Warning: Graphic content, readers’ discretion advised. This story contains a recollection of crime and can be triggering to some readers discretion advised.

clowns are meant to make you laught and bring happiness to your face

but how would you feel if you you see a clown on a desert road  staring with a sinister smile.creepy right?now  what if i told you such clowns  exist in real life…

for over 10 years  the jalisco new generation  cartel or SJNG led by  a killer clown has been  spreading fear throughout mexico.

and now they have an army of evil clowns who  terrifiy rival cartel members to death and film their  horrific deeds.in mexico clowns have always been a special part of their cultur and social life .

however,things took  a strange turn…

when reports of clown sighting started in United states in 2016. suddenly int seemed ,like everywhere you went  there  people dressed up as clowns  lurking around towns and citites.

funnily  enough  at the same time this was happening this strange  trend was being mirrored in mexico where similar stories began circulating about clowns late at night in public spaces.

but this trend wasn’t ordinary soon enough reports of menacing clowns carrying big guns began to surface.

this is the story of  fabian  urbino morales also  known as  El payaso

who began his jurney as an ordinary party clown.bringing joy to both children and adults  under the circus tent through his dedicated work in the circus .

he earned the  nickname El payaso which translates to the clown in spanish .

but  then something unusual happened.he became a member of one mexicos notorious cartels .

the CJNG .

what added a  disturbing twist to his actions  is that he even dressed up in  his  clown outfit  to carry out murders on behalf of the CJNG

his targets typically included rival  cartel members. but he didn’t stop there.

he also killed police  officers and and innocent people  purely forhis own twisted pleasure what makes it even more more distrubing is that he along with his killer-clowns recorded their horrifying action, they laugh in a deranged manner while observing the lifeless bodies of their victims.


in the circus he amused  others through tricks, but here the game turned on its head as he tortured others to amuse himself. no one knows where he was born and where he came  from and what happened to him in his  childhood that made him such a psychopathic assassin.

the only information  we got about him was his brother.

El  jaguar a former member of the delta  group of the CJNG and a former military man who  helped morales  get into this business of this cartels.

El payaso was living a normal life performing  in the circus and other functions

till he started selling clown suits  to get weapons,  he sold everything he owned  except the clown mask he used as his distinctive identity among those  cartels  he worked for

initially. he started  working  under his brother’s command in  Los Deltas. as he was lieutenant and gave  access to fabian to get into this business.

later  fabian joined los metros cartel ,  smaller fraction of the golf cartel.

and soon he formed a whole gang of clowns in tyhe cartel that wore the same horrifying  mask and killed other cartel members most bizarrely.fabian morales used way more painful and bizarre method to kill  cartel member.

like using chemicals to burn their bodies .putting them in  chemicals .

or cuting their parts into several  pieces.

filming the victims while torturing  was fun him and  his henchmen.

at the same time a cartel named jalisco New Generation carte , the CJNG got got famous and its leader recruited the cruelest and worst people in the world.

and worst people in the world El mencho whose real name is nemesio Oseguera cervantes was said leader .

he is a mexican drug lord and leader of CJNG gang

one of  mexico’s most  powerful criminal organizations .

el mencho

El mencho  wasborn on july 17,1966, in a small town of aguililla located in the western state of michoacan .

he grew up in poverty and sought out criminal endeavors at an early age , he was reportedly involved in  drug trafficking as  early as the 1990s, before rising to  power within the CJNG organisation.

hard times in early life led to him  dropping out of school, soon he moved to america illagelly from where he was  deported  back to mexico as he was involved in several  criminal activities.

after moving back to mexico . he started working for the milenio cartel.his  notoriety and  sensational acts of violence made  him more cruel and heartless .

helping  him to climb to a higher rank in the cartel over  a short  span .

later  he joined the los mata zetas cartel

which was   named jalisco new  Generation cartel .the CJNG,

it is believed that el mencho assumed the control of the CJNG  cartel in 2010.

following the death of his  founder ignacio coronel  villarreal.

under  El mencho’s leadership , the CJNG  became one of  mexico’s powerful drug cartels.

extending operations into the iunited states  south america  and europe.  they are known for their ruthless tactics.

including  torture beheadings and mass  killings.

