the vanishing  of a devoted father sparks intrigue and concern  especially since his young teenage daughter sits at the center of the investigation.

This is a Case filled with unanswered questions and unsettling details.

This is russell jones II or R.J. who also goes by the nickname mike.

he finds himself  in police in  police headquarters out in medford Oregon on october 2nd,2017.

But why is he here?

for that we need to take a step back  and focus on the home of 50 year old Aaron friar and his 15 year old  daughter ellen frier who also goes by the name ellie.

patrol officers were dispatched to 517 and a half benson street for a welfare check. they found out that sierra and her sister olivia,sierra was 11,olivi vas eight

had woke up that morning and their father and their teenage sister ellie were not inside the residence.

they  found blood and they found evidence of acrime.

it was clear that someone  had been harmed in that home.

that particular point  detectives  didn’t  really have an idea what had occurred, a burglary

 an assult robbery, they were hoping for the best  to locate  Aaron and ellie.

sierra had recalled about an hour prio,she had woke up and she had heard her father yell the F-WORD

and heard glass breaking.and she thought  that he had dropped something and  broke it .

she had actually grabbed her father Aaron’s cell phone off of the couch near where the blood was and she called  her father’s girlfriend.

Ell’s parent’s were divorced. her parents lived separately , so she would go back and forth between her father and her mother.

Aaron went to church quite regularly, he was somewhat a conservative typ.e individual. he was a protective father, hehad Ellie and Sierra and  Olivia to take care of.

Detective’s didn’t know  what condition Aaron was in whether he was deceased or in need of medical  attention .

or if Ellie  had been kidnapped.

it’s an incredibly strange and chilling scene.where could this father and daughter be?

and what role do russell jones and 19 year old  Gavin McFarland  playing in  this?

 The crime scene is about to provide another clue ….

one of the things the officers  had seen on scene at the residence was there were blooddrops leading from that pool of blood out the front door , out the side walk ,to a dirt area 

and they had seen  tire tracks

and they  had quickly established  that Aaron’s 1996 silver mercury marquees was missing from the residence.

Detectives  did try to geolocate the phones to see where Ellie and Aaron were at that time.

Around 9.45 detectives  located Aaron’s  vehicle.they make sure no one’s inside the vehicle, the pop the the trunk, make sure there’s  not  a body in the trunk.

the mercury was  parked near  a residence one of the detectives recoginized that residence as the grandparents of an individual named russell .(RJ)  detectives had interviewed russell jones about two weeks prior for burglarizing his grandparents detectives suspected at that point that russel might have been  involved


 then investigators quickly make another discovery,an hour later one of the detectives located ellie friar  ,gavin mcfarland her boyfriend and russell jones walking down one of the main streets in Medford.

not far from the vehicle had b een located.

detectives really  need to get to the bottom  of it all….

and that begins with talking to the tree of them.

starting off with jones.

detectives have TV monitors  in the division ,so there were times where  they were watching russell sitting in the interview room alone.he was playing with turning on the mic, turnint it on and off. talking about going bipolar on them.

Russel jones was a little bit older, he was an outcast he had been in foster care most of his life. he also had some mental  health issues.detectives thing he is a very bizarre individual.

 this is just  the beginning of some incredivly strange moments in that police interview room. but will the mystery ever  unravel?

Detectives in MedfordOregon are investigatin the disappearanace of 50 year old Aaron friar 

and  the morning of October 2nd 2017, they find a bloody scene in his living room,but there ‘s no sign of Aaron.

A short time later, his 15 year old daughter Ellie is found walking down a nearby  road with two young men.her boyfriend Gavin mcfarland and their friend Russel Jones ( RJ.)

detectives listen in as  jones sits alone in the interrogation room.

he would talk to himself , he would talk to law enforcement and make demands almost like , allof his thoughts that were occurringin his head, hewas  just verbalizing,  also playing with his food, it was very inappropriate considering what he was in there for.

it’s unclear if he  thinks people are there,if he’s beingdelusinal or  he’s almost mocking those he believes are listening and watchinghim.

he was bipolar,high functioning autism,he was socially awkward. detectives don’t think russell jones was trying to act crazy. they think that’s just russell jones.

while detectives are about to go  in and  talk with jones. another  investigator is  hearing Elli’s side f the story. she right off the bat is telling the investigator she’s 18 and her name is rain.

she was acting not as smart as she is  and she was putting on a show for the investigator but kind of, just trying to get a rise out of the investigator, trying to  make the investigators patience.

