Warning: Graphic content, readers’ discretion advised. This article contains a recollection of crime and can be triggering to some readers discretion advised.

when a missing  little girl is spotted at a store and  a local denny´s , the other customers couldn´t believe there eyes. what were the chance that a child who been abducted weeks earlier was sitting right front hem in broad daylight. but as police arrived on the scene. they quickly realized the horriying    case that  shoiok not only the city of coeur dálene tio its core. but also entire country was far more grizzly than the´d expected.and  worse than that ,the perpetrator was even more depraved tran anyoine could have ever imagined. and  this was only the beginning of his crimes.



May 16 ,2005, was a a typical rainy day in the pacific northwest until  an urgent 911 call cam3 in from a resident of Kootenai county , Idaho. the resident initially called 911 to report a white pickup  parked on his property  that he didn´t recognize.unbeknownst  to the caller ,this  wouls spark the beginning of an investigaton. that would sent authorities headfirst into the msot disturbing case they had ever discovered . as the 911 operator gathered more information,the caller looked isnide the vechicle and  noted a few belongings.


caller:” the only thing in the front seat  isan axe and a little toolbox.


 than  later that day.dispatch received another 911  call from the same man,and this time it was clear that something was horribly wrong.



man : i can´explaine  it to you , you jsut  have  the guys call me quickly. there´s niothing wrong with the vehicle . that  i can see.but the vehicle  belongs  to a guy who´s friends with the people  that live in this yunky house ot here.and i went to  the door to pay the little kid 10 dollar for mowing the lawn. and  there´s blood all over the door.nobody comes to the door. they are friends of the guy who own  the pickup i found out.




As it turns out ,the caller owned an nearby house adjacent to his propety and rented it out to a couple. brenda had three children  from a previous marriage who also lived in the  home.

13 years old slade,  nine year old dylan and  eight year old shasta. authorities  raced  to through the steady rainfall, to the rural wolf lodhe home.

 and made their way down  the dirt driveway. as they contuinued their approche. and peek inside the family´s vehicle. which was parked  a short distance away  from the residence.

officers glimpsed a hunting rifle lying on the front seat , and also noticed what appeared bullets holes in the rear windows.

as they moved  closer to the home ,several blood stains on and around the front  door became visible. deputies notice also blood  in a pool of rain water that  had formed in the grass next to the walkway. they attempted to elicit a response  from the family by pounding  on the  locked front  door . and demanding  someone open up.


but the ony answer they received  was that of dogs  barking.they quckly proceeded to the back door and descovered  it had been left ajar. authorities immediately took one of the vidibly frightened dogs  into custody. the other ,however ,remained hiding inside the home. they would  soon uncover the source behind the  dog´s extreme fear.

inside the kitchen, an officer made a most grusesome discover. the body of a teenage young man was lying face down on the floor  , his head wrapped and his hands bound behind his back with duct tape. 

then  in the area between the kitchen and living room, the officer  spotted another victim, a fully dressed adult woman  also  lying face down on the floor.

her hands were cuffed  behind her back using heavy duty zip  ties ina a manner similar to that practiced  by law enforcement.  duct tape had also been used to restrain the woman´s ankles  and feet.  horrifyingly ,there was yet another body  lying face down in the living room.

the adult male victim was dressed  only in shorts.and zip ties had been used to bind  his wrists and ankles toghether. yjr  officers confirmed all three deceased. they  then searched  the rest of the home for additional victims where they located several firearms  in the upstairs loft area , and after a thorough search  , it was confirmed that there was no one esle inside the residence. little  did they knwo, however, that  the worst was yet to come.


Funeral home workers carry out one of the bodies from a triple murder at a rural home Tuesday in the Wolf Lodge area east of Coeur d’Alene. Jesse Tinsley/The Spokesman-Review


Upon furthe investigation, authorities uncovered more troubling information.one officer  reporterd the welfare checks at the wolf logdge home were  not uncommon ,and that the family members who lived in the home frequently came and went  with friends often staying over as  well. therefore, authorities  thought that perhaps the two youngest  children had been staying elsewhere , as that sseemed to be common practice.later that night , detective went to  the prosecuting attorney´s  office to obtaine  a search warrant for the wolf lodge property and the abandoned truck.

while they were there, unexpected  call came through to the police station from a man named steve Groene. the father of the  three childring living at the residence with their mother and her boyfriend.

