Warning: Graphic content, readers’ discretion advised. This article contains a recollection of crime and can be triggering to some readers discretion advised.

Texas in may 2022 ,the callous killing of a young athlete sends shock waves  throughout the comunity and the pursuit of Justice takes a very unpredictable jorney across borders in this tale of jealousy and murder.

may  11 th 2022  caitlin cash is just arrived  back at her apartment to find  her friend 25 year old Anna  mariah wilson lying on the floor of her bathroom.

when cash came back to her house she had no reason tobelieve  that anything was brong .this  is a relatively compact home  so it pretty easy to have line of sight from where the front door is  to sort of the laundry area.

 she was a real hero in this ,because she tried to save her friend’s  life…

…unfortunately it didn’t work.

by the time,first responders arrive on scene  they’re too late

it almost looked like she had been  the victim of the beating ,there was clearly blood in and around her head.pretty early on they determined that this was something other than  say for instance a natural event.

Mo had sustained essentially threegunshot  wounds, mo’s got a wound that passes  through her hand, this gives  detectives an indication that she’s throwing it upp almost  in a defensive posture.

 and this  round actually winds up striking her in the head

there’s another gunshot wound to the head.

but even more interesting  is the fact  that she has got what’s  referred  to a as a through and through gunshot wound,center mass to the chest would actually pass  through the heart and create a divot in the the floor.

law enforcement immediately pick up the fact that it doesn’t  lool like any typ of burglary or robbery , nothing’s disheveled around the house,  drawrers opening really doesn’t appear like anything’s  missing.

and that execution style  killing immediatelly takes  detectives to  this was personal.

police at the scene need to get a better idea of what they might be dealing with  so they speak to   caitlyn cash.

Anna Moriah “Mo” Wilson for short is originally from  New England and she had grown up a lot of her life skiing.

and from that she got into cyckling and all kinds of sports

she was an extremely athletic young lady…..

and she sort of was takinmg the cycling world by storm

she is someone you could classify as a top tier athlete, she’s into mountain bike racing and that’s completely different level anybody that had come to  know Mo.

pretty  much had nothing but glowing things to say about her , it was almost the equivalent of taking a brick and throwing it through a sytained glass  window. why in the world would  you want to destroy  someone that’s  beautiful.

when  law enforcement gets on scene  on any type of crime scene the biggest thing they’re looking at is crimr scene  preservation,detectives  are going to start looking for shell  casings. looking for a murder weapon,canvasing inside out

 officers search the  immediate area

  and they find  something out of place.

 a puzzle piece,there not sure where it  fits.

as  police  are looking around the crime scene , a short distance away in like a heavy kind of wooded area they find mo wilson’s   bicycle.

they knew that maybe  just maybe there were some value in this ,because who would take what is a  pretty  expensive bicycle and merely just toss it over into the weeds as it were .

and that’s not  the only thing …

..detectives find cameras on nearby homes ,capture what could be key evidence that only adds to the mystery of the case.

one ofthe things that they do   look for are patterns are there people  in and around the time of the crime . are there vehicles making multiple trips in and around the scene of the crime.

and what they ultimately did see was an  SUV cirkling the neighborhood. there’s a dark colored SUV  with a bilke rack on the back , unfortunately they cant get a license plate from the vehicle because the bike racks in the way but  it’s  right close to the crime sceme  and throughout that day it  drives  by there several times .

and as investigators canvas the neighborhood further they make another chilling  discovery more amd more evidence  is being discovered  they realixe there’s a gentlemen close by that has ring doorbell

the footage may be one of the most  chilling ring doorbell footages  detectives ever watched in their life.  you actually hear some type of altercation, followed by three gunshots

it’s incredibly sad ,you hear pops which detectives know  now was the gun being fired as well as a  scream . one  of the interesting things about  this case which you don’t always get  is an exact time of death .

and an exact time  when the crime occurred.

so now  detectives have the ring door  footage, you got  a time stamp right there on on it and  a suspect vehicle or at least a  vehicle that detectives need to look at a little bit further.

 so Colin Strickland,that’s probably someone that  police  may want to talk to next.


with the clock ticking, investigators need to get to the bottom things and that  means to talk to Colin strickland.

anytime two parties have  obviously had some type of relationship and you were the lst person to  see mo wilson you  better have a dang good alibi.

wednesday may 11th 2022  Austin Texas .

police  are investigting   the coldblooded  killing of 25 year old up and cominging cyclist  Anna Mariah wilson aka  Mo.

