Warning: Graphic content, readers’ discretion advised. This article contains a recollection of crime and can be triggering to some readers discretion advised.

A man is viciously stabbed  31 times and then comes the final insult his killer smuggly poses for a selfie…


…the bloody knife still in her hand.


 The jailhouse interview with  heartless so- called selfie killer tries to  explain the unexplainable…

Amanda: ”  i just wanted him  to fell the pain i felt”



Amanda ;“i killed charlie at  3.27. i purposely did that .



And  how  she turned  on her partner in crime as  they tried to live out   Natural bornd killers.


capt. robert new: ” i  want you to know  before your die that i use you for   your guns.


the killer would not try tio hide in fact that person would almost brag about what they did on social media .


Amanda taylor blamed her  farher -in – law  charles taylor , left with  rex ,for his suicide

/ Credit: Facebook

 For cops there´s  no mystery about hwo murdered 59  year  old  charlie taylor.

It´s charlie´s  daughter – in -law amanda taylor the so called selfie killer,  she actually snaps a   selfie right   in front of   the dead   body.


How did  amanda  and  her friend  go from party people to into  natural born killeres.

Amanda had  a fantasy of going on a a mass shooting. 

At first glance amanda taylor seems  like  any  other 20- something in  America,piercings ,tattoos  and endless selfies  on social media .

Amanda loved  to hang with  friends like johnny roebuck .


johnny: ” my  wife mariah was best friends growing  up with amanda, then Rex and we just  hit it off”


 Rex was amanda´s  husband   ,she had a young son living in chirstiansburg,  virginia of the  Appalachian mountains.


johnny:” they had a strong connection and  you could tell they loved each other very much  , they were type of people that liked serial  killeres  .it´s  a uh… hobby  for some people i guess.”



and for  amanda that hobby turned into an obsession, johnny says she  fantasized  about becoming  a serial killer.


johnny:”  i think  a lot  of  hs  to do with  the thrill of  murder. she had this wodoo over him to her he would do  anything to make her  happy.



But before  Rex could help his princess bride  achieve her deadly  dream tragedy would  hit their marriage


johnny:” i saw Rex´s grandmother outside,i lived next door  ,in the  other apartment buildning  and she was  hysterical ,and she told me that  buckshot killed himself and um… that was Rexs  nickname that she had given a long time ago. and charlie  had just found him ,it was, still  early in the morning . at that point  amanda didn´t know yet.


Rex hanged himself a  horrible end to  a troubled life of opiod addiction

A grief stricken  amanda blamed Rex deadss charlie,claiming he helped  feed his sons´s  addiction to pills.

 amanda soon  found asnother soulmate who shared her vision of hell,his name ball.


johnny:“it was never a romance there at all.but you could  tell that sean liked  amanda  i think  amanda knew that too .he was  just wanting to do anything to impress her .


And in   Amanda´s sick world what   better way  for sean to impress her than  claiming he´s  a  killer.

he claimed to be this ex – special forces Navy comand,  he claimed to be involved in combat and  killing in  comba when when actually   sean ball lived a separate life and non of those things that he claimed was actually true . he was  a  very shy person,portrayed himself to amanda taylor  as being this   person and being like- minded in  her  desires to carry out  a murder  spree.


 Homicide detective  robert , tells crime watch daily ,sean and  amanda worked out their sinister plan with military precision .


detective  robert: “the two were in possession of weapons,firearms , those had been stolen from a relative´s house  and that  they had already  purchased ammunition and magazines for those same weapons  ,it appeared that  they were  both in agreement with  what was going to occur and that was going  to start with the murder  of  charles taylor.


charlie taylor,amanda´s father – in -law,the man she blames  for her husband´s suicide and how she will exact  revenge   on charlie will send  chills up  you´r spine.


 On  a spring afternoon  amanda and sean went to charlie´s  ramshackle house nearby  Ellett, Virginia  ,at  exactly 3,37  p.m 


the number that   signifies the birthdays  of rex  and amanda  


The murder of  charlie  taylor begins , amanda  starts  stabbing , sean is  crushing the man´s head with a  tire iron, then amanda goes in for the kill. plunging  the knife into charles .  Amanda stabbed him  a bone- chilling 31 times . he wanted him to know.but   amanda  isn´t done yet.

Amandas did  something outrageous, taken her  sick selfie posting it on her social media  accounts.

calling  herself the  brunette bomber posing  in front of charlie´s  body. the knife stil dripping blood  the instrument of death in the hand of  the devil incarnate .


Amanda and sean  take the scenic  route for their getaway driving  down the blue ridge parkway from virginia towards  norths carolina


amanda   snaps  this  photo of a  revolver in her  lap the instagram posting reads more like a suicide  note.


Amanda´s road trip to hell will quickly take a twisted turn no one saw coming.