and he was  desperate for any information  regarding the gruesome incident. an officer was dispatched to meet wtih  steve and what he told them sent the case in a shocking  new disrection.

according to the concerened father , all three  of his children should have been present in the home on the night of the murders. but with only one adolescent victim accounted for inside the house. that meant the two younger children were missing.

the victims were determined to be 40 years old brenda.47 years old mark and 13  years old slade, leaving nine year old dylan and eight year old shasta  unaccounted for . 


as a result , officer issued an amber alert for the two children jsut after midnight on the day after the bodies were found.detectives  then returned to the wolf lodge home. and with a new sense of urgency began a desperate search in the nearby woodlands for shasta and dylan .

 though the hoped to find the children alive, they freared the worst. that  same morning as the rain finally subsided, the clesar light of day  exposed ust  how disturbing  and graphic the interior crime scene really was

.investigators found a sizable blood smear on the back door and several blood droplets inside  and outside the door.

then upon  entering the home they saw many dried blood stains, some  even containing grass clippings from the freshly mowed lawn.

prominent red smears on the  swingling doors leading  to the kitchen suggested that someone covered in blood had moved through them. the glass top coffe talbe was shattered, leaving fragments of glass scattered about the living space.

futhermore ,there seemed to be blood everywhere from the furniture to the walls. authorities followed a crimson trail of smears and stains down  the hallwa to a bedroom where there found a massive quantity of blood on a bedding. finally ,whlie there wasn´t  any blood in the upstairs loft area,detectives  did uncover a single plastic zip tie from the floor matching thosie used on the victims.


 it was clear that the evidence inside the  home told a terrifying story. but it became even more horrific as  authorities examined the bodies further.it becama apparent that slade initially had duct tape, covering his mouth  that had either slipped or been pushed down around his neck. he also had red stains covering the bottoms  of his bare feet giving the appearance that he had walked through blood at some point during the attack.

it appaeared the young man had suffered severe catastrophic injuries to his head and other portions of his body inflicted  by some kind of blunt instrument. utltimately , the severe besating resulted in his death. slade´s head was lying at the fett of his mothers brenda.

unfortunately ,due  to the ghastly blunt force injuries  to her head, law enforcement could´nt even recognize her face,not to mention layers of duct tape were entangled in her hair and wrapped around  her head to form  a makeshift gag. it was only to the presence of several recognizable tatttoos that they were able to positively confirm her identity.

unlile the other  two, mark  had no duct tape on hid body. but similarly ,he showed several blunt force trauma wounds to his head that clearly penetrated  his skull.investigators  alsos supected that a bloody eprson had moved over him as he lay on the floor based on a distinct pattern of blood droplets on his body.most horrifying was the revelation that the murder weapon  had been a framing hammer.


as each strike left behind a circular marking with a crosshatched  pattern on its victim. meanwhile , authoritites continued to focus their efforts on findi9ng dylan and shasta. treating the situation as a possible abduction by a dangerous predator. 

The  kootenai county sheriff´s office requested assistance from the FBI and other resources to help  locare the missing children.over the next several weeks  the entire  county helds its breath  as the search  for dylan and shasta unfolded in  real time on national television. 

desperate to foynd answers dylan and  shastas  father steve  even contacted a psychic to aid  in the  search.unfortunately those  efforts proved futile.several leads  also came in from friends  , family , and locals,but each  failed  to yield  any results.


finally , on july 2nd ,2005 nearly two excrutiating months after the murders, authorities  got the call they´d been waiting for. a  women in coeur da´lene , Idaho belived she recognized  shasta  from missin  person´s flyers and alerted   the authorities.

the caller reported that  the little girls was with an uknown male and described his physical appearance. the dispatcher waste no time and immediately sent officers  to ther resturant. 

Then another call came in that heightened the belief that this was infact shasta.