who was visting from out of town to attend an annual racing  event . Mo was staying with her friend cash and had  just arrived back at the apartment  .

that’s when police  believe she was possibly ambushed and shot several times, left for dead on the bathroom floor.

with moe  being from out of town,she has  few connections in  Austin which at first leaves police at a loss for possible leads that is  until….

cash gives police a name,  a man mo has been growing closer to in recent months.

colin strickland himself was actually  well known  in the cycling world and he was pretty highly decorated.

much of the public believes thatt homicides arestranger on stranger crimes, they’re not  generally its going to be somebody that¨s in the victims  orbit , not knowing the nature of the relationship that colin strickland had with mo, he’s going to be number one on investigators list. they gonna to have to check him off.

police  tracked down 35 year old colin strickland the next morning to see if he could potentially be involved.

the two  of them had met because colin was also a professional cyclist  and mr strickland is actually  very complimentary of miss wilson in everything he has to say,  he talks about how talented she is ,how much of  a future she has in this cyckling world

her professional world as you can imagine is very small world,it’s not suprising that Mo would have stgruck up  a friendship  perhaps a relationship with colin.

colin strickland’s in his garage area , and they deliver that news and immediately it isa look of shock  ablank stare and like  the life has been taken out of colin strickland.

Strickland offers up what he siad was his last interaction with Mo the previous night shortly before she was killed.


that day she and mr strickland had met up to go to  sort of a  community pool and they  hung out there then they went and got diner.

there’s  actually  surveillance footage of them eating.everything seems normal and fine but that’s the last person she was seen with.

Colin goes to drop Mo off she goes to the door , she knows the pin code on the door handle tobe  able to get in.goes inside and thatäs where things take a  turn for the worst.

its’s believed that he dropped  her off  at   home ,about  1 to two minutes  from when she was   dropped off an intruder  came in   and  took her life.

there’s other  evidence  to suggest that she wasbeing followed, there was actually  CCTV ffootage and it demonstrates colin  driving away  on his motorcycle.

the rest of that particular  interview  hasn’t been been publicly released.

but according to case documents  police noticed several cars in strickland’s driveway including one that looks very  fimiliar.

when police go totalk to mr strickland,they kind of take an inventory  of vehicles that are there . that’s incredibly  normal you take the plates , you rum the plates,  they found BMW,mercedes jeep,he does say that the 2012  jeep  cherokee that’s  there is not his vehicle.

investigators  thining  in their minds ” okay we’ve got this kind of  nondescript dark colored SUV that they saw in CCTV  could this be the same vehicle.

law enforcement asks whos SUV, he says that’s my roomate who’s my  on and off again  girlfriend kaitlin armstrong.

strikland volunteers to speak with investigators  more at the police station wheere they learn  quite a bit  about his relationship with then 434 year old  caitlyn armstrong.

colin strickland a great cyclist meets kaitlin armstrong in that  community,they start a relationship

they move in together  and it’s kind of this on and of relationship for  about  three years. they even start a business together where thery’re  restoring  trailers things like that

when theat are broken up colin srickland meets Mo wilson and they  really hit  it off. collin and Mo had a casual romantic  relationship  really  for about a months or two .

but  then seemingly kind of fizzled  out and part of why that fizzled out  is because strickland’s girlfriend kaitlin armstrong .

Mo wilson was dating colin to   caitlyn cleaimed to be her current boyfriend   but what he claimed to be is that they were on a break.

so as law enforcement continues their questioning of colin strickland  and they ask him do you own any  firearms he comes right out and says” yeah i’d purchased two handguns  in the past .

Austin police  departement came  in with a search warrant of his home and they did find two  9mm handguns.

he was very forthcoming, he said actully” i  purchased two ,just a while back”..

as matter matter  of fact   i bought one for my girlfriend  kaitlin  armstrong and not  only that .

both he and she had  gone to the firing range in order to practice. the police at that point in time knew they  were on to something.

 investigators now need to speak with kaitlin armstrong could she  somehow be  involved

may 20022 law enforcement in Austin Texas make a connection between 34 year old  kaitlin armstrong and an SUV seen on  surveillance footage circling the neighborhood where 25 year old Mo wilson was killed.

kaitlin was in an on and off relationship with colin  stickland a fellow cyclist Mo had recently gotten to know better .

when the detectives discover there’s an existing active warrant for armstrong on an  unrelated charge. they track her down .