El  mencho  introduced several heavy weapons in the cartel by taken  the arming to  the  next level.assault rifles and heavy machine guns were normally used  by them .

even in a few videos they showcased  the 50 caliber  rifle.

this gunmen call them shelves the  elit. group and  pledge allegiance to our manchester they´re armed with assault rifles with grenade launchers attached to the barrel.

heavy machine guns and also this gun. this is a 50 caliber sniper rifle.

its a powerful weapon that the  CJNG loves to show off.

it became thhe second most dangerous cartel in the country  after

the sinaloa cartel .

the hitman got proper training.doing their own sting operation on their rivals and killing police officer.

even their training session on of the toughest.like the military , they operate on both side taking several lifes.

their activites got to the next level when they shot at a military helicopter with a rocket – propelled grenade.

after this incident El mencho gained a notorious reputation with a 10 million dollars bounty on his head from the united states government ,.

despite this , he has managed to evade capture and continues to operate his criminal enterprise .

he is often described as highly inteligent and strategic leader able to maintain his followers loyalty through intimidation and reward , rivals were  increasing and the  loyal men on El mencho side were not enough

so  he decided to engulf fabian morales and his gang into his cartel and enouraged them to wear masks while performing their  ruthless activities.

even  the whole los metros cartel was engulfed int CJNG ,bringing all the henchmen of fabian together .

fabian  became one of the most trusted men of el mencho.

morales and his henchmengrew up so quickly in the cartel

they eventually formed a cell inside the organization.he was th e right hand of el mencho and got the position of lieutenant.

morales used to film people while torturing them to threaten  the other cartels. he climbed up to the higher ranks as acommander in  CJNG a manwho ended his freedom of life by  joining cartels

showcasing weapons on social media

and killing other cartel members.

different cartels used to kill their rivals to send a threatening message

” dont mess with us”

but  the oddest and most  ruthles way of killing was used by this man .fabian morales .in 2010 morales became a real -life monster in mexico who  killed rivals  just for fun.

he continued this shocking criminal wawe for 10 years.

when at last in january 2020 he was arrested in the state of mikawakan but this didn’t end there.

though morales is bewhind the bar his henchmen are still roaming the streets of mecixo keeping his brutal legacy still alive.

morales got famous through a twitter video that captured a chilling incident.

the killing and filming of the entire torturous process inflicted on a member of the rival la familia cartel.

with whom  the CJNG is engaged in violent conflict.

a 30 -secod of this video of this video  this murder  got viral .

it was named yo Qieuro agua.

which means” i want  water”

in a short  video clip you can see people  wearing  clown masks roaming around while a man is lying down . helplessly .

the gruesome story starts from here. morales gang kidnapped this former member of their  rival cartel

first tortured  him but it didn’t end  there  a clown also peeled ther skin of the victim from other body parts to make it more gruesome.

morales involvement is still unclair in this video

but  his henchmen are identifiable wearing  a clown mask brutality wasn’t limited to el payaso.

even  their whole clan was ruthless  you ccan hear their woices asking the victim .

” do you need water ?  ” and mocking  him at the same time , it was a kind of sign for clowns to laugh  and mock the victim while torturing them . this victim  is inches from death.but they kept him alive to send the most  disturbing message ever. .

el payaso asked him several times  ” do you need water” he replies ” yes  i want water ” upon  which laughter breaks out then  he asked ” do you know hwo i am?”

the man is trying to speak but  the pain doesn’t allow him to say anything clearly. a normal  human can´t  evenn  think  about  doing this to others but morales. was something else. he was clearly a psychopath, for whom such acts were amusement.

morales became  commander in CJNG by proving his worth through feats  of violence and loyalty to the organization.

before 2010 most cartel members  did not have access to mobile phones with internet capabilities as result they remained unaware of the potential for their brutal acts to be exposed.

however the situation  changed  dramatically after 2010  , when the use of smartphones , with cameras became widespread with the availability of cameras on  their phones cartel members , started filminh themselves while committing acts of torture.

shockingly then  began sharing these brutal  videos on social media plattforms

as a way to sen message to other cartels .

initially  the dispays of violence on social media were relatively limited. however  everything changed  when El payaso the :”yo Quiera agua ” video .

following this incident after a few weeks , five bodies of four men and a women  were found on los  reyes highway.