 This caller had a strong sense of urgency and seemed even more confident that they had potentially found the missing child. authorities arrived  on the scene and  the man with the little girld was quickly identifed 

as  42 years old joseph edwards duncan III from fargo ,north dakota   soon detectives also discovered that joseph had a lengthy criminal history.

accordiung to the report , joseph had been committing violen crime  since he was just 15 . and by the time he was 17, he was sentenced  to 20 years  in prison for a crime against a 14 years old boy. he was released on parole in 1994 after serving 14 years.and then in march ,2005,joseph was charged with another crime against two boys.

after a docttor helped him post bail, he seemingly disappeared without a trace until now.


during this time, authoritites  also learned from dispatch that joseph had a several vehicles tied to his name. joseph had driven to the resturant in a red jeep bearing  false missouri plates. and as it turns out , the vehicle had been stolen from an Enterprise Rent -A -Car  in  st.paul ,minnesota. nesws soon  broke that  the little girl with joseph was in fact shasta and she had an unbelievably horrific st ory to tell. before even leacing the dennýs resturant , shasta reportedly told authorities about the deaths at wolf lodge and that joseph was the prepetrator.

then she was transported to a  nearby  hospital for treatment. officers  contacted  father steve Groene and he raced to  the hospital to be by his  daughter´s  side.

of  course , authorities  immediately took joseph duncan into  custody, but one  important question was still hanging in the air.

 Where was young dylan?

authorities  soon uincovered  surveillance fotage  from an  convenience store in  coeur dalene. there findings were ominous.joseph and  shasta could be viewsed seemingly traveling  alone. then later that same day, an officer experienced in working with children  visited shasta in the hospital.where she recounted her grueling version of the events leading to that point.


shasta recalled being abruptly woken up her mother on the night of may 16th,and told  that an intruder was in the home.

then she went into the living room where her entire family had been ordered to lay on the floor , were bound ,and held at gunpoint. she identifed the intruder as joseph duncan.

a man she claimed to have never seen or met before in her life,  after a few moments of silent terror,joseph tapped shasta on the head and gave her a simple shush gesture.as he picked her up and carried her out the back door.

shasta was a laid on the grass outside and warned that she would  be hurt or killed if  she didn´t stay  quiet. she said dylan  wsas brought out and laid  on the grass beside her s a short time later. joseph then went back inside and that´s when things took a deadly turn.shasta told the detective that she  heard mark shouting  ow  or ouch .

somethime after joseph reented the home ,then unaware of what had happened to her family, she explained seeing slade walking around outside acting  very strangely. after that  the next thing  shasta were recalled was that she and dylan were being loaded int o a pickup  truck and  driven to a nearby property.

where jsoeph then tanseferred them to the stolen red , Jeep. shasta continue telling the detective that josepg drove them out to the remote wilderness of montana where they stayed at various capsites. she claimed joseph slapped  her very hard and  would  chain her and dylan to a trees whenever he had to leave the campsite.shsasta aslo remarked thast would  put small pills in their drinking water.but she didn´t know what was in them. furthermore ,the little girl described how joseph had forced her and dylan to write letters to their father  while  being  held at the campsites.


one letter written by shasta indicated that joseph had been giving them some  hope of safe return, saying” we might see you guys again.” . 

In his letter , dyaln wtore . ” we are still alive.”we´re okay we know what happened to mom.


on one occasion ,shasta  said that joseph left her chained  to a trese    while  he took dylan away for a long time. when they returned  ,dylan was notifceably injured.and shasta eventually learned thet they had gone to an abandoned cabin in the woods where joseph tortured the young boy for hours.

joseph actually showed shasta  a video recording of her brother with his hand tied  behind his back being assulted and hung by a wire noose from the cabin´s cross beam. in the video , joseph shouts ,

in the recoding , joseph brought dylan down and revived him promising to take him to the hospital.at one point , joseph started to sing the lords prayer. using an eerily high voice. as  h e´s saying ,thy will be done, he interrupted himself and shouted;

tragically ,shasta´s  nesxt admission removed any remaining hope that dylan was still alive. she told the detective  about another incident in whish joseph reached  inside a container presumably  to grab a beer and fired a  shotgun from inside the container ,fatally shooting young  dylan .

it´s unclear whether or not the shot was accidental , but nevertheless, joseph  then apparently burned the young boys´s body in fire  at the campsite. then he packed shasta into the jeep and drove back to coeur d´alene. as they drove through the town,joseph desidet  the´d make a stop at the Denny´s resturant

which  is precisley when the 911 calls  about a little  girl resembling shasta  started   flooding in.before the interview ended, shasta  explained to the detectives in graphic detal, what joseph had  told her about he  fateful night at wolf lodge and how he had killed her  entire family. she also reiterated that he wsas a total stranger,not known by anyone in her family.

but then  ,just when investigators  thought  they were nearing the end of this nightmare, chasta said one last thing that stunned the detective rigt to his core. shasta shockingly informed the investigator that joseph claimed  to have commited other violent murders in the past. without any more information the interview ended.and the authorities  immediately preperad a search  warrant  for the stolen Jeep ,joseph had been driving.

 they also made preparations  to search the probable crime scene in montana. forensic  analysty began searching the stolen Jeep. and found evidence on the exterior that suggested  it had recently been driven on dusty brush -filled  roads.

next they examined the interiror and noted  several perfectly normal items. such as  tourist brochures ,GPS unites camping equipment  ,and a laptop computer

.however ,it wasn´t long before they  uncovered some moer sinister items inside the vehicle, including duct tape, rope, and video production equipment.