A theft of  service warrant basically is saying she received a service and didn’t pay for it and that’s what they  ultimately brought her in on .

she didn’t pay for her Botox treatment.

what a wild typ of warrant that’s for but that gives them probable  cause now to go  and approach her  and arrest her and bring her in on that charge.

as the police  begin to tighten their focus in regards to Mo , police want to get to the heart of the matter and you can tell that she’s  progressively getting more and more uncomfertable in this  in this environment .

she’s trying to understand what  exactly is theft of service , but you can tell that the emphasis is not  necessarily on that particular charge.

they bring kaitlin armstrong in on that  theft of service warrant , they do explain to her what it is but it was filed incorrectly and it was filed with the incorrect  birth day.

with the incorrect birth date it’s  not a valid warrant therefore she’s free to go.

that kind of just clears the ear,” hey listen you were actually free to go but before you leave just real quick had a few questions to ask you”

and they starting to lay that foundation out to start to ask her more questions about where she was the night of Mo wilson’s murder. now kaitlin armstrong  immediately kind of  puts her guard up.

she does  act multipe times like” can i leave  “, she never says ones i  would like an attorney, so invoking your right to counsel, she just  asks ” do i need one”.but that’s not the same thing.

her behavior is telling that she will sit there and have the details of the theft of service warrant  explained to her  and when it turns to colin strickland and Mo wilson she wants  to leave.

at that point she doesn’t want to speak to them  but at the same time she wants to know what they know  and that’s why she  does hang around  for a while.

what is very unteresting,  is her body anguage during this interview , initially she’s very just  relaxed  but  a little arrogant and cocky as that investigator kind  of starts to open up  that door and ask about colin strickland and issues  that she had  with Mo Wilson , that’s where you see her become more uncomfortable and she is ready to get out of there as quickly as possible.

 In one  push for information the investigator confronts  armstrong about  her  SUV.when the part about the vehicle  being seen in the  area  is brought  up kaitlin armstrong  immediately wants to distance herself and get the heck out of that room.as an investigator that  was  he like to call a clue ,someone that doesn’t want to lay out their  side of the story.

police really  don’t have any other choice but to  release her ,there weren’t serving warrant to arrest her for the death  of mariah wilson, they don’t have enough quite franly to arrest her .

however what that shows them though ” is this our probably prime suspect”

it is  become clear s the investigation moves forward ,kaitlin armstrongis someone detectives need to keep a close  eye on.

and now what police are really going to do is working on subpoening  her cell phones  records. any digital evidence,  any forensic evidence as  well as that 2012 jeep cherokee that she drives.

 Kaitlin armstrong decides that it’s time to sell the jeep,so she goes to a car dealership and sells the jeep.typically when you see a suspect  liquidating things  to get  1, 000 in cash i s a very telltale sign that they’re looking to flee.

  at this point detectives seem to have an idea of what possibly happened the night Mo wilson was killed.

but as officials are keeping track of caitlyn  armstrong she somehow  falls off the map …..

she then boards  a flight up to new york flies  into there where her sister lives close  by and is there at her sisters house a short time.

the thing that came into most handy in terms of looking  for her was the airport  surveillance video of her sort of with her yoga mat going throug security  at the austin airport.

they knew she went from Austin to LaGuardia  because that was all in her name.when she left they wereable to track her name on that flight.it’s there that the case sort of went cold .

that’s when local law enforcement decide to call in the big guns . several federal and international agencies  join the search for kaitlin armstrong.

she is off the radar.gone. detectives have an investigation that’s gone from Austin  to new york , new nersey area  and this  is  where this case takes a wild turn .

 the focus of the investigation  is becoming tighter and  tighter and right now caitlyn armstrong is rising to the top  , authorities are working to track down 34 year old Kaitlin armstrong.

who ‘s disappeared  amid the murder  investigation into the shooting death of  25 year old cyclist anna mariah ” Mo”  wilson .

Investigators have put together several pieces of the case and have determined armstrong is likely the one responsible,  but she’s nowhere to be found

that  is until authorities makes some headways…

law enforcement reaches out to the sister and come to find out  sister’s passport is missing.

so that gives law enforcement the opportunity to say:

” oh my gosh  ,we’ve  checked flight logs under Kaitlin armstrong, we need to see  if the sister’s name has been used.”