there were killed by almost 100 bullets.shot from small and large caliber  weapons.

there  brutlaity didn’t end with shooting 100 bullets . they signed those bodies  to threaten

the rival cartel  los viagras in response los viagras warned el payaso and asked for the release of their members and innocent people kidnapped by CJNG, they warned that if they didn’t release them they would come after CJNG new members ,kidnapping their boys , girls and women .

while some speculate that the incident depicted in the video was a direct  response to this threat there  is a lack of susbstantial evidence establishing a conclusion link between  the two.

another viral was that of the assassination of a famous cartel leader in 2013, the murder  of the famous cartel leader francisco reafael arellano felix shocked mexico and the rest of the world when it was revealed that he was assassinated by a killer  clown.

the incident took place on october. 18, 2013. in the resort town of los  cabos .located in the state of baja california  sur.

francisco rafael  arellano felix was the head of the notorious arellano felix drug cartel .

which had  a long history of violence criminal activity  in mexico.

he was celebrating his 64 th birthday at  a family gathering at a beach front hotel when he was approached by a men dressed in clown costume pulled out a gun and shot fransisco twice in the head killing him instantly, the clown fled the scene leaving chaos and confusion in his wake.

the murder of fransisco was particularly shocking because it was carried out in broad daylight in front of numerous witnesses, many of whom were tourists ,

the police immediatelly  launched an investigation .

but the identity of the killer clown remained a mystery for several years.

this insident was a  shocking reminder of the  level of violence that can be reached in the mexican  drug trade.

the use of a clown costume to carry out such a brutal killing was a particularly gruesome twist.

and  the  image of the killer  clown became a symbol of fear and uncertainty that  surrounded the cartel wars in mexico.

El mencho’s cartel only  recruits psychopaths like morales who have been  through a hard time in their life. there were totally unaware of the word mercy.

different reports  from the the tamilipas state in m exico that SJNG have been posting videos of themselves wearing clown mask

and brandishing weapons.

while these  do not show any vilent bloodshed  they are still quite disturbing.

CJNG is one of mexico’s leading drug cartels resopnsible for tons of cocaine, meth and  fentanyl -laced heoin to the united states.

unfortunately this cartel has been linked to mumerous acts of violence in recent years . this cartel is estimated to be worth around 20 billion dollars .

most of  which comes from american drug byers  who are  inadvertently financing CJNG and other criminakl organizations.in mecixo

this is a direct result of our current prohibition regime  which has created this  frankenstein’s monster of drug  cartels .

El payaso was working on torturing the rival cartel memvbers to upgrade CJNG profile in ther business  while

while el mencho was working with others on attacking police officers that would declare them the most powerful among all cartels

in 1015 the jalisco new general cartel launched a series of attacks on police stations and police officers in various parts of the country.the cartel was responsible for at least 29 attacks in just one day . killing 15 police officers and injuring dozens .

on the 6th of april 2015, members of CJNG ambushed police on the mountain road in jalisco

CJNG did this to averenge their comrades and other members arrested and killed by police in crackdowns El mencho’s destinat was something else.

the police tried several times to kill him but failed .
it was the cartel´s times tom take revenge.

so they attacked the convoy of jalisco police. according to the reports ,15 officers were killed and five were heavily injured.

they uses assault rifle and grenades launches in the attack.
it is believed to be the biggest ambush on police after 2010 when 12 officers were killed.

El jaguar brother of Il payaso was the author of this multi- homicide of the police convoy.

later that same year a truly shocking event unfolded on may 1th

CJNG eng carrried out a daring attack .

by shooting down a military helicopter using a rocket launcher resultin in the tragic death of eight soldiers and one federal police officer on board.

it was the first time in mexico’s modern histroy that cartel had successfully taken down a military aircraft the CJNG claimed the responsibility for the attack on social media.

well ,the orders for the attack on the police came from non other than
El mencho ,the leader of CJNG

the cartel was seeking to asssert its control over the region and demonstrate its power to law enforcement .

the military helicopter was attacked by a group of around 40 CJNG members armed with poweful high.powered weapons.
the group allegedly received technical support and training from ex.-military members and experts in explosives.

although the mexican government launched a massice military operation to capture or El mencho , he remains at large.

the CJNG continues to be one of the country´s most powerful and violent criminal organizations

CJNG members considering El mencho their king , showed immense respect by going to great lengths to protect him .

which included assigning a specially trained group armed with heavy weapons for his security.

they were not shy of killing officials and citizens

to make a good impact and increase their reputation in the cartel business.

in 2018 they tried to assassinate the former jalisco security

and in 2020 they led another assassination attempt on the security secretary of mexico city .

in fact. in 2020, they tried to assassinate a a judge so no other judge would not be willing to take their case at all.