But thet  wasn´t all .investigators also found a sawed – off shotgun with duct tape wrapped around the handle, a handsaw  , and a plastic zip tie bag matching the brand used in the murders.

authorites  sent a  the digital media found   in the jeep to the FBI  forensic unit for analysis. who were able to narrow down  the search area  in montana.

 then on july 3rd ,just one day after shasta´s rescue authorities located a cabin in the montana wilderness that seemed to match the one fron joseph´s recordings. stil,despite extensive search efforts  dylan´s remains were nowhere to be found. meanwhile ,the FBI  computer forensics laboratory continued to pull evidence from joseph´s film equipment. inclulding extremely graphic video clips from inside the old montana cabin.

depiciting the horrendous torture of dylan , the following day ,desperate  to find dylans remains, authorities  began to consider to taking shasta  to montana  to aid in the search. before that could happen ,however, they received a call that  Changed everything.


FBI personnel searching in st. Regis , montana  alerted deputies i back in Idaho that human reamians suspected to be those of dylan had been located in a mountainous area matching that  which shasta had previously described. the same day dylan´s remains were found . joseph requested to speak with a chail chaplin telling him  wanted “talk about forgiveness”  because he ” killed three  people  in a house.” for days later, he sat for a long -awaited interview with kootenai county detectives regarding the wolf lodge case. Authorities discovered that joseph kept an enctypted journal  online called the fith nail, which he started in 2004. decades later , the journal wsas broken into revealing joseph´s twisted mindset. he wrote on the blog just days before  the  attack at wolf lodge. one post written on may 11th , 2005 , reads




even more disturbing , on february 17 th,2005 , joseph wrote

” as long as we keep attacking the symptoms of social disease- the so called offenders – then our  problems will keep getting worse.  some day (soon i hope) society will be forced to “wake up ” and recognize how it porpagates its own misery  by denying the truth that criminals are victims too. “


he exoanded on these thoughts writing 11 days later


” yeas  , i know  a lot  about abuse  from all three sides, the victims , the offenders , and the systems. i´m not saying let offenders do their thing. i have no problem with taking direct measures to stop people from hurting people. but i think it is  more effective to take direct  measures  to stop people from wanting to hurt  people.”


” we should offer free offender counseling and even amnesty for certain types of  offenses if the offender agrees  to treatment ( before they are caught) . that would be a very practical and effective way to reduce s*x crimes dramatically”


” i doubt it will ever happen though , because our society loves the excitement that s*x offenders bring into our living rooms through the media and we would be lsot without someone to point our fingers at.”




It´s important to rememberthat just days after writing this , joseph was torturing and assaulting dylan prior to murdering him.

when speaking to detectives ,joseph told them that he just happened to pass by the wolf lodge home and  noticed shasta and dylan playing in their swimsuits in the yard. that´s when he decided to pull over and surveiy ther residence thus putting his evil plan to abduct the children into motion. he may have been driving around and searching for his target as he was prepared with  items in his vehicle to subdue the victims.

it´s likely that he´d fantasized  about a scenario like this many times. and when he spotted the kids. he saw this as  opportunity to act .


they asked him to provide his account of exactly what happened on the night of may 16 th joseph said he arrived on the wolf lodge property in the stolen jeep sometime between two and 3:00 a.m.

with plans to approch the residents through the open field. at this point, joseph went  into  great detail about te extra mesasures he took to ensure he left no trace behind stating he was very knwoledgeable of criminal proceduress and crime scene processing.joseph proudly explained how he intentionally bought disposable shoes  much larger than his actual size to throw off the investigation.

he boasted that he used gloves to avoid leaving any fingerprints. then he continued to tell detectives that he surveyed the wolf lodge  home withs night vision goggles s  he moved acrosss the large field  surronding theresidence.



