Warning: Graphic content, readers’ discretion advised. This article contains a recollection of crime and can be triggering to some readers discretion advised.

They exchange vows  to love cherish and  murder

Benjamin and erika sifrit were joined together in unholy martrimony

police say the husband and wife where thrill killers  to make trolling the trendy bars in  the vacation hamlet of  ocean city  maryland  to qeunch their thirst for blood.

By all accounts the 23 year old seemed  to be a typical middle-class  married couple ,set to succeed in anything.they wanted to do in life. 

Benjamin completed Basic Underwater Demolition/SEAL (BUD/S) training class 212 in 1997, but due to bad conduct discharge for repeatedly being absent without leave, insubordination, poor performance and wearing unauthorized insignia, had his Navy Enlisted Classification (NEC) 5326 Combatant Swimmer (SEAL) revoked.

Erika  was an honors student and basketball star at Mary Washington College.  her father even built an indoor basketballs so she could practice anytime she wants. one of the things that erica  used to to do was she wouldn´t go in for  dinner  unless she hit ten free  throws in a row .she would pusch herself,her father would pusch her.  so the relationship between dad and daughter that erica was gonna be somebody in sports when she got older .

They met in her senior year of c ollege three weeks later the loivers  eloped to vegas .she´s delirious happy about their quickie, wedding and in her scrapbook ,erica exlaims ” best decision i have ever made .

another exerpt she writes ” you are my sunshine.” the newlyweds appear to be the all- american couple.but dark secrets fueled their marriage  ,the seemingly uppstanding former Navy SEAL had actually been court-martialed for going awol and insubordination his life  in a downward spiral after booted out of the military.


erika´s petite size dashes her hoop dreams of turning pro, she  opens her own scracpbook store. indulges in prescriptions drugs and in another  rather bizarre infatuation. erica  develops an aobsession with hooters memorabilia . they both began to break into hooters all over the place.


scott collins  : i always describe  those two is like  hypergolic rocket fuel ,by themselves they´re no problem but wehen you put them  toghether ,they explode.

M.william phelps:they just bang ! they hit it off one feeds the others  ego and as lovers   non -stop,as friends they´re inseparable as drinking buddies .wow do they party

investigative journalist and william phelps is the  true crime author of cruel death about the Sifrits he says they were indeed a lethal cocktail.

M.william phelps:as drug  buddies, boy do they start doing some serious drugs,mainly it´s pills and cocaine that´s what their love is .

LT .Richard Moreck: she did have a jealous streak when it came to her husband. yes.very,very possessive.

The sifrit´s  were always looking for another thrill to keep the party going  now they ´re about up the ante and gets their kicks by killing.

M.william phelps: murder became another drug  for them  ,because  the cocaine,the pills ,the drinking it wasn´t working anymore ,even the sex wasn´t working  for them.

The sifrit´s  go on a weeks Oceanside vacation and soon lock in on their pray.insurance executive martha margene”  Geney”  crutchley and her boyfriend joshua ford . a mortgage banker .

M.william phelps:joshua is  from boston a young guy young 30s ,just divorded. geney  is older  early 50s  and they  hit it off and they just  loved each other ,they weren´t married but  joshua and geney were living togethet ,they started a home they were gardening , they were doing everything couples do that are  in love..


geney and joshua met  the sifrit´ on the shuttle bus to the popular seaside bar secrets.

scott collins  :joshua ford offered to pay their bus fee  because they  didn´t have the right change and they said”well we´ll buy you a drink at secretss where they all  going. i think they got togethe as two couples that met had sort of hit it off.


Geney and joshua hadn´ta clue that they were about  to raise a glass and party with two homicidal maniacs.

M.william phelps:and they start  to have a party at secret, they say” you know what , why dont you come  up to the condo.we´ll continue this party after the bar closes .we got  a hot tub , we got some weed .we will have a couple of drinks, get to know each  other .”


it was here in  this frewheeliong party town of ocean city  maryland ,boasting breathtaking vistas  of the the Atlantic Ocean that erika and benjamin sifrit´s were about to play out their  ultimate sick fantasy. 

the couple zeros in 

on Geney crutchey and  joshua  ford 

at this party bar called called secrets

they´re lured back to the  sifrit´s  luxury pentohouse with  promisess of a good time.

Arcangelo M. tuminelli : benjamin was  a stick of dynamite and  erika was the match . 

and the raw evil of the sifrit´s was about to explode.

M.william phelps: what happens next is as horror show, music playing and the drinks are fly – in and they´re in the  hot tub. they´re  having a ball and something  happens .

Erika gets out of the hot tub, she goes upstairs and and she screams,she says´” where´s  my pocketbook,somebody took my pocketbook.” right avway   benjamin  gets up out of the tube and he gotes to get  his , 3.57 magnum and he points it , and start waving it around saying” where´s my wife´s pocketbook,which one of you took it.”



in a  twisted move erika calls 811 . claiming geney and joshua had stolen her   purse . 