With a smile on her face amanda taylor has just brutally   stabbed her father – in -law, now she´s on  the run with her male accomplice and this terrifying twosome who likened themselves to the characters  in the movie natural born killers are prepared to leace more carnage in their wake


The selfie -killer just tasted blood, and amanda taylor wants more…..

Amanda brutally stabed her father- in -law charlie taylor …


His body found in his   Ellett, Virginia  home


capt. robert new: she  had no value for human life . and did not care of  hwo suffered or what the  consequences were  other then then her own desire to  take someone´s life.


Amanda  the mother  of  a little boy  almost seems suicidal after killing charlie,but now she´s  gone into  murder mode.

Amanda and her accomplice sean ball are  on the run and pursuing their next victim.After the murder they obtained money they obtained fuel and  they left the area and went to  tenessee.

 surveillance video from gas  stations along the way helps cops  follow the trail .

at  this sporting goods store they load up  ammo…..and they stop at  a fleabag motell in tenesse and spend the night.


capt. robert new :at that point they were …amanda was ready  to start this killing spree. but sean began to have seconds thoughts .  he  started  to try to talk to her about maybe just going on the run to  hiding out  laying low , she wanted to fulfill this desire and the next day they left to  go do that.



On  the Blue ridge parkpway  ,amanda spots to young college -girls .hwo she think could be her next  vitims.


  capt. robert new : so  she told sean that she  was going to bring these girls over  and then he was going to kill them.,that they needed   their money and that he  was going to  do this and she got  out to go .. bring these two girls to their whicle so that he could shoot them. as  she brings  them over there, sean refuses to do it.


Amanda fast becomes furious with sean. when amanda saw this   ,this made her very angry. she got back into the vehicle and drove off again turned up onto  the   parkway one more time where she planned to kill sean  ball.

Now she turns on her accomplice and  it´s  sean who finds himself in amanda´s crossairs.


capt. robert new: she stopped  the vehicle on the parkway.  took the revolver went around the passenger side where  sean was and he had  his eyes closed.   she claimed she saw a jogger  ,she aimed the weapon  at that jogger and pull the trigger. this startled sean ball awake  she took that weapon and pointed  it  at him and said.” i want you to know before you die that i used you for  your guns and your car. and i hope you die .”


then she pulled the trigger.she shot sean ball in the face.Amanda leaves sean for dead on the side of the road she callously snaps a picture of  his  face.


capt. robert new:  amanda was a cold  individual.


And now she´s all all alone , calls     crime blogger ” natasha”




“natacha” : she would call me on a burner  phone,she would destroy it get another one and in betweent those calls  i would be calling the police and relaying the information that she was giving me .


Cops finally spot   amanda  driving  in north  carolina , she makes a final call to  ” natasha ”  asking  for adivice.


“natacha” :i was on the phone with amanda taylor  when she got arrested. the police are closing in on her and i was trying to talk her down ,because  she wanted to go out   shooting.


” natacha ”  talked  her out  of it.and records audio of  the bust . 

Police  pull amanda out of the car and slap the cuffs on her .

On her  mugshot she looks  smug almost like she´s proud  about what she did .


In the  interrogation room amanda acts like she hasn´t a care of the world . sipping    a  soft drink and playing with her hair before capten robert New and   another detective comes in .

 amanda   waves her  right to remain  silent and admits everything.


 Amanda:i killed charlie  at 3. 27 .i purposely did that  . because  that´s  mine and  Rex ´s day, we have the same  birthday .  that was always our … our thing  was  327 . but i started  stabbing him  ,i   had a knife   he stopped moving  and  sean hit  him to make sure he was dead.

  capt.robert  news : she  had really no emotion about it . she described it as if she baking  bread .


 then  amanda learns that her accomplished sean isn´t dead.

The bullet passed right through his  jaw,causing him to  pass  out from the pain but  with no permanent effects .


amanda: i shot at  him and i ´m … i thought i shot him in the face , i thought he was  dead  and so  he fell to the ground and i took a picture of him, of his face 


and in a chilling  revelation amanda says she wants the death chamber.


capt. robert new: capital murder is   life  in prison or  the death penalty.


Amanda: i ´d rather just get the death penalty, i mean i killed people ,i deserve to die too. that would be best for my children if i could just get the death penalty


But in a stunning reversal , amanda pleads not guilty and stands trial.


Capt. robert new:she did   this  for attention and uh… by pleading  not guilty she got the  ability to have  this case told .


It took the jury only 30 minutes  to convict amanda

sean ball copped a plea deal guilty in  exchange for a 60 years sentence ,suspended  after 41 years.

But this twisted tale isn´t over yet.far from it

another  shocking revelation ,her  self -proclaimed  connection  to Isis  terrorists .

Evil personified that´s  what the judge  calls amanda taylor , the convicted killer says she proudly slaughtered her dead husband´s father  . and there´s more the  so -called  selfie killer is giving a new interview from  behind bars revealing new details about that  day ….