josef said  he took extra care to be  quite.because he  knew dogs were inside the home. however ,while he expressed concern over establishing where the parent´s room was located. he appeared to already  know exactly where  the children slept at night. detectives  surmised that he likely gathered this information from stalking the tow children before the attack.

nevertheless, once he felt confident that there was no movement inside and everyone was asleep,joseph placed himself directly outside shasta and dylan´s  room. he stood on a lawn chair and appeared intently inside the window ready to enter and snatched them from their beds. but then something happened that sent the night in a deadly new direction .

one of  the family´s  two dogs suddenly entered the bedroom and seemed to sense something was wrong as it begans sniffing around the room. then the dog unexpectedly looked directly up at the window where joseph stood frozen an began to growl. joseph instsantly jumpef off the chair and rsant o a fence line on the property saying at this moment  he thought  to himself


 ” shit ,he made me.”


it seemed as though he was blaming the dogs for what happened next as being made is slang for being caught or seen . joseph say je waited by the  fence for approximately one hour to see if anyoine  had been alerted by the dog.but no one came out  to investigate. and he didn´t notice any movement inside the home.joseph told detectives of this time spent waiting outside


” i kept looking for excuses  to not do what i wa going t o do .”


joseph also claimed he was nearly ready to abort the entire plan looking for any excuse jsut to leave , but ultimately decided  that if he returned and found the back door   unlocked he would go through with the crime

.but if the door wsas locked , he would leave the family alone. so joseph said  he walked back to the home and the faith would have it, the  doore was slightly open. he entered ther residence carrying the sawed -off shot gun. with the first round being  at  a bird  shot to scare off the dogs  if necessary .

the second  round ,he said , was  a slug  intended to for the man. much to his suprise ,the dogs didn´t  seem to notice as he opened the backdoor. but joseph said he still retreated to the fence  line for roughly a half hour to build his nerve. then he equipped himself with duct tape and zip ties from  a backpack he left in the field and quitetly approached  the back door again wearing  a hat and a mask.joseph  said when  he entered the home. he found brenda asleep on the sofa. he then stated

 “i  froze.i din´t expect anyone to be in the living room.”


joseph ecplained  that he felt scared for a brief moment as he backed into the kitchen. and waited to see  if she would move.but the house remained quiet so he continued to look around for the two dogs and as he moved down the hallway. the dogs  abruptly charged toward him from inside slade´s bedroom.

joseph described swinging the shotgun in their direction fully prepared to shoot.but said the dogs quickly scampered away at the sight of the firearm.joseph duck down to hide saying  he could see from that position that brenda had  woken up.

however , while she appeared to be  looking  directly at him,joseph said hshe didn´t   seem to sense, that anything wass amiss yet  as  she turned the light off and returned  to lying on the couch .joseph reported that her eyes   seemed to be fixed on him. but  he couldn´t tell whether they were open or not so he decided it was time to make a drastic move. he made his way over to brenda and with the shotgun trained on her ,joseph harshly whipsered in a low voice.


“where´s your´husband.”


He said that brenda looked up at him with a confused expression on her face, so he repeated the question with more intensity. this time brenda replied  that her husband wasnt in the house.so joseph instead demanded  that she bring him to the  man. then joseph siaid brendsa quickly got onto her feet and dashed up the stairs  to where mark was sleeping. he instructed brenda to wake up mark, and she did so by shaking him ans shouting.


“there´s a man here with a gun”


joseph  told detectives that mark then rolled over and locked eyes with him  but for unknown reasons,the cold blooded killer became overwhelmed with emotion at this point in the  interview.

after regaining his composure joseph described grabbing two sets of zip ties.  he had earlier interlocked in a police-type fashion. to restrain the adults. however .

he hadn´t anticipated marks  size and soon realized he would  need to use  both sets to secure his wrists. futhermore .he fumbled with the zip ties at the top of the stairs. dropping  the one that crime scene analyst later found while searching  the home. joseph said mark complied and continued to lie face down on the bed as brenda wsas ordered to fasten the zip ties around his writs and ankles.

next , with mark immobilized,joseph asked where the  guns  were wanting the couple to believe his sole mission wsas to steal them, not to abduct the children. he likely said this to prevent the adults from trying  to fight back.most people want  risk  their lives  over a  robbery.but would in order to protect their children fom abduction.

mark and brenda couldn´t run because they werent going to leave their children behind and they were likely afreaid to fight joseph. because  he had such  a clear advantage with the weapon.