911 call

operator :what´s your 911…do you have an emergency?

erika: yeas . i have an emergency at my apartment ,there are people in  my house who i dont know and my purse i ssuddenly missing and i ´m afraid i ´m going to have a  robbery up here.

operator: okej… are the  people in  your apartement at this time?

erika: yeas.

operator: i´ll conect you to the police stay on the line.

erika: hey… .

operator: what?

erika: i am upstairs in the bedroom where they  dont know where  i am .

operator: okay  i´ll connect you to the police , you can tell them.okay?

erika: okay

operator:  ocean city police.

erika : hello,there are people in ….


The phone calls suddenly before police can get the adress and cops never respond


M.william phelps: all they´re doing  is messing with these people.that´s what they doing  they playing a game . it´s anonther thrill for benjamon  and erika.

Now the true horror  begins.

M.william phelps: joshua runs into the bathroom with Geney and slams the door shut.

but erika smells  blood  , she leans around from the balcony  where she can see the couple cowering through the bathroom window. the sifrit´s  are a tsunami of evil , nothing can stop them now.

M.william phelps: erika and benjamin  at this point have gone out  of their minds , they´re locked in this game this thrill ride that they want to go on and the two victims in all of   this  are in the bathroom now. erika looks in the bathroom to tell benjamin  when to fire the weapon, benjamin fires the  weapon and it goes right through joshua´s head. and drops him immediately.

Benjamin kicks in the door. Geney crutchley is crouching under the vanity

M.william phelps: she´s terrified  her lover  the man  she lives with,this beautiful person has been shot dead for what?for nothing.

her pleas for mercy , the  psycho killers cut her down  maryland debputy state´s attorney scott collins says the thrill kill couple was now facing the task of  getting rid of the evidence.  -two bloody bodies in their penthouse with no place to hide them .

scott collins: i´s memorial day weekend there´s  a hundred thousand other people in Ocean city. your  on the top floor of a 20 -some storey condo and you have two dead bodies ,you can´t through them  over the shoulder and take the elevantor down. to the parket lot .

the  sifrit´s  come up with a plan to remove their victims piece by piece.

scott collins: he had no choice, they had to dismember these bodies  to get them out of there.

the high-rise where sifrit´s  butcher  Geney and Joshua,so. what else is eerie about this case?

LT .Richard Moreck:just  a lack  of remorse or at least  a lack of  concern and each day for the suspects after the commission of the crime was just another day in their life  a happpy-go- lucky smiling enjoying Ocean city and  going about their buisness as if nothing  ever happened.

the body parts are put in garbage bags and carted down 

to their jeep cherokee,the cross  maryland into delaware and  dispose of Geney and joshuas body parts in dumpsters that wind up in this massive delaware landfill.

M.william phelps:what  do they do next , they go out  and they play miniature golf.

the maniacal couple takes a break to smile for a selfie only hours after the slaughter .look closely at this  one.

right there

hanging from the chain around erika´s neck. is joshu´s ring.still caked in his own blod.

while the sifrit´s are snapping selfies around town  .friends of  Geney and joshua  are starting to worry

and  wonder what happened to them.

LT .Richard Moreck:not only was  a lo lot of  character as i remember she had never missed a day of work .

They vanished and the cops  are frantically trying to find them .the ocean city police  departement wasted no time printing out flyers and and posting them all over the beach town.

while cops  are desperately searching,erika and  benjamin  are covering their tracks here he is  buying a new bathroom door at home depot replace the one destroyed by a bullet hole. they also grab  cleaning supplies to scrub away  the ocean of  blood in the bathroom,but police say the sifret´s  weren´t done. they were gearing up for another thrill kill.

LT .Richard Moreck: after the cleanup was complete they actually had another couple that they brought up to the condominium  and played the same type of scenario with that couple.

This is the lucky couple and cops say melissa  and justin escaped by the skin of their teeth one possible reason the sifrit´s  let  them escape was simply they  were out of time and had to get back home. another theory is the couple lefter before things got out of control.

scott collins: it was only by the luck and grace of god that the two people that they accosted the second time later in the week were able to get out of there with there lives.


The sifrit´s pulled off their first kills together .the dismemered bodies have been stuffed in   trash bags ,their final resting place of garbage  deposite miles away.

this monsters are convinced cops will never connect to the disappareance  of Geney crutchely and joshua ford.

erika keeps a scrapbook of the evil handiwork boasting they arethe modern -day Bonnie  and Clyde.

showing off souvenirs of their crimes .