Amanda taylor  aka the  selfie killer will never get out of prison  alive. she got life for stabbing her fathet –  in – law 31  times  


Amanda: i was  very, uh  , angry. i was angry that Rex   would have done that . but then i got even more angry at his dad.i just wanted him to feel the pain i felt.



Amanda says she killed charlie because she blame him for the death of her husband rex. she claimes  he gave him opioids that ultimately led  to his suicide


Amanda :then he brings up  Rex again and that´s  when …i just looked at him and i st arted sstabbing him, that´s the most alive i´ve felt …since  Rex  died  . i was very happy .but iwas very happy just to finally get all  that ….built up hate and  anger …and all those feelings out on him. when i stapped him ,i  didn´t  see anything and ..he just looked at me ,and he was  like,”what are you doing?”and as i was stabbing him he had reached up and got my hair .. i continued to stabbed him but he kept yelling and it made me nervous  so  sean took the crowbar.. the tire iron or  whatever and  hit him…in the back of the head.


Her explanation is sickening amanda says she compares t he feeling of murder  to a happy memory .


Amanda: ” my first  rollercoaster ride. um,  because  all the nerves  and the feelin g of , like, freedom and  ,that´s how i felt. it was  very different than what  i had in   mind  .its´s not what you  see in the movies “


Amanda did something probably unheard of in a murder case, she snapped  a selfie ,holding the murder weapon,charlies dead body  in the frame.


Amanda:” i was just really excited and i was like,  ” hey , i´m gonna take a picture so i can post it and show everyone”  it was just something ,  it made me really happy.”



and why did amanda shot her accomplishe sean  ball while they  were ont the run. she claimes he taking  drugs  that´s why she pulled the trigger on him .


amanda : i shot  him for that  because i was hurt …and i wanted him to stop …like he kept lying and stuff and that´s  why …i shot hiim in the throat.i wasn´t trying to kill him, kill him. i just wanted him to stop.


and unbelievably amanda is complaining  how she was  arrested.


amanda: they  didn´t even give me  some  time like put the car in park or  like  get my seatbelt off, they yanked it off , they yanked me out 


Now brace yourself, was amanda planning something even more sinister?something  that   could   have had ripple effect around the world?

Police  tell crime watch daily  she reached out on social media to Isis.


Amanda: ” they did make a very big deal about it .  they ac ted like i was ready to put a backpack on  and go blow something  up, no , not yet …”


And in a shocking  revelation amanda claimed she even communicated online to people claiming to be members of the terrorist group.


Amanda:  ” i had this weird obsession with it  for a minute , um , and i tried to reach out but  obviously nothing happened from it .”


But  would she actually have joined the Jihad asgainst America?

Amanda: ” i wasn´t trying to joiun ISIS .  i wasn´t  gonna  go  blow anything up in the name of i,  you know what i mean?”


Fortunately that that never  happened  thanks to crime blogger natasha´s tips to the detectives  and  the dtermination of cops in  three  states ….


 this cold -blooded killer was stopped in  her track.


capt. robert new:  my priority  was to get her  into custody  so that she could not harm anyone else,i  had seen the brutality she was capable of sand it was a brutal attack  one of the most brutal  attacks i´ve worked in my entire career.



capt. robert new: i  knew  she was  capable of doing much  more.


The misguided thoughts of an apparent sociopath and that´s why amanda will spend the rest of her  life in prison the horrific crime alm oste  unthinkable except to  her.


 amanda:  ” i  have  absolutely no remorse for what i did  to  charlie taylor at all  . i did excactly what i wanted to do.


Amanda recently appealed  her  convic tion and  lost . she  tells crime watch  daily she plans to appealing her  sentence to the supreme court , if she has  to.


more details


Taylor and Rex became obsessed with serial killers before his suicide in August 2014.

Rex became suicidal while using drugs which Taylor believed his father had introduced him to as a teenager.

Taylor’s accomplice Sean Ball helped murder Charles at his home in 2015
Amanda taylor  was sentenced to life behind bars after murdering 59-year-old Taylor on April 4 2015 at his home in Ellett, Virginia, eight months after her husband Rex hanged himself.
Amanda knew Charles well as she married his son, Rex Taylor. They met at school and had a son and then a daughter.  She was devoted to him for a time but Rex had battled with drug addiction and depression for years. In April 2014, they separated and Rex moved in with his father. In August 2014, Rex took his own life outside his father’s home. He hanged himself in a shed on his son’s seventh birthday. 
It was the 4th of April 2015. A Saturday. That morning, twenty four year old Amanda Taylor broke into a house in Ellett, Virginia, United States. It wasn’t just any house. The house belonged to her father in law, Charles Taylor. She entered his home early in the morning and stole money to buy gifts for Easter for her two children. 

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