The Groene Family home before being torn down

Credit: spokesman.com


mark  made his way down the stairs on his backside.and onec they were both  in the living room,joseph prompted him to lie face down on the floor. then he advised brenda to wake up the children and bring them out.joseph resaclled hearing  slade  shout “why,why,why,?” as his mother alerted him to the danger.

with slade out of his room, brenda went into shasta and dylan´s room. and guiided them back to the living  area. where joseph bounded their wrists  using duct tape  and zip ties. when the entire family was secured on the living room floor,joseph todl the detectives


” stood for a moment  and surveyed my work.i thought how easy it was .”


the folliowing sequence of events  lined  up precisely with  what shasta had told investigators about joseph carrying her and dylan outside and leaying them  on the grass.


after bringing the children outside,joseph reurned to his  backpack at the fence line and  retrieved  a framing hammar beforre reenting the home.once inside ,the removed the duct tape from slades  ancles and guided him  outside to a spot where  he was out of  sight of the  other children.

without warning  joseph violently hit slade in the back of his head  with the hammer. he immediately fell to his knees . and at thatpoint joseph struck him again . prompting the 13 year old  to fall face down on the ground.assuming he was dead , joseph went back inside the house and told brenda to stand.


but because  she was  bound at the ankles , joseph had to help  her up. once she  was upright , josepg said he tried  to use  the hammer´s claw and end to cut through the duct tape around  her ankles so she could  walk but instead, brenda was  sent face first back onto the floor when he pulled up on  the weapon.

joseph stated that brenda  was clearly injured fro mthe fall, so he  decided itwas time to end her pain. at this  point in the interview he  briefly spoke about   his  empathic side saying.

” what  i did next  was an act of compassion”


then he expressed hitting brenda  two  or three times in the head  with the hammer. after he was satifisfied that she was ni longer alive.


and he move over to mark,who he stated was still realizing what was happening and struck him two or  three  times  on the  top of  his head.

joseph said mark cried out! ” ouch” before  going still,just as shasta had  previously told detectives.joseph



then went back outside and noticed that  were both propped up against their orders  to remain laying  down and were speaking with slade who joseph was shocked  to find alive and moving  around the house´s exterior presumably attempting to flee the scene and get help.

he demanded the two yung children to stay still as he ran after slade ,and  for a moment, he actually thought the teenager had  gotten away.unfortunately, joseph caught up slade in front of the house where he  was standing frozen in confusion from the traumatic head wounds he had  endured.joseph mercilessly struck him in the head, neck and  shoulders several more times with the hammer until he finally dropped to the ground.

before leaving the home, joseph went back inside to check on brenda and mark. he said both were making snoring or mumbling sounds, so he struck each victim´s  head a few more times. he described not wanting to look as  he hit  brenda so he laid a blanket over her  head and swung through it.this is unusual as most perpetrators only cover victims that they know well.

it´s  possible that joseph sturggles to kill women more so than men ,because of his description of killing  brenda. because of  his description  of killing brenda additonally ,josef let shasta  live.

we dont know if he planned  on  eventually killing shasta.but he didn´t murder her right away like he did with dylan. joseph insisted  t hat while he knew the law enforcement would probably label his crimes rage killings, he wasn´t acting out of rage. instead ihe offered the demented explanation that he´d been trying to put his victims  out of their misery.


neveless ,joseph said he finally departed the residence along with the two children in mark and brendas´s white pickup truck.

he de drowe the short  distance to the additional property. where  he left the stolen  red jeep. there  ,je abandonned the pickuptruck, loeaded the children into the jeep, and took off later thet day , upon  locating the unknown  truck on his land, the propery owner placed his  911 call .


still based on josep´s depiction of the events.investigators were left woundering how the the blood staisn came to  be disttributed throughout ther rest of the home,if most of the killings were isolated to one  room.so thay asked joseph and his response sent a chill down their spines.



as he was driving away, joseph told investigators that he notice slade was standing up again in the front yard. he told them he elected not to stop,because dsaylight was breaking. he knew slade would die soon from his injuries.

due to the fact that slade´s body was found inside the home  next to his mother  the following day . authorities sepculated that  he had managed to reenter the house and leave blood  evidence in various location before ultimately succumbing to his injures  at his mother´s feet. it was also believed that he had left the droplets of blood on mark´s body.

