face within that particular penal subculture

and he serves the rest of his time with notoriety, someone not  to be messed with

and that  really is the beginnings of gaskins overcoming childhood problems upon his  size and actually using the fact that´s he’s small but  dangerous to his own advantage .


“when he got older and  you know ,had guns and stuff he figured” i can be a big man now”

-shirley gaskins , daughter of donald gaskins JR



gaskins would spent the next two decades in and out of prison, frequently escaping and being being recaptured.



“this woods out here is where my daddy would always run, all this woods connnect in some way  ,he stay out here for months at  the time when he did escape  prison.eating snakes, he would take water out of ditches and and stuff and boil it and  drink it” 

-shirley gaskins, daughter of donald peewee  gaskins JR


he was up in the courthouse , the old courthouse for trial and they put him  in the waiting room, he pushed the window up  and jumped out  the second floor and escape.

he went  into the swamp and they put bloodhounds on his trail and couple of the deputies back then took a little naop while they were waiting on him and they  woke up and found that he written  onthe back of the windshield” peewee was here”

durings his times out of prison ,gaskins would frequently take up with a new wife.here you see in these  multiple sexual partners that  gaskins pursues

normally younger women , you begin to see some of the psychopathy in gaskins character emerging

he´s the classic psychopath who will use women as a opposed  to forming serious relationships with women and partly that´s about to reflecting his hatred of women.

then in 1970 the disappearances began.

he kept  bringing people to his daughter´s house and asked her daughter to fix something to eat and she did . but  they would leave  and never come back she would never see them again.

he came home a couple of times with blood on his hands ,when shirley asked, he said “well, i  hit a deer or something.

but people started missing and not  coming back and gaskins daughter  shirley  knew something was wrong .

by the end of the 70s gaskin had been tied to 13 murders and was in maximum -security prison serving life.

but in 1982 he determined to add to his total , planning a murder on death row that most thought impossible.

in 1982 serial killer donald peewee gaskins while serving a life sentence in  south carolina ,maximum-security prison ,set his sight on another victim.The final murder though Gaskins commits  he commits in the extraordinary circumstances

He target a fellow inmate  housed in solitary confinement on death row.

Rudolf tyner was a semi-retarded, very  low IQ guy from new york , he was passing  through south carolina when he and some others decided to rob the moons.

they had a convenience store down on the coast.

he had already left the store turned around and went  back in the store and shot them both each  in the head with a sawed -off shotgun

the deceased couple’s son ,tony simo wanted justice and he was the adopted son of these folks they treated him great  and he was very emotional about  this

allthough  senthenced to death Rudolf Tyner had  avoided execution for years

there were some procedural problems,tony simo. the son . after six or seven years just lost patience and he´d been sentenced to death twice ,time to get on with it.Tony was  friends with someone in prison ,they  got gaskins and tony  together

The moons  son and stepson hired peewee to kill rudolf tyner. tyner was housed in solitary confinement in the state´s most secure prison.

shirley gaskins went to the authorities and dolt them that her dad was planning  killing someone in there and they  told her there is no way that he could do it . that it was impossible.

Initially he befriended tyner and took him food and marijuana  and whatever he wanted.and they smuggled in som poison,it didn’t work made him him sick.

with poison not working peewee gaskins comes up with an  ingenious plan to end the life of rudolf tyner.

they had made him a maintenance man with all  the tools he wanted. in the back of his cell backed up to tyner’s cell .gaskins suggests to tyner that he wants to have an communication system between their cells . almost like a telephone system.

this is an actual cup  that they  use in the departement of  corrections at the time ,they had this  size and they  had a bigger size

peewee took one of these and melted  a hole in the bottom of it with a soldering iron and put in a female plug .like he’d plug in headphones for instance on the other  end of that he attached the blasting cap nestled it in the c-4 explosive.

he was able to feed it through the wall  through the vent  into tyner and  in under tha guise of it  being an intercom type  system

he  told tyner  if he could hear him hold it up to his ear and then he plug the other end into the 110  socket.

gaskins blowed him off.

pieces of him were  blown all over the prison.

fingers went everywhere

peewee then pulled the wire back through the went clipped it up , flushed it  down the toalet and  came out of his cell like ” what’s going on?”

maybe just kind of astonishing that all that  was able to happen in the penitentiary. the only good thing about  that was  a crime that he could get the death penalty for  that time.

peewee had recorded his phone calls with tony simo,planning to later blackmail him.

but the investigators discovered the tapes and Peewee was convicted of tyner’s murder and sentenced to death.

so  was donald peewee gaskins a born killer 

this is a 1964 report when he’s again committed on another crime and they  talked to his mother the patient’s mother said the patient did have a lot og physical difficulties as a young child 

when he was about a year old he drank som kerosene and almost died. the doctor who treated him said his nerves would be bad for  the rest of his life .