 Ellen friar was a very intelligent teenager,but allegationswere made that her home  life was not a great home life.

Ellie ‘ s relationship with her father Aaron was beyond strained .she felt like she was missunderstood , that he treated her very poorly.Ellie  told gavin and others that she was being sexually mistreated  by her father . but   we dont know if that information was really true..

those people who  say” oh i have a daughter , she’s 15 going on 35 ” Ellie acts like that about half of the time. but five minutes later,she’s acting very young , would say naive.

detectives  did not at the particular  point early on know a lot about Gavin mcfarland. detectives had identified Gavin  as Elli’s boyfriend, Gavin was 19  Ellie was in high school.

Gavin and Ellie were in this  relationship,Elli’s dad  Aaron knew about thisrelationship and had told them to knock it off. well, Ellie did not want to end her  relationship with gavin.

she would pick at her self ,shewould talk in this,  like high sort of a baby voice  and futher in the interview when the  investigator  kind of got to the facts  of things ,the investigator noticed that her voice changed.

on the inside the investigator really was losing her patience,  she knew if  she was nice to her, if she  let her get her lies out then the investigators hope were going to get  to the truth.

Aaron had found out about the relationship between them and new in Oregon a 19 year old cannot be with a 15 year old and be involved sexually.Detectiv smith then reveals they know more about what’s been going on  between Ellie and Gavin.


Ellie had been taking her property,her clothing ,miscellaneous items and putting bags out  her window over a period of time ….

slowly moving  her belongings over to Gavin’s residence.

Ellie’s two  little sisters were key,because they were in the house that morning ,and when Ellie left they saw her take the dog.

finally ,Ellie reveals key information 

and after hours of talking , she drops a bombshell.

she wants to say that  really who planned all of  this was russell  aka mike.He was the instigator

she really put a lot on Russell, Russell had the machete.”Russell did this to my dad”

 now , Ellie’s  pointed the finger at russell but what russell has to say to  the investigators….

changes everything.

police are questioning Russell Jones the II over the disappearance  of Aaron  friar ,following the the discovery of a bloody  scene at his home.

Police located jones walking with Aaron’s daughter, 15 year old ellen friar and  her boyfriend  gavin mc farland a short  time after  the chilling   discovery , and they  suspect the three friends have something to do with Aaron going missing.

Ellie pointing at jones and while he’s left alone in the interrogation room  he makes several  peculiar  statements. and while  he may seem unhinged as  you start  to listen carefully he appears to be talking about what may have  happened to Aaron.

and to detectives it sounds like jones wants to talk.investigators go in and get a big break in the case

initially  he told investigators that around midnight he had went over to Ellie’s residence with gavin, he told investigators  that around 4 am  Ellie’s  dad caught  Gavin inside of Ellie’s bedroom and pointed a firearm at him. 

Gavin was able to knock the rifle out of Aaron’s hands, his initial statement was that  he did not know where  Elli’s father was or what  had  occured after  seeing the gun get knocked out of Aaron’s hands.

from being outside  smoking to getting in a vhicle with russell in the front seat  , not far from where law enforcement recovered the vehicle they found the body of Aaron friar.

it was clear he hadbeen beaten to death.his face andbody were badly bruised and  his head appeared to be  almost indented.  he had sustained at least  five blunt force trauma injuries

he had  a shattered skull.multiple  blows to the skull and face , he had a defensive injury on his right arm, he had abroken right elbow,  he had a broken rib and there was  bruising to his abnomen.

Not only  did they find the body of Aaron friar , they also  found a  bat that appeared to hanging  in a tree.

they located clothing that appeared to have been discarded.

 he talks a lot about  his plan to get chloroform and  to knock out Aaron and then to  basically kidnapp him and bring him to  california and tie him up to a tree.he was going to to chastise him verbally  ” you should not act like this   towards your daughter ”  and then they were going  to abandon him  in the woods.

from Russell’s perspective he viewed himself as a protector and he gelt that he needed  to step in to in a sense  save her..there is just such a case for a  diminished mental capacity in therms of the decisions that were made   and in terms of his real  understanding of realithy.

 it’s always interesting to watch the blame game  go on , particularly when you watchingall  three defendants providingvasrious versions of how it was  that Aaron friar was  murdered.

the question becomes howdoes law enforcement determine who’s telling  the truth?