Trinkets and toys left in memory of Dylan Groene at the campsite where Joseph Duncan kept and tortured the Shasta and Dylan for some six weeks. Dylan was eventually murdered. Brian Plonka/The Spokesman-Review


Joseph admitted to washing the hammer off in the sink  before leaving. authorities were desperatae to locate the murder weapon.however  his attorney´s prohibited  him from disclosing its location.

the interview concluded , and  while detectives were relieved  to have received a full confession to the wolf lodge murders , they still had many unanswered questions amongs them, why did mark and breanda´s truck appear to have  been riddled with bulets holes?


Joseph Duncan took a young Dylan Groene to this remote dilapidated cabin to film the youngster as Duncan tortured him during his six-week abduction with his sister in a remote section of western Montana near St. Regis. The cabin was 12 miles from the campsite where Duncan kept the children. Dylan was eventually murdered. Brian Plonka/The Spokesman-Review



while awaiting  his federal trial in prison .yet another hunting revelation emerged several disturning  videos from joseph´s personal social media page. still, no one could have predicted the new set of nightmares about to surface. a document tittled autobiography of ed  duncan was given was given to investigators  by a former landlord of  joseph´s  who said  it had been left behind in Fargo.


the chilling document,which appeared to have ween written during his incarceration as a  teenager, detailed his childhood and other significant life events. with strong psycho undertones  alluding to his deviant desires.  101 pages of journal entries written by joseph during his time spent in prsion in the 1980s shed even more light on his dark side. around 

this time in the 80s he had seemingly developed an alter ego named Jazzy Jet. and would post photos  of himself  online. in  drag and  lingerie for male admires.

then after serving 14 years  in prison investgators  learned that joseph was released on parole in 1994. he spent  a few additional weeks in jail in  1996 for drug charges.but was released  on parole once again after just  a few weeks.it was during tihs time  that he apparently crosed paths wtith 10 years old anthony  martinez.

On april 4, 1997 , anthony was playing with his friends and younger brother  in beaumont, california when  he suddenly abducted at knife point countless law enforcement agencies came together to search for the little boy in the following weeks and tragically on April 19th  his body was  found by park ranger roughly an hour from his last known  location.

anthonys body showed clesar  signs of violent assult , and similar to the wolf lodge victims he had been bound by duct tape. despite obtaining sa partial fingerprints from the duct tape and releasing a composite sketch of the supposed killer . anthony´s case went cold.it wasn´t untilafter his arrest  for the wolf lodgde murders , that authorities connected joseph to the evidence in anthony ´s case.

 on july 12th ,joseph was formally charged with three counts of first -degree murder and three counts of first-degree kidnapping.joseph  confessed to anthony´s  murder  on  july 19th, just a few weeks after shasta´s rescue. but that wasn´t the only brutal  unsolved murder he was tied  to.joseph also confessed  to murdering two young girls in the Seattle area in july 1996, alleging  he beat them both to death.

carmen cubias and  sammiejo white.


based on the details he disclosed and  the girls  having benn in close proximity to his residence at thet time, authorities  believed he was  referring to 9 years old carmen cubias an  11 years old sammiejo white. the pair disappeared after  leaving a motel parking  lot and their skeletal remains were found roughly 17 months later on a   muddy hills slide in washington.

with very little evidence at the time,the csase quickly went cold. investigators were skeptical and  speculated that joseph´s confession could be like some of those others  serial killers  who have claimed  credit for things they haven´t done.


in any case, on  october 16th , 2006 joseph entered a guilty plea to the murder and  kidnappning charges  in court before a judge and  was  immediately sentenced  to three consencutive life  sentences without the possibiltiy of parole.

finally on august 27th ,2008 a federal grand jury  recommended the death penalty for joseph.

Then in november  of the following year he was given three  additional life terms.joseph was  also charged with murder of  10 years -old  anthony martinez from beaumont ,california. and sentenced to two life terms on april 5th ,2011,after entering a guilty plea.



 It´s notable  that joseph is wearing a bulletproff vest during his sentencing hearing, this is sometimes done when a prisoner needs to  be trasnsported outside of the courthouse, and there is a risk that he will  be shot at . while joseph confessed to the murders of the two young girls ,sammiejo white and carmen cubias,he was never charged with those  crimes possibly due to insufficient evidence. the nightmare finally ended on march 28th ,2021 when joseph died in prsion from a termina brain tumor.

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