After this incident the  patient began to have to have convulsions and would remain unconscious for as long as ten minutes at a time.

Spectators gathered outside the Broad River Correctional Institution on the night of September 6, 1991 to celebrate the execution of Pee Wee Gaskins in the state’s electric chair.

miss hanna said the patient had convulsions until he’s about three  years old,  he had bad dreams often wake up in the middle of the night and be afraid.

miss hanna said , she had to sleep with him until he’s about 13  years old.

his mother thinks that kerosene drinking early on was the cause of his problems.

 but  no one knows.

Police checking gravesite with metal detector.

i´ts become a very  popular thing to talk about how concussions can change personalities and can change  people’s behavior can make them more aggressive and more assertive. 

but if it were true that brain trauma had something to do with aggression we would expect that every serial murderer would have had some type of brain trauma or brain insult .and that doesn’t  happen.


Forensic pathologist working on grave.

An investigator digs at serial killer Gaskins property. PHOTO BY HANDOUT /SCBI

gaskins is a individual who’s had an antisocial life since he was a child, he began with some sort of  small gang that   did all sorts of antisocial and  criminal sorts of things and he’s very very comfortable not  only with committing crime but with killing .

it means absolutely nothing to him.

Searchers identify grave site.

Coroner Eaddy, Sheriff Barnes and Agent Springs.


Bones of Gaskins’ victim.

Grave site before removal of remains.

After search, police rope off area.

the pattern of gaskins life has been of a boy who learned how to commit crime and commit more sophisticated crimes 

it’s a pattern of a life whereby a boy learns how to be a power man ,by using violence to ensure that he gets his way in the world.but that doesn’t mean to say that  gaskins was born to kill.

This is somebody who was socialized into  killing.

Gaskins’ Mug Shot

whatever gene there is in a  human being that gives them compassion he whacked .


shirley and her dad, donald peewee Gaskins

lot of people says  that shirley  daddy didn’t have a conscious that he could not  regret what he had done

shirley .says  she dosen’t knwo but  he never said he was sorry  ,that  he  killed anybody , she thinks that  he was born to kill .

she  think her daddy was sick. she thinks that her dad had a split  personality.her daddy  always ,as long she remembered  loved to kill something.

Gaskin would  go to the electric chair professing to be the single most prolific serial killer in american history

 but did the 80 to 90 young hitchhickers  he claimed  along the coast  actually exist.


Donald ” peewee ” Gaskin on Death Row


” he wan to just be notorious he wanted people  to think he was a baddest  thing ever to live in south carolina , i thnk he was pretty close to the top”

-former sheriff



“this is where my daddy’s ashes is scattered right here., he wanted me to put  him here because this was his home  old stomping ground and we couldn’t bury him, because people  was trying to steal his body because they said  that he was the devil  sword and  they wanted to worship it “




“his in right here, right ,right here . i mean ,I’ll always love my dad,i mean ,he was my dad, that’s something you can’t change and you can’t stop love ,if you love somebody , you love them.




“and  i love my  daddy no matter what  he done and i didn’t agree  with him because i testified against him , I’ll  always love my daddy “



Pee Wee was executed by the state of South Carolina on Sept. 6, 1991.

His last words before going to the electric chair were “Let’s get this done.”

Hearse carrying the body of Pee Wee Gaskins after execution 

 more details

In 1983, Richard “Tony” Cimo holds a portrait of his parents, Bill and Myrtle Moon, who were killed in 1978 during a robbery in Murrells Inlet. Cimo is charged in hiring Pee Wee Gaskins to kill their murderer, Rudolph Tyner. Tyner was serving time on death row in Columbia when Gaskins used a home-made bomb to murder Tyner, who was a fellow inmate of Gaskins’ at the Central Correctional Institution in Columbia. Harry Becht The State archives.

Inside downtown Columbia’s infamous Central Correctional Institution,
the diminutive murderer was trusted among his fellow inmates and prison staff in Cell Block 2. O’Shea reported that Gaskins ran a pawnshop of sorts within the prison, made loans to other inmates, trafficked in drugs and other contraband and doled out jobs for sex. He was trusted with making repairs in the cell block, so he had a set of tools. He called and wrote letters to news reporters. He’d go on hunger strikes and intentionally overdose on Valium.



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