M.william Phelps : to scrapbook your life is one thing , now she wants these victims of murder  that she perpetrated to be part of her ,she wears  the neckles  with one of the rings  taken from one of the victims .it´s still got blood on it . the knife she used to dismember these people is tucked in her pocket , it still has flesh and blood on it.it´s one of the  most horrific crimes i´ve  ever seen and i´ve  seen everything

DET.BRETT CASE: they were certeain they had gotten away with it ,they were dertain they got away with murder  and they went right back to what they were normally done which was petty crimes if you will compared to what they had done.

But it´s erika´s freaky fetish for hooters  memorabilia  that  leads to their arrest  , just  as they were hightailing it out of town the couple makes one  last pit stop  to break into a closed hooters they trip the stores silent alarm,

police rushed to the scene , they´ve just caught two burglars not two thrill killers. erikas defense attorney Arcangelo  tuminelli  says after erika was caught  she flipped  out at the crime scene.

Arcangelo M. tuminelli :when   they were arrested coming out of hooters ,she became  very panicky and asked  the police officer for some xanax that she said she needed .

and that moment broke the case wide open .

DET.BRETT CASE: so the officers  obliged but  they´re gonna look to the purse first.in doing so, they see five rounds of   spent rounds of 38  ammunition and next to that is two identification cards  for virginia driver´s licenses four our two missing people. at that point the hair stands up  in the back of  you neck.

LT .Richard Moreck:   in the car with the flex-cufs was gloves  and masks.if it wasn´t for that  moment he saw those licenses he´d remembered the photos from the lookout  and  he knew it was  the missing people.

and  this is  joshua ford´s  ring.

M.william phelps:you can see it in the police photograph of her sitting there  on the curb is that knife  on her neck  is that ring.

if it hadn´t been for the missing persons flyers and a  police lookout  alert sent out only hours  earlier in the day ,the sifrit´s would only  face burglary and charges and worse they would be free to kill again.

LT .Richard Moreck:  i do believe if  they weren´t stopped on this one there were definitely more to come.

scott collins: erika had told us of course that benjamin did it ,that´s  where she came up as the innocent abused wife with this crazy monster that´s killing and dismembering people.

in  this so -called audio confession to cops  erica plays  the frightened witness to the killings.

police interrrogation

erika: he has navy seal friends . i definitely would not want him to know that i was here talking to you and i f i go up and testify  and for some reason you guys don´t get him locked  up,my family will end up like joshua and geney.

detective: dead?

erika recounts how her husband benjamin  killed joshua ford in their penthouse bathroom .

police  interrogation 

erika: he made them strip at gunpoint and iwas like, ” oh my god!” i was  like, had no idea what was going on .and he told me that josh said ” i was i n the army , you were in the navy , why are you doing this ? why are you doing this? and BJ  said that he looked a him in the dace and he said ” see you later m ***** ! and  he shot him in the head.


cops   aren´t buying her tangled tails one bit, they know she was in the thick of it.she was the one  conducting the carnage.


police interrogation :

 detective: geney would  have not been shot yet.

erika:she was just  whimpering and she curled up in a ball and he missed her ther first time and the second time  he  hit her right here…

 detective :for the record she is gesturing  at her left schest 

erika: she had curled  up behind joshua´s body….oh my god … i am getting like really panicked .

detective: do you need  to take a break?

erika: ´i´m ok. BJ told me she was just  whipering like a baby .

erica acts like she  is appealed at all the gore .


police interrogation

detective: what do you see in the bathroom?

 erika: it looks  like a bad horror film…there is blood completely soaked everywere. there are spots that if you  stepped, it would splash. there wer puddles of blood.

and while benjamin was buchering the bodies in the tub

police interrogation :

erika: i´m laying downstairs  and  i´m like curled up  on the couch ,just petrified and i hear him say “come up here ” i go up  there  and he´s  like ” take my picture” and he´s holding their heads

detective: joshua´s head in one hand  geney´s  head in the other hand  and wants you to take his picture?

2nd detective:and what was whe wearing?

erika: nothing.

Each pointed a finger at the other at their seperate trials

the disgraced Navy SEAL claimed he was napping in their jeep while the carnage unfolded in the end

erika was sentenced to life plus 20  years. Benjamin washanded just 38 years because he was never convicted in joshuas  death .The jury believed that erika killed him.

DET.BRETT CASE:i think she´s  the matsermind, i think he was  the muscle ,he did  what  she asked and he took care of business if you will but she was  the cause of all the drama.

M.william phelps:i  believe benjamin and erika were caught at the beginning of what we´re gonna be probably a serial killing couple.

the sifrit´s marriage is  certainly forged in hell .


seven years after their conviction apparently this sifrit couple had enough one another, benjamin divorced erika while behind bars. now he´s  eligible  for parole in 2021 and erika will  be eligible for parole  in 2024.





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