CJNG was not limites to recruiting male members, female members in the cartel were more deadly to assassinate others,

the highest ranked female member in CJNG was Guadalupe lopez esquivel popularly known as la catrina , she was one of the most violent and ruthless members of the CJNG , la Catrina was also known for her tactics of terrorizing rival gangs. police officers and civilians alike, dont be deceived by her beauty looks and innocent face .

she’s a devil from the inside, according to reports she was responsible on several attacks on police convoys.

most famous in 2019 when 13 police officers were killed and their cars were burnt after investigation the audio recording reveals the mastermind of this assassination non other then la catrina,

so in 2020 ,oilice got a tip of her location upon which they responded immediately and ambushed her , several cartel members were killed and la catrina was shot in the neck .she died in the helicopter on the way to the hospital . the life of another cartel boss came to an end.

coming back to the killer cown , hewas the most creepy one among all the members of the cartel interestingly both male and females in CJNG were fond of killing their rivals however for El payaso simply taking lives was not enought he always wanted something extra that satisfied his soul.

El mencho him himself was a brutal figure ,but he preferred to stay away from direct involvement in killings or torture ,instead he delegated such actions to morales o r other members of the cartel.

however El mencho’s group of clowns extended beyond just targeting rival cartel members.

in a shocking incident they attacked the rehabilitation center.claiming the lives of 16 people and living several others injured.

this clowns made no secret of their power and control ,they brazenly displayed their heavy weapons in public and took the lives of anyone as if were a normal part of their exsistence.

on january 20th ,2020 security forces did a stng operation against all notorious criminals. after a hard fight ,the successfully caught fabian urbino morales.

the clown cartel killler reign anded 2020 with this arreste.EL payaso was among the group of 10  members taken into custody for their involvement in organized. the arrest of El payaso was a significant blow to the CJNG  as they lost a valuable asset in their operations.

but believe it or not . while most of the commanders like morales were  either killed or caught by cops,

El  mencho was the only one who never  got caught by cops.

in recent years  El mencho has been one of the most wanted men in mexico and  the united states.the U.S. government has placed a 10 million reward on his head. he is considered one of the most dangerous drug lords in the world.

however  despite the efforts of law enforcement agencies , el mencho has managed to evade capture,

the CJNG continue to grow in  power  and influence.

in early 2021, there were reports that  El  mencho was several was severely  ill and had undergone surgery it was suggested that he had cancer and his  health was deteriorating rapidly.

however , the mexican government has not confirmed these reports,

and there has  been no official statement  regarding his health or whereabouts depiste  this uncertainty

the CJNG has continued to operate and carry out its activities

including drug trafficking, extortion and kidnappning,

the cartel has been also been involved in armed  confrontations with other criminal organizations.and law enforcement  agencies resulting in numerous deaths and  injuries.

resulting in numerous deaths and injuries, El  mencho’s current  status remains unknown.

and it is unclear if he is currently hiding or if he still actively leading the CJNG.

though El mencho is out the legacy  of killer clowns ended with fabian morales’s arrest

he is still behind  bars and it seems impossible  he will ever see the outside wirld once again.

the brutality of clowns that terrifies other cartel members, as well as the  public came to an end with his arrest.

despite the fact morales has been arrrested ,still several intentional homicides have been registred, the never -ending war between cartels  has disturbed everyone.

authorities can do nothing  in front of their trained cartel  members.  according to  reports in 2019, there were 3.6 murders per day in mexico due to these carte’s  war.

El mencho holds power in  most  states  of mexicos except  michoacan where he was born wanting to gain back power in his birthplace one of the deadliest wars is going on .

the borderline between  michoacan and jalisco  serves as a war camp for CJNG and los  viagras.

this war might  only end with the death of El mencho , .

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