Warning: Graphic content, readers’ discretion advised. This story contains a recollection of crime and can be triggering to some readers discretion advised.

Meet Kenneka jenkins also known as kenneka martin or just Neka.

Born in chicago on may 27 th 1998, Neka hada bright  future. those who knew  her rememberd her  as intelligent and responsible with a cheerful personality .

she had a close relationship with her mother Teresa martin,whom she had recently cared for as she received  treatment for  breast cancer.

On september 8th 2017 , kenneka and three friends told told kennekas mother Teresa that their were going  bowling and to watch a movie to celebrate a new job that kenneka had just received at a local home .

Teresa lent them  her  car and the group left  kenneka’s house on the west side of chicago around 11 :00 p.m.

they stopped to pick up some items which reportedly included cognack and energy  drinks and made their  way to the ctown plaza chicago in  Rosemont.what they  hadn’t told  kenneka’s mother wass that they  were actually planning  to  attend a hotel party.

surveillance  footage from the  hotel shows the group entering from a side entrance at 1:13  a.m they made their way up to the 9th floor room 926 to attend the party. Estimated 30   or more people were at the party  and the room had  been booked with a stolen credit card.


several clips from the party that night was posted to social media, many  of which show kenneka over the next to hours the friends drank and danced seemingly hsbinhs  good time.

sometime around 1:30 am , kenneka spoke  to her  older sister  Leonor Jenkins, this would be the last time  the two would speak.

and the last time contact kenneka would have with any of her family members. several people from the party reported kenneka dancing and having a good time.

but also swaying from side to side oddly and sitting for long periods quietly, it’s possible that she  was starting to realize that she was too intoxicated and was no longer enjoying herself.

 they decided to leave the party sometime around 3:a.m .when they returned to the  ground floor kenneka told her friends  that she had  forgotten something in her room.

 There are many  different reports  online about  what exactly  she left upstairs but most state  it was either her keys or phone.

aware of how intoxicated kenneka was her friends dediced to leave her behind and head back upstairs to retrieve her belongings.

Kenneka’s mother  would later report that kenneka like her mother  had an extremely low tolerance for alcohol and could  easily become intoxicated by just one drink.

over the next several minutes surveillance fotage shows kenneka stumbling around the hotel in various locations,  she has shown exiting an elevator  onthe lower level  around 3:25 a.m.

woundering around the hallway and stumbling into walls , at one point she navigates a set of stairs and at  3:32 she’s captured on  camera entering an unused kitchen in the hotel and headed towars a freezer in the back .

at 4:00 , am  kenneka’s friends call her mother  Theresa to lett her knowthar  kenneka is gone missing. Teresa later stated that thos conversation was suspicious and the story didn’t ad  up .

she asked them if kenneka had been drinking and they told her that she only had one drink.

Theresa made her way to the Crown Plaza Hotel to   search fr or her daughter.she spoke with the  hotel staff hwo was sseemingly unwilling to assist.when she asked about the surveillance footage they  told her they couldn’t access it without a missing person’s report.

With growing concern Teresa contacted authorities at 7:15a.m.

in an attempt to get some assistance from them authorities seemed unwilling to assist.

suggesting that  perhaps kenneka was sleeping in one of the hotel rooms and would return up later that  morning. Teresa then turned home feeling defeated but was hopeful that kenneka would indeed return up or at the very least contact her family.

At 12: 46 p.m , kenneka’s sister  finally managed to file a missing person’s  report and police began to investigate  her disappearance.

9 hours had now passed since kenneka had gone missing. police began by searching  the hotel for clues  but they came  up  empty handed .

Hotel staff claimed they had gone they had gone  over the surveillance footage and didn’t see anything out of the  ordinary.

At 10:p.m. investigators decided to have a look at the footage themselves to see if anything had  been missed and that’s when they came across the footage  of kenneka stumbling around the hotel visibly intoxicated.

eventually making her way into the kitchen that was currently out of use.

 at  1:00  on september 10th , kenneka jenkins body  was found frozen solid in a  freezer located at the rear of the kitchen , she was completely closed with one  shoe off.

The  only injuries  on her body were a minor scrape on her right foot where the shoe had been removed.

there was seemingly no sign of struggle or foul play .

Obviously this discovery left kenneka’s friends  and family  schoked and devastated.

How could something like this happen.

the investigation in  autopsy later  concluded that kenneka had succumb to hypothermia.

a toxicology report showed a blood alcohol level of  point  1 one two, makingher legally intoxicated at the time of her death.

she also had a drug called topiramate in her system, primarly to treat migraines and epilepsy that was not a drug   that kenneka had been prescribed.Topiramate  is not typically used recreationally or abused  so it’s not likely it was taken at the party.

It’s very strange that this drug was present in her system. there has  since been quite a bit of speculation surrounding kenneka’s death.

Initially it was thought that  her friends had something to do with it, allthough leaving kenneka alone when she was in that state  of intoxication was probably a poor  judgement call.

 the video  footage clearly shows her wandering the hotel unaccompanied and  making her way into the kitchen .

some have argued that the footage has been doctored but  this seems to have been mostly debunked

plus there was no evidence to support her friends wanted to harm her. by all accounts she had a close relationship with those  who were with her.

some theories also suggested that this was a case of organ harvesting,the area is known to be a hot spot  for  organ harvesting and human trafficking but  kenneka’s body was discovered entirely intact with all her organs present.

perhaps the most shocking aspect  of this tragedy is the the unwillingness of both the hotel staff and  the police to assist the family when kenneka had initially been reported missing.

why would´t the hotel staff check their surveillance footage when Teresa showed up?

Clearly concerned for her daughter’s wellbeing ,understanding of course there may be privacy issues in showing  the footage to her ,they likely could have checked it themselves. 

why were the police so unwilling to assist when she contated them at 7:15 a.m.?

Kenneka was 19 year old and it was entirely possible that she was asleep at one of the rooms at that time , however they could have sent an officer  out or at least taken a report.

they seemed very passive during the initial phone call, questions would later arrives as to why the freezer was even on if the kitchen wasn’t being used.and some  speculated that the hotel tried to cover up the tragedy.

It was later confirmed that the freeser was  periodically used by another resturant in the hotel an that’s why it was on.

so why did the hotel staff tell authorities that they had reviewed the footage and found nothing

it’s possible that they focused on the high traffic areas of the hotel instead of the basement in the kitchen that was not in use

but it is still strange.

In 2018 the famile filed a 50 million wrongful death lawsuit against the hotel claiming negligence the lawsuit alleged that the hotel did not do enough to secure the potentially dangerous area ,that  they  didn’t do enough to keep hotel patrons safe

and that the staff were negligent in not allowing to view the  surveillance footage that morning.A 10 million  settlement was reached in november 2023 of which Tersa matin was reported to  received around 3.7million. however no amount of money can  replace the loved one and Teresa and  her family will go the rest of  their lives missing kenneka.

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