It was  in the realm of possiblity that she would have fled the country  and so at that  point they  put out  an international alert about her rather than  just simply a domestic alert.

they look at flight logs under the sister’s name  christie. and  guess what it is .Costa Rica.

but several weeks  go by without a trace of Kaitlin armstrong. federal agents make one last attempt to lure her out of hiding.

law enforcement  solicit the  help of the United States Marshall service. that  is their bread and butter tracking down  fugitives and this is a very heavily tourist area  which it makes it very   difficult  for them but  they start looking into hostiles.

kaitlin armstrong  was an avid yoga instructor and  so they thought  maybe she’s down there  teaching yoga and in one last ditch effort they decide they’re  going to  put  a facebook ad out.

saying that a hostile is looking for a yoga instructor. a very astute hostile actually  befriended her and then started realizing that this  could be her .

she responded to the ad but the  people waiting for her …. was law enforcement.

kaitlin armstrong was captured on June 29 th by foreign officials in the  Republic of Costa Rika  where she was detained on an immigration violation 

 and deported back  to the United States.

she was in Costa Rica.living in a hostel sort of living her  best yoga lifeshe had different name

 she went  so far as she had nose job.

Armstrong  fled the Austin area days after being  interviewed. armstrong was detained by  authorities at the Don John’s hospital located in santa  theresa  beach following 43  day fugitive investigation.

she  dyed her hair brown, she croppedher hair shorter and had a bandage on her nose where she claimed it was from a surboard  incident.

Law enforcement starts diving into the forensic evidence . cell phone data  what  investigators start to see

is that kaitlin armstrong ,because of her business relationship with colin  stricklandshe’s actually able to go in and read his text messages. see who he’s calling, read his  emails.

it was during that time  that kaitlin armstrong starts to have  her suspisions on strickland’s rekatuonship with Mo wilson.

she really began to sort of harass Mo wilson ,kaitlin sent her nasty text messages , phone calls  essentially  digitally stalked her .

detectives   think she  reached a point where she really wasn”t getting any more reaction and she assumed  that the two were still involved in a romantic relationship .

that’s when she decided to do what she was going to do.

Kaitlin armstrong is charged with murder . but while she’s in custody ahead  of trialtheres another cray twist ….

so  as kaitlyn is waiting for her  trial date  at some point they  have  to transport her to  a medical facility , doctor’s appointment  and  as one last ditch effort  kaitlin  tries to flee. as you can imagine , she didn¨t make it very far.

if it wasn’t so tragic as it applies to Mo’s death  it might be comical. detectives know that they have a murderer who’s trying to get away with   killing this beautiful young   women and not having to pay the ultimate price for it.

in november  2023 kaitlin armstrong’s trial begins for the murder of anna mariah wilson.

prosecutors at this point just want to make sure that they have an air sealed case.

law enforcement is pulling the GPS  data on  the jeep lo and behold .that  GPS  shovs that kaitlin had been driving right  near the crime scene 0n the days of the  homicide.

The defense however had a different argument…….

all of the circumstantial evidence pointed firectly back to kaitlin armstrong but CCT footage from day when Mo was murdered there was never actually an image captured of  armstrong entering the home.

the defense argue that evidence is not indicative kaitlin armstrong is a killer . perhaps someone else had the motive and   opportunity .

people and commentators will talk about how well she escaped so that’s  admitting guilts, she ran away but the reality is that’s actually not a a usuaful tactic at a trial because you cant usually profs  someones guilt just because they run away.

it was put forward that  perhaps colin strickland was responsible that he  had just  as much reason to want Mo  dead.

 the shell casings   obviously matched. the guns that we knew had been purchased by strickland but then was in the custody of  armstrong.

however , prosecutors had one more trick up  their  sleeve.cold hard DNA.this  is where it gets interesting we go back to that bike that was found.

kaitlins DNA was found on mariah  mo wilson’s bicycle.

after days of testimony from 40 witnesses the case is handed off to the jury and after 2 hours of deliberations they return with their verdict.

the state of Texas versus Kaitlin armstrong verdict of the jury:

 the jury find the defendant kaitlin armstrong guilty of the  offense of murder  as  alleged in the indictment .

 obviously this was a horrific and  gruesome   homicide . what really  got her where she messed up like many  of these cases  that we see i that  digital   footprint.


a day later court reconvened for kaitlin armstrong to learn her sentence.

90 years in Texas  Depratement ofcriminal justice and 10.000 fine as imposed by the jury.

Now if you thought that was the  end of the story …. not  quite….

On May 6, 2024, Wilson’s parents filed a civil wrongful death lawsuit against Armstrong, seeking $1 million in damages, but they will “ultimately ask that a jury determine the full value and extent of damages.” The compensation will cover burial and funeral expenses as well as emotional damages they suffered as a result of Wilson’s death.  The lawsuit will also prevent Armstrong from profiting financially from her crime

On June 17, 2024, the judge ordered Armstrong to pay $15 million to the Wilson family.


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