 But , there’s still one more side to this story Gavin mcfarlands.

comingup…can  investigators ever get to the truth?

Investigators in Oregon are zeroingin on what really happened to Aaron friar  ,who was bludgeon to death with a baseball bat back in 2017.

his own daughter Ellen friar her boyfriend Gavin Mcfarland and  their friend Russell Jones  II  are all  believed to be involved in this gruesome murder.

but investigators aren’t, quite sure  who  to believe, they’re finale interview proves  to be  very telling as they inch closer to the truth.

Detectives meet with Gavin, Ellie friar’s boyfriend, to see if they can figure out what’s happened here.

Ellie and Gavin certainly what would seem to be a very sexually involved type of  relationship really an  adult relationship, when you think of somebody only being 15.

but what you also have here is  a crime it’s statutory rape .but in there mind they really fashion themselves as some sort of Romeo and Juliet type of relationship  and her father was getting in the middle of that, that was the straw that broke the Camel’s back.

 it¨s hard  to believe anyhingthat Ellie friar says . she had claimed  that her father had been abusing her, there is absolutely no evidence of any type of abuse.


finaly Gavin  mcfarland tells investigators what  really happened.

Gavin knew the gig was up.  and basically provided a  statement about his involvement.  investidators knew from talking to Gavin that Ellie  had handed him the bat while they had waited for Elli’s dad to fall a sleep.

and then him and Russell, with Ellie right there, removing money from her  father’s wallet , loading the body into the trunk of the car and  taking   Aaron out and  disposing him  , like a piece of trash.

they  drive back into medford.they go to walmart ,they go to the social security office before dunping the vehicle.

the evidence against gavin, ellie and  russell is crystal clear

but even with a confession one big question still remains, who was the mastermind behind this whole thing?

during their investigation,they came upon  video surveillance from a local Walmart that showed both gavin and ellie inside the walmart buying snacks.

 in fact at one point  ,Gavin looks up and sticks his tongue out to the camera when they’re in the cosmetics  aisle purchasing the pregnancy test.

there was some talk that Ellie may be pregnant and so investigators think her motive was maintaining her relationship with Gavin who she thought and looked at as her  fiance and maybe the father  of her unborn child  ,which ultimately she was not pregnant.

Gavin told the investigators several times during  the interview , ” no i really didn’t want to kill him but i went along with the plan”

Ellie handed  me the bat,  ellie told me to go take him out , kill him .


Gavin  eventually did confess to being the individual that actually used the bat to kill Aaron friar.

 law enforcement searched  the home of Gavin mcfarland.

there was a drawing, a murder plan that  was drawn by Ellie.she had  actually drawn out the inside of the residence, where security cameras  were located in the neighborhood.identifying each  room ,there was arrows basically so they could go over the planning of this particular crime

and then there was also murder plan B which  was written by Russell Jones. that was an alternative plan of killing Aaron.

as disorganized as it  was a lot of stages went into executing this plan .

they thought somehow they would  all go to california and they would sort  of escape this whole thing and get away with it.

for Russell he thought  he was really doing the right thing of freeng this dam  soul in distress from this  horrible ogre father.

out of all three ,Gavin is really  the only one that  acts  normal.he has that reality jolt and he cries out for his mother .

he truly didit all for Ellie, she manipulated both of of these two into feeling like they had to come to her rescue and that this was the answer.

Gavin McFarland ,Ellie Friar and Russell Jones are all charged for their involvement in Aaron friar’s  murder.

there was a lot of things that really haven’t come out about this case  that a lot of people  don’t understand about Ellie, they want to feel sorry for her , she was really the  mastermind in this case,it was her idea and her plan and  she brought Gavin into it.

 what happened to all three?

first. Russell Jones the II is initially deemed not competent to stand trial.he had some mental health issues.h e was autistic,  he was also suffering with bipolar  disorder .

despite the fact that he had these  mental health issues ,he understood right  and wrong at the time of the death of Aaron friar. so years later he pleads   no contest to conspiracy to commit murder and is sentenced to 15 years in prison.

Russell stood right outside of the residence,he could hear what was going on inside,he heard the thud.his job was basically  to come in and use the machete on Aaron as a backup.

as for Ellie friar,she pleaded no  contest to conspiracy to commit murder and is sentenced to 25 years in prison

Gavin mcFarland,he pleads  guilty and is sentenced to 25 years to  life for murder and conspiracy.


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